in ils TERRI'POIlmiL DHP
F= L. Billon;
Cornell University
The original of tiiis book is in
tine Cornell University Library.
There are no known copyright restrictions in
the United States on the use of the text.
521 Market Street^ ST. LOUIS,
50.CX)0 Vels. Standard Books,
Fred'o L. Billon, at the age of 45.
Takbn at Philadelphia, 1846.
FROM 1804 TO 1821
4 74
'Press of Nixon-Jones Printinq Co,
912 Pine St., St. Louis Mo.
By an act of Congress of May 7, 1800, the
Z' ]!^orth west Territory " was divided into two sep-
arate governments.
That portion immediately west and adjoining
Pennsylvania, became the territory of Ohio, and the
balance of the country, extending west to the Missis-
sippi river, was formed into the new territory of In-
On May 13, G-en. "Wm. Henry Harrison, of Vir-
ginia, was appointed the Governor, and John Gibson,
of Pennsylvania, Secretary of the new territory —
and shortly afterwards Wm. Clark, Henry Vander-
berg and John Griffin, Territorial Judges, who held
the first term of their court at Vincennes, on March
3, 1801.
The population of the new Territory, embracing all
the country now Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wis-
consin was 4,875, about one-half in the settlements
in the American bottom on the Mississippi, and the
balance on the Ohio, Illinois, Wabash and other
The Second census of the United States (that of
1800) , had been taken only the year previously, ex-
hibiting a population of 5,305,366 souls in the thert
sixteen States and three territories of the Union, of
which over 40,000 were included within the bound-
aries of that portion of the Northwest Territory, which
became the State of Ohio, leaving, as aforesaid,
4,875 in the new territory of Indiana.
At the date of our purchase of Louisiana from
France in 1803, Ohio had just adopted a State con-
stitution, and been admitted into the Federal Union
as the seventeenth State.
The large mass of the American people, at that
day, occupying the old States on the Atlantic borders
knew but little of the country west of the Alleghany
Mountains. Up to this period there had been no in-
tercourse between the peoples of the two sections.
Separated by a wilderness of hundreds of miles, un-
inhabited except by a few roving tribes of savages,
an occasional straggler from the east in search of
adventure, had found his way to the shores of the
Mississippi, but very few, if any, had ever retraced
his steps. But under the change of ownership, a
new era was now to commence, destined in but a
few brief years, to transform this wilderness into a
vast garden, teeming with a busy hive of humanity >
and abounding in all the essentials that conduce to-
the happiness and pleasure of mankind.
After the transfer of Upper Louisiana to Captain
Stoddard on March 10, 1804, he remained in tempo-
rary command as Governor until Sept. 30, 1804,
with instructions to make little, if any, change in
the modus operandi of administering the govern-
ment, until Congress would pass the laws necessary
for its future government.
Congress then attached it temporarily to the Ter-
ritory of Indiana, which then extended to the east
bank of the Mississippi River, with authority and in-
structions to the Governor and Judges of said
Territory, to enact such laws for. its immediate gov-
ernment as they might find necessary.
Wm. Henry Harrison, then Governor, and
Thomas Terry Davis, Henry Yanderberg and John
GriflSn, Judges of Indiana, enacted at Yincennes,
the seat of government of Indiana, a number of
laws for the district of Louisiana — 1804, Oct. 1.
Five districts were established, St. Charles, St.
Louis, St. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and New
Courts of Quarter Sessions were established for
each district, the terms for the St. Louis district to
be held in St. Louis on the third Tuesdays of June,
September, December and March.
A Sheriff for each of the five distiicts of Louisi-
ana, and also a Recorder for each, to be appointed
by the Governor.
1806, May 6, by James Wilkinson, Governor, and
John B. C. Lucas and Return J. Meigs, Jr.,
"An act for an Attorney-General for the Territory
" to be appointed by the Governor."
1806, June 27. "Arkansas district cut off from the
" southwest part of New Madrid, and a general
" court established, to set twice a year in St.
"Louis, in May and October."
By Joseph Browne, Secretary of the Territory,
and John B. C. Lucas and Otho Strader, two of the
1806, Oct. 28. "An act for the appointment of a
" Clerk of the General Court." *
* This was a Supreme Court or Court of Appeals, which sat in St.
Louis twice a year.
By Frederick Bates, Secretary of the Territory,
and Jno. B. C. Lucas and Otho Strader, Judges.
1807, July 3. "An act establishing courts," etc.
Five Judges of the Common Pleas and Quarter
Sessions to be appointed by the Governor for each
district for four years. Two to be a quorum to hold
court. Three terms annually in each district. In
St. Loviis on the first Mondays of March, July and
A court of Oyer and Terminer and general jail
delivery established, to consist of one of the Judges
of the General Court and the Common Pleas Judges
of the respective district. Quarter Sessions to have
jurisdiction of criminal eases, except those punish-
able by death, which can be tried only in the Oyer
and Terminer by one of the General Court Judges.
One clerk to be appointed by the Governor for
each district for the three courts of that district.
The Supreme Court of record, styled the " Gen-
eral Court," shall sit in St. Louis the first Monday
of May and October.
1807, July 4. An act to divide districts into
townships by commissioners, prior to September
1st next.
By Meriwether Lewis, Governor, and John B. C.
Lucas and Otho Strader, Judges, being the Legisla-
1808, June 18. "An act concerning Towns."
Two-thirds of the voters in any of the villages,
applying therefor, can be incorporated by the
Court of Common Pleas, the eom-t to appoint two
commissioners to superintend the first election of
five trustees to serve one year.
By the same.
1808, June 20. "An act to lay~ out a road froin St.
"Louis to St. Genevieve, thence to Cape Girar-
" dead, thence to ISTew Madrid." *
The laws of the Territory of ''Louisiana,'' were
first printed in the year 1808, by Mr. Charless, Sr.,
shortly after he had established his printing busi-
ness in St. Louis. It is a book of three hundred
and seventy-two pages, embracing all the laws of
the Territory to the close of the year 1808, and cer-
tified to by Frederick Bates, Secretary.
The first book printed in St. Louis.
1803, April 30. Treaty of cession at Paris.
1803, July 31. Eatification of the Treaty.
1803, Dec. 20. Transfer of the lower part of the
country at New Orleans to Gen. "Wilkinson and
Governor C. C. Claiborne.
1801, March 10. Transfer of the upper part of the
country at St. Louis to Capt. Amos Stoddard, U.
S. Army. Capt. -Stoddard was instructed by
President Jefferson to make no change in the
♦ Some ol the enactments of tMs period are signed by John Coburn,
the third Judge.
modus operandi, but to administer the govern-
ment, as his predecessors had done, under the
Spanish laws.
1803, March 26. An act of Congress, dividing
Louisiana by the 33rd degree of latitude, the
southern portion to be called the ' ' District of
N^ew Orleans," and the northern portion " Dis-
trict of Louisiana" — to be attached to Indiana
Territory, whose Judges shall hold two courts a
year at St. Louis, and enact such laws for its im-
mediate government as they may find necessary.
Accordingly —
Wm. Henry Harrison, Grovernor, and Thos.
Terry Davis, Henry Vanderburgh and John
Griffin, Judges of Indiana, at Vincennes, enacted
a number of laws for the government of upper
Louisiana, and on October 1, arrived at St. Louis,
and put them in operation. They established five
districts, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Genevieve,
Cape Girardeau and New Madrid. A court of
Quarter Sessions, to hold four terms each year,
with a Sheriff and Recorder for each District.
The court at St. Louis, the 3rd Tuesdays of June,
September, December and March.
1805, March 3. An act of Congress changing the
name of " District of Louisiana" to "Louisi-
ana Territory," with a Governor for 3 years,
and Secretary for 4 years. The legislative power
to be the Governor and three Judges appointed
for four years, to go into effect July 4, 1805, on
which day Gen. James "WilWnson, Governor, and
Joseph Browne, first Secretary, entered upon the
discharge of theh' duties.
1806. By Jas. Wilkinson, Governor, and J, B. C.
Lucas and E. J. Meigs, Judges.
1806, May 6. "An act for an Attorney-General
" for the Territory."
1806, June 27. "An act establishing the district of
"Arkansaw from the southwest part of IS'ew
" Madrid, and for a General Court to sit twice a
"year in St. Louis, in May and October."
1806, Oct. 28. An act for a Clerk of the General
1807. By Frederick Bates, Secretary and acting
Governor, and Judges Lucas and Strader, the
1807, July 3. An act regulating the Courts.
' ' Judges of the Common Pleas to be appointed
" by the Governor for four years, two a quorum
" for business, three terms a year. In St. Louis
"the first Mondays of March, July and ]!^ovem-
"And a court of Oyer and Terminer (criminal),
"to consist of the Judges of the General Court,
' ' and the Common Pleas Judges of the respective
" districts, when the punishment involves life or
" death. Other criminal cases can be tried in the
" Quarter Sessions, with a clerk for each district."
A Supreme Court, called General Court, shall
sit in St. Louis the first Mondays of May and
Jos. V. Gamier was appointed this Clerk.
1807, July 4. "An act to divide the districts into
"Townships by commissioners, by September
1808. By Meriwether Lewis, Governor, and Jno.
B. C. Lucas and Otho Strader, Judges, the
1808, June 18. " An act concerning Towns."
" Two-thirds of the voters in any village can be
" incorporated by the Court of Common Pleas,"
1808, June 20. "An act to lay out a road from St.
" Louis to Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and
" 'Ne-w Madrid" by the same, with John Coburn,
3rd Judge.
1808, Dec. The first book printed in St. Louis,
was " The Laws of the Territory of Louisiana," a
book of 372 pages, by Frederick Bates ; printed
by Joseph Charless, Sr.
1807, July. Gov. M. Lewis arrived and assumed
the government.
1808, Oct. 5. His proclamation dividing the [N'ew
Madrid District into two parts, it being too large ;
from the Mississippi river opposite the Second
Bluff, running west indefinitely, the south part to
the 33rd degree, to be called Arkansas.
1809, Oct. Office of Governor vacant by the sui-
cide of Gov. M. Lewis on his route to Washing
ton City.
1810, April 17. Appointment of Benjamin How-
ard, member of Congress from Lexington, to be
Governor of Louisiana Territory.
1810, Sept. 17. Arrival of the new Governor at St.
1810, Oct. 31. Thos. T. Crittenden, of St. Gene-
vieve, appointed Attorney-General of the Terri-
tory vice Hempstead resigned.
1811, Sept. 19. Gen. Wm. Clark re-appointed
Brigadier-General of the militia of the Territory.
1812, June 4. Act of Congress creating Missouri a
Territory of the second grade.
1812, Oct. 1. Governor Howard's proclamation
dividing the Territory into five counties.
St. Charles, north of the Missouri river, to have
two representatives in the assembly.
St. Louis county, from the Missouri to Platin,
four ; St. Genevieve, from the Platin to Apple
creek, three; Cape Girardeau to the old line of
]Srew Madrid, two ; JSTew Madrid to the 33rd de-
gree to have two. Total, 13. Election to be
held on the 2nd Monday of ISTovember. Assem-
bly to meet in St. Louis on the first Monday of
December, 1812.
1812, N'ov. 9. Edward Hempstead elected the first
delegate to Congress from Missouri Territory.
The first Courts held in Upper Louisiana from
a book labelled —
"Kecord of Oyer and Terminer, 1804 to 1813,"
322 pages.
"At a court of General Quarter Sessions of the
peace, began and holden at the house of Emilien
Yousti in the town of St. Louis, in and for the dis-
trict of St. Louis, in the district of Louisiana, on the
third Tuesday in December (18tli), one thousand
eight hundred and four, present : —
Auguste Chouteau, Jacques Glamorgan, David
Delaunay and James Mackay, Judges. James
RanMn, Sheriff of the said district, returned the fol-
lowing list of Grand Jurors, to wit, Antoine Soulard,
Bernard Pratte, Thos. F. Kiddick, Wilson Hunt,
Jacob Harry, Joseph Brasau, Antoine Vincent, Sil-
vestre Labbadie, Joseph M. Papin, Jean Baptiste
Trudeau, Francis M. Benoit, Boyd Denny, Pierre
Didier, Calvin Adams, Emilien Yousti, Benito
Basquez, Giome Hebert, Patrick Lee, Yacinte Eg-
lize, Andre Andreville, Hyacinthe St. Cyr, Joseph
Hortiz, Louis Brazeau and Joseph Perkins, 24, who
being severally called, there were absent four, Joseph
Brazeau, Jno. B. Trudeau, F. M. Benoit and Pat-
rick Lee — court adjourned.
Wednesday, Dec. 19th.
Present as yesterday, with others. Court ap-
pointed Edward Hempstead Deputy Attorney-Gen-
eral for the time, and for Constables, Wm. SulKvan,
St. Louis; John E. Allen, Coldwater; Gabriel
Long, St. Andrews; Matthew Lord, Merrimack,
and Charles Desjarlais, Florisant, who were sworn.
Thuesdat, Dec. 20th.
Hon. Charles Gratiot presiding, with same asso-
The four absent Grand Jurors were fined $5 each.
The court rented from Jacques Glamorgan a house
near his dwelling, for a prison, at $15 per month,
from ISTov. 20th last, and expended |133.40 in re-
pairs on the house.
John Boly licensed to keep a ferry across the
Merrimack for three years, and the court established
the following ferry rates : For a man 25 cents, horse
25 cents, cart and team 50 cents, wagon and team
fl, yoke of oxen 25 cents, cow and calf 25 cents,
and the following rates over the Mississippi and
Missouri, man 25 cents, man and horse 62 V2 cents,
wagon $1, each horse 50 cents, cart and horse $1.50,
first cow or ox 50 cents, additional ones 25 cents
each, hogs and sheep 12V2 each, merchandise 12 Vj
cents 100 lbs., marketing 6V4. Constables' fees,
serving a writ 37V2 cents, a summons 25 cents, an
execution 25 cents — end of the first term.
(Signed) Chaeles Gratiot.
RiiFUS Eastok, Prothonotary .
1805, March Term, Tuesday 19th.
Charles Gratiot presiding, and eight associates, in
addition to the former, Richard Caulk, James Eich-
ardson, and John Allen from the country, and Alex-
ander McNair from St. Louis.
Rufus Easton presented to the court his commis-
sion as Attorney-General for the district.
Jno. B. Belan was licensed to keep a ferry across
the Missouri at St. Charles, same ferry rates allowed
him as before established.
1805, April 15. A special session of the court to
regulate taxes and licenses.
Each ferry across the Mississippi to pay $10.
Across the Missouri at St. Charles $10, at Hens-
ley's, six miles above St. Charfes, $5. Billiard
tables, $100 each. Taverns $25. Taxes can be
paid in shaven deer-sldns, at the rate of three
pounds to the dollar (iJSVs cents) from October to
April, after that time in cash.
Monday, April 29th, special session.
Calvin Adams, Andre Andreville and "Wm. Sulli-
van, of St. Louis, were licensed to keep tavern.
James Rankin, Sheriff, was fined $6.33 for inso-
lence and contempt of court.
1805, June Term, Tuesday 18th.
Charles Gratiot, presiding, and associates.
Josiah McLanahan presented his commission as
Sheriff, and Edward Hempstead appointed Deputy
1805, Sept. Term, Tuesday, 17th.
Charles Gratiot and associates — nothing especial.
1806, March Term, Tuesday 18th.
Joseph Browne presiding, and associates.
A commission from his excellency, James Wilkin-
son, Governor, appointing Joseph Browne, Esq.,
first Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, in and
for the District of St. Louis, was read and ordered
to be filed.
Andrew Steele presented to the court a commis-
sion from Governor Wilkinson, appointing him Pro-
thonotary of the court of Common Pleas, in and for
the district of Louisiana, read and ordered to be
1806, Special Session, April 4.
Permission requested and obtained from Governor
Wilkinson, to use the military guard house in the
fort on the hill as a jail until one can be built.
1806, Aug. 29. Gauche Becquet died suddenly.
Wm. Sullivan, Coroner, held an inquest on his
body. Verdict, " died a natural death."
1806, Sept. Term, Tuesday 17th.
Present, Glamorgan, Christy and Pratte.
" Jeremiah Connor, Sheriff, presents to the court
" that the jail in its present condition is insufficient
" to secure the safety of prisoners confined in it, and
" prays the court to take such steps in the premises
" as the necessity of the case may require."
The court thereupon made an order " that the offi-
" cer commanding the militia of the district be re-
quested to furnish a guard for the security of the
prisoners until such time as the jail can be made
1806, December Term, Tuesday, 16th.
Court ordered the houses in the garrison to be re-
paired for the use of the courts, and a stove and
wood for the jail to be furnished.
1807, March Term, Tuesday 17th.'
Wm. Christy appointed clerk of the Court of
Quarter Sessions, by Joseph Browne, Secretary,
acting Governor.
1807, June Term, Tuesday 13th.
Silas Bent presented his commission from Frede-
rick Bates, Secretary and Acting Governor, ap-
pointing him first Justice of the Common Pleas.*
1807, July 1. The courts were reorganized. Silas
Bent, first Justice ; Chouteau, Pratte and La-
beaume, associates, were all newly commissioned,
and Thomas F. Kiddick, Clerk, and Jeremiah
Connor, Sheriff.
The commissioners of rates and levies for the dis-
trict of St. Louis, made their report August 6,
1807, of the division of the district into four Town-
* This is ttie first official act of P. Bates as Secretary on record.
ships and the number of taxable inhabitants in each
Township; St. Louis, 257; St. Ferdinand, 205;
Bonhomme, 126; and Joachim, 141. Total, 729.
Bee:nard Prattb, ) Qomrs.
Thos. F. Eibdiok, f
The sessions of the Court of Common Pleas were
now changed to three terms a year, on the first
Mondays of iN^ovember, March and July.
1807, IS'ovember term Monday 1st.
Silas Bent, Augustus Chouteau, Bernard Pratte
and Louis Labeaume presented their new commis-
sions from M. Lewis, the new Governor, and took
their seats.
1808. Nothing special occurred this year in the
Common Pleas.
In the Oyer and Terminer, Jno. B.C. Lucas pre-
sided, with Aug. Chouteau, associate.
1809. Common Pleas, March term, Monday 6th.
The Secretary of the Territory returned into court
a plat of the road ordered by the act for laying out a
road from St. Louis to Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girar-
deau and ISTew Madrid. The court approved the
same, and ordered the road to be cut out.
1809. Oyer and Terminer, special term, May 29.
Jno, B. C. Lncas, presiding, and Silas Bent,
associate. Edward Hempstead presented his
commission from Gov. Merriwether Lewis, ap-
pointing him Attorney-General of the Territory
of Louisiana.
1809. Special term, August 14th.
Jno. B.C. Lucas presiding, and Silas Bent and
Aug. Chouteau, associates.
" On Monday, June 26, 1809, at Long's Mill, in
"the Township of Bonhomme, in the County of
" St. Louie, John Long, Jr., shot, with a rifle, and
" killed one George Gordon, the stepfather of
" Long.
"At a special term of the ' Oyer and Terminer,'
"held at St. Louis, August 14, 1809, he was in-
" dieted by the Grand Jury for murder in the first
" degree, and on Monday, the 21st, he was tried for
"the murder, found guilty, and sentenced to be
" hanged until dead, on Saturday, September 16,
" 1809, between the hovirs of 11 o'clock a. m. and 3
" o'clock p. m., which sentence was duly executed."
The Jury that convicted him were : John Brown
(of Coldwater), foreman; Daniel Hodges, Alexis
Lalande,* Antoine Barada, James Glamorgan,
Michel Honore, Benjamin Wilkinson, Thomas R.
Musick, Joseph Moore, Henry M. Shreve, Peter
Primm and Joseph Philipson.
* Alexis. Lalande subsequently made oath that he neither spoke nor
understood a word of English.
1809, June 1. Oyer and Terminer.
Judsre Jno. B. C. Lucas and Silas Bent.
A case against one Samuel IS^ugent for assault,
came on for trial, but owing to the absence of one
IS'ancy West, an important witness, the trial was de-
ferred until the following day, and the Sheriff or-
dered to bring in the witness on an attachment. On
the next day the Sheriff had his witness in court to
purge herself of the contempt, when the following
colloquy took place between the court and the wit-
ness : —
Question. " What was your reason for disobeying
"the summons served on you yesterday? "
Answer. " I thought that having appeared once
" before the Grand Jury, and given in my testi-
" mony, that I needn't appear any more."
Ques. " Did you know, or did you not know, the
" contents of that summons? "
Ans. " I did not know the contents, and thought
" once appearing was enough."
Ques. "Did the Sheriff inform you of the con-
" tents of the summons? '''
Ans. " The Sheriff served a summons on me."
Ques. "Did any person advise you not to ap-
pear? "
Ans. "No person advised me. When I went
" away from Mr. Kinney's, Mrs. Kinney asked me
" where I was going. I said I was going to Mr.
" Webster's, but I didn't go to Mr. Webster's, but
" went away to some other place, and didn't return
" until evening."
Ques. " Did you, or did you not, hear that Sam-
" uel IS'ugent was to be tried on yesterday for a
" capital crime, and thcxt your testimony would be
Ans. " I did hear that Samuel Nugent was to be
Ques. " On what day did you hear that said ]S"u-
" gent was to be tried? "
Ans. " I don't know."
Ques. " Did you or did you not know that your
" testimony would be wanted when said Nugent
" should be tried? "
Ans. "I had given in my testimony once, and I
" thought that that was enough."
Ques. " Did you or did you not go away from
" Mr. Kinney's yesterday morning with an intention
" of avoiding the process of the court? "
Ans. " If I had had an intention of keeping out of
' ' the way I would not have come back in the evening. ' '
The court for the present postponed further ex-
amination, and ordered that Nancy West remain in
the custody of the Sheriff. The trial of Nugent
then proceeded, and he being found not guilty by
the jury was discharged.
Nancy West was then called up a second time,
and then saying, " she did not go away from Mr.
Kinney's to avoid the process, of the court, that
she intended to return this day if her testimony
should be wanted, that she had never been a wit-
ness before in a court of justice, and therefore felt
an embarrassment.''
Therefore the court discharged her from the at-
JiSro. B. C- LuoAS, Presiding Justice.
'1810, November 5. Common Pleas.
Alexander McKair presented to the court his
commission from Frederick Bates, Secretary and
acting Governor, appointing him Sheriff of St.
Louis County.
Thomas T. Crittenden, appointed by Governor
Howard, Attorney-General for the Territory.
Oyer and Terminer.
1811, Aug. 12. Special term.
Judges Lucas & Chouteau.
Trial of an Indian for the murder of a squaw ; he
was acquitted.
1811, I^ov. Term 4th.
Eobert Wash, Attorney-General.
Territory of Missouri.
1813, March, Monday 1st.
IS'ew court, William Christy presiding.
David V. Walker, Aug. P. Chouteau and George
Tompkins, associates.
Grand Jury — Horace Austin, foreman ; Julius
Demun, John McKnight, James Irwin, Francis M.
Benoit, Charles Davis, Peter Primm, Matthew
Kerr, Chas. Sanguinet, Joseph Bush, John A.
Bright, James Thomas, James Anderson, Benjamin
Quick, Saml. Solomon, Judathan Kendall — 16.
David Barton, Dep. Attorney-General.
Jno. W- Thompson, Sheriff.
July term ended 8th.
First Record Book, 322 pages, ended.
Presiding Justices. By whom appointed^
1. Charles Gratiot, Dec. 1804 Gov. Harrison,
2. Joseph Browne, March, 1806.. Gov. Wilkinson.
3. Silas Bent, June, 1807 Sec. Browne.
4. William Christy, March, 1813.Gov. Howard.
Prothonotaries .
1. Rufus Easton, Dec, 1804 Gov. Harrison.
2. Thos. F. Eiddick, March,1805.Gov. Harrison.
3. Andrew Steele, March, 1806. ..Gov. Wilkinson.
4. Wm. Christy, March, 1807.... Act. Go v. Browne.
5. Thos. F. Riddick, July, 1807.Act. Gov. Bates.
1. James Rankin, Dec, 1804 Gov. Harrison.
2. Josiah McLanahan, June, 1805. Gov. Harrison.
3. Jeremiah Connor, Sept., 1806.Gov. Wilkinson.
4. Alex. Mcl^air, I^ov.,1810 Act. Gov. Bates.
5. J. W. Thompson, July, 1813.. Gov. Clark.
6. Jos. C. Brown, April, 1819.... Gov. Clark.
Dep. Attorney- Gen' I. By whom appointed.
1. Bdw. Hempstead, Dec, 1804. .Gov. Harrison.
2. Rufus Easton, March, 1805.... Gov. Harrison.
3. Edw. Hempstead, June, 1805.Gov. Harrison.
4. Jas. L. Donaldson, Dec, 1805.Gov. Wilkinson.
5. Edw. Hempstead, May, 1809.. Gov. Lewis.
6. T. F. Crittenden, l*fov., 1810.Gov. Howard.
7. Eobert Wash, Nov., 1811 Act. Gov. Bates.
8. David Barton, March, 1813.... Act. Gov. Bates.
Coroner and Constable.
William Sullivan, Dec, 1804 Gov. Harrison.
The courts sat from Dec, 1804, to Dec, 1806, at
Yostis' tavern Main and Locust.
1806 to 18 on the hill.
In 1815, Sanguinet's on 2d Street.
In 1817, Mad. Dubreuil's house, 2d Street.
An act of the Territorial Legislature, June 18,
1808, " authorized the people of any village in the
" Territory, on petition of two-thirds of their inhab-
" itants to be incorporated into a Town on applica-
" tion to the proper court.''
On Saturday, July 28, 1808, they held an election
for five trustees for the Town, and elected the fol-
lowing gentlemen : Auguste Chouteau, Bernard
Pratte, Edward Hempstead, Peter Chouteau and
Alexander McNair.
In their eagerness to rank as a Town, they had
overlooked the fact that they had first to be incor-
f '
porated by the proper court, as the above election
took place but five weeks after the passage of the
act concerning Towns, doubtless supposing that
two-thirds of the inhabitants voting for Trustees
made them a town without any further steps ; at
any rate they discovered their mistake and rectified
it after the delay of a year.*
1809, Thursday, ISTov. 9. Common Pleas.
Petition of the inhabitants residing within the fol-
lowing limits, to be incorporated as the Town of St.
Louis : —
" Beginning at Antoine Roy's mill, on the bank
"of the Mississippi, thence running 60 arpents
" west, thence south on said line 60 arpents in the
' ' rear, until the same comes to the Barriere des
" Noyers, thence due south until it comes to the
" Sugar-loaf, thence due east to the Mississippi,
" thence by the Mississippi to the place of begin-
" ning."
The court having approved of the same, appointed
Wm. C. Carr and David Delaunay, commissioners,
to superintend the first election for Trustees, to take
place Monday, Dec. 4, 1809.
Notice to Travelers
of Ferry Rates at St. Louis to the east shore.
* Dec. 11th. A meeting held at Auguste Chouteau's of the Inhabi-
tants to correct their precipitancy in the matter.
One person, 25 cents ; a horse, 50 cents ; cattle,
each 50 cents ; a cart, 50 cents ; a wagon, |1.50 ;
lumber I2V2 cents a hundred.
1809, ISTov. 27. First Election of Town Trustees.
1810, Dec. 11. Auguste Chouteau, Town Treas-
urer's statement: —
Receipts from all sources $529.68
Total expenditures 399.15
Balance in Treasury . $130.53
1812, July 11. Receipt of the President's procla-
mation declaring war against England. A town
meeting held. Resolutions adopted declaring
their gratification thereat, and determination to
support the government.
Sept. 1. Completion of the new Market House on
the Place d'Armes with twelve stalls. A clerk
of the same appointed, to receive a salary of $104
per annum.
1818, June. First survey of the Town by Jos. C.
Brown, U. S. Deputy Surveyor.
In 1804 the river front presented a perpendicular
lime stone bluff, extending from the foot of what is
uow Poplar street, northwards to near Rocky
Branch, over two miles, on a level with Main street,
about forty feet above the ordinary stage of water
in the river. There was a narrow road on the sand
at the foot of the bluff, used as a tow path for cor-
ST. LOUIS IN 1804. 23
delling boats, which, m high stages of water, was
completely covered. The only road then and for
some years thereafter to get from our present Main
street to the river, was at our present Market street,
which had been roughly quarried out by the early
inhabitants to get to the river for water.
The principal road up from the Main street to the
hill in rear of the village, was our present Walnut
street, at that day called " Rue de la Tour," Tower
street, leading up from the Government Office, at
the southeast corner of Main and Walnut (now
Block 6), to the Fort and the soldiers' quarters on
the hill at Fourth street.
Main street was but 36 feet wide, and in some
places, where, in the early days, some of the lot
holders had not been very particular about a few
feet, and had built outside this line, there was not
more than 30 feet from house to house, and what
are now our cross streets, were then simply narrow
lanes left between the blocks, from 25 to, 30 feet
wide, upon which there were no houses until long
after our acquisition of the country.
Market street, going west from Main to the foot
of the hill, at 3rd, was but little used, it being low
at 2nd and 3rd, and in wet weather much water run-
ning down it, over the bare rock, which extended
for some distance west of Main street, the soil,
which originally covered it, having been washed off
in the course of years.
For the first few years after the transfer, there
was but little, if any, increase in either population
or houses, a few of the latter, generally log, were
now and then added to the place, as the gradual in-
crease of the population seemed to require.
Then came the war with England, in June, 1812,
which continued until the early part of the year
1815. During the three years' continuance of this
war, the General Government deemed it necessary
to keep up a pretty large force of men here, as a
protection to our frontier inhabitants, from inroads
on the part of the British and Indians, this post be-
ing then the westernmost military post of the United
These troops were cantoned at Belief ontaine, on
the Missouri, in this county, and the officers had
almost daily intercourse with the people of the place.
After the close of the war, and the consequent re-
duction of the army to the peace establishment,
many of these troops, both officers and men re-
mained in the west, and became permanent residents
of the country, thereby adding materially to the
population. Added to this was the revival of busi-
ness throughout the country, east and west, conse-
quent upon the peace, which gave an impetus to the
place, so that in the next few years, at the date of
my arrival here in 1818, the population was esti-
mated at three thousand souls.
During this period up to 1816, the Town was
confined to "the three original streets on the lower
plateau, but after the close of the war, the pros-
pective increase in the place induced Col. Chouteau
and Judge Lucas, who were the sole owners of the
land on the " MZ," back of the village, as it was
then called, in contradistinction to the old or lower
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Town, Col. C. owning south and Judge Lucas
north of Market street, their dividing line, to lay out
an addition to the Town, which was accordingly-
done in May, 1816, and the lots brought into mar-
ket. A number of them in the center near to Mar-
ket street were sold, and a few houses erected
thereon of brick and frame.
Prior to 1816, there were but two houses on the
" Hill," both stone ; one inside the old fortification,
completed in 1791, for the residence of the officers
of the few troops in the garrison — and the other,
built by Judge Lucas in 1812, for his residence, on
the ground now occupied by the Public School
Library, 7th and Chestnut.
built on the public square (Block 7) , was the first
one west of the Mississippi river. It was completed
and opened Sept. 1, 1812. Sixty-four feet long by
30 feet wide, with 12 stalls. Eent, from $10 to |30
per annum. A clerk of the Market appointed, to
be paid $104 per annum.
The first survey of the Town to ascertain the true
corners and fines of the blocks and streets, was
made in the year 1818, by Joseph C. Brown, U. S.
Deputy Surveyor, — previous to which period, every
person who inclosed his lot, or built a house, fixed
its location as best he could from the surroundings,
usually taking Laclede's Block as the initial point,
and as some of the early improvements were made a
long distance from this, and the place thickly cov-
ered with timber, it was almost impossible to be any-
way accurate. Mr. Brown found it a difficult and
tedious job, he was a long time at it, taking La-
clede's Block as his starting point, the lines of
which he first established, and then all the others
seriatim, driving cedar stakes in the precise center
of the intersections — making two plats of the same.
1812, June 4.
The territory heretofore called " Louisiana," shall
hereafter be called "Missouri."
The Governor shall be appointed by the Presi-
dent for 3 years, and must reside in the territory.
The Secretary for 4 years, also to reside in the
The General Assembly shall consist of the Gov-
ernor, Legislative Council and House of Represen-
tatives. The representatives to be elected by the
voters for two years, every 500 inhabitants to be en-
titled to one representative, until they number 25,
then the ratio to be regulated by the General As-
sembly. For the first election there shall be 13
elected, for which purpose the Governor shall divide
the territory into 13 precincts previous to October
1st next.
These first representatives will meet in St. Louis,
on the first Monday of December, 1812. They shall
nominate 18 persons to the President of the United
States, who will appoint nine of them as members
of the Legislative Council. And the Governor
shall convene the first General Assembly at St.
Louis, as soon as may be convenient after the ap-
pointment of the Legislative Council.
Afterwards the General Assembly shall meet
once iji each year at St. Louis, on the first Monday
of December.
A delegate to Congress shall be elected by the
people at the election for the Assembly.
This act to go into effect on the first Monday in
October, 1812.
Heistry Clay,
Speaker House of Sepresentatives.
Wm. H. CiiAwroRD,
PresH Senate pro tern.
Approved, James Madison,
1812, Dec. 5. The first meeting of the Territorial
House of Representatives, to select a Legislative
Council, was held at the house of Major Peter
Chouteau, Sr.
1813, July 3. Gen. Wm. Clark has accepted the
governorship of the territory. He arrived here
on Thursday last.
1813, July 17. Gov. Clark's proclamation for an
1814, Sept. 24. Gov. Clark's proclamation declar-
ing Eufus Baston elected delegate to Congress on
Sept. 17th. Easton 948, McIsTair 854, Hammond
744, Riddick 35. Total 2581 votes.
1816, Sept. 21. Gov. Clark's proclamation of re-
sult of election for delegate in Congress August
5th; for John Scott 1816, Eufus Easton 1801.
Scott's majority 15. Total votes 3617.
Easton contested Scott's right to the seat on the
score of fraud in the election. The committee on
elections in Congress, reported that " John Scott is
" not entitled to a seat in this house as delegate
"from the territory of Missouri," and "resolved
" that Eufus Easton is entitled to the seat." How-
ever the house decided that, " the election being
"illegally conducted, the seat of the delegate from
" that territory was vacant."
1817, Sept. 13. Election for delegate to Congress,
Aug. 4. John Scott 2406, Rufus Easton 2014.
Total 4420. Majority for Scott 392.
1819, Sept. 15. Proclamation of Frederick Bates,
Acting Governor, of the result of the election for
delegate to Congress August 6th.
John Scott 1824, Saml. Hammond 1105, Scatter-
ing 4. Total 2933. Scott's majority 715.
1813, July 28. First act regulating weights and
1813, July 29. A Sheriff to be appointed by the
Governor for each county for two years.
A census of the inhabitants to be taken October
1, 1813.
1813, Aug. 20. The old courts abolished, and three
judges ot' common pleas for each county, for four
years, three terms each year. For St. Louis, third
Mondays of February and September, and first
Monday in June, and a clerk for each court to be
Recorder, to take effect Sept. 1. Wm. Clark then
1813, Aug. 21. Bank of St. Louis incorporated.
1813, Aug. 21. County of Washingtoil established,
the 7th county.
1813, Dec. First Legislature in session.
1813, Dec. Boundaries of the seven counties de-
1814, Jan. 4. Elections to be held first Mondays of
1815, Jan. 4. A county court to be established for
each county except Arkansaw, to be composed of
the justices of the peace of said counties, four
terms each year, in St. Louis, second Monday of
March, June, September and January. A clerk
for each to be Recorder.
Two circuits established, St. Charles, St. Louis,
and Washington, the northern. Ste. Genevieve,
Cape Girardeau and IS'ew Madrid the southern,
three terms a year in St. Louis, the second Mondays
of April, July and October, a clerk in each county
of the circuit. The Superior Court hereafter but
one term a year in each county, in St. Louis first
Monday in February. Office of Attorney-General
abolished, and a circuit attorney for each circuit
1815, Jan. 21. An act for a survey of the town of
St. Louis and plat of the same.
Legislature sat in Sanguinet's old log house on
2nd street.
1815, Jan. 15. Lawrence County established.
1816, Jan. 21. Superior Court to hold two terms
annually in each circuit, in St. Louis, for Northern
Circuit, third Mondays March and September, a
clerk for each circuit to be appointed by the
judge. County courts abolished, their duties
transferred to the Circuit and Superior Courts.
1816, Jan. 23. Howard County established.
John Rice Jones, of Ste. Glenevieve, president of
the council.
1816, Jan. 25. An act for a jail in St. Louis
1816, April 29. Act of Congress, a member of the
Legislative council from each county for two
years, and the Legislature to meet once in two
years instead of annually.
1817, Feb. 1. Bank of Missouri incorporated, capi-
tal $250,000.
This Legislature sat in Madame Dubreuil's house
on Second Street.
1818, Dee . 17. The ratio for a representative was
increased to 700.
1818, Dec. 17. Eight new counties were organized
as follows : —
Jefferson, Franldin, Wayne, Lincoln, Madison,
Montgomery, Pike and Cooper, and Lawrence abol-
ished, increasing the counties to fifteen, and dividing
them into three circuits, as follows : —
Cooper, Howard, Montgomery, Lincoln and Pike,
the northwest ; St. Charles, Fi-anklin, "Washington,
Jefferson and St. Louis, the northern ; Ste. Gen-
evieve, Madison, "Wayne, T^ew Madrid and Cape
Girardeau, the southern.
Acts of Congress relating to Land claims, and
Public land in the district of Louisiana : —
1805, March 2. Provides for a Register or Re-
corder of Land titles, to commence his duties on
or before Sept. 1, 1805, and two Commissioners
to be appointed by the President, who, with the
Recorder, compose the Board of Land Commis-^
sioners, to commence on "or before Dec. 1, 1805 —
each to receive $2,000 in full, with a Clerk and
translator of the Spanish and French languages,.
to receive $600.
This Board was composed at first of Jno. B.C.
Lucas and Clement B. Penrose, commissioners, and
James Lowry Donaldson, Recorder, with Thos. F.
Riddick, Clerk. They entered upon their duties in
January, 1806, and in July, 1807, Donaldson re-
turned to Baltimore, and was succeeded as Recorder
by Frederick Bates.
They made report, from time to time, to the com-
missioner of the General Land Office, at Washing-
ton, of their confirmations, viz., from IS'o. 1, Dec.
S, 1808, to 'No. 1342, Jan. 15, 1812, accompanied by
a statement of all the claims rejected by the Board,
with the testimony and reasons in each case. Under
the act of March 3, 1811, the duties of the Board
ceased, and a "Register and Receiver were pro-
" vided for, when they should become necessary."
Congress extended the time to file claims, at differ-
ent periods, until June 13, 1812, when they passed
a final "Act" to allow "Actual Settlers^' to file
their claims with the Recorder until Dec. 1. He to
report to the General Land Ofiice, at Washington,
to be submitted to Congress.
April 29, 1816. Act of Congress to provide for a
Surveyor-General for Illinois and Missouri. Gen.
Wm. Rector was appointed, and in 1817, had St.
Louis County surveyed by a Wm. S. Pettus. In
1818, Alexander McN'air was appointed Register,
and Col. Samuel Hammond, Receiver, for the land
district of St. Louis.
1807. In the spring, Manuel Lisa, a trader, and
George Drouillard, who had crossed the Rocky
Mountains to the Pacific, with Lewis and Clark,
embarked in the Upper Missouri River fur trade
with the Indians, with an outfit of |16,000.
1808. Fort Osage was commenced early in this
year. Gen. Clark held a treaty with the Osages,
early in the summer, escorted to the JS^ation by
Capt. M. Wherry's troop of horse from St.
Charles, immediately after which Fort Osage was
built, and commanded in 1809, by Capt. Eli B,
Clemson, of the 1st Regiment, U. S. Infantry,
whose headquarters are at Bellefontaine under
Col. Bissell.
1808. In August, Gov. Lewis held a council in St.
Louis, with the Sacs and Foxes and lowas of the
upper Mississippi, when a tract of three miles
square, was ceded by them to the United States, at
the head of the lower rapids for the purpose, on
which Fort Madison was built the same fall, the
first fort built by the United States up the Miss-
issippi, Lieut. Kingsley in command.
1809. Early in this year, Wm. Clark, Manuel Lisa
and Silvestre Labadie formed a copartnership
under the title of the American Fur Company,
with a capital of $27,000 — |9,000 each, to trade
with the Indian tribes, in the upper Missouri to
the mountains.
1809, May 1. "Big swamp of Louisiana ! ! ! "
" What citizen is there, who is in the smallest de-
" gree alive to the prosperity of our happy country,.
" who does not feel indignant at the gross false-
" hoods and ignorant philippics published against
"the Jefferson administration, concerning the pur-
" chase of Louisiana? We would recommend these
" incendiary editors to the study of Geography, and
" they will discover that Louisiana possesses a soil
" equal to any other State or Territory in the Union,
" rich in minerals, numerous navigable rivers and
" many other advantages, place this desirable coun-
" try-far above the calumny of the miserable scrib-
" biers. Give us industrious planters, and in a
" short period Louisiana will become the bright star
" in the Federal constellation."
Prediction of Joseph Charless, Sr., in his Gazette
of above date.
Has it not been verified ?
1809, Aug. 16.
"Rogers, chief of the Meramec Shawnees, tells
"us that he received a summons from Waubeteth-
" theh, Delaware chief, and Thathaway, Shawanee
" chief, to attend a solemn council at their Town
" near Cape Girardeau, where the three Indians and
" a squaw were tried, she acquitted and the three
" men found guilty of murder. They were led out
"into a thick woods and tomahawked, then placed
" on an immense pile of wood and burnt to ashes,
" upwards of one hundred men assisting at the ex-
" ecution."
The Shawanees still occupied their village up the
Meramec, known to the whites as Rogers' Town,
after their then chief, they frequently visited St.
Louis, where they procured their supplies. They
were very friendly, many of them being partially
civilized. They were still there at the admis/sion in
1820. At same period other Shawanees and Dela-
wares had their village on the waters of the St.
Francis, in the district of ISTew Madrid.
South of these there are no others until you
reach the Choctaws and Cherokees from the east
side, Tennessee and Mississippi, in the White
river country.
Whole number of Indians in the Territory in.
1810 : Sacs, Foxes, Shawanees, Delawares, Chero-
kees and Choctaws, about 3,000 warriors, 15,000
souls. Osages of the Arkansas and Osage Rivers,
1,500 warriors, 5,000 souls.
"Died, in the island of Santa Margaretta, near
"the frontier of France, in Provence, ' Barnaba
" Chiaramonti ' (Pope Pius 7th), who was born
" in Cesene, Romania, April 14, 1742, created
"cardinal April, 1785, elected Pope at Venice,
"March 14, 1800, and crowned the 2l8t of the
"same month. Spanish papers say he was poi-
"soned, and that his successor as head of the
" church, is to be Cardinal Fesch, the uncle of
" Bonaparte."
GAZETTE, 1810.
1810. Carondelet, 218 souls. Florisant, 270.
Herculaneum, 200 souls ; 20 houses, 1 store, 1
blacksmith, 1 hatter, 2 shot towers, Maclot's
just below the Town, and Bates' just above
the Town. Several mills near the village.
1811, March 11. ''Wilson P. Hunt left St. Louis
" with 70 men in barges, on his expedition to the
"Columbia, where he is to meet the JNew York
"Fur Company's ship, which is now on its voyage
"around to the shores of the Pacific, accompa-
" nied by Messrs. Bradbury and I^uttall, Bnghsh
" Botanists, to gather new plants for that
" country."
To Mr. Joseph Charless, Editor of the Louisiana
Gazette :
Sir — I cannot but feel gratified by the flatter-
ing terms in which you speak of the hasty and im-
perfect essays of mine published in your paper, on
the topography of this territory; but I have read
with regret, in the same paragraph, a statement of
my having set out on a journey to the westward, with
the intention of visiting the city of Mexico, and of
publishing the result of my travels, on my return to
my own country. It is true, I have more than once
expressed an opinion that such a tour, in case of the
independence of the Mexican colonies, and of an
amicable intercourse between them and the United
States, would be highly interesting ; but having de-
voted myself to a different pursuit, and besides feel-
ing deficient in the qualifications which a person
undertaking such a tour ought to possess, I never
had any serious thought of it. You will forgive me
for troubling you upon a subject which can be of no
public interest, but which if passed by in silence^
would place me in a disagreeable embarrassment,
with respect to my acquaintances, who may suppose
that I have left the United States.
An excursion which I made up the Missouri, has
doubtless given rise to the idea. It had been my
intention to have descended the Mississippi last
spring, in order to settte myself in my profession in
the lower country, but circumstances preventing, I
postponed it until fall, and in the mean time, I was
induced to accompany Mr. Manual Lisa to the Man-
dan villages, from whence I returned a few days
ago, in company with Mr. Bradbury, who had as-
cended the river for the purpose of pursuing his re-
searches on the natural history of the country.
With sentiments of respect,
I am yours, &c.
St. Louis, Aug. 2, 1811.
against England June 19, 1812. The news reached
St. Louis on July 9th, and was received with delight
by the large mass of the people of the place, partic-
ularly the American portion, as it had been expected
for some time. A town meeting was held on the
succeeding day, at which a preamble and resolu-
tions, expressive of the sense of the people on this
subject, were unanimously adopted, concluding as
follows : —
Resolved unanimously, that having learned that
several companies of volunteers, belonging to the
State of Kentucky, have generously offered their
services to the Governor for the protection of this
territory, the thanks of this meeting be offered to
the said volunteers. The evils of our exposed situ-
ation are alleviated by the assurance that we have in
our neighborhood, hearts to feel for our possible
sufferings, and hands to relieve them.
Resolved unanimously, that the proceedings of
this meeting be publislied in the paper of this place,
and in one of the Gazettes of Lexington, Kentucky,
and that a copy of them be transmitted by the chair-
man to the President of the United States.
Charles Gratiot,
James F. Hull,
July 11, 1812.
of a large number of the principal inhabitants of St.
Louis held Monday, February 15, 1813, to consult
on the situation of the country in consequence of
the war.
Major Wm. Christy, Chairman, and Wm. C.
Carr, Secretary.
' ' Resolved, that a committee of five persons be
' ' appointed to take into consideration the situation
" of the town of St. Louis, and report thereon to a
" subsequent meeting of the inhabitants."
" Resolved, that Col. A. Chouteau, C. B. Pen-
"rose, Wm. Christy, B. Pratt and Ber'd G. Farrar
" be the committee."
" Resolved, that the said committee report on
**■ Wednesday next at 2 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday, February 17, 1813.
Pursuant to the resolutions of the 15th inst. , the
committee made their report to the present meeting,
which being read, with its accompanying resolutions,
were unanimously adopted, viz. : —
"■Resolved, that it is the unanimous opinion of this
'Assembly that the town of St. Louis ought to be
' fortified, or put in a state of defense, as speedily
' as practicable, and in order that the objects em-
' braced by these resolutions, equally dear and de-
' sii-able to us all, may be the more conveniently
' effected, it is furthermore,
'•'■Resolved unanimously that a committee of
' seven be appointed to be called and styled the
' ' Committee of Safety ' for the town of St. Louis,
* vested with absolute power not only to adopt and
' devise the best measures for our defense or fortifi-
' cations, but also to have the same carried into
' effect."
" Resolved, also, unanimously, that as soon as
' those measures of defense or fortification shall be
' adopted and made known by the said committee to
' the citizens of this place and those of the vicinity
' who may wish to be associated with them, the
' present assembly pledge themselves to support
' them, and to aid in carrying them into immediate
' operation."
Resolved, that the said committee shall apportion
as justly and equally as may be, according to the
property and means possessed by each person, the
proportion of work that may be necessary for them
to perform ; and for as much as this is a free and
vohmtary association for objects common to us all,
to wit : the defense of our property and lives, and
the protection of our wives and children, it is
therefore " Resolved, that if any pei'son shall refuse
" or neglect to perform the portion of work requested
" of them as aforesaid, they shall and ought to be
" considered enemies to their country."
'■^Resolved, that Col. A. Chouteau, George Wil-
" son, William Christy, Francois Guyol, Robert Lu-
" cas, Clement B. Penrose and William Smith, be
" and they are hereby appointed the Committee of
" Safety for the town of St. Louis."
'•'■Resolved, lastly, that a copy of these proceedings
be presented by the ' Committee of Safety ' to each
inhabitant of St. Louis and its environs for their sig-
Wm. Christy, Chairman.
Wm. Co Caer, Sec.
Feb. 20, 1813.
A majority sent a remonstrance to Congress against
the war with Great Britain, and other measures of
the General Government.
A patriotic minority of the Legislature protested
against this action of the majority of their body, and
in an address to Congress, condemns the action of
the said majority as unwise and unpatriotic, and set
forth their views upholding and sustaining the Gen-
eral Government in the war.
The address is signed on hehalf of the minority by
JoHi^r Holmes, Wm. Moody,
Solomon Aiken, Joshua Prentiss,
John Hunt, Ambrose Hall.
Boston, June 16, 1813.
census of 1810,
Eepresentation under the
, approved December 21,
Eatio, 35,000.
1 !N"ew Hampshire, 6
2 Massachusetts, 20
10 Maryland,
11 Virginia,
3 Vermont,
12 IS'orth Carolina,
4 Ehode Island,
13 South Carolina,
5 Connecticut,
14 Georgia,
6 ]^ew York,
15 Kentucky,
7 ]S"ew Jersey
8 Pennsylvania^
9 Delaware,
16 Ohio,
17 Tennessee,
18 Louisiana,
99 182
The representative from Louisiana, was admitted
April 11, 1812.
congressional, relating to MISSOURI, ETC.
1812. June 4. Act changing the name Louisiana,
to Missouri Territory, and providing for a Terri-
torial Assembly, and a Delegate in Congress.
Gazette, July 18, 1812.
" Our first Territorial election was held on Mon-
" day last, as soon as we can procure complete re-
" turns we will publish them. We believe that
" Edward Hempstead is elected delegate to Con-
" gress."
The returns were never published.
Mr. Hempstead went to "Washington, in Decem-
ber, and was in his seat as Delegate, prior to Janu-
ary 7, 1813, date of his letter to Mr. Charless, of
the Gazette, and was his correspondent during the
Gazette, Feb. 13, 1813.
1813. Jan. 15. Mr. H., from Missouri, spoke on
the bill to give further time to produce proofs to
Land Claims. The Act approved March 3, 1813.
1813. Monday, May 24. Special Session of the
13th Congress. Mr. Hempstead was in his seat,
and made several motions on June 4.'
This special session ended Aug. 2, 1813.
Edward Hempstead was Delegate from ]S'ov. 12,
1812, to Nov. 12, 1814. — 2 years.
of the Governor, Wm. Clark, apportioning the rep-
resentation in the Territorial Assembly, according
to the census recently made, and ordering an elec-
tion for same on the first Monday in August, and
for a delegate to Congress.
July, 1814.
of Governor Clark, announcing the result of the
election for Delegate to Congress, Monday, Aug. 1,
Eufus Easton, 948. Saml. Hammond, 744.
Alex. Mc^air, 854. Thos. F. Eiddick, 35.
Rufus Easton declared duly elected.
Sept. 24, 1814.
1814, ]S"ov. 16. Rufus Easton, Hempstead's suc-
cessor took his seat.
Gazette, Dec. 17, 1814.
Aug. 5, 1816. Election for Delegate to Congress.
John Scott, 1,816; R. Easton, 1,801; all others,
30; total, 3,647; Scott's plurality, 15, who re-
ceived the certificate of election, it was contested
by Easton, on the ground that the vote of Cote
Sans Dessein precinct, which had given Scott, 23,
and Easton but 1, was illegal, the judges not
having been sworn. This fact being established,
Congress ordered a new election to fill the va-
cancy, which came off Aug. 4, 1817 ; result John
Scott, 2,406; Rufus Easton, 2,014; total, 4,420;
Scott's majority, 392.
Sept. 27, 1817.
Tereitokial Legislature, From the Gazette.
1812, Oct. 1, dividing the Territory into five dis-
tricts or counties, and apportioning their repre-
sentation, based upon the U. S. census of 1810.
1st. St. Charles, north of Mo.^Kiver to have 2
members ;
2d. St. Louis to Platin Creek to have 4 members ;
3d. St. Genevieve to Apple Creek to have 3
members ;
4th. Cape Girardeau to have 2 members ;
5th. jSTew Madrid to 33d degree to have 2 mem-
bers ; 13 in all ;
and ordering the election on 2d Monday of No-
vember (9th), next, and returns of same to be
made to the Governor.
1812, Monday, Dec. 7th ; ivom the Journal. First
Session .
The House assembled pursuant to the Gov-
ernor's proclamation in a room of the house of
Peter Chouteau, Sr., and w^ere qualified by Judge
J. B. C. Lucas.
Present :
From St. Charles, John Pittman and Robert
Spencer, 2.
From St. Louis, David Musick, Bernard G.
Parrar, Wm. C. Carr and Richard Caulk, 4.
From St. Genevieve, George Bullitt, Richard
S. Thomas and Israel McGrady, 3.
From Cape Girardeau, Geo. F. Bollinger and
Stephen Byrd, 2.
From JSTew Madrid, John Strader and Samuel
Phillips, 2; 13 in all.
Hon : Wm. C. Carr was elected Speaker pro
tem., and Thomas F. Riddick, Clerk pro tern. ;
Tuesday, Dec. 8. A Committee on Eules and a
committee to wait on acting Gov. Bates, were
appointed ; adjourned.
"Wednesday, Dec. 9. Wm. C.'Carr elected perma-
nent Speaker.
They were in session six days, and adjourned on
Saturday, Dec. 12th without day, their only busi-
ness being to select eighteen persons to be sub-
mitted to the President of the United States, to
select therefrom nine, to compose the legislative-
council of the territory. And electing Andrew
Scott, clerk of the House. — Gazette, Dec. 19, 1812.
1813, June 3. That the President of the U. S. had
selected for the Legislative Council,
James Flaugherty and Benj. Emmons of St.
Charles, 2;
Augustus Chouteau and Samuel Hammond, of
St. Louis, 2 ;
John Scott and James Maxwell of St. Gene-
vieve, 2 ;
William ISTeely and George Cavener of Cape
Girardeau, 2 ;
And Joseph Hunter of Kew Madrid, 1 — 9 ;
and the first Monday of July was designated for
the first meeting of the General Assembly at St.
1813, July 5 — First Monday : —
Both houses united in an address to the new
Governor, Wm. Clark, signed by Wm. C. Carr,
Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
Samuel Hammond, Pres't of the Council, no date.
The Governor being absent on public business,
his reply to the address was not received until
July 26th.
Owing to the war, the special session soon ter-
minated — no official journal of its acts was ever
1813, Monday, Dec. 6, present: —
George Bullitt, George F. Bollinger, Stephen
Byrd, Wm. C. Carr, Richard Caulk, Bern'd G.
Farrar, John Pittman, John Shrader, Robt. Spen-
cer— 9; George Bullitt was elected Speaker,
Andrew Scott, Clerk, and Wm. Sullivan, Door-
keeper, and house adjourned.
Tuesday, 7th. Israel McGrady in his seat, as also
Sam'l Phillips, 'New Madrid; Messrs. Pittman
and Caulk a committee to wait on the Governor.
Wednesday, 8th. The Governor met both branches
of the Legislature in the Representative Chamber
and delivered his address.
9th and 10th. Richard S. Thomas, St. Genevieve,
and Barnabas Harris, St. Louis, in their seats.
1814, Jan. 4. Act to regulate Elections approved.
''Elections to beheld on the first Monday of
" August, 1814, and every second year thereafter,
" and Legislatures to meet on the first Monday of
" December."
1814, Jan. 19. Samuel Hammond resigned his seat
in the Council, and James Maxwell of Ste. Gene-
vieve elected President in his place.
The house nominated Abraham Gallatin and
David Musick for the President's choice to fill this
vacancy. Adjourned sine die — Jan. 19.
1814, June 23. Proclamation of Governor Wm.
Clark, apportioning members of Assembly, and
ordering an election on 1st Monday of August.
St. Charles County . . . 1696 3 members
St. Louis do
Washington do
Ste. Genevieve do
Cape Girardeau
]S"ew Madrid
Arkansas .....
• do
11993 22 members.
1814, Dec. 5; Monday; First Session; from the
St. Charles County : John Pittman, Peter Jour-
ney and Jno. G. Heath, 3;
St. Louis County : Barnabas Harris, Rich'd
Cault, Wm. C. Caxr, Robert Simpson, Kincaid
Caldwell, 5 ;
Washington County : ISTicholas Wilson, Philip
McGuire, 2 ;
Ste. Genevieve County : Richard S. Thomas,
Jas. Caldwell, Aug. Demun, 3;
Cape Girardeau County : Stephen Byrd, Geo. F.
Bollinger, Robert English, and Joseph Sewell, 4 ;
ISTew Madrid County : John Davidson, Geo. C.
Hart, Hy. H. Smith, 3.
Arkansas County, 1 — 22.
James Caldwell, of Ste. Genevieve, elected
Speaker ; Andrew Scott, Clerk ; William Sullivan,
Wm. l^eely elected President Council, to suc-
ceed James Maxwell, deed.
Seth Emmons, Representative of St. Louis
County, had died, and Chas. Lucas was elected
to the vacancy.
John Rice Jones and Alexander Henry were
named to fill the vacancy of Maxwell, dec'd, and
Jones appointed by the President.
Tues. 6. — Governor's Message received.
Legislature occupied two rooms in Sanguinet's
Session closed in January, 1815.
Proceedings not found in Gazette.
1815. Monday, Dec. 4, at the house of Mad'e Du-
breuil, Second Street, from
St. Charles — John Pittman, Peter Journey
and John G. Heath, 3 ;
St. Louis — Barnabas Harris, Eichard Caulk,
Eobert Simpson, Win. C. Carr, Kincaid Cald-
well, and Charles Lucas, 6 ;
Washington — Hardage Lane and Stephen P.
Austin, 2 ;
Ste. Genevieve — James Caldwell, Isadore
Moore, and August Demun, 3 ;
Cape Girardeau — Stephen Byrd, George P.
Bollinger, Robert English and Joseph Sewell, 4 ;
Kew Madrid — Eobert D. Dawson and John
Davidson, 2.
Arkansas — Henry Cassidy, 1 — 21.
James Caldwell, elected Speaker.
Andrew Scott, Clerk.
William Sullivan, Doorkeeper.
Adjourned sine die, Thursday, Jan. 25, 1816.
Matthias McGirk was in the Council from St.
1816. Pirst Monday, Dec. 2nd.
St. Charles — Hugh McDermid, — Evans, and —
Spencer, 3 ;
St. Louis — Edward Hempstead, James Mackey,
John Coons, Jno. W- Honey, Barnabas Harris,
Jesse Murphy, and Jno. E. Allen, 7 ;
Washington — Hardage Lane and. Stephen P.
Austin, 2 ;
Ste. Genevieve — l!^athaniel Cookj Isadore
Moore and John McArthur, 3 :
Cape Girardeau — G-eo. F. Bollinger, Robert
English and John Dunn, 3 ;
New Madrid — Robert D. Dawson, 1.
Arkansas — Edward Hogan, 1;
Howard — Benjamin Cooper, James Alcorn, 2 ;
Lawrence — Joseph Hardin and Alex. S.
Walker, 2 — 24.
Edward Hempstead, Speaker.
Andrew Scott, Clerk.
William Sullivan, Doorkeeper.
House adjourned sine die, Saturday, Feby. 1,.
St. Charles — Benjamin Emmons.
St. Louis — John Ward.
Washington — Samuel Perry.
Ste. Genevieye — Joseph Bogy.
Cape Girardeau — William [N'eely .
ISTew Madrid — Joseph Hunter.
Arkansas — James Cummins.
Lawrence — Richard Murphy.
Wm . JS'eely , President, unanimously ; Joseph
v. Garnier, Sec'y.
The only time the Council doings were printed,
Deer. 17, 1816; and Feb. 15, 1817.
1816. April 29; An Act of Congress amending
the Act of June 4, 1812, in relation to the Leg-
islative Council, fixing the number at one member
from each County, to be elected by the voters at
each general election to serve two years.
The Legislature to meet biennially, in lieu Of
annual sessions.
Enumeration of white males in 1818, and appor-
tionment of members of the Legislature under the
same, the ratio being afterwards raised to 700.
Howard County 3,386 6 Mem. Surplus 386
Sjt. Charles County ....2,866 5
St. Louis County 4,725 9
Ste. Genevieve County. 2, 205 4
Washington County .....1,245 2
Cape Girardeau County. 2, 593 5
New Madrid County... 669 1
Lawrence County 1,529 3
Arkansas County 827 1
20,045 36 2,045
August 31, 1818, convening a special session of the
Legislature of the Territory of Missouri, on the
fourth Monday, October the 26th, 1818, at B.
Maury's Hotel, on Second Street.
From Howard County, John Adams, Samuel
Brown, David Jones, Daniel Munro, Thomas
Eogers and George Tompkins, 6.
From St. Charles County, Hugh McDermid, Chris-
topher Clark, Wm. Smith, James Talbot and Ira
Cottle, 5.
From St. Louis County, David Barton, Barnabas
Harris, Hy. S. Geyer, Eobert Wash, John W-
Harvfey, Jno. C. Sullivan, Marie P. Leduc,.
Daniel Eichardson, David Musick, 9.
From Washington County, Lionel Brown and
Stephen F. Austin, 2.
From St. Genevieve County, Isadore Moore, Davis
F. Marks, William Shannon and Joab Walters, 4.
From Cape Girardeau, Johnson Ranney, Robert
English, Joseph Sewell, Erasmus Ellis and James
Ravenscroft, 5.
From Kew Madrid County, Stephen Ross, 1.
From Lawrence County, Perry G. Magness, Joseph
Harden and Jno. Davidson, 3. .
From Arkansas County, Edmund Hogan, 1 — 36.
Organization, David Barton, elected Speaker
unanimously ; Andrew Scott, Clerk j William
Sullivan, Door-keeper.
Fred'k Bates, Acting Governor, delivered his
John C. Sullivan, St. Louis, resigned his seat,
and Chas. S. Hempstead, elected.
Benjamin Emmons, St. Charles, President.
Thomas F. Riddick, St. Louis.
Samuel Perry, Washington.
Jno. D. Cook, St. Genevieve.
Geo. F. Bollinger, Cape Girardeau.
Robert D. Dawson, l^ew Madrid.
Henry Cassiday, Arkansas.
Adjourned sine die December 23rd, 1818. The
journal was printed to December the 12th. This,
the last territorial Legislature, adopted a memorial
to Congress, praying the establishment of, a State
1808. Established in the Spring of 1808.
Col. Eufus Baston appointed by the President
first Postmaster at St. Louis. His first quarterly
list of letters remaining in the P. O. June 30,
1808, was forty.
1808, Aug. 10. An article in the Gazette complains
of the failure of the mails from Vincennes and St.
Genevieve to Cahokia, from which place another
rider brings them to St. Louis and St. Charles.
These were all the mail routes then west of Indi-
ana and Kentucky. Mails from Philadelphia and
IN^ew York usually about six weeks on their way,
and from Europe three months.
1809, Jan'y. 25. " No mail from the east for more
"than two months. Excessively cold and no
" thermometer in the place to record the degree."
1810, ]N^ov. 7. Rufus Easton, Postmaster, advertises
for carrying the mails once a fortnight from St.
Louis, by Mine a Burton (now Potosi), to St.
IS^ov. 14. The mails from St. Louis to Cahokia
east, once a week. St. Louis to Herculaneum,
Mine a Burton and St. Genevieve once in two
weeks, and St. Louis to St. Charles once a week.
Easton was Postmaster for 6 1-2 years, and
kept the Post-ofiice at his residence. Elm and
Third, and getting tired of it turned it over to his
brother-in-law, Doct. Robert Simpson, in Octo-
ber, 1814, who being in the drug business, kept
the P. O. in his store ; he was Postmaster four
Capt. A. T. Crane, late of the Army, succeed-
ed Simpson in October, 1818; he died in 1819,
holding the office a year.
Col. Elias Kector, the fourth, succeeded Capt.
Crane in 1819, and died in 1822, being in office
three years. The P. O. was then in the old man-
sion of Mrs. Chouteau, southwest corner of Main
and Chestnut streets.
1809, June 14. Some straggling loway Indians, in-
festing the country on the other side, between
Cahokia and Wood river for several weeks, steal-
ing pigs, etc., crawling on all fours, and imitating
the notes of the mud-lark. One poor devil being
more successful than the rest in his imitations, and
being obscured by the bushes, was fired on and
killed. This has put a stop for the present to their
Sept. 27. A brief notice of the death at Yienna,
May 31st, of Haydn, the celebrated composer of
1^10, Sept. 21. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, of
South Carolina, has been promoted from the Pres-
idency of the Jockey Club, to the Presidency of
the Bible Society in Charleston.
" The kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence,
" and the violent take it by force."
1811, Jan. 16. notice.
Several persons having shown to the monks of
Latrappe, a desire to purchase watches, if they
would sell them for trade — the said monks, in
order to satisfy everybody, give notice to the pub-
lic, that until the end of the year 1811, they will
sell watches, clocks, and other silver-smith work,
and also fine horses, for the following articles in
trade — viz. : wheat, corn, linen, beef, pork, cat-
tle, leather, tallow, blankets, etc.
Ukban Guillet,
Of the monks of Latrappe, at the mound, 9 miles
from Cahokia.
N. B. Cheaper for money.
1810, Sept. 27. On Monday, the 24th inst., a pub-
lie dinner was tendered by the citizens of St.
Louis to Gov. Howard.
In the evening the Assembly Eoom was thrown
open to a crowded assemblage of beauty and
fashion, when the lovers of the mazy dance en-
joyed themselves until morning.
1812, Feb. 15. A full return of the killed and
wounded at this battle is given by the Adjutant
Col. John O'Fallon in this Gazette with names
of the officers.
Nov. 21, 1812. GOV. HOWAKD.
A dinner was given by a large number of citi-
zens of St. Louis on this day, to Gov. Howard,
as a mark of their appreciation of his efficiency in
the measures taken by him for the defense of the
1813, May 8th. Eobert Steuart, Ramsey Crooks,
Joseph Miller and Robert McClelland, with three
hunters, arrived a few days ago from the mouth
of the Columbia river.
In despite of the Savages, Indian and British,
the country is progressing in improvements. A red
and white lead manufactory has been established in
this place by a citizen of Philadelphia, by the name
of Hartzhog.* This enterprising citizen has caused
extensive works to be erected, to which he has added
a handsome brick house, on our principal street, for
retailing merchandise.
We understand that his agent here has already
sent several hundred thousand weight of manufac-
tured lead to the Atlantic States.
Editorial, July 17th, 1813.
* This was Joseph Hertzog, of Philadelphia, uncle to Christian and
Andrew Wilt.
NO NEWS ! ! !
We are again tantalized with a defalcation in the
mail department ; the weather is too warm for these
tender gentry to travel, and the Postmasters are too
good natured to tell tales at Washington. How the
Shawaneetown Postmaster can get- over his oath is
not an easy task to tell — for he swears he will
faithfully perform his duties.
The Post-office law says he must employ a rider in
case of failure in those who have the contract.
Editorial, Aug. 14, 1813.
In a part of our impression of last week we an-
nounced the approach of our red hrethren in consid-
erable force ; late on Saturday night an express
arrived with a contradiction of the report, but too
late to stop the march of the volunteers ; numbera
had rode off to the frontier to join in the repulsion
of the savages. We understand that the propaga-
tor of the mischievous story has been severely pun-
August 14, 1813.
For the relief of Col. Daniel Boone, confirms to
him 1000 arpents of land, claimed by him under a
grant, bearing date January 28, 1798, and the Re-
corder of Land titles, for the territory of Missouri,
is directed to issue to 'the said Boone, a certificate
for the same.
James Madisok, PresH.
Jan. 17, 1814.
1814. In the spring of this year, Governor Clark
started with five barges and about 200 volunteers,
under Capts. Yeizer and Sullivan, and 60 U. S-
Regulars under Lieuts. Joseph Perkins and Geo.
H. Kennerly, to take possession of Prairie du
Chien, which, although an American Territory,
was still occupied by Indians and traders to the
exclusion of Americans, and establish a garrison
there — which having accomplished, and com-
menced the erection of a fort, Clark returned to
St. Louis with his volunteers in July, leaving the
regulars to garrison the place.
In the summer of 1814, many families and indi-
viduals were surprised and butchered by Indians
within a short distance of St. Louis, on Wood
Eiver, Illinois, several families in St. Charles
County, etc.
on Sunday, Sept. 18, 1814, of a short but severe
illness, is announced.
Sept. 24, 1814.
In a short editorial to his patrons, informs them,
that the large increase to his subscription list, in-
duces him to order a new printing press, paper and
materials for a paper of larger size — which he will
receive by the first arrivals in the spring.
Dec. 17, 1814.
Also a notice of the death at Washington City,
of Elbridge Gerry, Vice-President of the United
States, on Nov. 24.
The subscribers are anxious to raise an infantry
company of young men between 14 and 18 years of
age, to do duty when called upon, south of the Mis-
souri river. Those who wish to join, first obtaining
the consent of their parents, will apply to
Edward Charless or John Russ.
Jan. 21, 1815.
1815, Feb. I^ews received of Jackson's victory at
l!^ew Orleans on Jan. 8. A Solemn High Mass
and Te Deum was celebrated in the church, and a
patriotic discourse by the Rev'd Father Savigne.
Extract from Major-Gen. Carroll to W. Tanne-
hlll, at U. S. Saline.
I!^EW Orleans, Jan. 18, 1815.
" I pass over the battle of the 23d, etc., and in-
form you of the event of the 8th inst. At daybreak
they advanced in great force on the left of our line
where the Tennessee militia were stationed. At 75
yards distance, they displayed column under a heavy
fire from our small arms, grape and cannister and ar-
tillery. They came within a few paces of our works,
but were repulsed with great loss. They were soon
reinforced, and renewed the attack with double vigor,
but were again repulsed and routed, in two hours the
battle was over, not more than about 400 had reached
our entrenchments, such as were not killed were made
prisoners. Their loss was about 500 killed, 1000
wounded and prisoners. Total in this battle, 1,500.
Lieut. -General Sir Edward Packenham, brother-
in-law of the Duke of Wellington, Major-General
Keene and other officers of high rank killed.
Americans killed, 6 ; wounded, 24 ; total, 30.
Feb. 11, 1815.
New Orleai^s, Jan. 14, 1815.
The enemy have re-embarked leaving their
wounded and prisoners, they landed 9,966 men, after
the action 1,906 were missing in the next morning's
report. They acknowledge a loss in the various en-
gagements of over 3,600. Their total loss may be
fairly put down at 4,000.
Feb. 18, 1815.
will be fired this evening, and the citizens are re-
quested to illuminate their windows in honor of the
brilliant success of the American arms at IsTew
Feb. 18, 1815.
The news Avas received at Philadelphia, on Sunday,
the 12th of February, by the British sloop of war
Favorite, at ISTew York, the 10th, and was ratified at
"Washington on the 17th, the President's Procla-
mation announcing the same, was issued on the
18th, and appeared in the Gazette of Saturday,
March 25th, with a copy of the Treaty in full.
In a hand-bill published by Major Berry, on Tues-
day last, I have been severely censured, and charged
with making ^'^ fallacious and disrespectful remarhs,^''
in publishing an account of his mission to Rock
River. Those who may have read the last Q-azette,
and his hand-bill will acquit me of fallacy; 'tis true
' I did not give his report in full, because I always
give preference to merit in the selections for my
paper. On the charge of disrespect, I must plead
want of information, for until the Major informed
me that he ranked as Major in the line, and was a
Deputy Quartermaster General, I was ignorant of
the matter. But should my pen or press be employed
in recording any of his achievements in future, I
will announce him. Major Taylor Berry, Deputy
Quartermaster General. Jos. Charless.
May 6, 1815.
assembled at the City of Washington, to curtail the
army, has performed that unpleasant task and retired.
The Army Register, according to the new estab-
lishment, has been printed and published by author-
ity at Washington.
The United States are formed into two Military
Divisions, the North and South. General Brown to
command the former, and Greneral Jackson the
latter, as Major Generals. Under General Brown,
Generals Ripley and Macomb, will serve as Briga-
diers, as will Gaines and Scott under Gen. Jackson.
June 17, 1815.
1816. In the Spring of this year. Judge Jno. B. C.
Lucas laid out his addition to the Town of St.
Louis on the hill west of Fourth Street. His first
deed for a lot in this addition was to the County
of St. Louis for the northwest quarter of Block
No. 114, upon which to erect a County Jail, the*
lot was 135 feet on Chestnut Street by 115 on
6th. The Jail was commenced in 1817, but for
want of funds it progressed slowly, and was not
completed until the winter of 1819-20. The build-
ing covered nearly the whole lot, with the excep-
tion of a small portion reserved from the south
part of the lot for a Jail yard. It was used as
such for many years, and on the completion of
the Four Courts it was removed, and the Laclede
Hotel now occupies its site.
The Gazette announces the death in Baltimore on
the 3rd, December ult., of this venerable Prelate, in
the eightieth year of his age.
July 13, 1816.
Approved March 25, 1816, provides for the Reg-
istry of Lands in the District of St. Louis. Notice
is given by Alex. McIsTair, Register, that the Land
Office at St. Louis is now open for the entry of
Lands, &c.
June 13, 1816.
The Georgetovpn Messenger, of Sept. 22d, an-
nounces that: "Yesterday morning between the
" hours of 9 and 10 o'clock, Tobias Lear, Esq., ac-
" countant of the War Department, put a period to
"his existence by shooting himself through the-
" We have not as yet learned the causes which led
"to the perpetration of this unhappy deed; Mr,
" Lear was naturally cheerful and pleasant; on the-
"fatal morning, Mr. Lear breakfasted with his
" family in his usual good humor, and was proceed-
" ing, as they thought, to his office, when the re-
" port of a pistol was heard from the back part of
" the garden. Mr. Lear, son of the deceased, im-
" mediately proceeded to the spot from whence the
"sound appeared to issue, and found his father
^' weltering in his blood."
-Nor. 30, 1816.
In the year 1811 James Baird, a blacksmith,
put up a large frame building for his shop on 3rd,
below Spruce. It was afterwards used for other
purposes ; theatricals, exhibitions, religious meet-
ings, preaching, etc., etc., but was for some years
generally called the Theatre.
1816, Oct. 5. Divine service will be performed in the
Theatre on Sunday, "the 27th inst., by the Eev'd
Mr. Blackburn, from Tennessee.
1816, Oct. 12. The Eev'd Mr. Brown, from Vir-
ginia, will perform divine service at the Theatre
to-morrow, to commence at 11 o'clock a. m.
1816, Nov. 16. The Eev'd Mr. Giddings will
preach at the 'Theatre to-morrow at 11 o'clock
a. in.
1817, April 26.
"In Boonsborough, Maryland, by the Eev'd
"Frederick Underducker, Mr. Michael Lingum-
' ' f eltz to Miss Kitty Fertzelhunter — the brides-
" maid was Miss Peggy Shellhammer and grooms-
" man Mr. John Smackpepper."
1817, Sept. 13. Mr. August P. Chouteau, Mr.
Demun and companions, after forty-eight days'
confinement in the prison of Santa Fe, returned on
Sunday last to their rejoicing families and friends.
1818, April 10. A KESOLUTION"
of the House of Representatives of the United
States calling on the President for any informa-
tion he may possess, relating to the imprisonment
at Santa Fe, ISTew Mexico, of Aug. P. Chouteau,
Julius Demun, Robert McKnight, James Baird,
J. Harro and others adopted.
1809, Mar. 8.
jfof. President.
James Madison .
Chas. C. Pinckney
George Clinton
. 48
. 6
George Clinton .
Rufus King . .
Scattering . . .
Total votes
1813, April 17.
James Madison .
George Clinton .
Elbridge Gerry .
C. I. IngersoU
Total . .
1817, Mar. 29.
James Monroe
Rufus King .
183 Dan'lD. Tompkins 183
31 Scattering ... 31
1810. Third U. S. Census, for Missouri Territory.
District of St. Charles, 3,505; St. Louis, 5,667;
St. G-enevieve, 4,620; Cape Girardeau, 3,888;
New Madrid, 2,103 ; Hope and St. Francois, 188 ;
Arkansas, 874. Total Territory, 20,845.
1815, Dec. 9. By John W. Thompson, Sheriff.
Town of St. Louis, 2,000; whole county, 7,395;
gain in 2 years, 1,200.
1820, Aug. 1. U. S. Census, Town about 4,000;
whole county, 9,732.
1817. Opposite St. Louis, was laid out by John
McKnight and Thomas Brady, in Oct., 1817.
In 1818, Mr. Charless issued his first Missouri
Almanac, which he continued annually for many
1818. THE U. 8. LAKD OFFICE,
for the entry of Public Lands was opened early in
1818, Alexander MclS'air, Register, and Samuel
Hammond, Receiver. The county had been sur-
veyed in 1817 by Wm. S. Pettus, a Deputy U. S.
erin benevolent society. qf
1818. mechanics' benevolent society,
April 17, organized, Joseph Charless, Sr., Presi-
dent, and Abraham Keys, Secretary,
A meeting of Irishmen to form a benevolent so-
ciety was held at the house of Jeremiah Connor.
Thomas Brady, Chairman, and Thomas Hanly^
Sec'y. A committee of five, Jeremiah Connor,
James McGunnegle, John Mullanphy, Alex.
Blackwell and Arthur Magenis, was appointed
to frame resolutions. Adjourned to meet Tuesday
24th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., at the house of
Thomas Brady.
1819, Oct. 10. A meeting of Irish Citizens, held
at the house of Jeremiah Connor, at which he pre-
sided, and James ISTagle, Esq., acted as Secretary,
adopted a Constitution for the " Erin Benevolent
Society," and adjourned to Thursday, the 21st,
for an election for officers, etc.
Oct. 21. Met pursuant to adjournment, and pro-
ceeded to the election. Jeremiah Connor, Prest. j
Thomas Hanly, Vice-Prest. ; Hugh Eanken,
Treas. ; Laurence Ryan, Sec. ; Thos. Enghsh,
James Timon, Robt. ]S^. Catherwood, Joseph
Charless and Hugh O'JSTeil, Standing Committee,
and John Timon, Eobt. Ranken and Frans. Roch-
ford, Visiting Committee.
ST. Patrick's day.
1820, March 17. The first observance of the day in
St. Louis occurred on this day, by a procession of
the Society, and a dinner, at which a number of
toasts and sentiments were drank — the first one
"The 17th of March, the 1326th' Anniversary,
organized this year, was composed of Manuel Lisa,
President; Thomas Hempstead, Joshua Pilcher,
Joseph Perkins, Andrew Woods, Moses B. Car-
son, Jno. B. Zenoni, Andrew Drips and Robert
Jones — 9.
1819. The Eev'd John "Ward, Episcopalian, from
Lexington, Ky., preached at the Baptist Church,
corner of 3rd and Market, on Sunday, Oct. 7th,
the first sermon to the few Episcopalians at that
day in St. Louis.
Dec. 8. After due notice, a tneeting took place at
the ofiice of Thos. P. Riddick on Monday, Dec.
6, 1819, to elect Wardens and Yestry men for
the congregation of Christ Church about to be
formed — and the following gentlemen were
elected to serve until Easter Monday, 1820:
Thos. P. Riddick and Wilson P. Hunt, for
Wardens ; Wm. Stokes, Jos. Y . Garnier, Robert
Wash, Wm. Rector, Henry Von Phnl, James
Kennerly, James Clemens, Jr., and Sam'] Ham-
mond, for Vestry men.
Theodobe Hunt, Manager of Election.
Mr. John Ward was the first "Rector for some
Their first church was a large one story frame
of 30 feet by 70, on the west side of 2nd, just
below Walniit, which they occupied for 'some
years, and in 1826 built their first brick at the
northwest corner of Chestnut and Third, on the
ground now covered by the southeast corner of
the Merchants' Exchange building. Mr. Ward
being succeeded by the Rev'd Thos. Horrell as
1819, June 9. A meeting of citizens was held at
Col. Riddick's auction house, to make prepara-
tions for the reception of the President, James
Monroe, then on a Western tour, and expected
in St. Louis.
But after reaching IS'ashville, Tenn., he was
unexpectedly called back to Washington by im-
portant public business.
Until recent years, and that not very long back,
we had no "Legal Holidays" made so by enact-
The Fourth of July, our only national day for
many years, after we had accomplished our Inde-
pendence grew to be generally observed, in cities
and large towns by military displays, and other
festivities, and in small communities by public din-
ners, balls and parties.
July 4, a public dinner at which Mr. Timothy
Kibbey was President, and Francis Saucier, Vice-
At the house of Capt. Tabor Washburn, Shad-
rack Bond, President ; Abijah Ward, Yice-Prest.
Peter Darling and other citizens to fire the
fieldpiece, one gun at day hraJce, followed by 17
At one o'clock P. M. Mr. Murphy sang a
hymn and delivered an appropriate prayer.
Then the address by Jacob A. Boyes, Esqr.,
commencing " Fellow Citizens, Brother and Sis-
" ter Republicans, we are once more met to cele-
" brate," etc., etc.
" Then the dinner, with 17 regular toasts, and
" a number of volunteer sentiments by the ladies ;
Ist, by Mrs. McClure — 'Long may we enjoy peace
" and equality, and our religious and civil rights,
" under the auspicious wings of the American
'' Eagle.' "
2nd, by Miss Jane McClure— " The genius of the
" seventeenth century. Dr. Priestley."
3rd, by Mrs. Coats — "Perpetual disappointment
" to the enemies of the Union."
4th, by Mrs. Blair — "The memory of General
"Washington and all the heroes of 1776."
Amongst the guests at the celebration was
Jabez Warner, afterwards constable of St. Louis,
who lost an arm at a 4th of July celebration.
1809. July 4th. at st. louis.
A dinner given by Capt. Rezin Webster in
Lee's orchard,* and a ball at night in the Masons'
1810. A dinner at Major Wm. Christy's tavern.
1811. A dinner at Major Christy's, Governor
Howard in the chair.
1812. A parade of Capt. McNair's troop of horse
and Col. Musick's company of riflemen. The
' ' Declaration of Independence ' ' read at the
Court House by Edward Hempstead, and an
oration by James T. Hull.
Then a dinner at Major Christy's, Silas Bent,
Esqr., President, and Bernard Pratte, Vice-Pres't.
1813. A celebration is mentioned, but no account
of it given.
1817. A dinner prepared by Mr. Mills in Mr. Did-
ier's orchard, at which Col. Samuel Hammond
was President and Judge Silas Bent, Yice-Pres't.
♦ Between Main and Second, Myrtle and Spruce.
1818. By the St. Louis Mechanics' Benevolent
Society, joined by a large number of the most
respectable citizens of St. Louis, Joseph Charless
was President and Chas. W- Hunter, Yice-Pres't.
The Declaration of Independence was read by
Col. Thomas F. Riddick, and dinner prepared by
Mr. Horrocks.
1819. A number of gentlemen partook of a dinner
in Mr. Peter Didier's orchard, prepared by Mr.
Horrocks, at which the Company sat down at B
P. M., Col. Auguste Chouteau presiding, and
Wm. C. Carr, Doct. Pryor Quarles and Col.
John Miller, Yice-Presidents.
A portrait of Greorge Washington over the
President's chair, surmounted by a large, live
Another celebration took place at Lucas'
Spring, where a dinner was provided, James
Loper, President, and David B. Hill, Vice-Prest.
1817, Feb. 22. First celebration in St. Louis, by
a dinner at Kibby's "Washington Hall, in his ele-
gant Ball room. Gov. Wm. Clark, President,
and Col. MclS'air, Yice-President.
1815, May 11. A new steamboat, the Pike, built at
Henderson, on the Ohio, made the trip up to
Louisville, 250 miles, 67 hours, against the cur-
rent — 3 ^/4 miles an hour.
1817, Aug. 9. The steamboat Pike arrived at St.
Louis July 27th.
1817, Oct. 4. The steamboat Constitution, Capt.
Gruyard, for Xew Orleans the 9th, airived — will
make an excursion to Bellefontaine on Tuesday
the 7th, for tickets apply to Robert Collett.
1819, May 5. The steamboat Maid of Orleans ar-
rived at IS^ew Orleans from Philadelphia on Feb.
1, 1819, and at St. Louis on Monday evening, May
May 11. The steamboat Independence, Capt. JSTel-
son, arrived at St. Louis, left for Franklin on
the Missouri, Sunday, the 16th — returned to St.
Louis, Saturday, June 5 ; absent on the trip, 21
days ; the first steamboat to ascend the Missouri.^
Wednesday 12. The steamer Expedition, Capt.
Craig, for the Yellow^stone, arrived.
Wednesday 19. The steamer Johnson passed here
with troops for the Yellowstone.
For the first ten years after our acquisition of the
country, theatricals practically were unknown in St.
Louis. But toward the close of the year 1814, the
population of the place having increased to near
2,000, including a large number of young men from
the eastern cities, an amateur dramatic association
was organized under the style of the " Thespian
The only building- in the place, at that time, suffi-
ciently large for their purpose, was a large one-story
frame, built by James Baird for a blacksmith's shop
in 1811, on the west side of 3rd, below Spruce. It
had a front of about 40 feet, with a depth of 80 feet.
They procured the use of this building, closed the
large door, the only opening in front, opened a new
side entrance through the vacant lot on the north,
erected a small stage at the west end, with seats in
front rising gradually back to the front of the build-
ing, and this was the Theatre for a number of years.
Friday evening, Jan. 6, 1815.
A comedy called " The School for Authors," and
the much admired farce of " The Budget of
Saturday evening, March 4, 1815.
The celebrated comedy of "The Heir at Law,"
and the much admired farce of "Fortune's
Friday evening, March 81, 1815.
The favorite comedy, "The Poor Gentleman;"
with the afterpiece, " Hit or Miss."
The Thespian Society will present Monday even-
ing, Dec. 30, 1816, the five-act play called " Lovers
Vows," and the farce of "Killing no Murder."
Excellent music provided, dooi's open at half -past five,
performance to commence at half-past six. Tickets
to be had at Mr. James Kemaerly's store, arid at the
Post-office, on the day preceding, and at the bar of
the Theatre on the evening of performance.
Price one dollar, children half price.
The Thespian Society v^^ill present on Thursday
evening, Jan. 16, 1817, a comedy in five acts, " Se-
crets Worth Knov^ring," and farce in two acts," The
Agreeable Surprise."
The Thespian Society vnll present on Saturday
evening, Jan. 25, 1817, Home's celebrated tragedy,
in five acts, " Douglass," and the farce m two acts,
"Who's the Dupe."
Early in the spring of 1818, Mr. Turner opened in
this theatre with a small company, the first profes-
sional actors that came to St. Louis.
For Master Turner's benefit, last night but three.
On Friday evening, April 24, 1818, the tragedy of
^' George Barnwell, the London Apprentice," and
the admired farce, the " Children in the Wood."
American Independence — In honor of the day.
On Saturday evening, July 4, 1818, Hook's cele-
brated melodrama, " Tekeli or Siege of Montgatz."
Patriotic Address as the genius of America, Mrs.
Turner; Song, Mr. King, and farce "Yankee
Saturday evening-, July 25, 1818. Benefit of Mrs.
Vos. The play of " Henry 4th or humors of Sh"
John Falstaff ," and farce of Intriguing valet.
Wednesday evening, July 29, 1818. Benefit of Mr.
Vos. " King Richard Third " and " Raising the
Was a small frame of about 40 by 80 feet, built
by Isaac H. Gi-riffith, a carpenter, in the rear of his
lot on Main, between Olive and Locust, about the
centre of the block ; entrance by a narrow alley from
Main street. The first performance in this theatre
was on Monday evening, February 1, 1819, by the
with the comedy of "She Stoops to Conquer," and
the farce of the " Village Lawyer."
The second performance by the society, Thursday,
March 11, 1819, tragedy, the " Revenge," and farce
" Jew and Doctor."
Feb. 2, 1820. For the benefit of Mrs. Yos. The
" Jew and Doctor," and the farce of the " Tooth-
ache," with songs and recitations.
1818, May 25. Christian Wilt, James Kennerly,
George H. Kennerly, John E. Guy, Thomas Han-
ley, Chas. S. Hempstead, Oliver C. Smith, William
Turner, Robert Simpson, Jabez Warner, Thos.
F. Eiddick, Henry S. Geyer, James Loper,
Thomas Hempstead, Eobert Wash and Stephen
Eector, and others, subscribed to an agreement
for the pm-pose of building a theatre, and appoint-
ed Thomas Hempstead, Jno. W- Thompson and
Christopher M. Price, managers, to purchase a lot
and superintend the building.
They purchased a lot 50 feet front on the
south side of Chestnut, by 120 feet deep, for
$1,500 ; upon this lot they erected the foundation
walls, when the funds gave out and the project
fell through. The old foundation remained there
for some years. The property changed hands, and a
frame livery stable was erected thereon, and stood
for some years, occujjied successively by B. W.
Alexander, Bob O'Blenis and others ; finally the
Arnots were the last, and put up the present
building, now the police office, east and adjoining
the Republican building.
1814, Jan. 15. Eugene Leitensdorfer's exhibition
of slight of hand ; admission 50 and 25 cents.
1817, Jan. 25. An exhibition in Mr. Everhart's
room of " wire dancing and balancing."
Feb. 22. "grand concert."
On Saturday, March 1, at the theatre, will be per-
formed a grand concert of music, by Messrs.
" Thomas and Louther," assisted by several ama-
1818, THEATEE.
April 11. Benefit of Mr. Martin; comedy of
"Eoad to Euin." Goldfinch, Mr. Martin;
Sophia, Mrs. Turner. See bills.
1819, June 2. museum
Of wax figures ; on exhibition at the Illinois
Hotel, Yosti's, Main street, opposite Wilt's Store.
1809. Jan. The Rev. Christopher Frederick
Schewe, formerly Professor at Paris, France, jm'o-
poses to open a French and English Gri-anmiar
School, in the house of Mr. Alvarez, Market
(Meeting with poor success as a grammarian, he
changed his vocation to painting and glazing.)
20 Sept. Peter St. Martin's Dancing School at
Mr. Yosti's house, the last new dances, particu-
larly the waltz, also the science of fencing and
Nov. 16. Isaac Septlivres proposes to teach Draw-
ing, Q-eographj, Mathematics and French Gram-
mar at Mr. Vincent Bouis' house.
1810, May 9. George Tompkins will open a school
in the house of Mr. Alvarez, on Monday, May
1812, May 9. Madame Pescay^s prospectus for a.
Young Ladies' Academy and Boarding School in
Sanguinet's house on Second Street.
June 6. Isaac Septlivres and George Tompkins
associated to open a school Aug. 7, 1812.
1813, May 8. Mrs. Jane Richard's school to com-
mence May 7th, in Manuel Lisa's house on Second
1814, June 4. George Tompkins relinquishes his
school. (He changed to the law, and became one
of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State,
after our admission.)
1815, Jarnes Sawyer announces his intention to-
open a seminary.
1816, Oct. 12. The Rev. Mr. Giddings will open a
school in St. Louis, in a few days.
1817, May 27. Robert S. Lett's school, Maii>.
Street next below Mr. Wilt's store.
Oct. 25, Durochers' dancing school card at San-
guinet's house.
1817, Dee. 27. Rev'ds. John M. Peck and James
E. Welch, Baptist missionaries, will open an
academy near the Post-office.
1818, Jan. 3. Rev. Salmon Griddings will open a
school for young ladies and gentlemen on Mon-
day, Jan. 5, 1818, at his new house on the hill,
south side of Market above 4th.
Jan. 23. A. C. Vanhertum, from Amsterdam, will
teach the Forte Piano and Clarionet, at the corner
house adjoining the Q-azeJtte office.
Sept. 8. Mrs. Perdreauville, opened her young
ladies academy.
Oct. 23. The Reverend M. ]^iel, with three other
Catholic priests, under the auspices of the Right
Rev. Bishop Dubourg, will open on the 16th of
JS'ovember, in the house of Mrs. Alvarez, an
academy for young gentlemen.
1819, Sept. 13. The Rev. Francis ISTiel will re-open
his school for the second year.
1820, Jan. 26. Miss P. Lefavre's young ladies
French and English Academy, at Mr. Michael
Tesson's house on Main Street.
April 12. Edward McManus' Juvenile School, in
Papin's stone house, upstairs.
It would appear that most of these early schools
in St. Louis had but a very brief existence.
Bishop Dubourg's College, built on the site of
the old Catholic Log church, on 2nd, below Market,
in 1820.
Eev. Francis Niel, curate of the Cathedral Presi-
Eev. Leo Deys, Professor of Languages.
Kev. Andreas Ferrari, Professor of Ancient Lan-
Eev. Aristide Anduze, Professor of Mathematics.
Eev. Michael Gr. Saulnier, Professor of Languages.
Mr. Samuel Smith, Professor of Languages.
Mr. Patrick Sullivan, Professor of Ancient Lan-
Mr. Francis C. Gruyol, Prof. "Writing and Drawing.
Mr. John Martin, Prefect of the Studies.
Dec, 1810. The Louisiana G-azeUe alludes briefly to
an affair of honor that took place a few days be-
fore, but gives no particulars of it, nor the names
of the parties.
Dopt. Eobert Simpson, here at the time and fa-
miliar with the facts, long afterwards gives this
account of it : —
' ' The first duel on Bloody Island was in 1810,
*' between Doct. Farrar and James A. Graham —
' ' Farrar was the bearer of a challenge to Graham ' '
' ' (he does not say from whom) , Graham declined
"to accept it, on the plea that the challenger was
"not a gentleman; according to the established
" code in such cases, Farrar became theprincipal —
" Graham was severely wounded, and went on
" crutches for about a year, and died on his way
took place on Bloody Island in 1816, it originated
in some trifling misunderstanding. Doct. Simpson
was present as Geyer's surgeon. At the second
fire Kennerly was wounded in the knee which
lamed him for some years. They afterwards be-
came good friends, and both lived to become
respectable old men with large families, and to
laugh at the folly of their younger days.
Aug., 1818.
both of the Ist Regiment U. S. Rifles, at Bloody
Island, in which Capt. Ramsey received a mortal
wound of which he died shortly after, on Aug.
6th, 1818.
Aug., 1817.
They had two meetings, the first one on Tues-
day, August 12th. At 9 o'clock at night of the
* Robert Wash administered on his estate and sold his personal effects
in Dec, 1811 — a fine riding horse, saddle and bridle, valuable booksi
clothing and furniture.
11th, the evening before the first meeting, Charles
Lucas prepared the "following written statement
of the origin of the differences between himself
and Col. Benton : —
" At the election held on the 4th August, 1817,
" when Benton offered his vote, Lucas inquired
" if he, Benton, had paid the tax in time to enable
' ' him to vote — Benton then applied abusive and
" ungentlemanly language to Lucas, and Lucas
" then challenged him." They met on the morn-
ing of the 12th, Luke E. Lawless the second of
Benton, and Joshua Barton of Lucas. They fired
one shot, Lucas was wounded in the neck, and
Benton a slight contusion below the right knee.
Lucas being too badly wounded to continue the
fight, Col. Lawless, Benton's second, asked him
if he was satisfied, to which he replied he was, and
did not require a second meeting. Having report-
ed this answer to Benton, he said he was not sat-
isfied, and required that Lucas should come out
again as soon as his wound would permit him. By
the time Lucas became sufficiently well to be
about, through the exertions of some friends, the
matter had been, as was supposed, satisfactorily
adjusted to dispense with a second meeting, but
a week or ten days after the supposed adjustment
of the affair, Benton sent Lucas a challenge for
a second meeting, dated Sept. 23, 1817, " alleg-
" ing that friends of Lucas had circulated state-
" ments derogatory to him, Benton."
Lucas being absent for two or three days, re-
turned home on the evening of the 26th. The
challenge was handed Mm within an hour after
his return, and accepted. On the morning of
Saturday the 27th they met on the small island
above St. Louis, and took their positions at ten
feet distance. They both fired nearly at the
saiue time. Benton's ball went through the right
arm of Lucas, penetrated his body in the region
of the heart, he fell.
Mr. Barton states thus : —
" At the last interview, he, Mr. Lucas, appeared
" equally cool and deliberate, both of them pre-
^' sented and fired, so nearly together that I could
" not distinguish two reports." He died in half
an hour, aged 25 years and 3 days.
Charles Lucas was born Sept. 25, 1792, near
Pittsburg, Penn'a; came with his parents to St.
Louis in 1805, then 13 years of age ; sent to Jef-
ferson College, Philadelphia, 1806, at the age of
14 years ; at college five years, coming home in
1811, aged 19 years, and read law in Col. Easton's
In 1812'an artillery company was formed by some
of the young men of St. Louis, which tendered
their services to the government in 1813, and
Charles Lucas was appointed captain.
He was admitted to the bar in 1814, and the same
year elected to the Legislature, and afterwards re-
ceived the appointment of U. S. Attorney for the
1817, Sat. 27. "The infernal practice of dueling-
"has taken off this morning one of the first
" characters in our country, Charles Lucas, Esq.,
" attorney at law. His death has left a blank in
" society not easily filled up."
1813, Aug. 21. Act of the Legislature, incorporat-
ing the " Bank of St. Louis."
Auguste Chouteau, Jno. B. C. Lucas, Clem-
ent B. Penrose, Moses Austin, Bernard Pratte,
Manuel Lisa, Thomas Brady, Bartholomew Ber-
thold, Samuel Hammond, Eufus Easton, Robert
Simpson, Christian Wilt and Risdon H. Price,
appointed commissioners to open the books for
Sept. 20. Monday the books were opened, but
owing to the distracted condition of the country ,
consequent on the war, the stock was not taken
under the above notice of Sept. 20, 1813, and an
application was made to the Legislature for a re-
vival of the charter.
1814, Dec. 31. ISTotice is given by Thos. F. Rid-
dick, Risdon H. Price and John Cromwell, that
the books will be re-opened for the subscription
to the stock of the said Bank of St. Louis.
Capital, 1100,000.
1816, July 13. Christian Wilt gives notice that a
sufficiency of stock having been subscribed, an
election for thirteen Directors for the Bank of
St. Louis will take place at the Court House, on
the first Monday of September.
1816, Sept. 2d, Monday. The following Directors
were elected : Samuel Hammond, 809 ; Wm.
Eector, 801; Bernard Pratte, 791; Eisdon H.
Price, 623; Moses Austin, 551; Eli B. Clemson,
550 ; Theodore Hunt, 543 ; Justus Post, 536 ;
Robert Simpson, 538; Chas. W. Hunter, 512;
Walter Wilkinson, 483; Theophilus W. Smith,
476; Elias Bates, 443.
Sam'l Hammond, subsequently, President.
l^ov. 30. " The Bank of St. Louis will open for
business on Monday, Dec. 2d inst. Robert Simp-
son, acting Cashier."*
Dec. 12. The Bank of St. Louis commenced busi-
ness this day in the rear part of the building of
Piddick & Pilcher's store. Jno. B. l!^. Smith,
1817, Aug. 7. The Bank of St. Louis purchased
the old stone house east side of Main, between
Elm and Myrtle, which they fixed up for their
banking house ; tearing down the old stone front
and putting up a new brick front.
Dec. 8, 1817. Annual election for Directors ; nine
of the old board re-elected ; leaving out Bernard
* Archibald Gamble was the first, and Louis Bompart the second clerks
of this bank at its openin;:, Dec, 1816.
Pratte, Chas. W- Hunter, "Walter Wilkinson and
Theophilus W- Smith, and filling their places with
Joshua Pilcher, Samuel Pei-ry, Thomi^son Doug-
lass and Thos. Wright.
1818. Early in this year there were dissensions
among the directors and certain stockholders, re-
garding the management, or rather mismanage-
ment of the Bank.
Feb. 11. " Some parties took forcible possession of
" the banking house," which was subsequently re-
stored,.and business resumed as usual.
Feb. 19. Samuel Hammond, President, "gives
" nptice that the Bank will be re-opened on the
^' 23d inst."
In 1818 there were frequent changes and much
confusion in the Board of Directors ; in July
Wm. M. O'Hara was cashier, and Eisdon H.
Price was president in place of Hammond .
Dec. 14. Directors of the bank elected this day.
Sam'l Hammond, E. H. Price, Robert Simp-
son, Stephen F. Austin, John Nevin, Eli B.
Clemson, Rufus Easton, Sam'l Perry, James
Clemens, Jr., Frederick Dent, John Hall, Paul
Anderson and Jesse G. Lindell.
Eisdon H. Price, re-elected Pres't, and Wm.
M. O'Hara, Cashier.
1819. The Bank had suspended in March, 1818,
but no notice had been given of it, it re-opened
March 3, 1819, and paid its bills for a short time
and again closed, not paying expenses.
July 24. Risdon H. Price, Pres't, notifies the stock-
holders to a meeting' to consider the expediency
of continuing business or closing its affairs —
■which last step was taken.
The Bank of St. Louis, chartered Aug. 21, ]813,
owing to the war and other causes, did not com-
mence business until Dec. 12, 1816, a delay of over
three years. In meantime some of the principal
getters-up of that bank, dissatisfied with this long
delay, had opened books for subscriptions to the
stock of another bank to be called the " Bank of
Missouri," with a capital stock -of |250,000, the
commissioners were Charles Grratiot, William Smith,
John McKnight, John P. Cabanne and Matthew
They were incorporated by the Legislature, Dec.
17, 1816, although in anticipation of that act, they
had organized and opened the bank on Sept. 30,
18 16, fully four months before their incorporation.
Their first officei's were —
Col. Auguste Chouteau, Pres't;
Lilburn W. Boggs, Cashier, resigned in 1819 ;
John Dales, Teller, elected Cashier, 1818 ;
Louis Bompart, Clerk.
The bank was for several years in the basement
of Col. Chouteau's residence on Main St.
In 1819. They built a Banking house at JSTo. 6,
north Main and on its completion occupied it that
Bame year.
1820, May 1. The following Board of Directors
were elected : —
Thos. F. Riddick, JosepJi Philipson, Thomas
Brady, Henry Yon Phul, James Kennedy,
Michael Tesson, Thomas Hempstead, Thomas
H. Benton and Angus L. Langham.
Col. Chouteau declining to serve any longer,
Col. Thos. F. Riddick was elected President.
The other officers were Louis Bompart, Cash'r ;
Elias T. Langham, 1st Clerk; Gabriel P. Cerre,
2nd Clerk.
In 1820 the Bank was made the Depository of
the U.S. public moneys for the Land district of
In the summer of 1822, the Bank closed its
doors and went into liquidation.
1808, Augt. A meeting of citizens of St. Louis,
held at Mr. Yosti's tavern to form a Volunteer
Company —
Benj. Wilkinson, elected Captain ; Risdon H.
Price, Lieut., and John Yoorhees, Ensign.
Oct. Gov. M. Lewis' general orders to the militia to-
muster according to law.
District of St. Louis, 3 Battalions Infantry,
and Capt. P. Chouteau's troop of horse ;
District of St. Genevieve, 2 Battalions Infantry,
and Capts. Bibbs and Whitley's troops of Light
Infantry ;
District of St. Charles, 2 Battalions Infantry,
Capt. Shrader's troop of horse;
District of Cape Girardeau, 2 Battalions In-
fantry, and Capts. Ellis and Bonis' troops of
horse ;
District of 'New Madrid, 2 Battalions Infantry.
1809, Feb. 9. Requisition of the Secretary of War
for 377 militia men from the Territory, her
portion of 100,000 men, ordered by the President
of the United States, to be held in readiness if
called upon, each man to provide his own arms
and ammunition.
St. Louis, St. Genevieve, New Madrid, each
one company of 77 men.
Infantry, commanded by Col. Chouteau . 232
Riflemen, " by Major Cook . . 158
Total 390
1809, April 21. " St. Charles, 10 o'clock a. m.
" The companies of Capts. Ellis and Bouis, of
" Cape Girardeau; of Capt. Otho. Shrader, of St.
"Genevieve; of Capt. Pierre Chouteau, of St.
"Louis; and Capt. Mackey Wherry, of St.
" Charles, will rendezvous at St. Louis, May 4th,
"with arms and ammunition."
1809, July, '' discharging- the militia, of the Terri-
" tory, held under his requisition of ]S'ov. 28,
' ' 1808 — to be again enrolled as before with the
" ordinary militia — and his thanks for their
" promptness in volunteering/'
1810, May 17.
" with 120 soldiers from Winchester, Virginia,
" for Belief on taine, passed the falls of .Ohio on
" May 2nd."
1812, April 25. The six comijanies of Rangers, or-
dered to be raised by a late Act of Congress, are
nearly filled up, and are ordered to march to our
May 16. capt. nathan boone,
was commissioned by the President of U. S. to
raise a company of Mounted Hangers, for 12
months' service.
June 18. Capt. Boone's company of Mounted
Rangers, 65 men, were mustered into service at
St. Charles.
Aug. 22nd. " St. Louis now boasts of one troop of
" horse, in active service on the frontier, one
" company of riflemen on board a galley, at the
"mouth of the Illinois, one of artillery, one of
' ' infantry, and a veteran ' company of men now
" over 45 years of- age, five companies comprising-
" almost every man in the place." — Editok.
1813. There are at present at this post, about 200
U. S. regular soldiers, and 150 more looked for —
this, with about 300 partisans shortly expected,
with the aid of our militia, would enable us to give
a warm reception to the British and Indians,
' should they return this way. — Editok.
During the three years continuance of the war
with Great Britain from 1812 to 1815, but little,
if any, progress was made in the growth of the
place, all our male population being more or less
absorbed in military matters, as we were the front-
ier town, with hostile Indians in close proximity
to us, continually committing depredations and
outrages, even to the extent of killing our settlers
within a few miles of our town. Our people were
kept constantly on the alert, so that business was
almost entirely suspended. In 1812 our popula-
tion was about 1200, at the close of the war, 1815,
it had only increased to 1500, altogether by the
settlement with us of officers and soldiers of the U.
S. army, sent out for the defense of our frontier.
1813, July 9. .JOIIK M. DUFF,
a soldier of Capt. D. Musick's company of U. S.
Hangers, died in St. Louis of a wound he re-
ceived in a skirmish with a party of Winnebago
Indians on the frontiers of St. Charles, near
Fort Mason. His remains were interred with
miUtarj honors in the Catholic cemetery on the
1. Guard from the Regulars — Sergeant and ten
2. Military music, with muffled drums.
3. The Catholic priest in his sacerdotal robes,
with attendants.
4. The body, carried by four soldiers of Capt.
Lucas' company, 6 pall-bearers.
5. Two privates of the deceased's company, as
6. Capt. Lucas' company of volunteers.
7. Judges and officers of the court, then in
8. Members of the Council and Legislature.
9. The speaker and clerks of both houses.
10. The adjutant- general and assistant adjutant-
general of the troops.
11. The officers of the army in town.
12. The Governor of the Territory, and brigadier-
general of the troops.
13. Citizens in pairs.
1813, Sept. 10. With 1400 men left Portage des
Sioux on an expedition against the Indians of Illi-
1814, April 9. the president
has promoted to the rank of Brigadier Greneral,
U. S. Army, Cols. Daniel Bissell, 5th Infantry;
Edmund P. G-aines, 25th Infantry; and Winfield
Scott, 2d Artillery.
1815, March. Col. Wm. Russell, U. S. Army, was
in command at Belief ontaine.
Sept. 15. On Thursday last, 10 boats with the 8th
Regiment U. S. Infantry, 700 men, passed St.
Louis for Belief ontaine and Portage des Sioux.
June 15. U. S. Army, with 1000 Regulars went
up the Mississippi to build a fort on Rock Island.
300 of the Rifle Regiment have sailed from Belle-
f ontaine to join him. Editor.
'Nov. 9. Two companies of the 8th Regiment U.
S. Infantry, under Capt. "Willis Poulck, sailed
from this place on Wednesday for IS'atchitoches,
Red River.
1819, June 9. the 5th regiment.
' U. S. Infantry, left Detroit to proceed to Prairie
des Chiens, to establish a Fort at the mouth of
the St. Peter's, Falls of St. Anthony.
June 28. The detachment of the 5th U. S. Infant-
ry, at Bellefontaine has dropped down to the
month of the Missouri river, to proceed up the
Mississippi to St. Peters, under Lieutenant-Colonel
Sep. 22. The 5th Regiment, Col. Leavenworth,
have established themselves at St. Peters.
Oct. 13. Lieut. Col. Josiah Snelling promoted to
Colonel of the 5th Infantry, to take command at
St. Peters.
1820, Jan. 5. From St. Peters we learn that the
barracks are completed, and the troops quartered
therein for the winter. They have commenced
ploughing for next year. The climate appears
mild and pleasant. Latitude 45° north.
1819, June. col. talbot chambers
with 260 men of the Rifle Regiment, left Belle-
fontaine on the 14th inst, in five barges, to pro-
ceed up the Missouri to Capt. Martin's canton-
July 21. Col. Chambers' five boats and 260 men
arrived at Franklin, Howard County, on July 2d,
with Capt. James S. Gray, Lieuts. Scott and
Keith and Doct. Martine. They left Bellefontaine
June 14th, and were eighteen days to Franklin;,
they left Franklin July 5th.
Sept. 22. The keel-boats with Col. Chambers'
troops arrived at Martin's cantonment on the 28th
August, and left the 4th Sept. inst.
1819, June 9. ool. henkt Atkinson's
6th Regiment U. S. Infantry j)assed St. Louis for
Bellefontaine on Sunday and Monday, the 6th
and 7th, in nine barges, on their way to Council
■July 7. The 6th Regiment left Bellefontaine on the
4th and 5th July, in three steamboats ; the Expe-
dition, Capt. Craig; the Johnson, Capt. Colfax;
and Jefferson, Capt. Orfurt, and four barges pro-
pelled by wheels and sails.
1^0. 1, Major Ketchum; ]S'o. 2, Capt. Hamilton and
Lieut. Mansfield ; 'No. 3, Capt. Reed and Lieut.
EUison ; ISTo. 4, Capts. Boardman and Living-
In the steamers were Majors Humphreys and
Foster, — Capts. Haile, Shaler and Bliss, —
Lieuts. Bedell, Wilcox, Durand, Givens, Mc-
Ilvaine, Keller and Palmer, — Lieut. Talcott,
Engineers, — Docts. Mower and Kicholl, — Ad-
jutant Staniford, — Lieuts. Wetmore, Pay-Mas., —
and Brown, Quar. -Master.
Col. Atkinson and Capt. Smith, of the Rifles,
proceeded by land to take the boats at Franklin ;
also G-eneral Jessup, Quarter-Master General.
Oct. 27. By a gentleman from Council Bluffs we
learn that the keel boats and troops had arrived.
The steamboats were from June 22d to Aug. 29,
68 days from St. Louis to Martin's cantonment,
350 miles, average 5 miles a day. And the keel
boats from Sept. 6th to 29th, 23 days from there
to the Council Bluffs, 270 miles, about ten miles
a day.
^'1819, April 20. The U. S. Steamer 'Western
" Engineer,' built by the U. S. expressly for the
"purpose, left Pittsburgh on Tuesday, April 20,
" 1819." —Saturday, May 1st.
The boat is thus described : —
75 feet long, 13 feet beam, draws 19 inches.
The engine and machinery below decks out of
sight, the steam is blown out through the figure-
head of the boat, which is a large serpent, the
wheels are in the stern to avoid snags.
Objects of the expedition : — To explore the
Missouri and the country to the falls, about four
thousand miles from Pittsburgh, — to fix the point
in the Rocky Mountains, where it is intersected by
the 49th degree of north latitude — take observa-
tions and establish the latitude and longitude of
prominent points, fix upon a suitable point for a
military establishment near the Yellowstone, —
investigate the geology, mineralogy, botany, and
natural history of the country, etc., etc., in a word
a scientific expedition. Under the command of
Major Stephen H. Long, Topographical Engi-
neei's, and assistants Lieuts. James Grraham and
William H. Swift, Engineers ; with Major Thomas
Biddle, Paymaster U. S. Army; Doct. Jessup,
Mineralogist; Doct. Say, Botanist; and Doct.
Baldwin, Zo-ologist. Messrs. Peale and Sey-
mour, Artists ; and Major Benjamin O'Fallon,
Indian Agent.
1819, June 9. The "Western Engineer," arrived
at St. Louis this day, fifty days from Pittsburgh.
1819, June 17th, Thursday. An elegant entertain-
ment was given to the ofiicers of the Missouri
expedition, the gentlemen of the Scientific expe-
dition, and to Capts. Hewes and Nelson, of the
steamers St. Louis and Independence.
"western engineer,"
June 23, left St. Louis on her Yellowstone expedi-
tion on Monday the 21st, to be absent it is sup-
posed about two years. She arrived at Franklin,
Howard County, July 13, having left St. Charles
June 25th ; 19 days out.
She remained here 5 or 6 days and left here on
July 19, and arrived at Manuel Lisa's Trading
post, five miles below the Council Bluffs, on
Sept. 19, 1819, here the party passed the winter
of 1819-20 in cabins they built to shelter them.
In October Majors Long and Jessup repaired
to Washington to report progress and obtain
funds, and rejoined his party in May, 1820, and in
July having sent back the steamer under com-
mand of Lieut. Graham,' he left the cantonment
to prosecute his expedition by land.
1819, Dec. 29. A volunteer company of Light In-
fantry has been formed in this town, denominated
the "St. Louis Guards."
The following officers were elected : —
Captain, Henry "W. Conway; 1st Lieut., Geo.
H. Kennerly; 2nd Lieut., Amos J. Bruce; 3rd
Lieut., Josiah Bright; Ensign, Jno. B. Sarpy;
Orderly Sergt., Chas. "Wahrendorff ; 2nd Sergt.
Charles Keemle ; 3rd Sergt., William Kenshaw;
1st Corp'l, David B. Hoffman; 2nd Corp'l^
Wilson McGunnegle; 3rd Corp'l, Stephen Rec-
tor; Treas., William Eenshaw.
1820, Feb. 22nd. The first parade of the company
took place in honor of the day, at which they
made a fine display.
1808, July 12, 'No. 1 issued on a sheet of foolscap
8 by 12 incbes, there being no suitable paper in
the place.
1809, July 19. Editorial on the completion of the
first year : —
" He regrets that his paper, under the untoward
" circumstances under which he labored for the
" first year, did not come up to his own calcula-
" tions, and perhaps to the expectations of his-
" patrons — but now having disposed of his office
" in Lexington, Ky., and brought his family to
St. Louis, together with a supply of good
paper, trusts that he will henceforth meet the
" expectations of his friends."
July 26. An editorial upon the death of Thomas
Paine at 'New York, on June 24th.
Nov. 30. ISTame of the paper changed to " Louisi-
ana Gazette," as more appropriate.
1810, July 19. Completion of the second year.
1811, July 18. Completion of the third year.
" Nov. 9. Mr. Charless calls upon those of his
^' subscribers who gave their notes or word of
^' honor to pay in flour or corn to bring it in di-
*' rectly. Others who promised to pay in heef or
" porTc, to deliver it as soon as possible, or their
" accounts will be placed in the magistrate's
" hands."
1812, July 18. " Congress having changed the
" name of this Territory, the editor also changes
" his paper to its fii'st appellation, ' Missouri Ga-
" zette.' "
August 15. Close of the fourth year.
1813, August 2]. Close of the fifth volume of the
1814, Feb. 19. From a communication in this paper,
" it appears that Gov. Howard returned to St.
" Louis in April, 1813, with an appointment as
' ' Brigadier General. He acted as Governor for a
" few weeks, until the expiration of his commis-
" sion as such, and then there was a vacancy in
" the office, until Gov. Clark accepted the appoint-
"ment in July. The article then animadverts
"upon Gov. Howard's course in the subject
" matter."
Sept. 24. Close of the 6th volume of this papei-.
1815, Jan. 21. Mr. Charless, at the request of a
subscriber in Washington County, gives an ac-
count of the affair between Majors Wm. C. Carr,
Clement B. Penrose and Wm. Christy, and Doc-
tors Farrar and Walker on one part, and himself,
alone, on the other, and of what transpired be-
tween them in his office on Sunday, and " of their
" subscription of $1,000 to start a new paper, and
" buy a printer of their own to conduct it as they
" should dictate."
Sept. 23. Close of the 7th volume of the paper.
1816, July 13. Editorial of Mr. Charless on St.
Louis :
" In the year 1795 I first passed down the Ohio
" to the Falls, where a few stores and taverns con-
" stituted Louisville a town. Cincinnati was a
" village, and the residence of the soldiers thatde-
"fend the ]^. W. Territory, the country between
" to Pittsburg a wilderness, the haunt of the Sav-
" ages. See it now in 1816. Both banks of the
" Ohio sprinkled with farms, villages and towns.
"Some with a population of 5,000 or more, with
" banks, steam mills, and manufactures of leather,
" wool, cotton and flax, the various metals, schools
" and seminaries, and teachers in every village.
" The above is noticed as a contrast to the opu-
" lent town of St. Louis, with a capital of one
" million dollars, it has but few manufactures, no
" respectable seminary, no place of worship for
'* dissenters, no public edifices, no steam mills,
"nor boats, no bank. Mr. Philipson has just
" established a brewery, Mr. Wilt a white and red
*' lead factory, Mr. Hunt a tanning establishment,
" and last, Mr. Henderson's soap and candle man-
" ufactory, would be of great utility had it re-
" ceived that patronage it so richly merits," and
concludes, his remarks by saying, " that machin-
" ery of every description are needed here, and
" particularly a man of capital to erect a steam
" mill, who would soon realize a fortune, and to
" establish a distillery, as at least 5,000 barrels of
" whisky are annually received fr'om the Ohio and
" sold at 75 cents a gallon, while thousands of
" bushels of grain are offered at a very low price
" to any man who will establish a distillery."
1816, Sept. 21. " We have not been able to learn
"the particulars of the late affray at St. Gene-
" vieve, in which Augustus Demun was killed."
Sept. 16. Close of the 8th volume.
1817, Sept. 20. Close of the 9th volume.
1818, Sept. 11. " The account of Win. Tharp's trial
" for shooting Wm. Smith came too late for this
Sept. 18. Close of the 10th volume.
1819, Sept. 15. Completion of volume 11th.
1820, Sept. 13. Completion of the 12th volume.
This number closes the 12th year of his editorial
labors. The paper was established when the popu-
lation of the whole territory, now the State, hardly
numbered 12,000 inhabitants ; it had been ceded but
four years. The original subscription was but 170
(now increased to 1,000), and the advertising list
small ; my means were limited, and the establish-
ment supported with difficulty ; but by perseverance
in a straight forward course, assisted by kind friends
and patrons , he is gratified to know that he transfers
it to his successor in a prosperous and successful
condition, and returns his grateful acknowledgments,
etc. Joseph Charless.
Sept. 13, 1820.*
* Note. ^ The early flies are incomplete, many numbers missing, torn,
cut or defaced. The first book was made up from papers which had been
delivered to subscribers from the names on them.
Mr. Charless had his printing office from 1808 to 1816, eight years, in
an old stone house, east side of Main street below Elm (afterwards the
Bank of St. Louis and Post-office.) In 1816 he removed It to his new
frame, at the southeast corner of Second and Walnut streets.
After Mr. Charless sold the paper to Cummins, from Pittsburg, C.
moved it to the Sanguinet stone house, northeast corner Main and Elm.
In 1822, when re-purchased by Edward Charless, he removed it back to
his father's frame, and not long afterwards next door to the new bank
on Main street.
" With this number the estabhshment of the
" Missouri Gazette is transferred to the subscriber,
" who will hereafter conduct the paper. He as-
" sures the public that he is the sole proprietor,
"and totally disconnected Avith any other person
" in the purchase of the establishment; and trusts
*' that he will so conduct the paper as to merit the
" approbation and support of his patrons and the
" public, etc., etc.
" The paper will be issued as heretofore on
" every Wednesday.
" James C. Cummhsts."
Sept. 13, 1820.*
About this time certain prominent gentlemen of
aristocratic tendencies, who from their lineage,
position, and early training, had become leaders
of society, and imagined themselves of bluer
blood than the common herd, had for some time
past, been endeavoring to get up distinctions in
society by assuming to control Mr. Charless in
the conduct of his paper, denouncing certain edi-
* Cummins was the proprietor of tlie paper for 18 months, from Sept.
13, 1820, to March 20, 1822. He preserved no files, add to this, the last
four months of Mr. Charless' ownership, whose files are not found, and
we have a period of 22 months in which the flies are lacking. F. L. B.
torials and communications which Mr. Charless in
his independent obstinate course produced in his-
columns from time to time, and which resulted in
a personal attack on him, in his own office by
some five or six of them variously armed, on
Sunday, Feb. 6, 1814, Mr. C. defending himself
as best he could with his sMllaly.^
1815. In the spring of 181 5, these parties, raised by
subscription the sum of $1,000, procured a press,
and materials, and engaged Mr. Joshua Korvell,.
from !N^ashville, Tennessee, to manage it.
The first number appeared in May, 1815, as the
" Western Journal,^' it was a failure financially,
it being sustained by an additional subscription.
Sergeant Hall, a lawyer from Cincinnati, was-
the next editor, who issued " his " first number on
May 17, 1817, as the " Western Emigrant,^''
conducting it with no better success than the
In the summer of 1819, it passed into the banda
of Isaac "N". Henry, from Ifashville, as proprietor,
and Col. Thos. H. Benton, editor, who again
changed its name to the " 8t. Louis Enquirer.''''
A singular fatality appears to have accom-
panied this paper through its first decade, in its
frequent change of ownership, Mr. Henry had
owned it but two years when he died in June,
* The details of this affair, too long to produce in this work, are to be^
found in his flies of the period.
A succeeding editor, Patrick Henry Ford, died
Jan. 20, 1827.
Early in the year 1820, the population of Missouri
Territory having grown to upwards of 60,000, far
above the then ratio for a member of Congress, an
act ' ' authorizing the inhabitants of that Territory
' ' to take the proper steps to form a Constitution
*' and State Government," was passed and approved
by the President, James Monroe, March 6, 1820.
According to the provisions of the Act, the elec-
tion of delegates to the convention, was held
throughout the Territory viva voce, on the first
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of May, ensuing
The convention assembled at Wm. Bennett's
Mansion House Hotel, corner Vine and Third
streets, on the second Monday, June 12, 1820, and
was in session about five weeks.
The Constitution* was completed and signed on
the third Wednesday, July 19th.
The first State election under it, for the ofiicers
provided for the State government, was held on the
fourth Monday, August 28th, 1820.
The Legislature assembled in St. Louis at its
first session on the third Monday, Sept. 18, 1820,
at which Alexander McISTair was duly inaugurated
as the first Governor of the State.
* Mostly the work of David Barton.
He made the following appointments : —
Joshua Barton, Secretary of State.
Edward Bates, Attorney-General.
William Christy, Auditor of Accounts.
Pierre Didier, State Treasurer.
William Gr. Pettus, Private Secretary.
This first session of the State Legislature passed a
number of acts, setting the State government in
operation, elected two United States Senators to
Congress, David Barton and Thos. H. Benton, who
with John Scott, the Representative elect, spelit
the winter of 1820-21 in Washington, unable to
obtain tlieir seats, we not yet admitted to the
Union for the following reasons : —
When Congress assembled at Washington in
Dec, 1820, the Constitution of the ISTew State of
Missouri was submitted for its approval, it took
the usual course, and was submitted to the appro-
priate committee who reported, objecting to several
clauses in it, which gave rise to much discussion and
long delay — finally Congress adopted a resolution
on March 2, 1821, " providing for the admission
*' of Missouri, on amending her Constitution in
*' regard to the obnoxious clauses."
For this purpose the Gov., Mcll^air, convened a
special session of the Legislature, it met at St.
Charles, June 4, 1821, and after a brief session,
adopted the amendments proposed by Congress.
Whereupon the President of the United States,
James Monroe, issued his proclamation of Aug. 10,
1821, declaring- the admission of Missouri as the
24th State of the Union.
Extract from the Governor's Message at this
first special session : —
Gentlemen of the General Assembly:
lu discharge of the duties required of me by the Constitution, I have
convened you at this early period, for the purpose of laying before you
several matters which appear to me urgent in their nature, and of vital
importance to the State, hoping from your wisdom and prudence a
remedy for some of the evils under which the country labors, which my
own reflection has not been able to devise.
This measure, which will necessarily occasion a considerable public
expense, has not been adopted without the matured deliberation, and
absolute conviction, on my part, that the public interest and safety re-
quire the prompt interposition of the General Assembly. Since the first
organization of this government, we have exhibited to the American
people a spectacle novel and peculiar — an American Republic on the
confines of the Federal Union, exercising all the powers of sovereign
government, with no actual political connexion with the United States^
and nothing to bind us to them but a reverence for the same principles,
and an habitual attachment to them and their government, &c. * » ►
Albx'b McNaik.
St. Charles, 4th June, 1821.
given for Bills of Exchange on the Grovernment.
Wilkinson & Price.
St. Louis, July 12, 1808.
A variety of School Books for sale, and. Blanks
printed at this office on short notice.
July 26, 1808.
will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at 10 A.
M., on Tuesday, Aug. 3d, 1808, at' the house of
Mrs. Labadie, an invoice of goods amounting to
between 7 and 800 dollars. Cogniac Brandy, three
years in cellar, Dry Goods, Chewing Tobacco,
Saddlery and Hardware.
July 23, 1808.
in all its branches, next door to Doct. Saugrain's.
Aug. 17, 1808.
Whereas, ray wife Polly has left my bed and
board, I will pay no debts of her contracting.
Aug. 8, 1808. Thomas Beavers.
Two or three young men may have boarding on
reasonable terms. Enquire at this office.
Aug. 17, 1808.
wants two or three journeymen immediately ; good
Aug. 2i, 1808.
for sale. Enquire at this office.
Sept. 7, 1808.
requests all for whom he is agent on Land Claims
to bring their testimony before the Commissioners,
before the 1st day of I^overaber next.
Sept. 7, 1808'.
The subscriber, intending to leave this Territory,
will offer at public sale, on Monday the 12th inst.,
all his household furniture, with a small collection
of valuable books, etc.
One or two likely young negroes, and a pair of
handsome, well matched horses. J. Brtote.
Sept. 7, 1808.
have recently added to their former stock, a gen-
eral assortment of merchandise, for sale low for
Sept. 14, 1808.
Resin Webster has opened a house of entertain-
ment, in the building lately occupied by General
William Clark.
]Sr. B. — A few genteel boarders can be accom-
Ifov. 2, 1808.
is now opening at his new store, opposite the
Post-office, a general assortment of Dry Goods and
Groceries, for sale for cash at reasonable prices.
]S"ov. 10, 1808.
have just received an assortment of Dry Goods
and Groceries, purchased in 'New York for cash,
will be sold low for cash or lead.
Jan. 4, 1809.
at the store of Bernard Pratte, a complete assort-
ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Iron and
Jan. 11, 1809.
have just received, and for sale, a general assort-
ment of merchandise.
April 19, 1809.
have entered into partnership, and will continue
the business in P. Primm's old stand, opposite
the late Mr. Robidoux's.
April 25, 1809.
will practice medicine and surgery in St. Louis ;
his office is in Mr. Eobidoux's house, Second
May 16, 1809.
will sell at auction, Thursday, June 15, at 9 o'clock
A. M., at the store of Hunt & Hankiiison, the stock
of goods of said firm, to close business.
May 30, 1809.
on Monday, June 12, at the store of Alexander
McKeever, next door to Madame Robidoux, all the
remaining stock of goods now in said store.
May 31, 1809.
Doct. Saugrain gives notice of the first vaccine
matter brought to St. Louis. Indigent persons
vaccinated gratuitously.
May 26, 1809.
two or three journeymen carpenters ; good wages
and constant work. Norman Mackenzie.
May 31, 1809.
The copartnership of Wilson P. Hunt and John
Hankinson is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Wilson P. Hunt will settle the affairs of the late
. June 10, 1809.
has just opened in the store recently occupied by
Hunt & Hankinson, a stock of fresh Dry Goods,
Groceries, and Hardware, for sale at reasonable
prices for cash.
July 5, 1809.
skin dressing and breeches making, in Mrs. Robi-
doux's house, known as the Council house, near
Webster's tavern.
June 29, 1809.
has opened in the store formerly occupied by Hunt
& Hankinson an assortment of fresh Dry Goods,
Groceries, and Hardware, for sale at reasonable
July 5,
tailor shop, in the same house with L. T. Hampton,
Breeches Maker and Glover.
June 29, 1809.
Merchant Tailor, lately from Bordeaux, has the lat-
est fashions of London and Paris. Cloth and other
stuffs always on hand. He has for sale Bordeaux
Wine, Coffee, and Imperial Tea, an assortment of
the best Fiddle Strings.
Sept. 6, 1809.
lately arrived from Baltimore and Philadelphia, have
for sale an elegant assortment of Dry Goods and
Groceries at moderate prices. Their store is at Mr.
"Valois', Main street.
Sept. 13, 1809.
James H. Audrain has just opened a public
house in Mr. Cerre's large stone house, IS'orth Main
street. He solicits the patronage of a generous
Sept. 13, 1809.
will take in keeping on moderate terms, a few horses,
by the week or month. Excellent pasture and
plenty of grain .
Aug. 29, 1809.
1809. !N"ov. 16, Jno. N". Maclot having com-
pleted the erection of his Shot Tower at Her-
culaneum, — the first in the West, — gives notice
to his friends and public that he will manufac-
ture lead into drop-shot on reasonable terms.
Kocky Place, below the mouth of the Joachim,
adjoining Herculaneum.
1810. Early this year a second Shot Tower was
erected at Herculaneum, by Moses Austin, of
Mine a Breton.
has removed his store to next north of Mr. Charles
Gratiot's house, where he has added largely to
his former stock.
Oct. 12, 1809.
proposes to teach Drawing, Geography, Mathe-
matics and French Grammar. He can be found
at Mr. Vincent Bonis, Sr.
Nov. 16, 1809.
have commenced business near the Post Ofiice,
they also carry on Skin Dressing and Breeches
my. 30, 1809.
has just opened a Stock of New Goods next door
to Mad'e Robidoux's, with about 2,000 gallons
Whisky, etc.
Dec. 7, 1809.
is now opening at the house of Francis Benoit a
complete assortment of Goods of the newest and
most fashionable styles.
Dec. 14, 1809.
has just received a quantity of Drugs and Medicines,
which he will sell at moderate prices.
Dec. 28, 1809.
has just opened in the store formerly Hunt & Han-
kinson, an assortment of fresh Dry Goods and
Dec. 28, 1809.
has just returned from Philadelphia with a well
chosen assortment of Merchandise, which he will sell
at the most reasonable terms.
Jany. 13, 1810.
We have recently added to our former Stock, a
supply of goods suitable for the present and ap-
proaching seasons, for sale on the lowest terms.
Beethold & Paul.
Feb. 22, 1810.
desirous of closing out their stock of merchandise,
will dispose of it at very low prices.
Jany. 30, 1810.
Joseph Charless informs his friends that he receives
Boarders by the day, week or month. Travelers
can be accommodated with as good fare as the town
affords, on moderate terms. Stabling for 8 or 10
to the Paper are requested to pay up. Pork and
flour received.
April 19, 1810.
have brought from Philadelphia, and opened next
door to the house of the late Joseph Robidoux, a
complete assortment of Dry Groods, Groceries, Hard-
ware, China and Qneensware, Iron, Steel, Cast-
ings and Stationery, to be disposed of low for
April 23, 1810.
have just arrived from Philadelphia with a gen-
eral assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., etc.,
for sale at the late stand of Hunt & Hankinson.
April 23, 1810.
at Belief ontaine. Edward Hempstead will always
have a supply of strong and table beer in his cellar.
April 28, 1810.
informs the public that he has just arrived from
Philadelphia and has opened in the house formerly
occupied by Mr. Eobidoux, a complete assortment
of Dry Groods, Groceries and Crockery Ware.
April 18, 1810.
John Arthur has just opened a quantity of country
linen, cotton cloth, cotton. and wool cards, iron,
steel, etc., etc., which he will sell on low terms, and
will take in payment furs, hides, whisky, maple
sugar, bacon and beeswax.
April 19, 1810.
The firm of Falconer & Comegys is this day dis-
solved, Mr. P. Falconer retiring. J. G. Com-
egys & Co., the new firm, is just opening,
from Baltimore & Philadelphia at the store op-
posite Mr. Charles Gratiot, a general assortment
of merchandise, to sell for- Cash, Lead or Beaver.
May 7, 1810.
will open a school in St. Louis in the house of M.
Alvarez, on Monday, May 7th.
May 1, 1810.
United States Agent for Indian Department.
July 12, 1810.
has rssumed his old stand on Main Street, opposite
Col. A. Chouteau's, where he has opened a house
of public entertainment, and hopes to receive the
public patronage.
He is provided with Liquors of the best kind, and
good pasture for horses, with corn, oats and green
June 27, 1810.
Auctioneer, Broker arid Commission Merchant,
near the Post Office, is well provided with Dry
Goods, Groceries, etc. His house and cellar is well
calculated for storing goods.
July 10, 1810.
Windsor and Fancy Chair-makers, adjoining Jno.
Coon's shop. Work superior to any in the west.
Penciled and gilt in the finest Philadelphia fashion.
July 26, 1810.
is this day dissolved. Fergus Moorhead will con-
tinue alone at the old stand.
Aug. 11, 1810.
is opening at the old stand of Falconer & Comegys,
a handsome assortment of Dry Goods and Queens-
Sept. 15, 1810.
has removed the Post Office to his new etone
residence on Third Street under Court House
:N'ov. 12, 1810.
matthew kerb
has just returned from Philadelphia with an ex-
tensive assortment of Merchandise, to dispose of on
very reasonable terms.
Dec. 10, 1810.
to close his business in St. Louis, offers the
balance of his Stock of Groods at low prices.
Jany. 12, 1811.
just from Philadelphia, with a large stock of
fresh goods, for sale in Madame Labbadie's old
Jany. 21, 1811.
in Jno. B. Becquet's old shop on South Main
Feby., 1811.
has for sale. Porter, Castings, Tin and Glass-
ware, etc., from Pittsburgh, next above Baird's
Feb. 14, 1811.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoe and Boot Makers.
April 9, 1811.
have this day dissolved their copartnership.
Ferd. Rozier will continne in business alone at
the old stand.
April 6, 1811.
have just received from Baltimore and Philadel-
phia, a large stock of Merchandise, in their
store opposite Genl. Wm. Clark.
May 22, 1811.
with a stock of new Goods, will continue busi-
ness in Z. Mussina's old stand, in Chas. Gratiot's
old stone store-
July 25, 1811.
has for sale low, a kiln of Bricks, at the south
end of the village, near the banks of the
Oct. 12, 1811.
has removed his Blacksmith Shop to John Coon's
old house on South Third Street.
l^ov. 27, 1811.
just arrived from Philadelphia and Baltimore,
with an assortment of new goods, are opening
ill their store adjoining Delaunay's boarding
house, Main Street.
Sept. 12, 1811.
has just arrived with an extensive assortment of
new Merchandise, for sale at the usual low
ISTov. 16, 1811.
from Baltimore, is in the north end of Mad'e
Dubreuil's'house, next to Major Penrose's.
Dec. 21, 1811.
Fred. Teizer, on Main Street, next door to
Dongan's Silver Smith Shop, has on hand "rt
heap of whisky ^^'' plenty of Peach Brandy,
Linsey, Country Linen, Shoes, Nails, Cotton,
Bed Cords, etc., etc., low for cash or hides.
Feed. Yeizek.
!Nr. B. No credit, as I have never learnt to
Dec. 14, 1811.
Saddle, Bridle, and Harness Makers, Main Street,
St. Louis.
Jany. 11, 1812.
are desired to observe the clothing of their serv-
ants to detect a Thief; who, on the night of the
27th ult., stole from the house of A. MclS^air, a
large, blue Cloak of superfine German Cloth. If
the Thief should be a white man a reward of |20
will be given upon conviction, by
Robert Wash.
Jan. 4, 1812.
Apothecary Shop, adjoining the Printing Office
have on hand genuine medicines, and will receive
in the Spring an additional supply fresh from
continues the practice of his profession.
Jany. 18, 1812.
Capital 150,000. 50 shares at $1,000. Silvestre
Labbadie, Wm Clark and Manuel Lisa, the old
Company hold $27,000 in goods, &c., up the Mis-
souri River. Subscriptions desired for the remain-
ing 123,000.
Feb. 1, 1812.
Portrait and miniature painter in oil. Lessons in
architecture and landscape.
March 7, 1812.
Silver Smith and Jeweler, has just arrived in St.
Louis, at Mrs. Papin's house opposite Genl.
Clark's office. He has for sale, Cherry-bounce,
Katafia de Grenoble, Whisky, etc., etc. A Gig
and Harness and his keel boat and apparatus.
April 4, 1812.
have just opened in the house of Madame Robi-
doux, a fresh stock of goods from Philadelphia
and Pittsburgh. Having a good store and cellars,
they will receive consignments on Commission and
May 1, 1812.
just from 'New Orleans, has opened a new store in
Mad'e Chouteau's house.
May 1, 1812.
for a Boarding and Day Academy for Young
Ladies in French and English, in Sanguinet's
house on Second Street.
May 8, 1812.
have this day dissolved their copartnership by
mutual consent. Rene Paul will settle the books
of the late firm.
June 6, 1812.
have formed a copartnership to open a French
and English School in St. Lonis on August 7th
June 6, 1812.
has opened a Drug and Medicine Store, in St.
Louis. He has for sale a variety of Spices, Paints
and Stationery.
June 27, 1812.
dissolved their copartnership in the drug business on
the 10th of May last, by mutual consent.
Jos. Charless will adjust the business.
July 6, 1812.
will practice Medicine and Surgery in the town and
vicinity of St. Louis. Office lately occupied by
Fergus Moorhead, in Manuel Lisa's house.
July 25, 1812.
have entered into partnership for the practice of
Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery. They have
opened a Drug and Medicine store on Main Street,
below Major Christy's Tavern, adjoining Dangen's
Silversmith Shop.
Aug. 29, 1812.
has opened a Tavei'ii in the house lately occupied
by Mad'e Robidoux.
Good cellars for storage of Whisky.
Aug. 8, 1812.
recommences his tailoring business in the small
shop next to Mad'e Lecompte's dwelling, opposite
to Doct. Simpson's drug store.
Aug. 22, 1812.
close their business in St. Louis. Julius De Mun
to wind up the affairs of the late firm.
Sept. 15, 1812.
is removed to Doctor Simpson's Drug Store, Main
street, St. Louis.
Oct. 1, 1812.
will give one bit a pound for old copper and brass,
and takes it at that price for debts due the
Sept. 12, 1812.
have dissolved partnership. Smith & Von Phul
will continue business at their former stand in St.
Sept. 19, 1812.
have dissolved the partnership existing between
them since February, 1811. Michael Tesson con-
tinues the business alone.
Nov. 6, 1812.
has removed his blacksmith shop to the large shop
lately occupied by James Baird.
Nov. 5, 1812.
Attorneys at Law.
Nov. 27, 1812.
Baker Shop, north Second street.
Dec. 5, 1812.
of John Chandler and Alex'r McNair is this day
dissolved. The business will be carried on in future
by John Chandler, who will close the accounts of
the late firm.
April 13, 1813.
are just opening a general assortment of Dry-
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, etc.
April 30, 1813.
Apothecary Store is removed to Mrs. Chouteau's
house, opposite to Manuel Lisa's new brick house.
They have just received from Baltimore a fresh sup-
ply of medicines.
May 1, 1813.
LOCKH art's free EEREY,
at St. Louis.
May 1, 1813.
will open her new school in the house of Manuel
Lisa on Second street, formerly occupied by Doct.
May 7, 1813.
has removed his drug store to the former stand of
Farrar & Walker.
Aug. 28, 1813.
opened her books for subscriptions to stock on
Monday, September 20th, 1813.
have for sale Pickled Pork, Beef, and Flour.
Oct. 18, 1813.
Collector of U. S. Revenue for Missouri. '
Jan. 1, 1814.
-declines keeping school any longer ; he will sell
his furniture, book-case, and a ten-plate stove.
June 10, 1814.
just from Philadelphia, with a large stock of
Boots and Shoes, at Austin's Tavern.
July 16, 1814.
have purchased the tools, etc., of Burrows & Co.,
and will carry on the Hatters' business at the
same stand.
July 16, 1814.
D. Stewart's
Nail Factory, Main street, adjoining the store of
Theo. Hunt.
Sept. 14, 1814.
lias just returned from Philadelphia and Baltimore
with an extensive assortment of Merchandise, for
sale at low prices.
May 14, 1814.
have just brought on from Philadelphia and Balti-
more a general assortment of Groceries, Dry
Goods, Queensware, etc., etc., which they will
«ell low at their old stand on Main street.
April 30, 1814.
at Beard's large shop on Third street.
I^ov. 12, 1814.
desh'e to close their business here by January 1,
and request all who have transactions with them,
to have settled up by that date.
I^ov. 23, 1814.
give notice that they have sold out their stock ot'
goods, and desire to settle their accounts, as soon
as possible.
Dec. 28, 1814.
has quit the practice of law. Matthias McGirk
will attend to the professional business I have
Feb. 3, 1815.
of Peter Lindell with Thos. and John Cromwell
is this day dissolved. Peter Lindell will settle
the business of said firm.
March 1, 1815.
has removed his store across the street to Primm's
house, next door below Austin's Tavern.
March 18, 1815.
has just opened a new store of American manu-
factured goods, next door to Doct. Simpson's,
formerly the Post-office.
April 26, 1815.
Chair Factory, on Main street, between Matthew
Kerr's store and the Post-office.
May 31, 1815.
Tan Yard, in the Town of St. Louis. The highest
price paid for Raw Hides.
May 28, 1815.
has opened a Seminary on the Lancasterian System,
near Major Christy's.
July 21, 1815.
has a hand for sale, at Mr. Chenie's, opposite Genl.
Pratte's store; three or four thousand gallons of
Whisky of the best quality, and eight hundred gal-
lons of High Wines.
Aug. 11, 1815.
Attorney at Law, office in Mr. Brazeau's dwelling
on Second street, opposite Mrs. Hempstead's.
Sept. 1, 1815.
will practice Medicine and Surgery; his of&ce is
opposite Mr. Patrick Lee's, Main street.
Sept. 2, 1815.
sometime ago in St. Louis, a watch; the owner
is requested to prove property, pay charges, and
receive her. Sampson Fiire.
Sept. 17, 1815.
have removed to their new medicine shop. Main
street, opposite Eene Paul's new stone building.
Sept. 16, 1815.
have formed a connection in the Drug and Medicine
husiness, at the old stand of Doct. Simpson.
Oct. 1, 1815.
at Bellefontaine, advertises deserters from that Post.
Oct. 15, 1815.
new Bakeshop, opposite Mr. Hempstead's office, on
3rd Cross Street South.
]S'ov. 11, 1815.
Town of St. Louis, 2,000; County, 5,395. Total,
Dec. 2, 1815.
notifies the public, that he will not permit his
land, adjoining the Court House in the Town of
St. Louis, to be made use of as a place of burial.
Oct. 12, 1815.
is hard run for cash to pay his debts, and will
sell a number of notes and accounts on reasonable
terms, particularly to those interested.
After Jan. 1, they will be offered at auction.
. Dec. 1, 1815..
'Neyv Store, just opened, from Philadelphia, oppo-
site Matthew Kerr's Store.
Dec. 22, 1815.
thanks his patrons for their support of his Sem^
nary, and will endeavor to extend its usefulness.
Dec. 22, 1815.
at the instance of a number of friends in Ken-
tucky and Ohio, intending to remove to Missouri
and Illinois Territories, has opened Books, for
the Registry and Sale of Lands, Town lots and
Slaves. Every exertion will be made to render
the institution worthy of patronage.
Dec. 28, 1815.
has opened a house of entertainment, sign of the
Union Hall, formerly known as the Missouri
Jany. 27, 1816.
have just received from Philadelphia a Stock of
Presh Merchandise, in the stone house on Main
Street, opposite Matthew Kerr's store.
Feby. 14, 1816.
GEO. w. Ferguson's
Pottery, a large assortment of vessels of every
description on hand.
April 19, 1816.
has commenced the Copper and Tin business in
the rear of Robidou's Store, near Matthew
Jany. 2, 1816.
fresh Stock of Goods, in her white house oppo-
site the Union Tavern.
April 27, 1816.
new store adjoining the residence of Grov. Clark
and opposite McKnight & Brady, large Stock of
Fresh Goods.
May 1, 1816.
have dissolved theii^ copartnership by mutual
consent. The business will be settled by Alex.
May 3, 1816.
have taten the store, recently occupied by McKair
& Kennerly, and are now opening a general assort-
ment of Merchandise.
May 3, 1816.
has just received, and offers for sale at his store,
two doors below McKnight & Brady's, a general
assortment of Merchandise.
May 1, 1816.
St. Louis Brewery is ready to sell Beer, at $11 per
barrel or $6 per half barrel. One Dollar deduction
if the barrel is returned. Retailed at 12 1-2 cents
per quart at the stores of Silvestre Labbadie and
Michael Tesson.
May 25, 1816.
from !N"a8hville, Tennessee, opened a coffee-house
in the old Sanguinet Mansion, on Second
April, 1816.
have associated, and will continue their school on
the Lancasterian System.
May 30, 1816.
gives notice that having purchased lot !N^o. 6
of Col. Chouteau's addition, on which there are
some graves, and being about to build on the
same, those who may have friends or relatives
buried there are at liberty to remove them if
they think fit. And suggests further that Cham-
bers, Christy & Co., in their new addition
of Korth Saint Louis, have set aside a suitable
lot for a Church and Cemetery to be free to all
den omin ations .
May 31, 1816.
having obtained the Ferry privilege across the
Missouri River at St. Charles, will always be ready
to convey passengers, produce, or merchandise, etc.,
at all hours with safety and despatch.
April 9, 1816.
has just opened, in the south store of McKnight &
Brady's new double brick house on Main street, a
choice assortment of Merchandise.
June 7, 1816.
opened the upper part of this new building as the
Washington Hall.
have just received at their store on Main Street,
next above Henry Yon Phul & Co., a general
assortment of Merchandise.
June 8, 1816.
has just opened a Barber's Shop on Main Street,
near Mr. Paul's stone house, and pledges himself
to give satisfaction in his line.
June 5, 1816.
next to Capt. Price's Store, near the Indian Office,,
has just opened a stock of 'New Merchandise.
June 14, 1816.
June 18, 1816.
has opened a Tavern, sign of the (Srreeu Tree, on
Second Street.
July 26, 1816.
nearly opposite the P. O., large stock of 'New
July 20, 1816.
have removed to the house of Mr. William Smith,
and have lately received additions to their stock of
Sept. 2, 1816.
offers his professional services to the citizens of
St. Louis and vicinity, at the house lately occupied'
by Mad'e Lebeau, South Main St.
Nov. 1, 1816.
are now opening in his stone house, a large assort-
ment of Merchandise, recently purchased in Phil-
adelphia and Baltimore,
l^ov. 2, 1816.
have removed to next door to Davis' Green Tree
Hotel, 2nd Street.
Oct. 26, 1816.
will undertake the tuition of a few Scholars, in the
Arts and Sciences, at his residence.
]^ov. 30, 1816.
Auctioneers, South Main, a new frame warehouse
in rear for storage.
l^OY. 30, 1816.
Saddle and Harness shop, in Clark's stone row,
opposite Hunt's Store.
Dec. 14, 1816.
in Clark's new brick, a large addition to his stock.
Dec. 21, 1816.
l^ew Store, from Philadelphia, in Patrick Lee's
former stand. South Main Street.
Dec. 28, 1816.
new Store, with a large Stock of Fresh Goods,
just from New York, next door to Matthew
Jany. 2, 1817.
have removed their Drugs and Medicines to the
corner store lately occupied by Eiddick & Pil-
Jany. 4, 1817.
has just opened a fresh Stock of Dry Goods,
Groceries, "Wines, etc., in the house of Peter Chou-
teau, Sr., JS'orth Main Street.
Jany. 11, 1817.
JOHN little's store,
two doors below the. Indian Office, a general assort-
ment of Merchandise.
Feb. 6, 1817.
has removed his Store, to that lately occupied by
Theo. Hunt, directly opposite Grenl. Clark's Indian
April 2, 1817.
ALBX'r jST ash's FERRT at ST. LOUIS.
He has just put on a large Flat and two Keel-
boats, landing on this side just above the sand
May 9, 1817.
new Store, with all I^ew Goods, in the place
recently occupied by Theo. Hunt, Papin's house,
two doors below " Washington Hall."
May 10, 1817.
has removed his store to next below Porter,.
Glasgow & Niven, opposite Clark's Indian
May 9, 1817.
has opened his Academy on Main Street, next door
to Mr. Wilt's Store.
May 27, 1817.
having procured a convenient house, vv^ill open
his Academy on Jviiie 4th, his prices of tuition
will be from $4 to $6 per quarter.
May 29, 1817.
have this day dissolved partnership, Rene Paul
will continue the business alone at his former
June 10, 1817.
successors to Patrick Lee, in the Auction and
Commission Business.
June 13, 1817.
Bakers and Grocers, South Main Street.
June 20, 1817.
Clock and Watchmaker from Europe, has opened
his shop in Major Chouteau's house^ ]S"orth Main.
July 10, 1817.
Copper and Tin Smith, in house lately occupied
by Joseph Brazeau, on Second, opposite Edward
July 10, 1817.
offers his services in the practice of Medicine,
Surgery, etc., in Mr. Papin's house, opposite Mr.
Landreville's stone house.
July 11, 1817.
new Store, from Philadelphia, adjoining Mr. Mat-
thew Kerr's.
July 12, 1817.
have just received and opened, a large and gen-
eral assortment of Merchandise.
Jnly 26, 1817.
new Store in Dangen's house, lately occupied by
Moses Scott. A general assortment of Fresh
July 22, 1817.
from Tennessee, will practice in the Several Courts.
Aug. 15, 1817.
with fresh goods, just from Philadelphia, has
opened them at Mrs. Pescay's.
Aug. 2, 1817.
opposite Col. Paul's, Main Street.
July 7, 1817. ■
has removed to the new Stone house, nearly oppo-
site to Mr. Kerr's Store.
Aug. 20, 1817.
Watch and Clock Maker, has opened his shop, next
door below Mr. Wilt's Store on Main Street, where
he will carry on the business in all its various
Aug. 30, 1817.
MR. E. bowling's
Boarding House, North Main Street, next door
above Maj. Peter Chouteau's. A large and con-
venient house, good air and water.
Sept. 13, 1817.
has removed to the store next below Kerr & Bell's,.
where C. W. Hunter was.
Oct. 8, 1817.
has just opened, at the store of Perkins & Drips,
opposite the Post Office, an Assortment of German
Goods, imported this Spring by himself.
Oct. 16, 1817.
copartnership expired, and was succeeded by the
new firm of A. P. Chouteau, Demun «fc J. B.
Oct. 18, 1817.
Dancing School, at the house of Mr. Sanguinet,
Main Street.
Oct. 22, 1817.
Planters Hotel, in the old Gonde building, on
Second Street, just opposite Major Douglass'
Kov. 7, 1817.
at the store lately occupied by Robert Collet, at the
lower end of Main Street, is authorized to sell
wholesale or retail, a Stock of about $100,000 worth
of Assorted Merchandise,
l^ov. 28, 1817.
Tobacco Manufactory, in .the Cross Street, nearly
opposite the P. O.
E'ov. 29, 1817.
large Stock of Fresh Groods, just opened in 'Rene
Paul's Stone Store, on Main Street, a complete As-
sortment of Merchandise.
Dec. 7, 1817.
has resigned the Circuit Judgeship, and resumed
the practice of law.
Dec. 13, 1817.
has removed to his new brick house, between the
stores of J. Clemens & Smith, Main Street.
Dec. 10, 1817.
have opened their store, in the South one of
M'Knight & Brady's double brick building, just
opposite Gov. Clark's, lately Moses Scott & Co.
Dec. 20, 1817.
Broker and Land Office, and St. Louis Exchange,
on Main Street, formerly Peeble's Tavern and
Auction House in rear on River bank.*
Dec. 20, 1817.
will open a school for boys and girls on Monday,
the 5th, at his new house on the Hill.
Jany. 3, 1818.
has some new furniture for sale.
Jany. 3, 1818.
from Amsterdam, will give lessons on Piano and
Clarionet ; refers to K. Revd. Bishop Dubourg.
Jany. 23, 1818.
* The Gazette (vol. fourth) for 1818, 19 aod 20 is missing. I take
1818 from January 1 to October 7, from my written memoranda, and
beginning with October 7, 1818, from my printed Gazette of 1818-19.
new Stock from Philadelphia, in the house for-
merly Sergeant Hall's Printing Office.
Jany. 23, 1818.
removed to the house formerly Peeble's Tavern, and
since then Stephen E. Wiggin's Store.
Jany. 30, 1818.
dissolved partnership. Boggs purchased Hanly'e
Feb. 13, 1818.
Tailor from Europe, in P. Chouteau's house.
March 6, 1818.
just from Baltimore, with all new Goods, at Store
formerly Collett & Daly.
March 12, 1818.
fresh groceries from ISTew Orleans.
April 10, 1818.
Chair Factory, on Second, next door to Shope's.
April 17, 1818.
Bricklayers, etc.
April 17, 1818.
professional card.
April 24, 1818.
Commission Merchants, on Front, near the north-
east half -moon.
April 24, 1818.
!N'ew Goods from Philadelphia, opposite the Indian
May 1, 1818.
May 4, 1818.
appointed Julius Demun to transact his business in
his absence.
May 8, 1818.
p. M. dillok's
new Stock in the Store, lately Jos. Wiggin, oppo-
site Bank St. Louis.
May 15, 1818.
KIMBALL & "ward's
Eeading Eoom and Punch House. Corner Second
and Main Cross Street.
May 15, 1818.
in store late Perkins & Drips.
June 12, 1818.
has purchased the Drug business of Simpson &
June 19, 1818.
has established a Ferry to Oahokia, below [Judge
Bent's farm.
June 19, 1818.
Lumber business.
June 26, 18*18.
removed to Sign of the Plough, opposite to Henry
Yon Phul & Co.
July 1, 1818.
Main, third door above the Market.
July 24, 1818.
Law Office, in Douglass' new brick.
July 24, 1818.
large stock new goods, next below CoUett and
July 31, 1818.
New Goods, just opened, in Clark's old Indian
August 19, 1818.
8. e. corner Third and Main Cross Street.
Aug. 19, 1818.
Just from 'New York, with IN'ew Goods, at the
store of Dent and Rearick.
Sept. 4, 1818.
has just opened his new goods from Philadelphia,
in Major Douglass' new brick.
Sept. 4, 1818.
removed to next below the new Banking House.
Sept. 11, 1818.
Academy for Young Ladies, Music, Dancing,
French, etc.
Sept. 18, 1818.
Land Agency Office.
Sept. 25, 1818.
offer $300 reward for their clerk, Geo. R. Robert-
son, who absconded from their store with a large
amount of money and notes.
Nimrod H. Moore adds $100 to the reward.
Sept. 25, 1818.
removed to Pratte's Warehouse.
Sept. 25, 1818. '
William Morton, Jno. S. Sue ad, & Henry Yon
Phul dissolved partnership.
Oct. 7, 1818.
academy for young gentlemen, at the house of
Mr. Alvarez.
Oct. 23, 1818.
Clock and Watch Maker, from Philadelphia, in
Dangen's house.
l^ov. 10, 1818.
Clock and Watch Maker, in Clark's row.
Nov. 5, 1818.
Architect and Builder.
March 20, 1818.
Store, Main Street, in Collet's brick.
March 29, 1818.
sam'l r. obek,
next below Hastings and Stimpson's.
March 29, 1818.
removed to his new brick on the river bank.
Dec. 1, 1818.
dissolution. Gabriel Paul continues Auction and
lS[ov. 11, 1818.
Tan Yard, South Second.
Jany. 1, 1819.
from France, at Mrs. Benoist's house.
Jany. 1, 1819.
oflBce on Third, late Eeed's.
Jany. 4, 1819.
152 business notices.
dueocher's dancing school,
his last ball on the 26th inst.
Jany. 14, 1819.
"Warehouse, on Church Street.
Jany. 15, 1819.
Store in Clark's brick house.
Jany. 15, 1819. •
Jany. 22, 1819.
Hatters, next below Hull's grocery.
Feby. 3, 1819.
removed their store to next to the old Indian
Jany. 29, 1819.
Auction Room, in his new brick house.
Feb. 9, 1819.
new Drug Store, in Simpson's new brick, opposite
the Post-office.
Feb. 9, 1819.
new firm, in Christian Wilt's old store.
Feb. 10, 1819.
Drugs and Medicines, new brick below Collet's.
Feb. 10, 1819.
Law Office, Second Street next to the Gazette
Feb. 16, 1819.
Wines, &c., in Bosseron's cellar.
March 5, 1819.
100,000 Shingles and Lime.
March 29, 1819.
have removed to next door north.
April 7, 1819.
have removed to the late stand of Renshaw &
April 20, 1819.
removed into Matthew Kerr's late stand.
May 18, 1819.
copartnership, general assortment.
June 2, 1819.
office, in Perras' house, Second Street.
June 9, 1819.
dissolved. Daly formed a copartnership with Mad-
ame Pescay.
June 9, 1819.
Large stock of Pittsburgh porter and ale, opposite
Bank of St. Louis.
June 9, 1819.
removed to l^o. 2 in Chouteau's row.
June 23, 1819.
new Stock in Lisa's new house, opposite Enquirer
June 30, 1819.
removed to No. 3, Chouteau's row.
July 24, 1819.
new Store, next to Riddick's Auction.
Aug. 4, 1819.
has a lot of goods for sale at Dillon's new brick
Aug. 11, 1819.
Clock and Watch Maker, Bouju's old stand.
Aug. 11, 1819.
Architect and Builder.
Aug. 11, 1819.
in his new frame, opposite Paul's Auction.
Aug. 18, 1819.
CRANE & beck's
Western Land Agency.
Sept. 8, 1819.
new ferry over the River.
Sept. 15, 1819.
reopens his school, second year.
Sept. 15, 1819.
Gun Smith's Shop.
Sept. 15, 1819.
Confectionery, Main Street.
Sept. 29, 1819.
Dancing School.
Oct. 27, 1819.
Attorney at Law.
Oct. 27, 1819.
Attornej'^ and Counsellor at Law.
ISTov. 17, 1819.
having purchased the Stock of Maclot & Co.,
will continue the business in G-ratiot's Stone
Dec. 8, 1819.
new Livery Stable and Blacksmith Shop, adjoining
Mount's Carriage Shop.
December, 1819.
removed by the new Post Master, Col. Elias Rec-
tor, to the old Stone Mansion of Mrs. Chouteau.
Dec. 8, 1819.
removed to his new establishment, North Main,
at the comer opposite the old Gratiot Mansion.
Dec. 23, 1819.
WM. M. O'HAKA & CO.,
Exchange Bank, 'Ho. 1 of Col. Chouteau's brick
Dec. 23, 1819.
removed to No. 2 of Col. Chouteau's new brick
row, South Main Street.
Dec. 29, 1819.
store in Becquet's old house. South Main Street.
Jan. 5, 1820.
from Philadelphia, will continue the business of
C. & A. Wilt, at same place.
Jan. 19, 1820.
French and English Academy for Young Ladies.
Jan. 26, 1820.
from Philadelphia, in Bosseron's brick house.
Feb. 2, 1820.
Boots and Shoes.
Feb. 8, 1820.
in McKnight & Brady's old store, North Main.
March 8, 1820.
MRS. gay's
boarding house, upper part of McKnight and
Brady's double brick.
March 8, 1820.
removed to third house north of the Bank, sign
" Golden Sun Shines equally upon all."
April 5, 1820.
removed their Store to Papin's brick house.
April 8, 1820.
m'kenna & CO.,
Tailors, from IS'ew York.
April, 1820.
have dissolved partnership.
April 10, 1820.
Juvenile School, at Mrs. Papin's house.
April 10, 1820.
Chouteau's row, third house.
" April 19, 1820.
from Baltimore.
April 26, 1820.
has taken the Green Tree tavern.
April 26, 1820.
Books and Stationery.
April 26, 1820.
have associated, in the old stand of Wahrendorff.
May 3, 1820.
new Team Boat Ferry, l!^orth Levee.
May 11, 1820.
Auctioneers, at the old Stand.
May 12, 1820.
Auctioneers, at'Kiddick's old stand.
May 30, 1820.
new Store in Mrs. A. P. Chouteau's house.
May 30, 1820.
new Store, in Belcour's Stone Corner.
Aug. 9, 1820.
PAUL & rsruRAM,
from Philadelphia, 'No. 1, Chouteau's row.
Aug. 17, 1820.
copper and tin shop, South Main.
Aug. 17, 1820.
Saddlers and Harness Makers.
Aug. 23, 1820.
Merchants, in E. Paul's corner.
Aug. 23, 1820.
residence, in Carr's brick house, South Main.
Sept. 13, 1820.
Main Street, lower end.
Sept. 13, 1820.
The Bench and Bak
of St. Louis, from 1804 to 1821.
During the forty years of the French and Span-
ish dominations in upper Louisiana, there were no
Lawyers in the country, there being no courts
requiring the profession, and consequently but
little litigation.
Under the laws of these countries, the Governor
of their respective colonies, exercised the functions
of Judge and Jury, heard the statement of each
party litigant, supported by their proofs, and then
gave their decision in the matter, no doubt con-
scientiously, and their decision.s were always
acquiesced in by the parties litigant.
After the transfer of the 'Eastern or Ilhnois
country to the British in 1765, Courts of Justice
were gradually introduced, and the first Lawyer
in the Territory was John Rice Jones, who came
n (161)
to KaskasMa in 1787, and in after years after the
transfer to the United States' of the Louisiana
side, removed to St. Louis, where he died in
The next one we read of was Isaac Darneil,
who also came from the other side to this about
1807, but soon went back again to Illinois.
Dates of
John Rice Jones . .
Jany. 23, 1824.
Wm. C. Carr . . .
March 31, 1851.
Rufus Easton . . .
July 5, 1834.
Edward Hempstead .
Aug. 9. 1817.
John Scott ....
John B.C. Lucas . .
Charles Lucas .
Sept. 27, 1817.
William Lucas .
Henrj^ M. Breckenridge 1810
James A. Graham
1810 ■
Dec, 1811.
Robert "Wash
^ov. 29, 1856.
Charles S. Hempstead
David Barton . . .
Joshua Barton . . .
June 29, 1823.
Edward Bates . . .
March 25, 1869.
Matthias M'Girk . .
Alexander Gray . .
Aug. 1, 1823.
Henry S. Geyer . .
March 5, 1859.
Thomas H. Benton .
April 18, 1858.
Robert P. Earris . .
Dec. 17, 1830.
Luke E. Lawless . .
Sept. 3, 1846.
Dates of
Horatio Cozens
. 1817
July 13, 1826.
Eleazer Block . .
. 1817-18
Eufus Pettibone .
. 1818
July 31, 1825,
James Hawkins Peck
. 1818
A. L. Magenis .
. 1818
Feb., 1848.
Fi'ancis Carr . .
. 1818-19
Sept., 1821.
D. B. Wright . .
. 1820
Frederick VVliite .
. 1819
Henry Shurlds .
. 1819
Aug. 2, 1852.
Abraham Beck
. 1819
Sept. 4, 1821.
Amos Wheeler
. 1819
June 8, 1822.
Joeiah Spalding
. 1819-20
D. H. Conrad . .
. 1820
George P. Strother
. 1820
N"ov. 28, 1840
The PHYSiciAjiTS
of the territorial days of St. Louis.
In our Annals of the French days we have
enumerated the half dozen physicians, who suc-
ceeded each other in the little village in that
period, the last of whom, Doct. Saugrain, came
here in the year 1800. He appears to have had
no competition in the profession for several years.
Our first American physician of whom we find
any record was Doct. Bernard Gr. Farrar, 1807.
Dates of
Names. Arrival. Died.
Bernard Gr. Farrar
J. M. Eead ....
Robert Simpson .
May 2, 1873.
David Y. Walker . .
April 9, 1824.
Pryor Quarles . . .
Oct. 15, 1821.
Edward S. Gantt . .
Geo. P. Todsen . .
Arthur J^elson . . .
Herman L. Hoffman .
Nov. 5, 1878.
Richard Mason
April 11, 1824
Louis C. Beck . . .
Wm. Carr Lane
Jan'y 6, 1863.
Sam'l G. J. Decamp .
Paul M. Gebert . .
1819-20 IS'ov. 20, 1826.
Zeno Fenn ....
Dec, 1824.
Samnel Merry . . .
March, 1865.
Edward C. Carter . .
Joseph Williams . .
Doct. Lemignon.
was born in IS'ew Orleans, Sept. 26, 1750, came
up with Laclede in 1764, and materially assisted
him in establishing the new Post. '
When Laclede died in 1778, he succeeded him
as the most important individual in the place, as
one of its founders.
At the transfer of the country to the United
States in 1804, he was, from his wealth and
position, perhaps the most prominent individual in
the village, and filled tinder the new government
several important positions at various times.
In 1804, at the first organization of the Terri-
torial Courts, he was appointed Presi-ding Justice
of the Court of " Oyer and Terminer."
In 1808, at the organization of the militia of
the Territory, Gov'r M. Lewis appointed him the
Colonel of the St. Louis Regiment.*
In 1809, at the first election of Trustees for the
Town of St. Louis, he was chosen President of the
Subsequently he was a Commissioner of the
United States in negotiating several important
treaties with Indian tribes, etc.
Auguste Chouteau was married on July 27th,
1786 to Miss Therese, daughter of Gabrjel Cerre,
an old Fur Merchant. He died Feb. 24th, 1829,
aged 78 years and 5 months.
His widow continued to occupy the old "Family
Mansion" on Main Street, in the centre of the
Town, until 1836, when at the suggestion of her
children, she built for herself a residence on the
hill and covered the block with thirty-two three-
story brick business houses, which she divided
amongst her children and grandchildren.
She died August 14, 1842, aged 72 years, HVa
months, two months after the death of her third
and last daughter, Mrs. Major Thos. F. Smith.
* This was how he became a Colonel, at nearly sixty years of age,
previously only a plain " Mister."
They were the parents of nine children, of whom
four sons and three daughters attained maturity.
the eldest son of Col. Augustus Chouteau, was
born Oct. 21, 1792, in St. Louis, and was
married June 10, 1810, to Miss Constance San-
guinet, daughter of Charles Sanguinet, Sr. He
died about 1833-34 at the Indian Trading Post
of his cousin, Aug's P. Chouteau, on the Ver-
digris branch of the Arkansas River, about five
miles from Fort Gribson, in the then Cherokee,
now Indian Territory, aged about 41 years.
His children were :
Augustus Rene, born in 1811, who married Miss
Rebecca Sefton ISTov. 23, ]836, and died without
issue lato in 1847, aged 36 years.
Edward A., born Dec. 26, 1814, who married
Miss Elizabeth I. Christy August 8, 1849, and
died Jany. 1, 1864, aged 59 years, leaving a son
and two daughters.
Virginia C, born June 16, 1816, married to
Joseph C. Barlow March 8, 1836. She died Aug.
11, 1855, aged 39 years.
the second son of Col. Chouteau, was born Dec.
31, 1794, in St. Louis, and except for a few
years when a youth, that he was at the Cath-
olic College at Bardstown, Ky., to complete
his education, he spent the whole of his long life
in St. Louis, superintending the operations of the
old Chouteau Mill, at Hickory and IsTinth Streets,
until after 1853, when the Mill-pond being- di^ained
by the City authorities, the old Mill ceased its
labors and became a thing of the past.
Mr. G. S. Chouteau died June 18, 1887, having
attained the unusual age of 92 years, 6 months.
He left the bulk of his large landed estate to the
children of his brothers and sisters.
the third son of Col. Chouteau, was born in St.
Louis, Feb. 11, 1805, and completed his education
at the Catholic College on Second Street in this
At the death of Silas Bent, Sr., in December,
1827, Mr. Chouteau, then in his 23d year, was ap-
pointed to succeed him in the office of Clerk of the
County Court and Recorder of St. Louis County.
This position he filled for fourteen years, until
Jany. 1, 1842, when he embarked into business
as a merchant, and established the house of
Chouteau & Riley, afterwards changed to Chou-
teau & Valle.
Mr. Chouteau was married on July 10, 1827, to
Miss Clemence Coursault, from Baltimore, a niece
of his two brothers-in-law, Grabriel and Rene Paul.
He lost his life at the Gasconade disaster Nov.
1, 1855, at the age of 50 years, 8 months and 21
days, one of the thirty victims of that awful cat-
astrophe. His widow survived him a few years,
she died Oct. 6, 1859, aged 49 years and 9 months.
Their oldest son, Henry A., born IS'ov. 24, 1830,
died Oct. 10, 1851, in his 24th year, the result
of an accident, leaving a young widow and two
children. Another son, ISTorbert Sylvestre, born
May 17, 1841, died unmarried, Oct. 31, 1883.
Their oldest child, Aglae, born in 1828, is the
widow of the late IS'ere Valle, the former business
partner of his father-in-law ; she has two married
daughters, Mrs. John A. j!)illon, of St. Louis, and
Mrs. Randolph, of Tallahassee, Florida.
Corinne, born in August, 1843, is the wife of Jno.
N. Dyer, St. Louis.
Beatrice, born in October, 1847, is the wife of
Jno. O'Fallon Clark, St. Louis.
Lillia Clemence, born in June, 1850, is the wife
of John S. Winthrop, of Florida.
And one surviving son, Joseph Gilman Chouteau
of this place, born in 1836.
was born in New Orleans, Oct. 10, 1758, and
arrived in St. Louis in September, 1764, at the
age of six years.
His earliest years of manhood, and a portion of
his prime, were devoted to the Indian trade, in
which he laid the foundation of his fortune. His
trading post was at the head waters of the Osage
river, in the region of country occupied by the
Osage tribes, with which and the neighboring
nations, the Kansas, Pawnees and others, his trade
was chiefly confined, and over whom, fi'om his
conciliatory course, he had acquired great influence.
They held him in great esteem and regarded
him as their father, always calling him by that
familiar title.
Some few years after we had received possession
of the country, Major Chouteau, then al)Out fifty
years of age, abandoned the active pursuit of the
Indian trade, and devoted his attention to other
matters, dealing largely' in landed property, through
which he added materially to his acquisitions.
Like his elder brother Auguste, he soon acquired
promuience with the Americans, was appointed
Major of the St. Louis battalion of militia, and
held other positions, a member of the Town
Council, Sub Indian-Agent for his old friends, the
Osages, etc., etc.
Major Chouteau was twice married :
First. On July 26, 1783, to Pelagic Kiersereau,
who died Feb. 9, 1793, after ten years' marriage,
at the age of 26 years, leaving four children,
three sons and one daughter.
After a year's widowhood, Mr. Chouteau mar- ■
ried a second wife. Miss Brigitte Saucier, of
Cahokia, on Feb. 14, 1794. This lady died oii May
18, 1829, after thirtj^-five years of married life,
leaving five sons. Major Chouteau survived this
second wife over twenty years. He died July 10,
1819, aged 90 years and 9 months.
Children of Major John Pierre Chouteau ;
Augustus?., born May 9, 1786, married Sophie
A. Labbadie, Feb. 15, 1809.
Pierre, Jr., born Jan. 19, 1789, married Emilie
<3-ratiot, June 15, 1813.
Paul Liguest, born Oct. 30, 1792, married Con-
stance Dubreuil, Feb. 11, 1813.
Pelagie, born Oct. 7, 1790, married Bartholomew
Berthold, Jan. 10, 1811.
Francis G., born Feb. 7, 1797, married Berenice
Menard, July 12, 1819.
Cyprian, born Oct. 1, 1802, married, and died
Feb. 1, 1879, aged 77 years.
Louis Pharamond, born Aug. 18, 1806, died un-
married, May 28, 1831, aged 25 years.
Charles, born Feb. 2, 1808.
Frederic, born Oct. 16, 1809.
Children of Augustus P. Chouteau, the first son :
Sophie, born 1813, was married to IS^. N. De-
Susanne, born 1815, was married to Louis E.
Marie Antoinette, born 1816, was married to E.
, J. Watson.
Pierre Sylvestre, born 1819, was married to Miss
Virginia, born 1826, was married to John G.
Pelagie, Augustine, Marie E., Louis and Aimee
died single, some of them young.
Aug's P. Chouteau died at his Trading Post
in Arkansas, in 1839, aged 53, and Mrs. A. P.
Chouteau in St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1862, aged 72
years and 6 mos.
Children of Pierre Chouteau, Jr., the second
son :
Emilie, born Feb. 13, 1814, married to John F.
A. Sanford.
Julie, born Feb. 28, 1816, married to William
Pien-e Charles, boi'n Dec. 25, 1817, died an infant
in 1818.
Charles P., born Dec. 2, 1819, married to Julia
A. Gratiot.
Benj. Wilson, born Aug. 17, 1822, died an in-
Pierre Chouteau, Jr., died Oct. 6, 1865, in his
77th year.
Mrs. P. Chouteau, died 1863, aged 70 years.
Children of Paul L. Chouteau, third son :
Augustus L., born April 22, 1815.
Alexander, born Feb. 10, 1818.
Charles Louis, born March 7, 1819.
Charles Liguest, born 1821.
Mrs. P. L. Chouteau died in St. Louis, January
3d, 1824.
Mr. P. L. Chouteau marxried a second wife.
Miss Aurora Hay, daughter of John Hay, Esq.,
of Belleville, Ills., Nov. 3, 1830.
Children of Francis Gr. Chouteau, the fourth
Edmund Francis, born Feb. 13, 1821.
son : *
* All born in Kansas City, of which place he was the founder, and for
many years the sole resident.
Louis Amede, born Feb. 27, 1825.
Louis Sylvestre, born Feb. 14, 1827.
Benjamin, born Dec. 25, 1828.
Odille, born Jan'y 8, 1837.
Children of Charles P. Chouteau, only son of
Pierre, Jr. :
Emily, born Oct. 1, 1846, married Mr. Henshaw.
Pierre, born July 30, 1849, married to Miss
Il^annie, born Jan'y 4, 1856, married to Lieut.
Johnson, U. S. Army.
Henry, born, Oct. 12, 1857.
Marie Julie, born Feb. 28, 1873.
the eldest son of Charles Gratiot, Sr., and Yic-
toire Chouteau, was born in St. Louis Aug't 29,
1786. In 1804 he was appointed to the Military
Academy at West Point, from which he grad-
uated in 1806, and was assigned to the Corps of
Engineers as Second Lieuten't in October, 1806.
Li 1808 promoted to Captain. Feb'y, 1815,
Major. Lieut. -Colonel in March, 1819. Colonel,
and Engineer in Chief in May, 1828.
General Gratiot served thi'oughont the war of
1812-15, on the Western frontier, he built Fort
Gratiot at the foot of Lake Huron, in Michigan,
planned and superintended the ei'ection of Fortress
Monroe, where he was stationed many years,
o i
and was retired from the Army in December,
He married in Philadelphia, April 22, 1810, Miss
Anil Belin, born in 1799. They were the
parents of two daughters.
Mary Victoria, born Feb'y 17, 1820, who mar-
ried InTov. 1, 1837, C. F. F. DeMontholon, from
Julia Augusta, born Sept. 24, 1824, married
K'ov. 27, 1845, to Charles P. Chouteau, of St.
Gen. Grratiot died in Washington City.
Mrs. Gen. Gratiot in St. Louis, Dec. 26, 1886,
aged 87 years,
the second son of Charles Gratiot, Sr., was born
in St. Louis, April 25th, 1789, and when a young
man built a house and improved a farm on his
father's league square on the King's Highway,
five miles from the Town, where he lived for some
years, previous to and after his marriage. He was
married Jan'y 21, 1813, to Miss Susan, born in
Hebron, Connecticut, Feb'y 20, 1797, youngest
daughter of Capt. Stephen Hempstead, Sr., and
continued to reside in St. Louis for some years,
the most of their children being born here.
In 1825, with his brother John P. B. Gratiot, he
went with the rush to the " Fevre Kiver" lead
mines at Galena, 111., and established themselves, at
the place named after them "Gratiot's Grove"
fifteen miles from Galena in ""Wisconsin," wher*
they were for a number of years extensively en
gaged in the smelting of lead ore. In after years
Col. Gratiot relinquished the " lead business," am
turned his attention to farming, being at same
time Indian-Agent.
Early in 1836 important pnblic business callec
him to Washington, which having accomplished
he had just started on his return home, when h(
died very suddenly at Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore,
April 27, 1850, at the age of 47 years. Hi«
widow survived him a number of years, and diec
June 2, 1854, aged 57 years and 3 months.
Their children were :
Charles H., born in 1814, married, had several
children, died in 1883 at Gratiot.
Edward H., born June 19, 1817, married, had
5 or 6 children, died Dec, 1882, at Platteville.
Mary, born in 1821, died a young woman, un-
Susan, born in 1819, married Mr. Child, died
Dec, 1843, aged 24.
Henry A., born in 1823, lives in California.
Adelle, born in 1827, married to E. B. Wash-
burne, died in 1887, aged 60.
Stephen H., died in Washington in 1864,
Eliza, died young.
the third son of Charles Gratiot, Sen'r, was born
in St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1799, and completed hit
education at the College at Bardstown, Kentucky
in 1818. On ISTovember 18, 1819, he married Miss
Marie Antoinette Adelle Perdreauville, a young-
lady from Paris, whose parents had left France
after the abdication of ISTapoleon, succeeding the
battle of Waterloo. In 1825, with his Brother
Henry, he went to the lead mines near Galena,
Illinois, where he was engaged in smelting lead
mineral for a number of years. About the year
he came back to St. Louis, removed to
Washington County and settled on a farm, repre-
senting that County in the Legislature in .
He had a large family of five sons and four
daughters .
His oldest daughter, Antoinette, married Edward
Hempstead, of Arkansas.
His other daughters were Adele, Marie and
His sons were Kene, Theodore, Julius, Adolph
and Charles, some of them are married.
He died in St. Louis in the summer of 1876, at
the age of 77 years.
the fourth son of Charles G-ratiot. Sen'r, was born
March 13, 1800, and returned from College at
Bardstown, Kentucky, with his brother John in
1818. He was employed as a clerk in the house
of Berthold & Chouteau for some few years. In
1823 he entered into an engagement with the
American Fur Company to act as a clerk of tht-
company in the Fur trade of the upper Missouri.
Ill 1825, June 6, he was married to Miss Vir-
ginia, daughter of Mr. Charles Billon, dec'd, from
Philadelphia, and their first child, a sou, was born
oil April 3, 1828. On the expiration of his engage-
ment with the Far Company, he removed with his
family to Grratiot's Grove, where his brothers Henry
and John were smelting lead, and engaged in
mining for a few years. In 1832 he returned to
St. Louis, and removed out to his farm, a part
of his father's " league square," five miles from
the City, now Cheltenham, where he lived the
balance of his life.
In 1851-53 one of the Judges of the County
He died in 1854, in his 55th year, and Mrs. P.
M. Gratiot IS'ov. 29, 1871, aged 66 years, 7 months.
Their children:
Charles B., born April 3, 1828, married to
Edith Thornburg.
Henry Terry, born July 3, 1830, unmarried.
Victoria Sophia, born March 10, 1832, died a
young woman.
John Sarpy, born Feb. 2, 1834, died young.
Isabella Deinun, born Aug. 25, 1836, died young.
Adolph Paul G., born Oct. 9, 1838, married to
Miss Caroline Graham.
Theresa M., born April 15, 1841.
Paul Benjamin, born Aug. 10, 1847.
was born in the City of Metz, Loraine, France,
June 18, 1767, he was the son of John Maclot
de Cohgny and Anne Marguerite Francoise Joly
de Morney. When a young man about of age,
he came to Paris during the troublous times pre-
ceding the breaking out of the Revohition, and
soon found himself one of the hundreds that
were almost daily incarcerated in the Bastile for
their political views and sentiments. After a brief
imprisonment he obtained his release and im-
mediately left France and crossed over to London.
Here having been always fond of jewelry, he
learnt the business as a means of support, and
worked at it for some years, he then , crossed the
Ocean to the United States and spent some years
in Philadelphia.
In the year 1804 he came to St. Louis with a
Stock of Groods and embarked in Mercantile
On August 16, 1806, Mr. Maclot was married
to Miss Marie Therese, third daughter of Mr.
Charles Gratiot, Sr.
Early in the year 1809, after the Town of
Herculaneum, thirty-two miles below St. Louis,
in Jefferson County, had been laid out by Austin
and Bates and had gotten a start, Mr. M. com-
menced the erection on the high cliff at the south
end of the village, of a tower for the manufacture
of patent shot and bar lead, the first shot works
west of the Alleghany mountains. The works
were sufficiently advanced to commence making
shot in IS^oyember of the same year 1809.
In 1811, his works being completed and in suc-
cessful operation, Mr. Maclot purchased a farm
adjoining his lead works, built a good residence
on it, and removed his wife and young children to
that place so as to oversee his business. He
remained here nearly four years. In the winter
of 1814-15, his wife being extremely ill, to obtain
better service and attention, he took her down to
St. Genevieve by water, then the only means of
conveyance. Mrs. M. died there Feb. 26, 1815,
aged 27 years, leaving two little daughters, one
Julia Zelina, born April 13, 1808, then nearly 7
years of age ; the other, Virginia Elizabeth, born
July 23, 1814, about seven months.
After the death of Mrs. M., Mr. Maclot left the
two children with their grandparents, the Gra-
tiots, in St. Louis, and descended to ISTew Orleans
on his way around to Philadelphia.
The oldest child, when at a suitable age, was
married to Henry A. Thomson, U. S. Army, at
Baltimore, both deceased, leaving a number of chil-
The youngest, Virginia, married Jan'y 31,
1837, to Peter A. Berthold, St. Louis,
In 1819 Mr. John N. Maclot married a second
wife in Phil'a, Emelie Mathieu, born Feb. 15,
1791, then 28 years of age.
Their only son, Louis A., born l^ov. 16, 1821,
died Dec. 16, 1865, at Davenport, Iowa, aged 44,
John N". died April 16, 1849, at Davenport, Iowa,
aged 83 years.
Mrs. Jno. :N". died Jan'y 26, 1872, at St. Louis,
aged 81.
They raised two daughters to become married
ladies, both now deceased, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs.
son of Silvestre Labbadie, Sr., from France, and
Pelagie Chouteau, was born in St. Louis, Oct.
15, 1779, the only son of his parents who lived
to maturity. His father died in 1794, when he
was a lad of fifteen years of age, and leaving him
a competency he does not appear to have engaged
in any business, until 1818-19, when house building
materials being in great demand, Mr. Labbadie,
with a view to give himself employment, erected
an ox-mill for sawing joists, scantling, &c., at the
upper end of the town on the river bank, the first
one in the country, which he operated for near
twenty years and then disposed of.
Mr. Labbadie was married to Yictoire, daughter
of Charles G-ratiot, Sr., on June 25, 1807. They
had three children, two of whom died at an early
age, and one only, their daughter Yirginia, grew to
* With the death of Louis A., the name of Maclot became extinct,
his uncles in Europe having died without male heirs.
Mr. Labbadie died July 24, 1849, in his seven-
tieth year, and Mrs. L., May 5, 1860, at the ag-e of
seventy -five.
was born at Rochelle, Department of the Lower
Charante, France, on the 19th of February, 1799,
and came over to Pliiladelphia a young man, and
to St. Louis a clerk of Braud and Detandebaratz,
merchants from that city, in 1821.
On June 26, 1827, Mr. Sire was married to Miss
Virginia, the only child of Silvestre Labbadie, and
went into business with his father-in-law in Lab-
badie's saw mill at the upper end of the town.
After giving birth to an infant, Mrs. Sire died on
Sept. 22d, 1828, aged but 20 years, after a brief
married life of but fifteen months, and leaving her
parents childless.
After the death of his wife and child, Mr. Sire
continued to reside with her parents until the dis-
posal of the mill in the 1836, when Mr. Sire changed
his business, and became a partner in the fur com-
pany of Pierre Chouteau, Sarpy & Co.
On June 29, 1852, Mr. Sire was married to Mrs.
Rebecca, the widow of Augustus E.. Chouteau, and
died July 15, 1854, without children, aged 55
the oldest son of Gen'l Bernard Pratto, Sr., and
Emilie Sauveur Labbadie, was born in St. Louis
Sept. 22, 1799.
On June 5th, 1822, he was married in Ste. Gene-
vieve to Miss Odille, daughter of Major Camille
Delassus, a brother of our last Spanish Governor
He died in June, 1828, at the head waters of the
Platte River, in his twenty-ninth year, without
His widow subsequently becanie the wife of
Louis Valle.
second son of B. Pratte Sr., was born in St.
Louis Dec. 17, 1803, three days before the transfer
to the United States.
He was married to Miss Louise, the eldest
daughter of the late Antoine Chenie, on July 20,
In his early years he was closely engaged in
business as a merchant, commanded a . steamboat
in the New Orleans trade, made several voyages
up the Missouri and Mississippi, served ae Mayor
of the city in 1844 and 45, was President of the
Bank of Missouri, &g.
After 1850 he retired from business, and spent
the latter years of his life on his" farm near Jones-
burgh, Montgomery County, Mo., where he died in
July, 1887, aged 83 years and six months.
His widow survives liim. They raised six chil-
dren, viz. :
Louisa, Mrs. Clay Taylor, dec'd; married ISTov.
16, 1853.
Celeste, widow of Augustus Tracy; married
Nov. 16, 1853.
Julia, was first Mrs. Dickinson, and now Mrs.
Lena, deceased wife of Doc't Gervais Robinson.
Bernard IS'o. 3, living in the South, married.
Sylvestre, married Miss Sloan ; he died recently.
eldest son of Gregoire Sarpy and Pelagie Lab-
badie, was born in St. Louis, Jan'y 12, 1798.
After completing his studies at school, he was
employed as a clerk in the mercantile house of
Berthold & Chouteau, with whom he continued
associated throughout the various changes of the
house for the balance of his life.
He was twice married, first to Miss Adele, the
eldest daughter of John P. Cabanne, on Sept. 14,
1820, this lady died March 24, 1832, in her 27tli
year, leaving a little daughter of nearly five
years. Mr. Sarpy married his second wife, Mise
Martha, daughter of James Russell, Esq., Apri'
14, 1835. This lady died in the fall of 1845, ii
^New Orleans, at the age of 27 years, leaving a
little son and daughter.
John B. Sarpy died April 1, 1857, in his 60th
His oldest daughter, Virginia, was married first
to Frederick Berthold, April 15, 1847, who died
in St. Louis in Oct., 1868, aged 47 years; and
secondly to Armand Pengnet, in France, where
they live.
His son, John E. Sarpy, born Dec. 27, 1838,
died a young man.
the oldest san of Joseph M. Papin and wife, Marie
Louise Chouteau, was born in St. Louis in 1780.
He married February 15, 1820, Mrs. Bradshaw,
a widow lady. He died in April, 1850, leaving
no children.
the second son of J. M. P., born in St. Louis in
1782, married Julia Brazeau, daughter of Louis
Brazeau, Sr., Aug't 13, 1814. He died in July,
1849, and his wife previous to her husband.
Their children were :
Marguerite, Mrs. Henry Masure.
Fanny, Mrs. Larkin Deaver.
Henrietta, Mrs. Jeremiah Wilcox.
Alexander, Jr., killed in 'New Mexico.
the third son of J. M. P., born [in 1787, married
Josephine, eldest daughter of Regis Loisel, July 14,
He died Dec. 20, 1842. His wife had died two
months previously, leaving seven sons and four
Hypolite, Joseph L., Pierre M., Theodore, Ray-
mond, Eugene and Bdmond.
Louise Anne, marrid Eugene Dupre.
Bmilie Lise, married James C. Waugh.
Zoe, married Edward IST. Tracy.
Josephine, married Robert C. (^reer. ,
the fourth son of J. M. P., was born in 1793.
He died in St. Louis, in July, 1849, unmarried^
the fifth son of J. M. P., was born in 1794.
He m^arried Clementine, the second daughter of
Regis Loisel, July 18, 1817. He died Aug't 3,
1828, at the age of 34 years.
Their children were :
Clementine, married Leopold Carriere, from
France, in 1838.
Sylvester Y., married Emeline Schofield ; he died
without children.
Timothy L., married first Mary, daughter of
Hugh A. Garland ; second Margaret Brent, and
third Lida Yarnall, all deceased.
Theophile, married first Julie Henrie, of Prairie
duRocher, Ills., dec'd, and second Emily Carlin, of
sixth son of J. M. P., was born in 1798. He mar-
ried Catherine Louise, only daughter of Pascal
Leon Cerre, Aug't 10, 1826.
He died in May, 1853, at the age of 55 years,
and his widow in April, 1884, aged 77 years and 7
They left four children :
Leon J., who married Medora C, daughter of
Capt. Jno. D. Daggett.
Alfred J., who married Miss Virginia McCord,
of Georgia.
Palmyre, who married Joseph P. Wilkinson.
Armantine J., who married Henry T. ISTorcom.
seventh son of J. M. P., born in 1799, married
Marie Celeste, daughter of Jno. B. Duchouquette,
Oct. 25, 1820.
He died in 1851. His wife had died previously.
Their children were :
Mary, married first to Geo. W- Atchison, Jr.,
and secondly to Doct. S. Gratz Moses.
Adolph, married Mary Saucier.
Henry, married Harriet Wilkinson.
son of Jos. G. Leduc, Sr.. and Marie Helene
Hamelin, Avas born at St. Denis, Paris, a brother
of Marie Philip Leduc, noticed in my previous
He came over vpith his mother and brothers from
France, and lived for a while in IS'ew Orleans,
then came up to ]S"ew Madrid, and finally to St.
Louis at the commencement of the century.
He was married July 14, 1806, at Cahokia,
Ills., to Miss Constance Brisson of that place,
and died in St. Louis in 1810.
His mother also died about the same time.
the second and only surviving son of Antoine
Pierre Soulard and Marie Julie Cerre, was born in
St. Louis, May 14, 1801, and has passed all his
life in the place, being nOw in his 88th year,
the last survivor of all those who were born in
St. Louis, prior to the transfer of the country to
the United States.
Mr. Soulard was married in Ste. Genevieve on
May 9, 1833, to Miss Harriet, daughter of the
late Doct. Harvey Lane, formerly of that place,
and granddaughter of Col. John F. Hamtramck,
of the Revolutionary Army, in his life time Col.
•of the old First Regiment U. S. Infantry, the
Pioneer Regiment in the West, that built Fort
Harmer at Marietta, Ohio, in 1787, and other early
forts, and who died, Col. of the Eegiment at
Detroit, Michigan, April 11, 1803.
They are living at their residence on State Street,
having passed their golden wedding five years ago.
was born near Montreal, Canada, about the year
1770, and came to St. Louis a young man.
On Dec. 5, 1799, Gov'r Delassus made him a
concession of a vacant half block of ground,
at the extreme north end of the village, upon
which some years thereafter he built for himself
a blacksmith shop, now the northwest corner of
Main and Cherry. This he disposed of and re-
moved to Ste. Genevieve in 1807.
About the year 1808 he married Miss Aubuchon
of that place, where his children were all born.
He subsequently returned to St. Louis, where he
died in 1841, at the age of 71 years, his wife
having died at Ste. Genevieve about the year
His children were :
Gemenin, Jules, Rene, and Francis A., sons,
and Edith, who married Aug'te Lachance.
son of Charles D'Engin and Catherine Bonis,
was born at Marseilles, in Provence, France, and
came to St. Louis about the year 1805, a jeweller
and silver smith.
1807, July 22d, he was married to Claire Mar-
guerite, the oldest daughter of Amable Guyon, Jr.,
of Carondelet.
Their children were :
Rosine, born in 1808, married to Louis Menard,
from France, May 24, 1824.
Frederick, born in 1810, killed Sept. 27, 1823,
aged 12 years, thrown from a buggy.
Selina, born in 1812, died May 28, 1830, aged
18 years.
Antoine L., who married Clara M. Tesson,
]S'ov. 24, 1853.
Antoine Dangen, died April 12, 1827, aged
about 50 years.
Mrs. C. Marg't Dangen, died July 8, 1827,
aged about 43 years.
son of Thomas Riddick and Fanny Fiveash, was
born at Suffolk, Nansemond County, Virginia,
June 5, 1781, and came to St. Louis about the
time of the transfer of the country to the LTnited
States in 1804, and during the first fifteen years
of his residence here, filled at various periods a
number of public offices of trust, such as Assessor,
Clerk of the Common Pleas Court, Deputy Re-
corder of Land Titles, Secretary of the Board of
Land Commissioners, Justice of the Peace, etc.,
etc., second President of the old Bank of Missouri
Territory, succeeding Col. Augustus Chouteau.
For twenty years Col. Riddick was an active, in-
fluential business man of St. Louis, and was the
principal originator of our Public School System.
In 1826 an Alderman of the City.
In 1827 Col. Riddick removed to the Sulphur
Springs, below the Maramec in Jefferson County,
of which he was part owner, and where he continued
to reside until his death on January 15th, 1830,
at the age of 48 years, 7 months and 10 days.
Col. Riddick was married in 1813, at Lexing-
ton, Ky., to Miss Eliza, daughter of Charles
Carr, Sen'r, and sister of Wm. C. Carr, of St.
Louis. He left at his death his widow, who sur-
vived him a number of years, two sons, Walter
and Dabney, and two daughters, Virginia and
Frances, who in Dec'r, 1834, were married at one
ceremony by the Rev'd Mr. Chaderton, to Edward
Brooks and Chas. P. Billon, both now dead, but
the two widows still survive.
son of John Michau, Sr., and Grenevieve Rosalie
Chevallier was born at Galliopohs, Ohio, Jan'y
17, 1792, and came to St. Louis with his father
and family in the year 1800, then eight years old.
He had been named Antoine " Aristide " in the
family records which by some means had become
changed to " St. Amant."
In 1809 he was employed in Mr. Maclot's shot
and lead works at Herculaneum, Jefferson County,
where he continued to work for a number of years.
About the year 1813-14, when 21 years of age,
he was married to Marguerite Meimier. They were
the parents of several sons and daughters.
Their sons were Saugrain, Hamilton, Alfred and
His eldest son, Saugrain Michau, born in 1814,
was married to Miss Therese Letourno, at Caron-
delet, July 7, 1835.
At the death of his first wife, Saugrain Michau
married Julia Eliza Lurtz, a widow lady, Sept.
11, 1854. He died in 1856, aged about 42 years,
and she about the same time.
St. Amant Michan, died in 1845, at the age of 53
was born at St. Pierre, Isle of Oleron, Saintonge,
in France, February 14, 1767, and went a young
man to the Island of San Domingo.
At the negro insurrection of 1793, he left the
Island and came to New York, where he resided
for about ten years.
On the transfer of Louisiana to the United States
in 1804 he came out to St. Louis, and became a
resident of the place. On the establishment of the
Superior Court of the Territory in 1806, he was
appointed the first clerk of the same, and held it
for several years. He was appointed in 1809, the
first clerk of the Town of St. Louis at its in-
corporation in that year, and for many years was a
Justice of the Peace and l!^otary Public.
Mr. Garnier was married on April 30, 1812, to
Marie, third daughter of Chas. Sanguinet, Sr., and
died Sept. 11, 1851, in his 85th year. Mrs. Garnier
survived her husband nearly thirty-five years, and
died on Feb'y 3, 1885, at the extreme old age of
ninety-five years.
Their only child, Harriet, is the wife of the Hon.
John Hogan.
son of David Robinson and Miriam Hamilton, was
born in Augusta County, Virginia, January 24,
1782. A nephew of Alex'r Hamilton, his mother
being a sister of Hamilton.
He was bred a physician, and came to St. Louis
very shortly after the transfer of the country to the
United States, designing to make it his permanent
place of abode, and entered upon the practice of his-
profession, in which he continued for some years at
Doct. Robinson was married on Dec'r 24, 1805,
by Auguste Chouteaii, Sr., then a justice of the
peace in St. Louis, to Miss Sophie Marie Michau,
a young lady born in Paris, whose parents brought
her to the United States when a child of four years
of age.
In 1806-7 Doct. Robinson was with Major Zeb-
ulon M. Pike, U. S. Army, as a volunteer asso-
ciate in his expedition to Pike's Peak, and his
explorations of the interior of Louisiana and 'Ney,
Spain, from which he returned in the fall of 1807.
After this we find the Doctor, who was an ener-
getic, enterprising man, almost constantly on the
move, frequently changing his locality, which we
arrive at from the birth of his other children. They
were :
Edward Y. Ham'n Robinson, Oct. 6, 1806, at
St. Louis ; lost at sea in 1831.
Jas. Houze Robinson, Aug. 17, 1808, St.
Louis ; died at l^atchez, 1818.
Ant'e Saugrain Robinson, April 18, 1810, at
Fort Osage.
Henrietta Sophia Robinson, !N'ov. 21, 1811, at
Ste. Genevieve; died at ]S"atchez, 1818.
Virginia R. Robinson, in 1818, at ISTatchez ; died
there an infant, in 1818.
Doct. Robinson made these frequent changes
of residence in the public service in obedience to
He died at IS'atchez, Sept. 19, 1819, aged but 37
years, falling a victim, with his three children, of
that malignant disease, yellow fever, which carried
off two-thirds of his family.
His widow, Mrs. R., survived him 30 years. She
died in St. Louis in 1848 at the age of 62 years.
entered "West Point in 1820, at 14 j^ears of age.
Commissioned a Midshipman U. S. ISTavy, March
4, 1823, at 17 years of age.
A Passed Midshipman, March 23, 1829, at 23.
A Lieutenant, March 3, 1831, at 25.
Lost at sea, August, 1831, at 25.*
Ant'e Saugrain Robinson, the only survivor of
the Doctor's family, long so well known here as
the Cashier of the old Bank of Missouri, is still with
is in his seventy-ninth ye^ir.
one of the numerous family of the Hunts of Tren-
ton, New Jersey, came to St. Louis in 1801, and
was in business with a John Hankinson in selling
merchandise for about five years. In June, 1809,
the firm was dissolved, and Mr. Hunt closed up
their business.
In the year 1810 Mr. Hunt became connected
with John Jacob Astor's ITew York Fur Company,
and early in 1811 he left St. Louis with seventy
men to ascend the Missouri, cross the mountains,
and descend to the Pacific Ocean, there to meet a
ship dispatched around by Astor. This was accom-
plished, Mr. Hunt's party being the first to follow
in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark, in pursuit of the
Indian trade of that region. He was absent on this
expedition several years, and returned to St. Louis
in the year 1813.
In 1817 Mr. Hunt purchased from heirs of Lab-
badie a tract of several thousand acres of land lying
* The U. S. Sloop of war, Sylph, was lost in the Gulf of Mexico with
all on board.
on the waters of the Glravois Creek, about eight
miles southwest of St. Louis. On this land he built
a mill, made a farm, and other improvements, and
the place was long well known in this locality as
*' Hunt's Mill."
Ill 1829 he visited Asbury, IS^ew Jersey, the place
of his birth, and there induced a nephew, John H.
Wilson, to come out to St. Louis and take charge
of his. Hunt's farm, which he, Wilson, did the
following year, and lived on his place until Mr
In Sept., 1822, Mr. W. Himt was appointed by
Pres't Monroe, Postmaster of St. Louis, to succeed
Col. Elias Rector. He held the position some
eighteen years and was in turn succeeded by
Thomas Watson, in 1840.
April 20, 1836, he was married, to Anne L. Hunt,
widow of his cousin Theodore Hunt, and died with-
out children in April, 1842, at the age of about 60
His widow, Ann Lucas Hunt, died April 12>
1879, aged 82 years, 6 months, 20 days.
a native of Ireland, came -to St. Louis in 1805,.
from Georgetown, District of Cokimbia, where he
had followed the vocation of an auctioneer.
He was the third sheriff of St. Louis, appointed
by Gov'r Wilkinson in Sept. 1806, and served as
such until l^ov'r, 1810, something over four years,
acting also as Collector and Treasurer.
S ft
St. Lonis is indebted to this gentleman for her
Washington Avenue. In the year 1818 he was the
owner of two of the forty arpent lots, lying be-
tween the additions of Judge Lucas on the South
and Major Wm. Christy on the north, the strip
being a mile and a half in length from Third Street
to Jefferson Avenue, and but 880 feet wide between
the above additions. Through the center of this
strip he laid out his Washington Avenue, 80 feet
wide, running its whole length, which he gener-
ously relinquished to the city without consideration,
leaving him but 150 feet in depth on each side.
Mr. Connor was never married. He died on
Sept. 23, 1823, aged about jfifty years, an intelligent
liberal gentleman.
was born in Carlisle, Penn'a, Jan'y 10, 1764.
When very young his parents removed to the Falls
of the Ohio, and settled in Jefferson County, Ken-
tucky, among the first to come there. In 1788
was appointed Lieutenant of a troop of Jefferson
County Cavalry, and in St. Clair's campaign of
1791, was an adjutant of a Kentucky regiment of
militia, and served in 1794 under Gen'l A. Wayne.
In 1792 Major Christy was married to Martha
Thompson Taylor, of Jefferson County, Kentucky,
and continued on his farm until 1804, when he
removed to St. Louis among the first Americans,
bringing- with him ample means and a number oi
In 1806 he opened a public house in the old Gov-
ernment mansion at the south-east corner of Main
and Walnut Streets, vphich he kept for a number
of years, patronized by the best classes of society.
In 1806 appointed a Justice of the Court oi
Quarter Sessions.
In 1807 appointed clerk of the same.
In 1809 elected a Trustee of the newly incorpo-
rated Town. And Major of the Louisiana Rangers.
March 1813, Presiding Justice of the Court of
Common Pleas.
1814, Auditor of accounts for the Territory, and
in 1820 Auditor same for the State.
1820, Appointed by Pres't Monroe Register of
the United States Land Office, which he resigned
in 1833.
Major Christy died at his residence, IN'orth St.
Louis, April, 1837, aged 73 years ; his widow sur-
vived him until 1849, their children were :
Sarah, the first wife of Doct. Bernard G. Far-
rar ; she died in 1817.
Mary Ann, married Maj. Thomas Wright, U. S.
Matilda, wife first of Doct. D. V. Walker, and
second of Col. J^. P. Taylor.
Frances, wife first of Maj. Taylor Berry, and
second of Judge Robert Wash.
Eliza, wife of Gen'l Wm. H. Ashley, member of
Harriet, wife of Capt. James Deane, U. S.
Virginia, married to Doct. Edwin B. Smith in
1838, yet living, and
Two sons, Edmund, who died unmanded, and
Howard, who married Miss Susan Preston, of
was born in Frederick County, Virginia, June 3,
"Immigrated" to St. Louis in 1804, and early
commenced speculating in Town lots and lands.
Soon perceiving the future advance and prosperity
of St. Louis, he had before the end of our Terri-
torial days made large acquisitions of vacant lands
in and about the Town, priiicipally in the southern
portion of it, so that, already considered a large
fortune, even in those early days, its value was
immensely increased in subsequent years by the
judicious management of his son-in-law, Thomas
Allen, who had married his only daughter.
Wm. Eussell died in St. Louis, July 14, 1857, in
his 80th year.
of County Fermanagh, and wife Elizabeth Brown,
Youghal, County Waterford, L^eland, landed in
Philadelphia in 1794, and soon removed to Bal-
In 1798 they came west and located in Frank-
fort, Ky. He engaged in mercantile business in
18U3, built a schooner and sent her with produce
to the West Indies.
In 1804 came to St. Louis, which thereafter was
his home, although himself and family frequently
absent ; his children were :
Ellen, died in France, in March, 1827.
Catherine, Mrs. Major Richard Graham.
Jane, Mrs. Chas. Chambers, married in iN^ew
York, 1817.
Anne, Mrs. Major Thos. Biddle.
Mary, Mrs. Wm. S. Harney, married Oct. 1,
Eliza, Mrs. James Clemens, married Jan. 10,'
Octavia, first Mrs. Dennis Delany, and second
Mrs. Judge Boyee.
And one son Judge Bryan Mullanphy.
John Mullanphy died at his house, North Main
Street, St. Louis, Aug't 29, 1833.
was born in Massachusetts, April 4, 17G8, educated
at Rutland, Worcester County, — a son of Silas
Bent, of Sudbury, Mass., who commanded the
famous " Tea Party " in Boston Harbor December
16, 1773.
In 1788 he came to Ohio and was one of the
first settlers of Marietta. He read law with Phillip
Doddridge, of Wheeling, Vir'a, afterwards he kept
store atCharlestown, Vir'a, and married Miss Mar-
tha Kerr, of Winchester. In January, 1802, he was
Postmaster at Brooke Court House, Vir'a, and in
18U3 deputy in the oflBce of the Surveyor General
Eufus Putnam.
Feb'y 17, 18U4, appointed associate Judge of the
Common Pleas of Washington Co., Ohio. In
July, 1805, Deputy Surveyor under James Mans-
field, Surveyor Oeneral. July, 1806, appointed
by Albert Gallatin, Sec. of Treasury of the
United States, to be principal Deputy Sur-
veyor for Louisiana Territory, and came to St.
Louis, Sept. 17, I80(i.
August 20, 1807, was appointed by Frederick
Bates, the first Judge of the Common Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, for the District of St. Louis.
JSTov'r, 180.S, by Governor Lewis, auditor of public
accounts, ISTov. 9, 1809, presiding Judge of St.
Louis Common Pleas, with Bernard Pratte and
Louis Labeaume associates, and on that day issued
the first Charter for the Town of St. Louis.
Jan'y5, 1811, appointed by Fred'k Bates, Auditor
of the Public accounts, and on September, 18 LI,
Judge of the Common Pleas by Governor Benja-
min Howard.
Feb. 21, 1813, was appointed,by President Madi-
son, Judge of the Superior Court of the Territory
of Missouri, Jan'y 21, 1817, was recommissioned
by the President, and held the office until
abolished by the admission of Missouri as a State
in 1821.
After the admission of the State, Judge Bent
received the appointment of Clerk of the St. Louis
County Court, which he held until his death, Nov.
20, 1827, in his 60th year.
His widow, Mrs. Martha Bent, died Aug't 20,
They raised seven sons and four daughters to
Charles, born in 1799, died single, Grovernor of
Taos, N^ew Mexico ; murdered.
Julia Ann, born in 1801, married July 24, 1817, to
Lilburn W- Boggs ; she died Sept. 21, 1820, aged
about 19 years.
John, born in 1803, married Sept. 15, 1829, to
Miss Olivia, daughter of Col. Jos. McClelland, of
Boone ; he died in 1845, aged 42 years.
Lucy, born in 1805, married Sept. 29, 1826, to
James Russell, of Oakhill ; she died March 2, 1871,
aged GG years.
Dorcas, born in 1807, March 12, married Dec. 10,
1829, to Judge "Wm. C. Carr; she died Feb'y 25,
1888, aged nearly 81 years.
William, born in 1809.
George, born in 1811, died unmarried in 1847,
aged 35 years, 6 months.
Mary, born in 1814, married in 183G, to Jonathan
Robert S., born in 1816, died unmarried Oct. 20,
1811, aged 25 years.
Edward, born in 1819, died in 1824, aged 5
Silas, Jr., born in Oct., 1820, married, and died in
1887, aged 67 years.
was a son of Walter Carr, and one of a numer-
ous family of brothers and sisters. He was born
in Albemarle County, Virginia, on April 15,
1783, he received an academic education and
studied the legal profession.
He arrived in St. Louis March 31, 1804, in' a
keel boat from Louisville, making the passage, as
he often used to say, in the ^^ short time of 25
days'''' one, of the earliest Americans after the
transfer. After remaining a month here, he went
to Ste. Genevieve, then a larger place than St.
Louis, to settle there.
He opened an office, was admitted to the- Bar,
and commenced the practice of law. A year
later discovering his mistake in location, he re-
turned to St. Louis, to settle himself permanently.
In the early history of St. Louis, Judge Carr
played a prominent and influential part in the po-
litical and social affairs of the place, and was very
successful in the management of his pecuniary
affairs having acquired a handsome competency.
In 1826 he was appointed by Gov'r John Miller,
to the office of Circuit Judge of the St. Louis
Circuit, succeeding Alexander Stuart in the office,
which position he held for nearly eight years,
resigning it in 1834, and was succeeded in March
-of that year by Judge Luke E. Lawless.
Judge Carr was twice married, first in Ste. Clen-
■evieve TsTov'r 17, 1807, to Miss Anna Maria Elliott,
daughter of Doct. Aaron Elliott from Connecti-
cut. This lady died August 11, 1826, aged
38 years, leaving three daughters, Anna Maria,
Virginia, and Cornelia, who subsequently became
the wives of Greorge W. Kerr, Charles Cabanne
and Thos. P. Dyer, and one only son, Charles
Elliott Carr, who died Sept. 22, 1826, one
month after his mother, in his twelfth year.
Judge Carr married his second wife. Miss Dor-
cas, the third daughter of Silas Bent, Sr., Dec'f
10, 1829, by whom he had five sons, Walter,
Dabney, Charles B., Thomas and Robert, and one
In l;il5. Judge C;irr built the fifth brick house
in St. Louis, and the first one for a dwelling
exclusively, at the South east corner of Main and
Sprnce streets, which still stands, one of the early
land marks.
Judge Wm. C. Carr died March 31, 1851, aged
6"< years, his widow and children then, all sur-
viving him, except the youth who died above.
was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, on May 4,
1774, of an English family of good descent.
In February, 17S)1, at 17 years, he studied law in
the office of Ephraim Kirby, at Litchfield, for two
years, and on reaching the age of 2L years, obtained
a hcense to practice in Connecticut. About the
commencement of the present century, we fiud him
at Home, Oneida County, New York, He soon be-
came well known as a promising young lawyer, and
was in correspondence with such prominent men as
Col. Aaron Burr, Vice-President U. S. ; Gideon
Granger, Postmaster-General ; De Witt CUnton,
and others at the seat of Government, from letters
of these parties addressed to him, found in Col.
Easton's papers after his death.
He spent the winter of 1803-4 in Washington,
and while there proposed to change his residence
from New York to New Orleans, and procured
letters of introduction , to influential parties of
that city, with which he left Washington in the
early part of March of that year. It seems, how-
ever, that Col. Easton changed his mind in that
matter, for on reaching Vincennes, Indiana, on his
way West and South, he concluded to remain at
that place, for a time at least, and obtained a license
to practice in the courts of that Territory.
He remained here but a few months,- and about
the time that Gen'l Harrison with the Indiana
judges vfent to St. Louis, to frame laws for Mis-
souri, Col. Easton accompanied them and took up
his residence in St. Louis.
He again visited Washington in the winter of
March 13, 1805, he'received from President Jef-
ferson a commission as Judge of the Territory of
Louisiana, and in March, 1806, was appointed by
the President United States Attorney for the
Territory of Louisiana. Early in 1805, when a
post-office was established in St. Louis, Col. E. was
appointed the first Postmaster, and held the position
for nine years, resigning the office in 1814, being
succeeded by Doct. Robert Simpson.
In 1814 he was elected Delegate to Congress, suc-
ceeding Edward Hempstead, and in 181(3 re-elected
to the same, serving four years in that office.
In 1821, when Missouri became a State of this
Union, Col. Baston was appointed by President'
James Monroe, United States Attorney-General
for the State of Missouri, which office he filled
for five years, after which he retired to private
Col. Easton removed to St. Charles in 1822, and
died there on July 5, 1834, at the age of 60 years.
His wife, whose maiden name was Smith, he had
married in the State of IN"ew Yoi-k, where his two
or three first children were born. She died in St.
Charles in 1848.
They had a numerous family of seven daughters
and four sons.
Mary, born in Pome, IS^ew York, married Major
Geo. C. Sibley, Sept., 1815 ; no children.
Joanna, born in Rome, l^ew York, married first
Doct. Pryor Quarles, 2 daughters ; secondly,
Henry S. Geyer, 2 sons.
Louisa, married Archibald Gamble, 7 children.
Kussella, married Thos. L. Anderson, of Pal-
myra, 3 sons.
Alby, married Jarnes Watson, St. Louis, 2
Sarah E., married Samuel South, of Palmyra^ 4
children .
Medora, born in St. Charles, married to Abner
Bartlett, New York, 4 children.
Alton R., born in St. Louis, twice married, 6
Joseph G., born in St. Louis, married to Miss
Smith, Connecticut.
Langdon C, born in St. Louis, of the U. S.
Army, several.
Henry C, born in St. Charles, married twice,
born June 23, 1807, in St. Louis, married first Miss
Eliza Ott at St. Charles ; she left 2 sons and 1
daughter. Second, Miss Emeline Noye, at St.
Charles, has 3 sons.
Col. Easton is now 81 years of age, and not a
gray hair in his head.
was born in New London, Connecticut, June 3,
1780, and studied law, and in 1801, admitted to
the Bar. After practicing three years in Rhode
Island, he came west in 1804, stopping; for a brief
period in Vincennes, and then settled in the town
of St. Charles. In 1805 he removed to St. Louis,
where, in his brief residence of twelve years, he
filled many public positions with credit to himself,
and satisfaction to the community.
In 1806, he received the appointment of deputy
attorney-general for the Districts of St. Louis
and St. Charles.
In 1809, appointed Attorney-General for the Ter-
ritory of Upper Louisiana.
1812, June 4, Act of Congress changed the name
from Louisiana to Missouri Territory, and Mr.
Hempstead was elected its first delegate to Con-
gress from west of the Mississippi.
In 1814. He was Speaker of the Territorial
Assembly of Missouri.
Mr. Hempstead was married on Jan'y 13, 1808,
to Miss Clarissa, daughter of Louis C. Dubreuil of
St. Louis. On August 5, 1817, in retui-ning
from St. Charles, where he had been attending
the election, Mr. Hempstead was thrown from his
horse, and died from congestion resulting from his
fall, on Aug. 9, 1817, after a brief illness of a few
days, at the age 37 years, leaving no children,
they having died young.*
* He was interred on Monday the llLh, at his father, Stephen Hempstead,
S'-'s., farm (•■.he proptrty of Ed. Hempstead), now forming the north-east
portion of BellefontaiQe Cemetery, his funeral was the largest that had
ever occurred in the country).
was born in Merionethshire, Wales, on February
10, 1759.
He came to the United States about the close of
the war of the Revolution with his first wife
and a son or two. He resided for a time near
Philadelphia, and came out to the new JS^orth-
west Territory as soon as it was organized, and
lived for some years in Vincennes, the seat of
Here he lost his first and married a second
wife, a Miss "Baeryer, from Pennsylvania, in the
year 1791.
A few years thereafter he removed to Kaska,skia,
about 1795, subsequently returned a second time to
Vincennes for some years, and then again to Kas-
kaskia for a short period.
In 1808 he removed across the Mississippi to Ste.
Genevieve, where he established his home. While
living on the east side of the River, he practiced
law in the courts at Kaskaskia and Vincennes,
and after establishing himself on this side, contin-
ued in the practice of his profession in Ste. Grene-
vieve and Washington counties.
In 1820 he was a member of the Missouri Con-
stitutional Convention from Ste. Genevieve County,
and after the formation of the State was appointed
a Judge of the Supreme Court, associated on the
Bench with Matthias McGirk and John D. Cook.
Judge Jones died in St. Louis, Jan'y 31, 1824,,
at the residence of his daughter Harriet, relict of
Thos. Brady, lacking but ten days of being 65
years, the then constitutional term of a Judge;
his children were :
Rice Jones, born in Wales, assassinated at Kas-
kaskia, Dec'r 7, 1808.
A daughter, born in Vincennes, in 1792.
A son, John, born in Vincennes in 1794.
A son, Augustus, born in Kaskaskia, in 1796.
A daughter, Mrs. Harriet Brady, born in Kas-
kaskia in 1798.
A son, Geo. W., born in Vincennes, April 12,
1804, living at Dubuque, Iowa.
And several more by his two wives.
was born in Pennsylvania of Irish parents about
the year 1776.
In 1 799 was appointed a Lieut, of Infantry in
the U. S. Army; his Regiment was disbanded in
1800, at Pittsburgh.
In 1804: he come to St. Louis, and engaged in
business early in 1806, at the Southeast corner of
Main and Pine, in which he continued for some few
years. In 1811 he sold this property and purchased
the old French house at the JSTorthwest corner of
Main and Spruce, whei-e he lived until 1820, From
his pleasant manners he soon made many friends,
and was very popular with the whole community.
In 1810 he was the fourth sheriff of St. Louis
During the war of 1812-15, he raised a Company
of mounted Rangers of which he was elected the
In 181.6, when Congress estabhshed a Land OflBce
for the St. Louis District, he was appointed by
President Madison tlie first Register of the same,
and held the Office four years, until he was elected
in 1820 the first Governor of the State, by a very
large majority over his competitor, General Wm.
Clark, also a very popular citizen of St. Louis.
In March, 1805, he was married to Miss Margaret
Reilhe, daughter of Antoine Reilhe, an old French
citizen of St. Louis.
They raised to maturity four sons and three
Governor Mc!N"air died in St. Louis March 18,
1826, aged about fifty years.
was born in Richmond County, Virginia, Sept.
21, 1757.
Was at the battle of Point Pleasant in 1774,
was under Gen'l Hand in 1777-1778, at the
battle of King's Mountain in 1780, and served
throughout the war of the Revolution in the
Carolinas and other Southern States.
He came to Louisiana at the time of the trans-
fer to the U. S., remained at St. Louis and vicin-
ity for some twenty years, about 1825 returned
to the South, and died in Hamburg, South Caro-
lina, Sept. 11, 1842, at the age of 85 years.
He filled many public positions of trust.
In Georgia he was a member of the State
Legislature, and Congressman. In Missom'i, a
member of the State Convention, and Legisla-
ture and first Receiver of Public Moneys at St.
Louis; in South Carolina Surveyor General of the
State, and Secretary of State.
was born in Hanover County, Virginia, about
the year 1782, and graduated at Princeton Col-
lege, IsTew Jersey, in 1802.
He came west shortly after graduating and
located in Indiana, and in 1804 came to Missouri
and entered upon the practice of the law in Ste.
Genevieve, where he remained until his death.
In 1817 he was elected the delegate in Con-
gress from Missouri Territory, and in 1820 the
first Representative in Congress from the new-
State, Missouri being entitled to but one member,
and again re-elected in 1822 and 1824.
In 1825, when the choice of President of the
United States devolved on the House of Represen-
tatives, he cast the vote of Missouri for John
Quincy Adams, for which mistake he was defeated
in 1826 and relegated to private life, Andrew
Jackson being the undoubted choice of a plural-
ity of the voters of Missouri for that ofiice.
Mr. Scott continued his practice as a Lawyer for
many years.
He was twice married.
His second wife was Mrs. Harriet, widow of
Thos. Brady, of St. Louis, and daughter of Judge
John Rice Jones; she had then three little girls.*
John Scott died in Ste. Genevieve in 1861, in
his eightieth year.
was born at Pointe Claire, Canada, April 14, 1768.
After leaving school at Montreal, he entered into
the Service of the Canadian Fur Company, and
was engaged for several years in the Indian Trade
at the Falls of ^N^iagara.
He came to St. Louis in 1795, and soon after
entered the service of a leading Missouri River Fur
trader as a clerk, in which he continued for some
Oct. 26, 1805. He married Marie Theresa
Papin, second daughter of Joseph M. Papin, quit
the fur trade and established a bakery.
He purchased from Peter Chouteau, Sr. , on Oct.
15, 1808, the south half of Block IS"©. 33, on the
north side of Market street, extending 300 feet
from Main to Church street, with a stone dwelling
4.8 by 30 feet, called large in that day, at the south-
east corner of 'the half block. He lived here for
many years, his bake house being on Market street
* Who grew up to become married 1adie«.
in rear of his dwelling, and in later years built for
himself a brick dwelling on south 3rd, below Plum
street, where he died on May 26», 1842, aged 74
years, leaving six children all grown and married.
Louise, who was married to Bernard Pratte, Jr.,
in July, 1824.
Leon, married to Miss Julia Demun.
Amanda, married to Doct. Auguste Masiare.
Atalie, married to Joseph S. Pease.
Julius, married to Miss Josephine Lane of St.
Julia, to Mr. Heiiry Gourdes of France, where
she still lives.
aug'ustik guiboed,
was born in the Parish of Mascouehe de la
Chenel, Montreal, in Canada, May 12, 1785, and
came to St. Louis in the fall of 1804, at the
age of 19 years, with a party of Hudson's Bay
Fur traders, without the consent of his parents,
he being a minor.
He was married in St. Louis by Judge M. P.
Leduc on July 6, 1811, to Marie Catherine
• Lacroix, daughter of Joseph Lacroix and Helene
Bissonnet, who was born in St. Louis on Feb'y
8, 1795.
He was a veteran of the war of 1812-15,
serving in the American forces, and continued
to reside in St. Louis until his death.
Augnstin Guibord died Sept. 12, 1860, aged
75 years and 4 months, and his widow l^ovember
26, 1872, at the age of 77 years and 9 months.
JNO. B. C. LUCAS. 213
Their children, who attained maturity, were :
A.ugustus, born May 12, 1815, who died Sept.
8, 1850, at 85, in Colorado.
Jnlia, born April 8, 1817, married first C.
Eichard, and secondly Bender.
Henri, born August 3, 1824.
Edward F., born March 8, 1826.
Angeline, born April 8, 1828, married Wm.
A. Luckie.
Edmund M., born April 16, 1830.
a veteran of two wars, when a young man of 22
years, served in the Mexican War, in Capt.
McKellop's Company, of Col. Easton's Regiment
from St. Louis in 1816-7, and again in the late
war as Captain of Artillery in the Confederate
He was married Aug't 23, 1852, to Miss
Louisa A., daughter of Saugrain Michau, who
was born April 26, 1836, at St. Louis, and died
Oct. 22, 1869, aged 33, leaving two sons, Henry
A., and John Louis Guibor.
was born in l!^"ormandy, France, in the year 1758.
He graduated in the profession of Law at Caen,
l^ormandy, in 1782, and practiced in his native
place about two years, during which period he was
married to Miss Anne Sebin, who born in 1764, was
six years younger than him.
In 1781, they came to the United States, and
settled on a farm on the Monongahela River, a
short distance above Pittsburgh.
In his early years in Pennsylvania he made some
trading voyages down the Ohio and Mississippi to
New Madrid, then a new place just started in 1787
by French traders. In 1791 he made another voy-
age to that place bringing with him Henry, a
young lad, son of Judge Brackenridge, of Pitts-
burgh, an intimate friend of Lucas, to be placed
with some French family where he might acquire
the French language.
In 1792 Judge Lucas was elected to the Legis-
lature of Penn'a, and afterwards was for a time
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in his Dis-
In 1803 he was elected to Congress from the
Alleghany District, succeeding Albert Gallatin.
In 1805 he was appointed by President Jefferson
Judge of the United States Court in Upper Louisi-
ana, and, in conjunction with Clem't B. Penrose,
commissioners to settle land claims in Missouri, for
which purpose he removed to St. Louis with his
wife and family late that fall.
His five sors were :
Robert, bo .i 1788, entered the Army from West
Point in 1808; died Feb. 8, 1814.*
* At French Mills, on the St. Lawrence, a Major In the IT. S. Army,
at the age of 26 years.
Charles, born Sept. 24, 1792; died Sept. 27,
1817, aged 25 years.
Adrian, born 1794 ; died in the year 1831, aged
37 years.
William, born 1798 ; died in July, 1837, aged 39
Anne, born Sept. 23, 1796.
Jas. H., born May, 1800.
Mrs. Lucas died in St. Louis Aug't 3, 1811, aged
47 years, and Judge Lucas Aug. 29, 1842, aged 84
years, surviving his wife 31 years.
After the death of Mrs. Lucas in 1811, the
Judge built the first house on the hill, a small
stone, in his cornfield. It stood on the ground
whereon now stands the Masonic Hall at the north-
west corner of Market and 7th Streets, in which he
lived many years, the only house on the hill until
second son of Judge Jno. B. C Lucas, was born
near Pittsburgh, Penn'a, Sept. 25, 1792. At 13
years of age he came with his father's family to St.
Louis in 1805.
In 1806 he was sent to Jefferson College, Phila-
delphia, where he spent five years at his studies,
returning home in 1811 at 19 years, and then
studied law with Col. Easton.
In 1812 he joined a volunteer company in St.
Louis, afterwards assisting in organizing a^ com-
pany of Volunteer Artillery, stationed near Portage
des Sioux, of which he was elected Captain.
In 1814, at the age of 22 years, admitted to the
bar of St. Louis.
Elected to the Legislature of the Territory.
Then appointed United States Attorney for the
Killed in a duel with Col. Thomas H. Benton,
Sept. 27, 1817, at the age of 25 years and 2 days.
was the fourth son of Judge John B. 0. Lucas.
He was born near Pittsburgh, Penn'a, in 1798, and
came here with his father's family in 1803 at 7
years of age. He read law in St. Louis with
Col. Easton, and at the proper age was admitted to
the bar. He died unmarried in 1837, aged 39
of Philadelphia, and wife Anna Howard were
married about the year 1797, and lived at Frank-
ford, north Philadelphia. In 1805, he was ap-
pointed by the Pres't Thos. Jefferson, a commis-
sioner to adjudicate the claims to Lands in Upper
Louisiana, and came out to St. Louis in October
of that year, associated with Jno. B. C. Lucas,
and served as such until the completion of their
labors and the dissolution of the board.
Their five children, all born in Philadelphia, were
Chaules Bingham Penrose, Oct. 6, 1798.
James Howard Penrose, 1800.
Clement Biddle, ]S"o. 2, 1802.
And two daughters Mary Biddle Penrose, and
Anna Howard Wilkinson Penrose.
Judge Penrose when he arrived here had consid-
erable means, purchased a house in town and sev-
eral tracts of land throughout the country, bixt a
long life of idleness and extravagant living grad-
ually reduced his means, and in his old age he was
glad to accept the position of Justice of the peace,
which he held at the period of his death, May 15,
His oldest son Charles B. lived here vdth us until
21 years of age, in 1819, when he returned to Phila-
delphia, finished his law studies, and settled in Car-
lisle, Cumberland Co., became eminent at the Bar
and a prominent politician, a State Senator in 1833,
and re-elected to the same. In 1841 appointed by
President Wm. H. Harrison, Solicitor of the Treas-
ury, which office he held until the close of Tyler's
administration. In 1847 settled in Phila., his native
city, in 1856 again elected to the State Senate, and
died at Harrisburg, April 6th, 1857, aged 59
After the death of Judge Penrose his widow,
with the two daughters and third son Clement Bid-
die ^NTo. 2, went south to Louisiana, and became
residents of the Parish of Jefferson, where in the
course of time they all died, the son leaving a
The ladies of this family were very aristocratic in
their ideas, priding themselves very much on their
"was born in the north of Ireland, of the ancient
Scottish family of the Lowrys, which was his
•original name. He came young to the United
■States, and was bred to the law in the City of
Baltimore, where his name was changed by Act
of the Legislature of Maryland, to Donaldson, to
■enable him to inherit an estate, that being the
condition of the bequest.
In 1805, he was appointed by the President
Thos. Jefferson, under the Act of Congress,
March 2^ 1805, " for the settlement of Land Claims
*' in the new Territories'," Recorder of Land titles
for Louisiana, to act with the two Land Cominis-
eioners. And in December of the same year, pre-
sented his commission as Attorney General for the
When the Board organized in January, 1806,
in St. Louis, he took his seat with Judge Jno. B.
C. Lucas and Clement Biddle Penrose, and acted
with them for some time. About the year 1807,
he returned to Baltimore and resumed his profession
of the Law.
Ho lost his life at the head of his Regiment, in
the defense of his adopted Country, at the Battle
of North Point, near Baltimore, at the attack by
the British on that place, Aug't 13, 1814, and his
name is found inscribed on the monument erected
in "Monument Square" in that City, to the
memory of "the patriotic band who devoted their
" lives to the welfare of their country on that
■" memorable occasion."
were amongst the most noted of the early Ameri-
cans of our Territorial days, being educated gen-
tlemen, they soon became prominent in their
respective communities. They were born at
Doylestown, county seat of Bucks County, 25
miles north of Philadelphia, one of the three coun-
ties originally organized by Wm. Penii himself in
1682. They were of Irish origin.
An uncle, Gray Bryan, was a prominent whole-
sale Dry Goods Merchant of Philadelphia, whose
name is found in the first Directory of that City
(1785) and for many years thereafter, and who
sold extensively to our early merchants of the
Mississippi Valley. In this long established house
of their uncle, these gentlemen successively
acquired their early business knowledge.
There were some six or seven of them.
William Morrison, the oldest, who had been
associated with his uncle in Philadelphia, came
out to Kaskaskia about the year 1795, and
lived to become a prominent man in the coun-
try, having stores at St. Louis, Kaskaskia
and Cahokia. He was twice married, first to
a lady in Illinois, after whose death he married
in 1813, a daughter of Gen'l Daniel Bissell, U.
S. A., and died in 1837 at Kaskaski, Ills. The
former distinguished member of Congress, Wm. K.
Morrison, is a grandson.
Robert Morrison came out in 1798 and settled
in Kaskaslda, and married first a daughter
of James Edgar, a brother of the noted Gen'l
John Edgar. After the death of this lady
Mr. Morrison married in 1806, Miss Donald-
son, who had come ont from Baltimore with
her brother previously mentioned. This lady was
highly spoken of for her literarj'^ taste and culti-
vation, and produced several articles, chiefly on
moral or religious subjects ; she died in Belleville
in 1813, and Morrison in Kaskaskia.
They left several sons, one of them, J. L. Don
Morrison, long a resident of our City.
James Morrison settled in St. Charles, married
Miss Saucier of Portage des Sioux, and was the
father of the late Wm. M. Morrison, of St. Louis,
the first Mrs. Geo. Collier, Mrs. Wm. G. Pettus,
Mrs. Francis Yosti and Mrs. Richard Lockwood,
all at %ne time of St. Louis.
Jesse Morrison came out to this place in 1805,
and for a time was associated with his brother
James at St. Charles, and subsequently in Galena, ■
Illinois. Like the most of his brothers, he raised
a large family.
Samuel Morrison came to Kaskaskia in 1807. He
spent some years in the Rocky Mountains as a
clerk of Manuel Lisa' s Company ; he returned in
1811, married shortly afterwards, and settled in
Covington, Washington County, Illinois, where he
died in 1828.
Guy Morrison, the youngest, came to Kaskaskia
in 1814, became a partner of his brother William
in his Cahokia store, married the widow of Isaac
]^. Henry, the printer of Col. Benton's Enq;a%rer,
in St. Louis, in 1819-20, located a fine farm near
Collinsville, Illinois, in 1826, became very wealthy,
and died on his place in 18 — , and his widow but
a few years since ; they left no children.
At the present day the descendants of these
Brothers Morrisons are very numerous, scattered
throughout the west from Illinois to California.
the third in command at Bellefontaine, was born
in Connecticut about the year 1768, son of a Revo-
lutionary officer, was with St. Clair in 1791, a
Lieutenant in 1794, a Captain Jan'y 1, 1799, a
Lieut. Col. Aug't 18, 1808, and a Col. in 1812.
Brigadier General 1815.
He married at Middletown, Connecticut, in 1793,
Deborah Seba, daughter of Jacob Seba, from
When a captain in 1799, he had command of
Fort Massac, on the Ohio, and on the death, of
Col. Hunt, succeeded him at Bellefontaine, where
he built the permanent buildings. After he was
relieved from Bellefontaine in 1813-14, he went
below to Baton Rouge and JSTew Orleans, and there
was mustered out in 1821.
He died Dec. 14, ISHS, at 65 years of age, on
his farm, Franklinton (nine miles north of St.
Louis, on the road to Cantonment Belief ontaine,)
where he possessed a large body of land. His
widow died 'Nov. 15, 1843.
They had three married daughters and a son.
EUza, married to Wm. Morrison, merchant of
Kaskaskia and St. Louis, July 20, 1813.
Mary, married to Risdon H. Price, merchant of
St. Louis, Aug. 30, 1815.
Cornelia, rnarried to Maj. Thompson Douglass,
Paymaster U. S. Army, Sept. 23, 1817.
James, the only son, after being at school in
Connecticut, went on to his father's place, of which
he became the owner after the death of his mother,
and lived there for some sixty years, dying but
very recently.
born in Connecticut, were seven in number, and
all served in the war of the Revolution.
Major Russell Bissell, born in 1755, was a
Captain in 1793, in the 1st Regiment of
Infantry and promoted to Major in 1797, the
Regiment then garrisoning the different posts
in the ^Northwest Territory. It crossed the
Mississippi river to this side with Gen'l Wilkinson
in 1805-6.
He was the first commandant at the Cantonment
at Belief ontaine, where he died Dec'r 18, 1807,
aged 52 years ; the stone slab over his grave is
still in the little graveyard of the garrison.
A son, Lewis Bissell, was in after years a Cap-
tain, and suttler of the 6th Regiment, U. S. In-
fantry at Coiincil Bluffs, and died — at his.
residence near the Reservoir, Bissell' s Point.
was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, July 10,.
1766, and came out west in 1798.
He lived first at St. Charles, Missouri, after the
transfer to the U. S., where he established and oper-
ated a tannery for some years.
About 1804:-5 was appointed the first sheriff of
St. Charles County. During the war of 1812 he
commanded a company of Cavalry raised at St.
Charles, and at the close of the war in 1815 he
removed to St. Louis, and. was appointed Register
and Collector of the town.
At the incorporation of the city, April, 1823, he
was reappointed to the same position which he held
for four additional years, until 1827, when he was
sncceeded in the oflSce by his oldest son, Jos.
A. Wherry.
Capt. Mackey Wherry, was married March 19,
1800, at St. Louis, to Miss Louisa, daughter of the
Rev'd Ichabod Camp, dec'd.
They were the parents of several children, three
of whom attained maturity and married, the others-
dying young.
Mrs. Wherry died in St. Louis, Aug't 6, 1825,
aged 57 years, and Mackey "Wherry Sr., in St.
Louis County, Aug't 3, 1828, aged 62.
Joseph A. Wherry, born Aug't 16, 1801, married
Amelia H. Horner 'Noy. 5, 1835, at Helena, Arkan-
sas, and died at St. Louis Feb. 13, 1843, Aet. 41, 6.
Mackey M. Wherry, born ISTov. 57, 1802, mar-
ried Elizabeth S. Horner March 8, 1832, at Hel-
ena, Arkansas, and died at Florissant June 26,
1864, Aet. 61, 7.
Dan'l Boone Wherry, born l^ov. 25, 1804, died
May 29, 1844, aged 39, 6 mos.
was born in Vincennes, Indiana, and came to St.
Louis about the time of the transfer, and went
into the blacksmithing business at the north-west
corner of Main and our present Pine street, where
he conducted the business until his death, Feb. 6,
Jan'y 25, 1805, he married Miss Therese, daugh-
ter of Louis Brazeau Sr. ; their children were :
Therese, who married James Reed Oct. 12,
1825. He died May 17, 1828, and she married
Susan, who married Russell Farnham, Oct. 27,
1829, and died Oct. 23, 1832.
Leontine, who married James Corse, Feb. 18,
Charles, who died a young man unmarried.
Francis, who died a young man unmarried.
Theodore, married Caroline W. Peacock, July
20, 1846.
Mrs. Theresa Bosseron Eeed, married her second
husband, Sam'l Cole June 19, 1834.
Mrs. Charles Bosseron Sr., survived nearly all
her children and died in Jan'y, 1874, aged near 90
born in Massachusetts, a Lieut, in 1777, a Capt.
in 1779, Major 1793, Lieut.-Col. 1802, and
Colonel April 11, 1803, was the second command-
ing officer at Belief on taine, succeeding Major K.
Bissell, for the brief period of but seven months.
He died there July 17, 1808, and was laid along
side his friend and associate in arms.
Again six short months still later, Col. Hunt
was in turn followed by his wife, she died at the
cantonment Jan'y 15, 1809, and was laid by her
Thus within the brief space of thirteen months
were these three prominent personages laid to rest,
in that far distant land on the very conjBnes of civ-
Col. Hunt left a son, a young. Lieut., iii the
Army, and two young daughters, who when grown
became, the one the wife of Col. Josiah Snelling
U. S. Army, and the other the wife of James Gr.
Soulard of this City.
was born in Detroit, December 5, 1771 (his father
had come from Aberdeen, Scotland), and received
a plain education.
In 1793, with his step-brother, John Kenzie, who
was afterwards the founder of Chicago, he went
trading with the Illinois Indians.
In one of his trips to the east, he married at Ha-
gerstown, Maryland, a lady named De Maillot, and
in 1809 he located at Peoria, Illinois, at which place
he was appointed Indian Sub-Agent previous to the
war of 1812, and removed to St. Louis in 1815
or '16.
Mrs. Sarah Forsythe died ISTov'r 21, 1829, at
their residence North Main St., and Major Forsythe
Oct. 29, 1833, on his farm (now in Forest Park),
aged 62 years.
Their children were :
John, who died a young man of 21 years, a stu-
dent with Doet. Farrar.
Robert, born in 1808, died ISTov'r 1, 1872, aged
64 years, in Forest Park.
Mary, married Antoine R. Bonis, Oct. 14, 1835,
and died within a year.
Robert Forsythe, whose wife was Miss Anne Cul-
ver, left three children, William, Mary and Louis.
was born in Belmont, Goochland Co., "Virginia,
June 23, 1777, of Quaker parents, but his father
having fought for the Revolution was disowned by
the Church. Frederick was one of seven brothers,
Edward Bates being a younger one.
In 1797, at the age of 20, he went to Detroit,
where he was first engaged in mercantile pursuits,
and was for a time Postmaster of the place, and
U. S. receiver of public moneys, until its complete
destruction by fire in June, 1805.
In 1806 he removed to St. Louis, and was the
first Recorder of the Board of Land Commissioners
when the Office was created.
He was second Secretary of the Territory,
appointed May 7, 1807, by Pres't Jefferson, to
succeed Joseph Browne, temporary Secretary, un-
der Gov'r Wilkinson, and held the place for 13
years under successive Governors until the forma-
tion of the State Government in 1820, acting as
Governor in their frequent absences from the Ter-
ritory, and also as Recorder of Land Titles.
He compiled the early Territorial laws printed
in 1808, the first book printed in St. Louis or west
of the Mississippi.
In 1824 he was elected the second Governor of
the State, filling the office but one short year. He
died Aug't 2, 1825, on his farm in Bonhomme
Township, at the age of 48 years, leaving a widow
and four young -children. He was married March
4, 1811), to Miss Kancy, daughter of Col. John S.
Ball, of St. Louis County.
in the year 1S03, were partners as merchants in
In 1808, Jacob Philipson came to St, Louis and
opened a store on Main Street, which he carried
on until 1811, when he quit business in that line,
but continued his residence in Missouri, generally
at St. Louis, until his death in January, 1858, a
period of 50 years.
He lived a portion of his time at Potosi, and
married in the southern portion of the State, his
children, of whom he left seven, being all born in
Missouri. He lived for the last ten years of his
life on South 3rd Street, and gave lessons in En-
glish, French and German until near the close of
his life.
continued to reside in Philadelphia, where his six
children were all born, until the winter of 1821-22,
when possessing some fine property in our near
vicinity he concluded to follow his two brothers
and make St. Louis his future home. His eldest
son, Joseph, an accomplished young man of eigh-
teen years, died about six months after they became
settled in the place, followed in a couple of years
by the death of his wife, an amiable well educated
lady, and again some years later by another son,
a lad of fourteen. It may perhaps be owing to
these repeated domestic afflictions, but Mr. Philip-
son never resumed business again.
His oldest daughter, Miss Esther, was married
on March 31, 1829, at the ag-e of 20, to Lieut.
Eobert Emmett Clary, of the U. S. Army.
Mr. Philipsoii, haviug survived the most of his
children, died in August, 1841, naming his brother
Joseph his executor and trustee for his two daugh-
ters, Esther and Amanda.
This third brother, Joseph Philipson, Sr., came
to St. Louis in the year 1810, and purchased
Habb's brewery, the fii;st one west of the Missis-
sippi River, upon which he expended a large
amount in improving the works and in purchasing
other lands near by. In 1820-21, when financial
affairs were almost prostrated throughout the
country, Mr. J. Philipson became very much
embarrassed, and was compelled to part with all
his St. Louis property to meet his liabilities.
Being an accomplished musician, he was compelled
to adopt it as a profession, and for the balance of
his days it was his only resource.
He died in June, 1844, never having married.
These brothers were well educated refined gen-
tlemen, I think from Hamburg.
was born in Westmeath, Ireland, July 16, 1772.
Being implicated in the Irish Rebellion of 1795, he
fled to France and sailed for the United States,
arriving in IS'ew York in 1796. He added an s
to his name of Charles, in order to write it as it was
pronounced " Oharless." He settled in Philadel-
phia, and being a printer he worked for a time on
William Duane's Aurora in Franklin Court.
In 1798 he married Mrs. Sarah McCloiid, nee
Jourdan, a widow with one son, Robert McCloud.
In 1800 he removed with his family to Lexington,
Ky., where he established a newspaper.- In 1806
removed to Louisville, Ky., and in 1808 to St.
Louis, Louisiana Territory, where he established
the first paper west of the Mississippi Kiver, the
"Missouri^'' Gazette, the first number being issued
July 12, 1808. The following year he changed its
name to " Louisiana Gazette " as more a,)propriate,
and in 1812 again to '^^ Missouri Gazette,^'' the name
of the territory being so changed.
Mr. Oharless, Sr., was the proprietor of the paper
some twelve years. In Sept., 1820, he disposed of
it to James Cummins, from Pittsburgh, who con-
ducted it for eighteen months, and re-disposed of
it to Edward Charless, the oldest son of Joseph
C, Sr., who changed the name to Missouri He-
publican, and issued the first number under that
title, March 20, 1822.
Mr. Charless, Sr., some years thereafter estab-
lished a wholesale Drug and Medicine house, asso-
ciated with his son, Joseph Charless, Jr.
Their children were :
Edward, born in Philadelphia, April 12, 1799 ; he
married Miss Jane Stoddard at St. Charles in March,
1823, and died without children June 22, 1818,
aged 49 years and 2 months.
John, born in Lexington, Ky., in 1801; he died
in St. Louis, Aug't 31st, 1816, aged 15 years.
Joseph, Jr., born in Lexington in 1804, married
Miss Charlotte, daughter of Peter Blow, Sr., in
St. Louis, l!^ov'r 8, 1831.
Ann, born in Lexington, in 1806, married first
to Amos Wheeler, May 26, 1822 ; he died June
S, 1822. Secondly, to Charles Wahrendorff, Sept.
8, 1823; he died Aug. 27, 1831, aged 41 years;
and third, to Beverly Allen, Oct. 16, 1832. And
she herself died Nov. 1, 1832, fifteen days after
her third marriage.
Eliza, born in Louisville in 1808, married to
John Kerr, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1«27. She died
without children June 5, 3833.
Joseph Charless, Sr., died July 28, 1834, aged
€2 years.
Mrs. Sarah Charless died March 4, 1852, in her
80th year; her son, Robert McCloud, born in 1795,
died May 1, 1832, aged 37 years.
born at Lexington, Ky., Jan'y 17, 1804, was early
put to the case, didn't like it and went to school,
read law with Josiah Spalding, aiid finished at
Transylvania, Lexington, and tried law for some
years ; not to his taste, he went into the Drug
business with his father in 1828.
Married Miss Charlotte Blow :N'ov. 8, 1831 ; died
June 3, 1859 (assassinated by Thornton), in his
56th year, leaving but one daughter, afterwards
the wife of Louis S. Le Bourgeois, of Louisiana,
both now deceased, leaving several children.
Mrs. Jos. Charless still survives at a very ad-
vanced age.
were an L'ish crowd, numbering some four or
five * of the former, and several of the latter.
The whole gang came to St. Louis together, row-
ing their own boat down from Pittsburgh, and
reaching St. Louis early in 1809, the principals
being John McKnight and Thomas Brady, who
had formed a copartnership at the east.
They opened a store at once and being enterpris-
ing intelHgent men, the house of McKnight &
Brady was not long in acquiring prominence, and
soon became extensively known for its enterprise
and public spirit. In 1810 they purchased a lot of
60 feet front, the southwest corner of Main and
Pine, with an old stone house of the primitive
French days. Here they transacted their business
for the next six years.
In 1816, they erected on this lot a double brick
house, of two stores, with a hall in the center,
leading to the upper part, designed for a public-
house, which on completion was opened that same
fall by Timothy Kibby, from St. Charles, as the
" Washington Hall," the seventh brick house in St.
* These McKnis;hts were John, Thomas, James, Robert and William.
John never married and died a confirmed old bachelor.
Louis, and the first built for a Hotel, in which, on
the 22d February following, 1817, the first observ-
ance of "Washington's birthday west of the Missis-
sippi river took place by a public dinner, presided
over by Gov'r Wm. Clark.
In 1812 Mr. Brady purchased Glamorgan's stone
dwelling, with the block of ground on which it
stood, near the upper end of Main Street, in which
he resided until 1819, when he built another about
three miles north of the village.
In 1820 they dissolved their copartnership, hav-
ing during its continuance purchased and sold ex-
tensively of real estate.
Mr. Brady was married in Il^ovember, 1814, at
Ste. Genevieve, to Miss Harriet, a daughter of
John Rice Jones, Bsq'r, and died Oct. 11, 1821,
leaving his widow with three little girls, the oldest
about six years old. The Kight Rev'd Bishop Du-
bourg officiated at the funeral obsequies.
After the death of Tho's Brady, the widow re-
moved to the City, and her father, John Rice
Jones, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of the State, lived with her until his death, January
31, 1824, when she removed to Ste. Genevieve
and afterwards became the second wife of John
The three little girls grew to be women and mar-
The eldest to George Campbell, of Galena.
The second to Ferdinand Rozier JSTo. 2, of Ste.
son of Alexander Berthold and Maria Magdalena
Beltramy, was born near the City of Trent, on the
Adige, in the Italian Tyrol in the year 1780.
In 1798, at eighteen, he came to the United
States, remained for a time in Philadelphia, and
then settled in Baltimore, where he lived for some
years. In 1809, associated with Kene Paul, he
came with a stock of fresh goods to St. Louis,
Where they established themselves in business.
Mr. Berthold was married on Jan'y 10, 1811, to
Miss Pelagie, the only daughter of Major Pierre
Chouteau, Sen'r.
In 1812, Mr. B. built a brick house for his
store and dwelling on Main Street, the first brick
building, not in St. Louis alone but west of the
Mississippi River, into which he removed on its
completion late in that year.
On June 6, 1812, the firm of Berthold & Paul
was dissolved, and Mr. B. went into partnership
with his brother-in-law, Peter Chouteau, Jr.
On May 1,1813, "Berthold & Chouteau" opened
their new firm with a freph Stock of Merchandise
they had purchased at the east. This was the
foundation and origin of what, in a very few years
thereafter, by the addition of two new partners,
Messrs. Jno. P. Cabanne and Bernard Pratte, Sr.,
with their added capital, became the great and
wealthy " American Fur Company," that for many
yeai'S almost monopolized the fur trade of the
upper country, and acquired large wealth.
Mr. Berthold, Sr., died April 20, 1831, at the
age of 51 years.
Mrs. B. survived him 44 years, dying May 24,
1875, in her 85th year. '
Their children were :
Pierre Alexander, born JSTov. 17, 1811, married
Virginia E. Maclot, Jan'y 31, 1837.
Auguste, born Feb. 26, 1814, died unmarried in
Pelagie TalHa, born Oct. 3, 1815, died 1885.
Amedee, born Feb. 10, 1818, died 1886.
M. T. Clara, born April 12, 1819, married to
Wm. L. Ewing, in 1838.
Frederick, born Oct. 18, 1821, married to Vir-
ginia Sarpy, 1847.
Emilie, born Jan. 29, 1824, first Mrs. Kennedy,
secondly Mrs. "Waggaman.
The children of P. A. Berthold are :
Mrs. Sanford of JS'ew York, and Mrs. Ladd and
Miss Martha of St. Louis, three daughters, and
Augustus and Bartholomew — two sons.
Mrs. Ewing has :
Augustus, Wm. L. and Frederick, three sons.
Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. "Wilson — three
were sons of Eustache Paul and Marie Scholas-
tique Mace, were born at Cape Francois, Island
of St. Domingo, and with their mother and sisters
were in Paris, for their education, when the insur-
rection of the negroes broke oat in the Island in
1793. Their father Mr. Paul being, as all others,
compelled to leave the Island took passage for Phil-
adelphia, he died on the voyage and was buried
at sea.
The widow remained in France for about ten
years, until the children were grown, and their
education completed. They then came to the
United States in 18U2, and took up their residence
in Baltimore, where the sons einbarked in business
(the eldest Miss Paul had been married in Paris
in 1801 to Mr. Fleury Generelly of Lyons, who
came with them to the United States, and went
into business in Philadelphia. In the fall of 1814
Mr. Generelly removed to New Orleans with his
family, arriving there in December jast in time to
participate in the battle of Jan'y 8, 1815, two of his
children, a daughter born in Philadelphia in 1805,
and a son born in New Orleans in 1838, are yet
living there in 1888).
In the year 1809, Rene Paul associated with Mr.
Bartholomew Berthold, came to St. Louis and com-
menced business.
April 9, 1812. He married Miss Marie Therese
Eulalie, the eldest daughter of Col. Augustus
She died May 18, 1835, at the age of 38 years.
Col. Paul survived her about 16 years and died in
1851, aged about 70 years.
Their- children were :
Gabriel Rene, born March 21, 1813, married
Miss Whistler in 1835.
GEN'L G. K. PAUL. 237
Edmund, born Feb'y 22, 1816, [married Marie
E. St. Yrain, 1836.
Maria Louisa Estelle, born March 8, 1818, died
an infant.
Emilie ] June 14, 1819, married Peter N. Ham.
Louise ) June 14, 1819, married Charles
Sophia Tulia, born Dec. 11, 1821, married
Frederick Beckwith.
Julius, born Mar. 9, 1828, died aged 16 years.
Harriet, born June 16, 1831, died young.
Julia Augustine, born July 24, 1834, died
And two or three that died infants, all now
deceased except Mrs. Beckwith, who is the sole
survivor of the children of Col. Rene Paul.
Graduated at "West Point in the year 1834, and
was assigned to the 7th Infantry Col. Wm. Whist-
ler, then stationed in the Cherokee nation.
In December, 1834, he was a 2nd Lieut. ; Oct.
1836, a first Lieut.; in 1846 a Captain; 1847,
Brevet Major; 1861, Major; 1862, Lieut.-Col. ;
1864, Colonel; 1866, Brigadier-General.
At the battle of Gettysburg, he was supposed to
have been mortally wounded and was left for dead
on the field, but his life was miraculously pre-
served, although blinded by the shot, and after-
wards lived to a good old age.
He was twice married, first at Fort Gibson,
March 24, 1835, to Miss Mary Ann "Whistler, the
daughter of his Colonel, his three daughters of
this wife, were in after years married, one to Capt.
Gurden Chapin, another to Capt. Chas. B. Stivers,
U. S. A., and the third to Mr. Duff , c ommissary ;
he left also a son by this first wife.
By his second wife a Mrs. R. Rogers, a widow
lady who survives him, he left two daughters, one
a married lady residing in I^ew York.
Gen'l Paul died in Washington, May 5, 1886,
aged 73 years.
second son of Col. Rene Paul, born 1816, married
in 1836, commanded a Company of the St. Louis
Legion, in the Mexican war of 1846-7.
He died in St. Louis, June 27, 1880, aged 64
years and 4 months. Of a family of several
children, one son and the widow survive.
was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania,
in 1783, and came to Missouri in 1806 and settled
at Mine a Burton, Washington County, where he
became a prominent individual, representing that
county in the Convention that framed the Consti-
tution of the State, and subsequently in the House
of Representatives and Senate of the State.
In 1817 he was married to Mrs. Anne M. Lowe,
whose first husband was Capt. Joseph Cross, of
the 1st Regiment U. S. Artillery. This lady was
COL. R. P. FAREIS. 239
born in ]!^orthumberland County, Pemi'a, April 11,
They raised but one' daughter, who became the
wife of Edward Bredell.
Capt. S'. Perry died at Potosi, "Washington
County, Mo., Dec. 12, 1880, aged 47 years, and
Mrs. Perry died at St. Louis, Feb'y 12, 1860, aged
73 years and 10 montlis.
was born in l^atick, near Boston, Mass., in the
year 179+ .
He came to St. Louis about 1815-16, and com-
menced the practice of law. In 1820-21, he was
appointed Lieut. -Col. of the First JRegiment of
Missouri militia under the new militia law at St.
Louis, and in 1822 was elected to the position of
In 1822, he was appointed by Governor McNair,
Circuit Attorney for the County of St. Louis, and
entered upon his duties at the June term of that
year. This office he held for seven years, being
succeeded in the same by Hamilton Gamble, March
23, 1829.
Col. Farris was married on Mai'ch 31, 182-1, at
Potosi, "Washington County, Mo., to Miss Cath-
erine Ann Cross, daughter of Capt. Joseph Cross,
formerly of the United States Artillery, and step-
daughter of Samuel Perry, Esq., merchant. She
died March 2, 1829, at the age of 21.
Col. Parris died in this city Dec'r 27, 1830, the
year after his wife, aged about 36 years, leaving
an only son, the Rev'd Robert P. Parris.
son of Joseph Royal Parrar, was born in Gooch-
land County, Virginia, July 4, 1785. His parents
removed to Kentucky in the same year.
In the year 1800, at fifteen years of age, he
commenced his medical studies in Cincinnati, and
afterwards in Lexington, Ky.
In 1804, he attended medical lectures at the
University in Philadelphia.
In 1806, when 21 years of age, he located at
Prankfort, Ky., but at the suggestion of his
brother-in-law. Judge Cob urn, one of the terri-
torial Judges of Missouri, removed to St. Louis
the following year, he being the first American
Physician who established himself west of the
Mississippi River. His professional card appears
in the Gazette, May 16, 1809.
In 1812, Jan'y, he was associated for a short
time in the Drug and Medicine business with Mr.
Joseph Charless, Sr., of the Oazette; and in
Aug't, 1812, he formed an association in business
with Doct. David V. Walker, who had just come
to the place. As these two gentlemen became
subsequently brothers-in-law, their wives being
daughters of Major Wm. Christy, their copart-
nership in business continued until dissolved by
the death of Doct. Walker, April 9, 1824, a
'period of twelve years.
Doct. Farrar was twice married.
First, in 1811, to Miss Sarah, the oldest
daughter of Major Wm. Christy. She died on
Nov'r 3, 1817, leaving two sons and one daugh-
ter, Wm. Clark Farrar and James Leach Farrar,
both deceased unmarried, and Martha Farrar,
relict of the late Jas. T. Sweringen, deceased.
Doct. Farrar married his second wife, Ann
Clark Thruston, in Louisville, Kentucky, Feb'y,
1820, by whom he left at his decease a number
of sons and daughters.
He died in the summer of 1849, and Mrs.
Farrar April, 1878, aged 79.
was born in Louisa County, Virginia, IS^ov'r 29,
1790. He received a good education at William
and Mary College, where he graduated in 1808, at
the age of 18, came west and opened a Law-oflSce
in St. Louis in 1810.
During the war of 1812-15 he served on Gen'l
Benjamin Howard's staff with the rank of Major.
He was not long enough at the Bar to acquire
much fame as a Lawyer, but that he made an ac-
ceptable judge is generally admitted.
Like most Virginians, Judge Wash was a great
hunter, fond of the chase, and always kept a pack
of hounds.
After the incorporation of the City, he served
for a time as an Alderman in 1823, and was always
very sanguine of the future prosperity of St. Louis,
so that investing his limited means in real estate,
it laid the foundation of an ample fortune, which
he enjoyed through life.
He was appointed one of the Judges of the Su-
preme Court, to fill a vacancy in 1824, which posi-
tion he held for thirteen years and resigned in 1837.
He had previously held under President Monroe the
position of United States District Attorney.
Judge Wash was twice married. First, in 1828
to Frances, widow of Major Taylor Berry and
daughter of Major Wra. Christy, who bore him one
daughter, who became the wife of Greo. W. Goode,
Secondly, Miss Eliza L. Taylor, daughter of
Col. ]S"at. P. Taylor. They had several sons and
daughters. .
Judge Wash died 'Nov. 29, 1856, having just
completed his 66th year.
was a young lawyer from Pennsylvania, of a family
of position in the Cumberland Yalley (Carlisle or
Shippensburgh) , and came to the place about
In the earl}' part of 1810 he received a challenge
for a duel, from whom is not stated, which he de-
clined to accept on the plea that the challenger was
not a gentleman. The bearer of the challenge,
Doet. B. Farrar, according to the code, took his
place. Graham was severely wounded, and went
on crutches tor nearly a year, and died towards its
close, while on his way to the East.
Eobert Wash administered on his estate, and
gave bond in six hundred dollars, his personal prop-
erty being inventoried at exceeding that amount,
"Wash's securities being Wm. Christy and Capt.
Jas. O. Allen.
Graham had been employed by Matthew Kerr,
Merchant, to collect for him, they being from the
same place. He had a well furnished room, a fine
riding horse, pistols, &c., but as he did not die in
St. Louis, but on his way home, his death is not
found in our paper. Accounts against his estate
were allowed in 1814, and Wash's final settlement
and discharge in the year 1826.
was born in Charles County, Maryland, Nov. 1,
1785 ; when young he studied medicine at Phila-
delphia, and graduated at the College.
In 1809 he was appointed Ass't Surgeon in the
United States Army, and was ordered to St.
Louis. In 1810 he accompanied the troops that
established Fort Madison, Upper Mississippi, and
remained one year, and then returned to St.
1811, June 27, Doct. Simpson was married to
Miss Breeia Smith, from Massachusetts, sister of
Mrs. Col. Kufus Baston.
1812, opened a Drug Store and appointed
Postmaster to succeed Col. Easton.
1823, appointed Collector of St. Louis County.
1826, elected Sheriff of the County, and in
1828 re-elected the same.
1840 to 1846, served seven years as City
Comptroller, and as
Cashier of the Boatmen's Savings Institution.
Doct. Simpson died May 2, 1873, in his 88th
year, his wife having preceded him. They had
several sons, the last of whom, Symmes, died at
Davenport, Iowa, Aug't 4, 1885, aged 72 years.
Their only daughter,, the wife of Gen. A. J.
■Smith, yet survives.
from Virginia, was practicing Law in Kaskaskia
as early as 1806-7, and then came over to St.
Louis about the year 1809.
When Chonteau & Lucas laid out their addi-
tion to the little old French village of St. Louis
on the hill in 1816, Alex'r Stuart was the first
purchaser of a lot in the same.
On the 22d of May, 1816, he purchased from
Chouteau for $1,200 the block of ground
bounded by Market, Walnut, Fifth and Sixth
Streets, 270 by 288 feet, then considered a fair
He was appointed by Gov'r Alex'r Mc^fsTair,
Judge of the St. Louis Circuit Court to succeed
Judge N. B. Tucker; he was on the bench
from 1823 to 1826, and was succeeded in turn
by Judge Wm. C. Carr.
He died in January, 1833, while on a visit to
the eldest of six brothers, was ■ born in Green
County, Korth Carolina, (now a part of East
Tennessee,) Dec. 14, 1783, and came when a
young man .to Missouri, prior to the commence-
ment of the war with England in 1812, and served
for some time, as a mounted Ranger in that war.
In 1814, he commenced the practice of the law
in St. Louis. Upon the establishment of the Cir-
cuit Courts in 1814-15, he was appointed by the
Governor, the first Judge of the Northern Circuit,
and held his first terra at St. Louis on April 10,
1815. This position he held for three years, and
then resumed the practice of the law in 1818.
Being very popular with the people, he was
elected to preside over the convention that adopted
the State constitution in 1820, and then by a unan-
imous vote of the Legislature, our first Senator in
Congress, his colleague being Col. Thos. H. Ben-
ton, in drawing lots for the term he drew the short
one for four years. In 1824, he was re-elected
Senator for the full term of six years, and served
until 1830.
Afterwards, he served as a State Senator in
1834-35. In his late years he had become very
intemperate, and died unmarried, near Boonville,
Cooper County, Sept. 28, 1837.
the second brother, came to St. Louis with, or
about the same time with David the oldest. He
studied law with Col. Easton, in St. Louis, and
after being admitted to the Bar, he became asso-
ciated in the practice with his friend Edward Bates.
After the formation of the State government, he
was appointed Secretary of State, which office he
resigned to accept the appointment of United
States District Attorney, which oflSce he held at the
time of his death on June 30th, 1823.
He was killed in a duel on Bloody Island, by
Thos. C. Rector; like his brother David he was
never married.
a third brother, came to St. Louis, some little time
a:^ter the two first. He was for a time a Deputy
was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, in 1772,
moved young to Lexington, Ky., and was there
married to Eliza Brady.
He came to St. Louis with his family in the year
1810. Having ample means he purchased from B.
Pratte, Sr., a lot on the east side of Main Street,
just north of Market, upon which in 1812 he erected
the second brick house built in the Town, for his
store and residence, which he occupied until his
death in 1817.
During the few years between his arrival in the
place and death, being a business man of means and
an active politician, he acquired prominence and
influence in our then little town, was a director in
our first bank of St. Louis, &c.
* He died Sunday, Sept. 28, 1817, at the age of
45 years, leaving his widow, four sons and one
daughter, viz. :
John B. Smith, who was afterwards twice mar-
William, who married the daughter of Wm.
Henry, who died unmarried.
Dalzell, who also married subsequently, and
Juliana, who died a young lady, in 1822.
The widow of Wm. Smith was married on Dec.
29, 1827, to Lewis Edward Hempstead, a grandson
of Capt. Stephen Hempstead, Sen'r. She died
Oct. 24, 1832.
* The day following the death of Charles Lucas, in his duel with Col.
Thos. H. Benton, a collection of idlers were assembled in front of
Washington Hall, southeast corner of Main and Pine Streets, discussing
the unfortunate affair of the preceding day, when an altercation arose be-
tween Smith and a William Tharp, who received a blow from Smith,
whereupon Tharp drew his pistol and shot Smith dead.
the eldest son of the above, was born in Lexington,
Ky., in January, 1800. On coining of age in 1821,
he formed a connection with Alexander Ferguson,
under the style of " Smith & Ferguson, Dry-goods
Merchants," at IS'o. 7 North Main, which continued
for several years, and on the younger brothers be-
coming of age was subsequently changed to
Ferguson retiring. The firm continued for a num-
ber of years. At the organization of the State
Bank of Missouri, in 1837, John B. Smith was
elected its first President, holding the office for —
consecutive years. In 1852-54 he was appointed
State and County Collector, and subsequently
United States Surveyor for the port of St. Louis.
Jno. B. Smith was twice married.
1st. In New York, in 1821, to Miss Louisa,
youngest daughter of Capt. Alexander McDougall,
formerly of the British Navy, and his wife. Miss
Ellsworth, of New York. Their children were :
Ellsworth F., born in 1825, married to Miss Belle
Chenie in 1861, with 5 children.
Charles Bland, born in 1830, married to Miss
Emilie Demun, 1860.
Julia Penelope, born in — , married to Jno. H.
Wilson, 1845, and died in 1861.
Jno. B. Smith's first wife died Feb. 18, 1832,
and iu 183(3 he married Mrs. Penelope Hepburn,
her sister.
John Brady Smith died in March, 1865, at the
age of 65 years.
was born in the year 1776, and was appointed
from Massachusetts an Ensign in the Battalion
of Artillery in 1797.
Promoted Feb. 16, 1801, a first Lieutenant.
Promoted 'Noy. 7, 1808, a Captain, and left
the service in 1818, at St. Louis.
During his service of sixteen years, he was
the most of his time on duty in the west.
In 1805 he was stationed at Michilimacinac,
iu 1807-8 at Niagara and Fort Pitt, in 1810
brought troops to St. Louis for Bellefontaine,
in the fall descended the Mississippi with a de-
tachment for Natchez and Fort Adams, went
around by sea to the east. In 1811 came again
to St. Louis with a detachment of troops for
Bellefontaine, and two years later his military
career was brought to a close.
Capt. Cross was an educated, well read man,
poetically inclined, as is shown by several of
his published effusions in prose and verse. Of
a convivial disposition, a jovial good fellow, fond
of the pleasures of the table, he gradually ac-
quired a taste for drink, not uncommon with
gentlemen of the Army, which resulted in his
being compelled to leave the service May 20,
1813. Shortly afterwards he left the country for
Arkansas and Texas.
In the fall of 1807 Capt. Cross was married
at IS'iagara Falls to Miss Anna M. Lowe, born
in Northumberland County, Penn'a. Their chil-
dren were :
Catherine Anne, born at Fort Pitt in 1808,
married to Col. Rob't P. Farris, of St. Louis,
in 1824, and ' died in 1829, aged 21 years, and
Horatio JN'elson, born in 1811.
In 1817, Mrs. Cross, having obtained a legal
separation from her first husband, w^as married
at . Potosi, Washington County, to Capt. Samuel
Perry, merchant of that place.
married Feb'y 19, 1833, Margaret Emily Austin.
After the death of H. N. Cross his widow was
married to Chas. D. Drake, March 9, 1842, now
living in Washington City.
was born in Vermont, and appointed from that '
State, on June 27, 1804, a second Lieut, in the
Artillery Regiment.
Jan'y 31, 1806, a first Lieut, in the same.
Jan'y 29, 1811, a Captain in the same.
He died May 11, 1813, at Norfolk, Virginia.
Capt. Allen was married at Niagara Falls, in
the fall of 1807, to Miss Catherine Lowe, a
sister of Mrs. Capt. Joseph Cross.
was born in New London, Connecticut, May 6,
1754, and married Mary Lewis, born Feb'y 24,
1757 in that place, where they continued to reside
for many years after their marriage and where tlieir
numerous family of sons and daughters were all
born. In the year 1811 Capt. Hempstead, then in
his fifty-seventh year, with the largest portion of his
family came to St. Louis where they arrived on
June 12, 1811.
Two of his sons had preceded him to St. Louis,
Edward and Stephen, Jr., and three sons and three
daughters came with him, with some of his grand-
children, while others of his children remained and
ended their days in Connecticut.
The sons who came with him were Thomas,
Charles S. and William young men and boys, and
long afterwards an older one, Joseph.
The daughters were Mary, the widow of Keeney,
with a son a lad, and a daughter of Keeney by a
former wife.
Sarah, wife of Elijah Beebe, with her husband
and children.
Miss Susan, unmarried.
There was also in his party, an Ehsha Beebe, a
brother of his son-in-law Elijah, also with a young
family. So that the Captain's colony numbered
twenty souls, and was an event in our early history
long remembered and talked of.
Mrs. Stephen Hempstead, Sr., died in St. Louis,
Sept. 13, 1820, aged 63.
Capt. Hempstead, Sr., died in St. Louis Oct. 3,
1831, aged 77 years 5 mos.
was born in New London, Connecticut, May 13,
1787, and was bred a hatter. In 1808, when he had
reached 21 years of age, he emigrated to St. Louis,
where his brother Edward had gone before him, and
where he arrived on July 15, 1808.
Li 1819, his brother-in-law Manuel Lisa, a Mis-
souri Fur trader, employed him to take a stock of
goods to the mouth of the Yellowstone river,
where he remained a considerable time and then
returned to St. Louis, and soon after located in St.
Charles, where he resided several years. Thence
he went to the gold mines of Virginia, thence to
Tennessee, and finally back to Missouri in 1861,
since which time he has resided in Callaway
Mr. S. Hempstead, Jr., was married in January,
1809, at Portage des Sioux, St. Charles County, to
Miss Marie Louise Lefevre, of that village. He
died at his home in Callaway County, June 3, 1873,
at the age of 86 years and 21 days. He was gored
to death by a furious bull.
the fourth of the numerous sons of old Capt. Stephen
Hempstead, Sr., was born in New London, Conn't,
in 1793, and came here with his father's fainily in
1811 ; he read law in his brother Edward's office
until the death of, the latter in 1817. After finish-
ing his legal studies he was admitted to practice.
May 15, 1819, he was married to Miss Rachel
Wilt, a sister of Christian and Andrew Wilt, bo^rn
in Philadelphia in 1795. She died Oct. 28, 1823, at
the age of 28 years, leaving two sons, Charles and
Edward. Mr. Hempstead remained in St. Louis for
some years after his wife's death, and about the
year 1828 he removed to Galena, Illinois, where he
resided for many years until his death at an ad-
vanced age but a few years back.
After his removal to Galena, he married a widow
Barnes, one of his sons married a daughter of Major
John P. B. Gratiot, and settled in Arkansas, Hemp-
stead County, in that State being named from him.
the fifth son of Stephen Hempstead, Sr., was born
in IS^ew London, Connecticut, in the year 1795, and
came to St. Louis with his father's family in 1811,
at the age of 16 years.
Of a restless roving disposition when young, he
was for a few years engaged in the Indian trade of
the Missouri.
After he became of age he appeared to settle
down to business, purchased several pieces of choice
property, which he resold, realizing a handsome
profit on them, and was supposed to be prospering,
when in 1825 he suddenly left St. Louis and never
In 1819 he was appointed U. S. Military Store-
keeper for St. Louis, and Paymaster of the Missouri
Ahout 1841, a brother, William, having good
grounds for believing him dead, made application to
the Probate Court for letters of administration on
his estate.
Mr. Hempstead had married in 1817, Miss Corne-
lia, daughter of Judge Henry Vanderburgh, of Yin-
cennes, Indiana ; they had but one child, named
after her mother, Cornelia V., who subsequently
became the wife of a Jno. D. Wilson, and with the
mother continued to reside in St. Louis for a num-
ber of years thereafter.
was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, March 15,
1790 ; came to St. Louis during the war of 1812-15.
Originally a hatter by occupation, being a gentle-
man of intelligence and enterprise, he engaged in
mercantile pursuits, associated for some time with
Col. Thos. F. Riddick, who was a relative.
About the year 1820 he engaged in the Fur trade
of the Upper Missouri River, in which pursuit he
spent a number of years, and acquired a thorough
knowledge of the various tribes of that region.
At the death of Gen'l Wm. Clark, in 1838, Mr.
Pilcher was appointed by President Van Buren to
succeed him in the office of Superintendent of In-
dian affairs at St. Louis. This position he filled
for about five years, dying here, unmarried, on
June 5, 1843, aged 53 years, 2 months and 21
was born Jan'y 26, 1788, in Scotland, supposed at
Edinburgh. He earne to America a young man,
and settled at Norfolk, Virginia, where in the year
1809, he married a lady of Princess Anne County.
In the war of 1812-15, he was a captain and
commanded a company at Norfolk. In 1817 he re-
moved to St. Louis and for a time followed his trade
of a plasterer. He was appointed a Justice of the
Peace by the Hon. Fred'k Bates, acting Governor
of the Territory in 1818, and in 1819 was elected
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Town, in
which year the first street paving was done, on Mar-
ket Street from Main to the Levee.
He was a member of the Board of Aldermen for
several years, also an Assistant Clerk in the County
Court and Recorder's Offices.
In 1841 a Probate Court being established, he
was elected the first Probate Judge, serving contin-
uously until 1858, a period of over seventeen years,
during all which time he failed to hold his courts
but one term and that from sickness only.
Judge Ferguson died June 15, 1863, aged 75
years. He left but one son, Wm. Findley Fergu-
son, born in Norfolk, who succeeced his father as
Probate Judge, serving one term of six years, and
died in August, 1883.
the stepbrother of Col. Thos. F. Riddick above, was
born at Suffolk, Virginia, Oct. 2, 1789. In 1809 he
followed his brother to St. Louis, and was employed
as a clerk to assist him in the Land Commissioner's
On Sept. 22, 1810, when not yet quite 21 years of
age, he was married to Miss Marie Antoinette, the
youngest daughter of Sylvestre Labbadie, Sr., de-
They lived together for about five years', when
from some cause they parted and were. divorced in
the year 1815.
Mr. Honey was again married on March 13, 1817,
at Herculaneum, Jefferson County, to Miss Clarissa,
daughter of Mr. Elias Bates, and took up his resi-
dence at that place, where he lived lintil his death
on Sept. 2, 1832, at the age of 43 years.'
A daughter is the wife of our former Governor
Thos. C. Fletcher.
Marie Antoinette Labbadie, after her separation
from her first husband, Jno. W. Honey, was mar-
ried Oct. 19, 1816, to John Little, an Irish gentle-
man ; she died Feb. 18, 1818, after a brief marriage
of but 16 months at the early age of 25 years
without children.
John Little died in October, 1820.
In the territorial days of St. Louis, there were
several ladies here who from their natural abilities.
superior education, and a tact for business, played
important parts in the community. One of the most
conspicuous of these, was the lady whose name
heads this article.
Her maiden name was Angelica La Grange, of a
noted old family of France, where she received her
education, and became the wife of a Francis Pescay,
of the Island of St. Domingo, from whence at the
negro insurrection of 1793, they came to Philadel-
phia, where they kept a retail store for some years.
In the year 1810, being a widow, she came to St.
Louis with her two sons, G-eorge, the eldest, a
young man just of age, and Julius, some years
younger ; they brought with them a stock of mer-
chandise and opened a store. In January su.cceed-
ing, 1811, George Pescay left for New Orleans in a
keel-boat with a cargo of lead, the proceeds of their
stock of goods. The boat was snagged, sunk,
cargo lost and young Pescay drowned. After the
old lady had somewhat recovered from the terrible
shock, finding it necessary to engage in something
for her support, and encouraged by sympathizing
friends, she concluded to open a day and boarding
school of a superior class for young ladies, there
being at that day none in the west. With this pur-
pose she purchased an eligible lot on the Second
street, erected a suitable building, issued a prospec-
tus, and opened her Academy in May, 1812.
She was successful in her enterprise, well patron-
ized by our first families, and completed the educa-
tion of a number of young ladies of the place and
vicinity. She continued in this occupation about
four years, when her other son, Julius, having
grown to manhood, and herself perhaps desiring a
change, she gave up the Academy and again em-
barked in business. In 1822 they removed to Pen-
sacola, Florida.
Julius Pescay, having a short time previously
married a Miss Marinot, from Philadelphia, an old
family acquaintance. They all died in the South.
was born in the Island of St. Domingo. He was
the son of — Tesson and Elizabeth Payre, and
with his brothers, Pierre and Francis, were refugees
from the Island in 1793 to Philadelphia, and came
to St. Louis in 1810 with Madame Pescay and her
Mr. Tesson was married in St. Louis on February
14, 1811, to Miss Adelaide B., daughter of —
Barrousel, a former Attorney of Port de Paix, de-
ceased, at the residence of Mrs. Pescay, who was
her guardian, and went into business with that lady
about the same time. In 1812 the partnership was
dissolved, Mr. Tesson continuing the business
They were the parents of some half dozen chil-
dren, most of whom died in infancy, raising one son
and one daughter.
Their son, Edward P., born in May, 1812, was
married to Miss Lucy Marotte, of Philadelphia,
'Nov. 26, 1833; he died in 1883.
The daughter, Covalie, is the wife of Mr. Ed-
ward PolkowsM.
Pierre Tessoii, a brother of Michael, died Feb.
18, 1818; his widow married Capt. Josiah Bright
in 1820, and Bright died July 31, 1822.
Francis Tesson, anotlier brother, was a partner in
business for a number of years ; he died unmarried
in 1839.
Children of Ed. P. and Lucy Tesson :
Clara, married first to Ant. Dangen, one son;
and secondly to Jeremiah "VYilcox of Montana.
Cecile, widow of H. Renouard, with 1 son and 3
Noemie, married to George Hall, has several
Dr. Louis Tesson, married.
Edward Tesson, married to Miss Forsythe.
Theodore Tesson, unmarried.
George Tesson, married.
A son died a young man.
born in the City of Konskie, district of Sandomir,
Poland, Sept. 8, 1812. He was engaged in the
revolt against the Russian Government in 1830.
Arrived in the United iStates of America, April
15, 1834, and at St. Louis in June, 1835.
He was married to Coralie Tesson, Dec. 6, 1842,
and they are yet residing in St. Louis.
cousin of Wilson P., was born near Trenton, l^ew
Jersey, in 1788, and in 1803, at the age of fifteen
years, was appointed a midshipman in the U. S.
IS^avy, and assigned to the frigate Philadelphia,
Capt. Bainb ridge, of Commodore Preble's Squadron
in the Mediterranean, which ran on the rocks in the
harbor of Tripoli, and was burnt Feb. 16, 1804, by
sailors in boats from the Squadron under command
of Lieut. Stephen Decatur, Jun'r. He came to St.
Louis about 1813-14, and was married June 23rd,
1814, to Anne Lucas, only daughter of Judge John
B. C. Lucas.
In 1816, he purchased from Wm. C. Carr & Co.,
a tan yard with the necessary buildings, at the
southeast corner of Second and our present Almond
Streets, which he operated for some years.
In May, 1824, he was appointed by President
Monroe, U. S. Recorder of Land Titles, succeeding
Frederick Bates, just elected our second State Gov-
ernor, which office he held until his death Jan'y 21,
1832, at the age of 44 years, leaving a widow and
three children, two daughters and a son.
Theodosia Tucker Hunt, married Henry Livings-
ton Patterson, Sept. 4, 1839.
Julia Tucker Hunt, married to Henry C. Turner,
Feb'y 1, 1841.
Charles Lucas Hunt, married to Miss Mary
Owings, April 6, 1842.
The widow of Capt. Theodore Hunt married
"Wilson P. Hunt, cousin of Jier first husband.
son of Abraham and Rachel Wilt, was born in
Philadelphia, Jan'y 18, 1789, and cameto St. Louis in
June, 1811, and commenced business July 25, 1811,
in Mrs. Labbadie's old store, opposite Mr. Gratiot's.
1813. He built the third brick house in St. Louis,
at the southeast corner of Main and Locust, and
moved his business into it, which he occupied until
his death. He was an active business man, and
soon acquired prominence in the business circles of
St. Louis, operated a large mill and distillery on the
Caholda creek opposite St. Louis, was a director in
the Bank of St. Louis, &c., &c.
He was married at St. Louis, Jan'y 10, 1815, to
Miss Ann K., daughter of Major Geo. Wilson,*
born at Louisville, Kentucky, Jan'y 20, 1798; she
died Dec. 12, 1816, in her 19th year, and her hus-
band Wilt, Sept. 27, 1819, in his 31st year. They
left an only son, Greorge, in his 3rd year, who died
in 1823, aged 7 years.
brother of Christian above, was born in Philadel-
phia, Oct. 27, 1791, came to St. Louis in 1818, and
joined his brother in business Feb. 10, 1819, under
the firm style of " Christian and Andrew Wilt."
was born in Auchentock, Ayrshire, Scotland, in the year 1750, and died in
St. Louis, Jan'y 26, 1824, aged 74 years, father of Mrs. Christian Wilt, a
gentleman highly esteemed, and one of the first interred in the Hemp-
stead lot of Bellefontaine Cemetery, where his head stone still stands.
He died in St. Louis, August 10, 1819, iu his 28th
year, unmarried, but 48 days before his brother.
Their firm continuing but six months.
He brought out with him two sisters, the Misses
Rachel and JuHana Wilt. The first became the wife
of Charles S. Hempstead, Esq., in 1819, and died in
Oct., 1823. The other died unmarried, Sept. 27,
son of Jacques Demun and Marie Madelaine Le
Meillieur, was born at Port au Prince, in the Island
of St. Domingo, April 25, 1782.
When young he and his brother Augustus were
sent to France to be educated, and then joined their
parents in England. In 1793, after the insurrection
of the negroes, he went to England, where they re-
mained until 1808, when the father died and they
came to the United States, and remained in ISTew
Jersey for a time ; in 1810, they removed to Ste.
March 31, 1812, Mr. Demun was married to Isa-
belle, daughter of Mr. Charles Gratiot.
In 1816, Mr. Demun with Aug't P. Chouteau and
others went on a trading expedition to Sante Fe and
Chihuahua. While in that country they were robbed
of their goods, and the whole party imprisoned.
They were confined in prison for two years, when
through the demand of the U. S., they were released
and returned to the U. S. in 1818-19.
In the summer of 1819, Mr. Demun had charge of
Mr. John Mullanphy's store in St. Louis, and in the
following year, 1820, with his wife and three little
girls, went to Cuba, where he cultivated a coffee
plantation for some ten years, and then returned to
the United States in January, 1831.
After his return to the U. S., he was appointed
Secretary and Translator for the Board of U. S.
Land Commissioners, and in 1842 elected Recorder
of Deeds for St. Louis County.
In 1817, Mrs. Demun, the mother, removed to
Baltimore, and from there to Cuba, where she died.
Julius Demun died Aug't 15, 1813, at the age of
61 years.
His brother, Augustus Demun, was killed in Ste.
Genevieve in 1816, by one McArthur in a personal
They had five daughters :
Isabella, wife of Edward Walsh.
Julia, wife of Leon Chenie.
Louisa, wife of Rob't A. Barnes.
Emilie, wife of Chas. Bland Smith.
Clara, died unmarried.
Mrs. Demun, the widow, died July 13, 1878, at
the age of 82 years.
entered the U. S. Army from Pennsylvania, and
was appointed
March 3, 1799, Second Lieut, in the first U. S.
April, 1800, First Lieut, in the same.
March, 1807, Captain in the same.
Jan'y 20, 1813, Major in the same.
March 9, 1814, Lieut. Col. of the 16th Eegiment.
June 15, 1815, close of the war; he was dis-
August 27, 1816, appointed Ass't Commissary
at St. Louis.
December 1, 1819, resigned from the Army.
Before the war of 1812 he was much about St.
Louis and Bellefontaine where his Eegiment was
In Sept., 1814, while Lieutenant-Colonel of the
16th Regulars, he had command for a short time of
the Philadelphia Volunteers, then concentrating at
Camp Bloomfield, Kennett Square, Chester County,
After the war he was stationed for some years at
St. Louis, where he bought and sold several town
lots, realizing a handsome profit therefrom.
Jan'y 17, 1816, from C. M. Price, a lot of 20 feet
front in Block 36.
l^ov. 1, 1816, from Col. Ehas Rector, lot of 60
feet in Block now No. 2.
Aug. 5, 1817, from Judge Lucas, a block of
ground, in Lucas' new addition to the Town, on
which he built a large frame dwelling, where he
lived for some time.*
After he left the Army in 1819, he disposed of
his property in St. Louis, and returned to the East.
* This is the Block on which at present stands Wm. Barr& Co.'s Dry
Goods house, 6th from Olive to Locust.
He was married when a Captain, April 9, 1811, at
New Brunswick, N^ew Jersey, to Miss Ann Maria
a brewer, native of West Hofen, Pfalz, Westpha-
lia, on the left bank of the Rhine, was born in 1740,
and came to Philadelphia in 1765.
In 1775 he married Catharine Graff, of Lancaster,
He died in Philadelphia in 1798, aged 58 years,
leaving his widow, 5 sons and 3 daughters.
one of his sons, was born in Philadelphia, Aug't 14,
In the year 1800, his mother, a widow, removed
to Lexington, Ky., with some of her children;
Henry, then 16 years of age, became the clerk of
Thomas Hunt, Jr., in whose service he remained for
ten years. In 1811 he came to St. Louis and com-
menced business on hi« own account, in which he
was actively engaged until within a few years of his
death, a period of nearly 60 years.
Mr. Von Phul was married to Miss Rosalie,
daughter of Doct. Antoine Saugrain, on June 10,
1816. On June 10, 1866, they celebrated their
golden wedding, 6 sons and 4 daughters participat-
June 10, 1874, celebrated their 58th wedding day.
Mr. Yon Phul died Sept. 8, 1874, aged 90 years
and 25 days.
Mrs. Yon Phul died Feb. 28, 1887, in her 90th
They were the parents of 15 children, of whom
ten attained maturity and married, and leave a nu-
merous progeny of descendants.
Their surviving children are five sons and three
Henry, lives in Louisiana, married Miss Mary
Frederick, lives in St. Louis, married Miss I^idelet,
Frank, lives in Louisiana, unmarried.
Benjamin, lives in St. Louis, married Miss Lape,
of Mississippi.
Phillip, lives in St. Louis, marriedlst Miss Chatard,
dec'd, 2nd Miss Throckmorton.
Maria, wife of Thomas M. Taylor, St. Louis.
Eliza, widow of Judge "W. M. Cooke, deceased,
St. Louis.
Juha, wife of A. T. Bird.
was born at Fincastle, Botetourt County, Yirginia,
Aug. 5, 1792, son of Samuel Kennerly and Mary
He came to St. Louis in October, 1813, in part-
nership with John O' Fallon in a cargo of Kentucky
" Pickled Pork, Beef, Flour, &c."
Which having disposed of, he became Chief 4~
Clerk of Gov'r Clark, in the U. S. Indian Office.
He was next associated with Alexander MclSTair
in a store for some time. In 1816 James Kennedy
opened a store in Clark's new brick house on Main
Street in Block now No. 10.
In 1817-18, James and Geo. H. Kennerly went
into partnership in mercantile business in the same
In 1820 James Kennerly, having built a new
brick building and residence, next north of their
former stand, removed into it, where they carried
on their business for some years, Mr. Kennerly
residing with his family in the upper part of the
Towards the close of the year 1827, when the
works at the new Military post of Jefferson Bar-
racks were approaching completion, they were ap-
pointed the Sutlers for the Post, and removed
there, where James Kennerly resided for over ten
years, at the end of which time, having biiilt a
stone residence at Cote Brilliante, about five miles
northwest of the City, he removed to it and died
there August 26, 1840, at the age of 48 years and
3 weeks.
James Kennerly was married June 10, 1817, to
Mies Eliza Maria, the second daughter of Doct.
Antoine Saugrain, born in Lexington, Ky., Oct.
12, 1799.
Their three children are :
Mary Larned K., born in 1820, widow of Wm.
C. Taylor.
Wm. Clark Keunerly, born in 1825, married
Florence Brooks, of Mobile, Alabama.
Harriet Clark K., born Aug. 2, 1829, married to
Ed. J. Glasgow, Oct. 29, 1856.
was born at Fincastle, Botetourt County, Vir'a,
Jan'y 28, 1790, and came to St. Louis about the
commencement of the war of 1812, and was ap-
pointed a Lieut, in the Regular Army. He accom-
panied Gov'r Clark in his expedition to Prairie du ^
Chien, and at the close of the war was mustered out
of the service.
He then went into partnership with his brother
James in St. Louis until their removal to Jefferson
Barracks in 1827, where a Po8t-oJ0B.ce having been
established, he was appointed Jan'y 31, 1828, its
Postmaster, and put on aline of two horse stages
for the public accommodation.
Capt. Kennerly lived on the Barracks tract of
land for about forty years with occasional intervals,
his wife having purchased about 189 acres of the
tract, the Captain had improved a portion of it with
a farm.
Capt. Geo. Kennerly was married on Dec. 27,
1825, to Miss Alzire, a daughter of Col. Peter
Menard, of Kaskaskia, Ills.
He died in Jan'y 25, 1867, at the age of 77 years,
leaving his widow and a number of sons and daugh-
Mary, married to Jno. Si Bowen.
Abigail, married to Wm. Haines.
Eliza, married to Matthew Stephenson.
Louis H., Samuel, Peter M., Henry.
was born in Maryland, a grand nephew of Charles
Thomson, Secretary of the Congress of the Revolu-
tion. His grandfather Douglass, a gentleman from
Scotland, having married a sister of Thomson.
He came to St. Louis during the war of 1812-15,
a paymaster in the United States service, until the
reduction of the Army following the peace of 1815,
when he was mustered out.
After this he was appointed a Justice of the Peace
and J^ptary Public for St. Louis.
He was married Sept. 23, 1817, to Miss Cornelia,
third daughter of Gen'l Daniel Bissell, U. S. Army.
They had several daughters.
He died in 1844.
came to St. Louis from the eastern shore of Mary-
land, about the year 1807, and in 1808 was a partner
in business with Benjamin Wilkinson, a son of Gen'l
Joseph "Wilkinson, of Maryland, the firm being Wil-
kinson & Price.
"Wilkinson died in February, 1810, at sea on his
passage around from New Orleans to Baltimore,
after which Price operated alone with more or less
success until about 1822, when reverses and hard
times combined drove him out of business, and he
removed with his wife to Ste. Genevieve County,
where he was still living in 1843.
During his residence here he was prominent in
business- circles, a director in the old bank of St.
Louis, &c.
He married Aug't 30, 1815, Miss Mary, the second
daughter of Gren'l Daniel Bissell, U. S. Army.
Their only son, Frederick Price, was still living not
long since, in the upper part of this county, on the
old Bissell estate.
was born in Caroline County, Virginia, in March,
1780. He came out to Jefferson County, Ken-
tucky, about the year 1804, and located at the
''Falls," April 29, 1806. He taught school in
Kentucky six or seven years.
He came to St. Louis about in the year 1811 or 12,
and taught school for some years in the old Alvarez
mansion on the north side of Market Street, below
Third, opposite the old Catholic Cemetery, and was
studying law during all the time.
In 1816, he gave up teaching school, settled in
the Town of Old Franklin, Howard County, and
commenced the practice of law. He was twice
elected to the Legislature then sitting at St..
Charles. In 1824, at the death of the Hon. John
Bice Jones, of the State Supreme Court, Judge
Tompkins was elected to fill the vacancy, which
position he filled for twenty-one years, until 1845,
when he reached the constitutional age of sixty-five
years, and was retired to private life.
He died near Jefferson City, April 7, 1846, having
just completed his 66 years.
was born in Pennsylvania in 1787. "When seventeen
years of age, in 1804, he enhsted in Capt's. Lewis
and Clark's expedition to the Rocky Mountains and
Pacific Ocean. He received a wound in the leg
from the Indians, and on his return had his leg am-
putated at St. Charles, and a wooden one substi-
tuted in its place, from which he was ever afterwards
called Peg Leg Shannon.
Lewis and Clark took him to Philadelphia to
superintend the publication of their Journal. He
there studied law, and was admitted to the bar, and
commenced practice in Lexington, Ky., and was
then a Circuit Judge for three years. In 1828, he
located at Hannibal, Mo., and afterwards at St.
Charles, was a State Senator a short time, and
United States Attorney for Missouri.
He died suddenly at Palmyra, in Court, at the age
of 49, in 1836.
came to St. Louis in the winter of 1810-11, and
opened his store in the north part of the old Jno. B.
Becquet house, on Main, between Myrtle and Elm
In 1816, May, he bought from Chouteau a lot in
his new addition to the Town , at the north-east cor-
ner of Fifth and Elm (where Tony Faust is at
present), upon which he built a two-story frame
building for his residence, which he occupied until
his death.
In May, 1817, he removed his store to McKnight
& Brady's new building, on Main Street, south-east
corner of Pine Street, the south one, 'No 42.
In December, 1817, he removed across the street
to Clark's new stone row, the south one of the
three, where he remained in business until 1821,
when being a Justice of the Peace for St. Louis,
he opened an office in his dwelling on Elm Street,
where he died Aug't 20, 1823.
commenced business here on Dec'r 20, 1817, in the
store just vacated by Moses Scott above, in Bra-
dy's, l^o. 43i.
1818, February 26th, he bought from Chouteau a
lot in his new addition on the hill, on the north side
of Market Street from 8th to 9th, on which he
built a small brick dwelling house where he lived
until he died, a Justice of the Peace and Merchant,
Dec'r 23, 1828.
was born at Mulberry Grrove, near Louisville, Ken-
tucky, the residence of his uncle, Jonathan Clark,
on Nov'r 17, 1791. His father, Doct. James
O'Fallon, born at Athlone, Ireland, of a very
ancient family, had served under "Washington as a
surgeon in the Continental Army ; his mother was
Francis Clark, the youngest sister of Gen'ls Geo.
Rogers and William Clark, born at Mulberry Hill
near Louisville, the residence of her father, John
Clark, Sen'r. They were married in 1790. Doct.
O'Fallon died in Louisville in 1793, leaving two
sons, John, two years of age, and Benjamin, an
Mrs. O'Fallon's second husband was Cha's M.
Thruston, of Louisville, by whom she had two
sons and two daughters; and her third. Judge
Dennis Fitzhugh, of Virginia, by whom she had
one daughter. She survived the three for several
When of a proper age John was sent to school at
an Academy at Danville, Kentucky. In 1810 he
Avent to Louisville to complete his education, and
his brother Benjamin came to St. Louis to stay
with his guardian, his uncle Gren'l William Clark,
and went to school in St. Louis.
In the fall of 1811 Jno. O'Fallon, then 20 years
of age, marched with the mounted Kentucky Yol-
unteers, under Col. Jos.' Davieg, to the- Indian
Towns on the Wabash River, and was severely
wounded at the battle of Tippecanoe, where Col.
Davies was killed. After the battle he went to St.
Louis, remaining with his uncle until well.
In Sept., 1812, he was appointed an Ensign in
the first U. S. Infantry.
In January, 1813, he was promoted to 2nd
Lieutenant. , In May, Aid-de-camp and acting Ad-
jutant-General at the siege of Fort Meigs.
In August, 1813, to 1st Lieut. 24:th U. S. In-
fantry. March, 1814, Captain in the 2d U. S.
Eifle Regiment. And resigned July 31, 1818, at
After he left the army he settled in St. Louis
and commenced business as a contractor for army
supplies, &c., &c.
He was twice married, first, in 1821, to Miss
Harriet Stokes, an English ladj'-, who died Feb.
14, 1826, and secondly, on March 15, 1827, to
Miss Caroline Sheets, from Baltimore.
During his long residence in our community Col.
O'Fallon was one of our most prominent and pub-
lic spirited men, filling many positions of trust, and
exercising great influence with the people.
He died Dec. 17, 1865, at the age of 74 years,
leaving four sons and an only daughter, Caroline,
who was the wife of the late Doct. Chas. Pope.
was born at Knoxville, Tenn'e on April 4, 1802.
His father afterwards removed with his family to
Ste. Grenevieve, Mo., where young Paschall received
his schooling. Early in 1814, when he was not yet
quite twelve years old, his father apprenticed him to
Mr. Joseph Charless, of the Missouri Q-azette, to
learn the trade of a printer. After his apprentice-
ship had expired in 1823, he continued to work on
the paper with Edward Charless, its new proprietor,
who in March, 1828, admitted him as a partner in
the proprietorship.
In 1837, Charless and Paschall sold their estab-
lishment to Messrs. Chambers, Harris and .George
In 1840, Paschall and Charles Ramsay established
a new paper, which they called the New-JEra. In
1842, Mr. Paschall was elected Clerk of the Court
of Common Pleas of St. Louis County, the only
office for which he ever ran. Jan'y 1, 1844, he was
associate Editor of the Missouri Republican, Col.
A. B. Chambers being the chief, and in 1854, at the
death of Chambers, Paschall became Chief Editor.
Mr. Paschall was married at Springfield, Ills., on'
l^"ovem'r 27, 1832, to Mrs. Eliza Edgar (nee Ste-
vens), widow of Gen'l John Edgar, of Kaskaskia,
• Mr. N". Paschall died Dec'r 12, 1866, in his 65th
Mrs. Paschall had died in 1859.
They left two sons, Henry Gr. and George M.,
and 4 daughters.
Bagenia L. married first to Walter B. Carr, Dec.
16, 1854, and secondly to Gerard B. Allen, July
13, 1871.
Ada married to Wm. C. Tyler, of Louisville,
March 10, 1853.
Mary A. married to Thomas Cummins, June
25, 1863.
EHzabeth mariied to Jos. P. Carr, Nov. 23,
came to St. Lonis in August, 1812, and entered at
once into partnership with Doct. B. G. Farrar, in
the practice of medicine.
Doct. Walker married Miss Matilda N., third
daughter of Major Wm. Christy, thus becoming the
brother-in-law of his business partner.
Doct. Walker died April 9, 1824, leaving his
widow with two young children.
Leonidas, born Aug't 16, 1817, who died Aug't
4,* 1866, aged 49 years, and a daughter who after-
wards became the wife of Samuel B. Churchill,
Mrs. Walker was married June 24, 1832, to Col.
Nathaniel P. Taylor, from Jefferson County, Ky.,
who brought with him four grown children by a
former wife.
She died Feb'y 5, 1872, aged 74 years.
caine from Richmond County, Virginia, in Sept.,
1815, the 5th American physician, and commenced
his practice of medicine.
Sept. 4, 1817, he was married to Miss Joanna A.,
second daughter of Col. Rufus Easton, and
died early in October, 1822, after a brief married
life of five years, leaving two young children.
His widow became the second wife of Henry S.
Geyer, April 26, 1831.
was born in Tennessee about the year 1790. He
studied his law there, and came to St. Louis when
but a young man, in about the year 1814.
In 1816, when Chouteau & Lucas made their first
addition to the Town of St. Louis, McGirk pur-
chased from Chouteau the second lot he sold, being
jN'o. 5, the southwest quarter of Block ISio. 1, 144
feet front on Fourth by 135 feet deep on "Walnut,
which had been the northeast quarter of the old
Spanish Garrison on the hill, and on which stood
the old stone building occupied as the Officers Quar-
ters. In this house he resided for some years. lii
1817 he put up a small one-story brick for his office
on his Fourth Street front, which was afterwards oc-
cupied by David Barton and Judge Jas. H. Peck.
At the organization of the State Government in
1820, Judge McGirk was elevated to the Supreme
bench, associated with Judges Jno. Rice Jones and
John D. Cook, their commissions were issued in
1820, This office he held until 1841.
About 1827 or 1828 he removed to Montgomery
County on the Missouri, shortly afterwards he mar-
ried a Miss Talbot. They had no children ; his wife
survived him many years.
Amongst the large number of young men, from
all parts of the country, who joined the Army during
the war with England of 1812-15, was Alexander
Gray, from Kentucky, who, when the armywas in-
creased, was appointed a Captain in the 24th Regu-
lar Infantry, and served during the war.
At its close in 1815, he came first to Cape Girar-
deau, and from there to St. Louis, yet a young man,
and opened a law office, which profession he had
studied. He was well educated, skilled in the
classics, a fine writer, and ranked amongst the
first as a criminal lawyer.
Early in 1820, Judge N. B. Tucker, of the St.
Louis Circuit Court, about to be absent for some
time, resigned the Judgeship of the northern circuit,
and Alexander Gray was appointed by Acting Gov-
ernor, Frederick Bates, to fill the vacancy. He held
two terms of his court in St. Louis, the April and
August terms of 1820. The State Government
having then come into existence the courts were re-
organized in the fall, and Judge Gray was appointed
by Gov'r MclSTair to the new Northern Circnit north
of the Missouri River.
He died unmarried August 2, 1823. Being a fine
looking man, he was somewhat vain of his personal
appearance, and although yet but a young man, his
hair was almost white.
His friend, Spencer Pettis, administered upon his
estate Aug. 18, 1823.
was born in Belmont, Goochland County, Virginia,
Sept. 4, 1793, of Quaker parentage, the seventh son
of a family of twelve children.
He came to Missouri in 1814, at the age of 21
years, his elder brother Frederick Bates being then
Secretary of the Territory, and studied in the oflGlee
of Eufus Easton, Esq'r. He was admitted to the
bar in 1816, and soon became one of the most
prominent members of the same.
He was a member of the convention of 1820, that
framed the constitution of the State, and was ap-
pointed the same year by Gov. Mcll^air to the Of-
fice of Attorney-General for the State. In 1822 he
was a member of the first Legislature that sat in St.
Chailes, and in 1824 was appointed by Pres't Monroe
United States Attorney for the district of Missouri.
He was the second Representative in Congress
from the State of Missouri, being elected to the
20th Congress in 1826, to succeed John Scott,
Afterwards declining a re-election to enable him to
resume his practice of law as far more lucrative.
In 1830 he served as a State Senator, and in 1834
as a Representative in the State Legislature.
In 1850 President Fillmore appointed him Secre-
tary of War, one of his Cabinet ; he was confirmed
by the U. S. Senate, but he declined to accept the
position. In 1853, he was elected Judge of the St.
Louis Land Court. In 1856, Presiding Officer of
the Whig l^ational Convention in the City of Bal-
timore, and finally in 1861, President Lincoln se-
lected him for Attorney- Greneral of the United
States, which office he filled for two years, resign-
ing it in 1863 to retire to private life.
Mr. Bates was, perhaps, the most prominent mem-
ber of the St. Louis bar, long associated with his
brother-in-law, Grov'r Ham. E. Gamble, and enjoy-
ing a lucrative practice.
Mr. Bates was married May 29, 1823, at Dar-
denne Prairie, St.. Charles County, to Miss Julia
D., daughter of David Coulter, Esq'r, formerly of
Charleston, S. C. He was thefatherof a numerous
family of children, leaving some ten or twelve at his
death, March 25th, 1869, at the age of 76 years.
was born in Frederick County, Maryland, of Ger-
man parents, Dec. 9, 1790 ; his father came from
He read law with his uncle Daniel Shaeffer, in Ha-
gerstown, and commenced practice in 1811. In
1812 was a volunteer in the war, and appointed a
Paymaster in the U. S. Army, while stationed at
Norfolk, Virginia.
At the close of the war he came to St. Louis in
1815, still a Paymaster, which office he resigned at
the end of the year, and commenced the practice of
He soon assumed a prominent position at the bar,
and filled several important civil offices. In 1817,
compiled his digest of the Territorial Laws.
In 1818, was a member of the Territorial Legis-
In 1821, elected Speaker of the House of Repre-
sentatives at their first session.
In 1822, re-elected Speaker of the House.
In 1824-25, H. S. Geyer and Eufus Pettibone
made the first revision of the State Laws.
In 1851 he was elected to the U. S. Senate to
succeed Thos. H. Benton, and served in the ofiice
one term of six years.
Capt. Geyer was three times married in St. Louis.
1st, Jan'y 1, 1818, to Miss Clarissa B. Starr, a
young lady from the State of JSTew York ; this lady
died Oct. 27, 1829, leaving. two young daughters
who grew to womanhood and became married ladies.
2d, April 26, 1831, to Mrs. Joanna Quarles, sec-
ond daughter of Enfus Easton, and widow of
Doct. Pryor Quarles, by whom he raised two sons
to manhood.
3d, Feb. 12, 1850, to the widow of Edward
Charless, (Miss Jaue Stoddard, of St. Charles,)
who survived him and died at a very advanced age,
after marrying her third husband, Doct. Herman
L. Hoffman.
Capt. Henry S. Geyer died March 5, 1859, aged
69 years.
was born at Mattox, Chesterfield County, Virginia,
Sept. 6, 1784, third son of J. St. George Tucker,
from the Island of Bermuda, who settled in Virginia
previous to the Revolutionary war, and had married
in the year 1778, the widow of John Randolph, Sr.,
mother of the celebrated John Randolph,* of Roan-
oke, who was thus the half brother of IST. B. Tucker.
Judge Tucker came to St. Louis in 1815, at the
age of 31 years, to practice his profession of the law,
a.nd was appointed by Frederick Bates, the Sec'y
and then acting Governor of the Territory, Judge of
the l^orthern Circuit, and he held the first term of
his court at St. Louis on Monday, Feb'y 9, 1818.
This position he held for about five years, except
durmg a brief absence, and was succeeded on the
bench by Judge Alexander Stuart in June, 1823.
Judge Tucker was married at St. Charles in
October, 1828, to Miss Eliza, daughter of Mr. John
* John Randolph, ol Roanoke, was born at Cawsons, Chesterfield
County, Virginia, in 1773, and died In Philadelphia in 1833, aged 60 years.
Nailor. This lady died on March 14, 1829, at Ful-
ton, Callaway County, after a brief married life of
but five months.
About the year 1831-32, he lived for a time in
Saline County.
After a residence in Missouri of about eighteen
years, he returned to Virginia, in 1833-34, to accept
the chair of Law-Professor in William and Mary
College, at Williamsburg, James City County,
which had been proffered him. This position he
filled about eighteen years, until his death at that
place, Aug't 26, 1851, at the age of 67 years.
came to St. Louis from Woodstock, Vermont, with
his large family of children, nearly all of them
daughters, about 1815, and opened a boarding house
on South Main Street, in the large old French house,
the former residence of Charles Gratiot, Sr., in the
early days of the village.
About the year 1820, they moved up to the north-
west corner of Chestnut and Main, into the large
stone house, late the Gratiot mansion, where they
lived for some five or six years. They were a highly
respectable family and their boarders of the best
Gains Paddock, Sen'r, died at St. Louis, August
11, 1831.
Aiter his death the widow and daughters moved
to Illinois, on a farm they had been improving,
seven miles north of Edwardsville, on the main road
to Springfield; it was long known as Paddock's
the second son, was born in Woodstock, Kov'r 15,
1805, and was about 10 years of age when the family
came to St. Louis ; he was raised in the dry-goods
business by James Clemens, Merchant, in whose em-
ployment he continued for nearly 20 years.
In 1834 he went into business with Philemon
Hunt at No. 3 South Main Street, as "Hunt &
Paddock, dry goods."
About 1838 he removed to Springfield, Ills.,
where he remained for a time, and then to Alton,
Ills., where he became permanently established.
Mr. Paddock was married June 25, 1834, to
Miss Mary Elizabeth Bailey, at St. Louis, and
died at Alton, Jlls., Dec'r 26, 1869, at the age
of 64 years.
from Philadelphia, " has just opened, Dec'r 23,
" 1815, a new store on South Main Street, opposite
" Matthew Kerr's Store.
"1817, July 12. He has removed across the
Street to next south of Matthew Kerr's.
* Charles W. Hanter had served in the campaign of 1813-14 as Brigade
Major of Gen'l Cadwallader's Brigade of Philadelphia Volunteers at
Camp Bloomfleld, Kennett's Square, and Camp Dupont, Brandywine,
near Wilmington, Delaware.
August 20. Removed to Belcour's new stone
store diagonally opposite the old stand.
1819, May 18. Chas. W. Hunter has removed
across to Matthew Kerr's old stand on the east side
of Main Street.
1820-21. He removed to Alton, Ills., just then
taking a start.
came from Dublin, Ireland, with his two sons, "Will-
iam and James, Jr.
March 5, 1819, he opened his stock of Wines and
Liquors in Bosseron's cellar, not being able to find
a vacant store. In the summer of that year he re-
moved to Clark's Store, ISTo. 55 IsTorth Main Street.
In 1821 Jas. Arnold & Co. were in ISTo. 71 North
Main, Paul's Store.
In 1822-23 they were in Jas. Kennerly's Store,
'No. 57 North Main.
Wm. Arnold, the oldest son, died here Sept. 3,
1823, aged 32 years, born 1791, highly esteemed
by all who knew him for his kindly qualities.
Mr. Arnold, Sr., after the death of his son, re-
turned to his family living in DubUn ; he was a
well raised gentleman.
came to St. Louis during the war of 1812-15, at
tached to the Army, and after its conclusion
remained here for some years in the practice of his
profession. He had three handsome daughters that
were noted belles of our place at that period.
from Philadelphia, married Miss Mary, Feb. 8,
of St. Louis, married Miss Eleonora, May 25, 1819.
Major Stoughton Gantt, Paymaster U. S. Army,
a cousin of the Doctor, died here April 25, 1819.
Capt. John Gantt, another of the family, was a
Capt. in the GthPegiment U. S. Infantry, stationed
for some years at Port Atkinson, Council Bluffs.
was born in the town of Sligo, Ireland, in the year
1783, and received a business education. He emi-
grated to the United States, arriving at 'New York
in 1803, and was married in that place in 1810. In
1817 he moved out west, remained in Cincinnati a
couple of years, and arrived in St. Louis in Janu-
ary, 1820.
He commenced business as an Auctioneer and
Commission merchant the same year at No. 29
ISTorth Main Street, in which he continued for some
years, and then relinquished, having been commis-
sioned by the Governor a Justice of the Peace for
the Township of St. Louis.
Mr. Walsh had a family of ten children, viz. :
Joseph W., Mary Ann, Peter A., James B., John
C, William P., Agnes C, Edmond E., Julia IST.
and Edward P., of whom two survive.
Mr. Walsh died in February, 1851, at the age of
68 years.
from Boston, came to St. Louis about the year
1813, and became associated in business with his
brother-in-law, Charles Sanguinet, Jr. The firm of
" Sanguinet & Bright" was a prominent one here
for some years, until its dissolution in 1821.
Capt. Bright was twice married, first, in 1814 to
Miss Eulalie, the fifth daughter of Charles Sangui-
net, Sr. She died Feb. 14, 1817, leaving a son and
May 30, 1819, Capt. Bright was married to Mrs.
Eliza, the widow of the late Pierre Tesson, dec'd.
Capt. Bright died July 31, 1822.
born in Toulouse, France, came to St. Louis about
the year 1816, bringing with him a stock of French
goods, and kept a store for about a couple of years,
until he had disposed of his goods, when he closed
his business, and moved on to a place he had pur-
chased in the country a few miles south-west of the
Town, where he lived until his death.
On January' 5, 1819, he was married to Adelaide,
the sixth daughter of Charles Sanguinet, Sr., and
died in May, 1848, at the age of 61 years.
His widow survived him twenty-nine years, and
died April 2, 1877, aged seventy-nine years. They
had no children.
Peter, John and Jesse G., were born near Snowhill,
Worcester County, Maryland, where their ances-
tors for two generations had lived.
Peter was born March 26, 1776, and when a
young man was engaged in business, making occa-
sional visits to Philadelphia with droves of cattle to
dispose of for himself and others.
About 1813 he came to St. Louis, associated witli
Thos. and John Cromwell, with a stock of fresh
goods from Philadelphia, and opened a store.
1815, March 1. Having disposed of their stock
of Merchandise, the partnership of Peter Lindell and
Thos. and John Cromwell was dissolved.
" 1816, June 8. Peter, John and Jesse G. Lindell,
have just opened a large stock of l^ew Goods in
the brick house of M. Lisa, corner of Main and the
first Cross Street north of the Market," (now Chest-
nut St.)
Having acquired a handsome property while en-
gaged in business, he retired from the same, after
aome years of active life, and died a confirmed old
bachelor Oct. 26, 1861, at the age of 85 years, pos-
sessed of an ample fortune, the fruits of his economy
and frugality.
John Lindell, Jr., the next brother, born about
1780, died unmarried in the summer of 1821, at
Herculaneum, Jefferson Cy., where they had a
branch store of their principal house in St. Louis.
His interest in the business passed to the surviving
brothers, Peter and Jesse G., deed from his father
and sisters, on record book L., pages 5 and 7.
Jesse Gr. Lindell, the youngest of these, was born
Dec. 16, 1790, and came to St. Louis in 1816. He
married Dec'r 14, 1825, Jemima Smith, nee Lee,
widow of Oliver C. Smith. He had not long before
retired from business, having like his brother Peter,
acquired a competency, which in the 33 years fol-
lowing his marriage, had grown into a very large
fortune. It was a part of his fortune, and not his
brother Peter's, that went into the Lindell hotel.
Jesse G. Lindell died Feb. 2, 1858, at the age of
68 years, without children.
A fourth brother, Robert, settled in Pittsburgh at
an early day and was in business there for many
years, at his death in very moderate circumstances.
Several of his children came to St. Louis and
lived with their uncles.
was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in the
year 1766.
His father, who was a brick maker, moved his
family to Philadelphia, where John and an elder
brother Peter were long successfully engaged in the
manufacture of bricks.
In the year 1800, he with a wife and several chil-
dren, removed his family to Lexington, Ky., where
he built a brick house, opened a brick yard, and
built a mill for the manufacture of linseed oil.
In December, 1816, he came to St. Louis, and in
January, 1817, purchased from Col. Augte. Chou-
teau-, block Ko. 132 of his new addition on the hill,
bounded by Market and Walnut, 6th and 7th Streets,
then high ground eight or ten feet above the present
grade, built a log house for his family at the south-
west corner of the block (on the spot where now
stands the Standard Theatre), and made bricks there
until the ground was cut down to present grade, and
then purchased the block next west, from 7th to
8th, for the same purpose.
In 1819 Mr. Bobb was elected one of the Town
In 1823 he was appointed by Mayor "Wm. Carr
Lane, Street Commissioner, and subsequently was
Coroner of St. Louis County.
In 1838 he commenced the publication of a liberal
paper called the Western Examiner, advocating
the same views as the Boston Investigator.
Mr. Bobb was married in the year 1787, at Phila-
delphia, to Miss Anna Maria Sprinkle ; they were
the parents of seven sons and four daughters, all
but one of whom attained maturity.
He died May 17, 1851, at the age of 85 years.
Mrs. Bobb had died at her daughter's home in
Marion County in August, 1845, aged 75 years, and
was interred at that place.
John, died in Yicksburgh in 1863.
William, died in Natchez in 1826.
Jacob, died in ISTatchez in 1826.
George, died in St. Louis in 1834.
Peter, died in St. Louis in 1839.
Theodore, died in St. Louis in 1844.
Charles, born in 1810, is the last surviving son.
Mrs. Masters, born in 1798, is now 90 years of age,
Julia A., born in 1803, (Mrs. Isaac A. Letcher,)
died in St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1885, aged 82 years.
Caroline, born in 1812, (Mrs. Alexander Lyle,)
is now 76 years of age.
Dolly, died an infant in Kentucky.
son of Peter and Catherine Collier, born near Snow-
hill, Worcester County, eastern shore of Maryland,
about the year 1792 ; came to Missouri with his
mother, a widow, in 1816, with a stock of goods
from Philadelphia, and opened a retail store in St,
Charles, at that time a rival of St. Louis, with more
brick houses, and an even chance of keeping pace
with her.
In 1819-20, three years later, prospects in St.
Charles not appearing so bright, they established a
branch of their house in St. Louis, under the style
of John Collier &; Co.
John Collier died unmarried May 18, 1821, at
St. Charles, aged 29 years.
Catherine Collier, widow of Peter Collier, died in
St. Charles June 5, 1835, aged 73 years.
the second son of the same, was born on the same
farm with John, March 17, 1796, and after the
death of his father sent to Philadelphia to school.
In 1818, having completed his education, he came
to Missouri and became a partner of his brother,
under the style of John Collier & Co.
On January 1, 1826, Greorge Collier was married
at St. Charles to Miss Frances E., daughter of
James Morrison, Bsq'r, merchant of that place.
She died Aug't 30, 1835, leaving a young daugh-
ter and an infant son, George Collier, Jr., born
in 1835, who grew to manhood, and married a
daughter of General Stephen Kearny; he died in
1863, aged 28 years.
In 1838, George Collier was married at Pitts-
burgh, Penn'a, to Miss Sarah A., eldest daughter
of the late William Bell, Merchant, of that city.
He died July 18, 1852, at the age of 56 years, leav-
ing five sons and two daughters, one the wife of
Henry Hitchcock, Esq'r, and the other the wife of
Ethan A. Hitchcock, Esq'r.
Thomas Collier, a son by his second wife, Sarah,
died at the age of 20 years.
Mr. George Collier becoming the heir of his
mother and elder brother, shortly after he embarked
in business, was already the possessor of ample
means, in 1840 when he withdrew from active busi-
ness on account of his ill health, he had accumu-
lated a very large fortune, acquired in the various
enterprises he had been engaged in, and which con-
tinued to increase for the rest of his days, dying,
in its strictest sense, a millionaire.
was born in Hillsborough township, Orange county,
^orth Carolina, March 14, 1782. His mother, a
widow, removed to Tennessee. He taught school
and studied law, and in 1808, after being admitted
to the bar, opened an office in Franklin, Williamson
County, Tennessee. Shortly afterwards he re-
moved to I^ashville and opened an office in that
In 1811 he was elected to the Legislature of Ten-
nessee, and in 1812 joined the army, and was an aid-
de-camp of Greneral Jackson until the summer of
1813, when a misunderstanding arose between them,
which resulted in the rencontre of Friday, Sept. 4,
1813. Subsequently he was appointed Lieut.
Colonel of the 39th Regiment United States In-
fantry, then being raised for the war, but it was
never completed. Peace occurring not long after-
wards, the new regiments were disbanded.
After the peace of 1815, Col. Benton removed to
Missouri and opened a law office in St. Louis in
1816, and in 1819 became associated with Isaac JST.
Henry, in the publication of the 8t. Louis Enquirer,
as its editor.
When the new State government went into effect
in the fall of 1820, he and David Barton, who had
been President of the State Convention, were elected
by the Legislature, for our two first Senators in
Congress, Barton unanimously and Benton by a
mere majority.
At the expiration of his first term as Senator for
six years, Benton had made himself so popular with
our people, mainly by having espoused the cause of
Andrew Jackson, to whom he had become recon-
ciled, that he was re-elected to the Senate for four
additional terms, serving as a Senator for thirty con-
secutive years, longer than any other member of
that body before or since.
After thirty years of continual service in the
Senate, Col. Benton, who had now reached his
" three score and ten " being still anxious to serve
his constituents, was elected in 1852 to a seat in the
lower house from the St. Louis district. After serv-
ing out this term, his friends retired him from public
life to make way for a new generation.
During all this long period of time, Col. Benton's
actual residence was in Washington City, where
Mrs. Benton owned her dwelling.
Col. Benton was married on Tuesday, March 20,
1821, at Lexington, Virginia, to Miss McDowell, a
sister of Gov. McDowell, of Virginia, and died April
lO, 1858, in Washington City, aged 76 years, and is
interred at Bellefontaine Cemetery. He left four
married daughters.
Elizabeth, married to ~Wm. Carey Jones, of
"Washington City.
Jessie, to Col. John C. Fremont, of South
Sarah, to Rich'd Jacobs, of Kentucky.
Susan, to Mr. Boisleau, of France.
His only son died a young man, unmarried.
Mrs. Benton died March 24, 1855.
eev'd salmon gidditstgs
was born in Hartford, Connecticut, March 2nd, 1782,
and was ordained on December 20, 1814.
In 1815 was an itinerant minister in Massachusetts
and Connecticut.
April 6, 1816, he arrived at St. Louis.
Oct. 12, 1816, opened a school in the two-story
frame on the hill, built by James Sawyer for the
IS'ov'r 15, 1817, organized the first Presbyterian
congregation in St. Louis.
Jan'y 3, 1818, opened a school for girls.
Aug't 30, 1823, laid the corner stone of his new
Presbyterian Church, the first " 'brick'''' Protestant
Church west of the Mississippi River, by the Grand
Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of Missouri, at the
northwest corner of 4th and St. Charles Streets.
Rev'd S. Giddings married Dec'r 4, 1826, Miss
Almira Colhns, at Collinsville, Ilhnois.
He died Feb. 15, 1828, in his 46th year.
was appointed from Pittsburgh, Penn'a.
Jan'y 3, 1812, an Ensign in the 5th Regiment,
U. S. Infantry.
March 12, 1812, a Second Lieut, in same.
April 28, 1814, a First Lieut, in same.
May 17, 1815, transferred to the Rifle Regi-
July 12, 1818, promoted to Captain.
Sept. 25, 1818, was appointed Deputy Quarter-
master General for St. Louis.
June 1, 1821, was transferred as Captain to 6th
Reg't Infantry.
He died unmarried at St. Louis, Aug't 27, 1822,
and was buried with military honors by the St. Louis
The Territorial Bank of St. Louis having become
insolvent, the old banking house was sold at public
sale by Joseph C. Brown, Sheriff, under execution,
on Dec'r 20, 1819, and Capt. James McGunnegle, a
creditor, became the purchaser and held it at the
period of his death.
was born in the Kingdom of Hanover, Germany, in
the year 1790.
He was in business in Pittsburgh, Penn'a, prior
to the war of 1812-15, and served in that war as a
member of the Pittsburgh -Blues.
In October, 1817, he came to St. Louis with a
stock of German goods, which he opened in Per-
kins and Drip's store on South Main Street.
In Sept., 1818, on the completion of Chenie's new
brick store on Main, above Market Street, he re-
moved to it.
April 10, 1820, the old firm of Charles Wahren-
dorff & Co. was dissolved, and in May the new firm
of Edward Tracy & Chas. Wahrendorff was estab-
lished in the old stand. They conducted its busi-
ness in this same house, until the death of Mr. Wah-
rendorff in August, 1831, brought it to a close.
Charles Wahrendorff was married Sept. 8, 1823,
to Mrs. Ann, widow of the late Mr. Amos Wheeler,
dec'd, and oldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Charless,
Sr. He died Aug't 27, 1831, the result of a fall, at
the age of 41 years, leaving but one child, a daugh-
ter, who when of age became the wife of Taylor
was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, May
26, 1784.
In 1801, at 17 years of age, he entered Williams
College, Massachusetts, where he remained four
years and graduated in 1805. Studied law in Onon-
dago County, IS^ew York, for a couple of years, and
finished his studies with Abraham Yan Yechten, a
leading Lawyer of Albany, New York, in 1809, and
was admitted to the bar.
In 1810 he commenced practice in Vernon,
Oneida County, New York,
In 1812, elected to the Legislature, and in the
same year was married to Louise Esther De Russey,
daughter of a French refugee from St. Domingo,
of 1793.
In May, 1818, he arrived at St. Louis, with his
wife and three children, and immediately formed a
•copartnership with Rufas Easton, whom he had pre-
viously known.
In 1821, he was appointed Judge of the Second
Circuit, and removed his family to St. Charles. He
held his first term at Louisiana, Pike County, in
February, 1821. In April, 1823, he was appointed
to fill a vacancy on the Supreme bench of the State.
And died in office at St. Charles July 31, 1825,
aged 41 years.
his brother, born in Litchfield in 1780, who came
here with him, survived him many years, in Lou-
isiana, Pike County, and died in St. Louis in 1883,
having attained 103 years of age.
A daughter of Rufus Pettibone became the wife
of Judge Hunt, of Louisiana.
was born in the eastern part of Tennessee, upon the
confines of jSTorth Carolina, and came to St. Louis,
-and established himself as a Lawyer in 1818.
At the establishment of the District Court of the
United States for Missouri in 1821, amongst others
James H. Peck made application for the appoint-
ment of Judge, and being supported by Col. Rich-
ard M. Johnson, of Kent'y, and Senator David
Barton, of Missouri, received the appointment, and
occupied the bench for a number of years. Gen'l
Henry Dodge, afterwards United States Senator
from Wisconsin, was the first U. S. Marshal for the
district. The Court was held in an old French
house, south-west corner of Walnut and Second
Judge Peck died, unmarried, Saturday, April '60,
1836, in this county, opposite St. Charles, after an
illness of many weeks, contracted while on his I'e-
turn from holding a term of the District Court at
Jefferson City.
He was buried the next day, Sunday, May 1st.
He left a will, a brother, Isham T. Peck, adminis-
tered on his estate May 17, 1836.
from 'New York with a stock of merchandise, ar-
rived in St. Louis in 1818, and opened his goods in
Dent & Eearick's stoi-e, Sept. 4th.
In May, 1820, he entered into partnership with
Charles Wahrendorff, then established in Chenie's
new brick building No. 4 IS'orth Main St., the style
■of the firm " Tracy & Wahrendorff." They were
partners exceeding eleven years, until the death of
Mr. Wahrendorff in 1831, when Mr. Tracy associ-
ated with liim his nephew, Alfred Tracy, as com-
mission merchants.
In 1851, he was appointed by Mayor Kennett
City Anditor of St. Louis, and in 1852 re-appointed
to the same office.
In the winter of 1820-21 Mr. Tracy was married
at the residence of Frederick Dent, Esq'r, in Grra-
vois, to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Capt. John
Nelson, of Louisville, Ky.
Mr. Tracy died in IS'ovember, 1852, at the age of
71 years.
Mrs. Tracy had died in 1849 at the age of 48
Their children were :
Charles F., married Sophia Morton.
Edward 'N., to Zoe Papin, both deceased.
Henry W., died unmarried.
John N., died unmarried in 1854.
Augustus B., deceased, married to Celeste
William, to Miss Sloan.
Alfred, died young,
One daughter married lives in New York.
b.orn May 19, 1802, nephew of Edward Tracy,
came to St. Louis a young man, and for a time
was a clerk with his uncle, and afterwards a
partner. He married at St. Charles, May 22,
1828, Miss Sarah Stoddard, sister of Mrs. Ed-
ward Charless, who died without children July 1,
1833, and secondly Miss Ellen, the eldest daughter
of George Morton, Esq.
Mr. Alfred Tracy died Jan'y 4, 1860, aged 57
years 8 months.
was born in Maryland in the year 1786, and lived
for some years in Pittsburgh, where he married.
He came to St. Louis early in 1818, associated
with George Rearick as merchants, and they com-
menced business on July 1st of that year, in a new
frame house, one of three just erected by the estate
of Wm. Smith, on the west side of Main just below
Chestnut Street. Houses being difficult to obtain,
he procured a couple of rooms in the residence of
his old Pittsburgh friend, MclSTair, where he passed
the winter of 1818-19 with his family, and where
his second son, Geo. "W., was born.
In 1819 he obtained the old Delaunay stone
house, south-west corner of Main and Olive
In June, 1820, he purchased from Theodorfe
Hunt, 200 arpents of land, part of the old Mackey
tract, with a good house and well improved, and his
partnership with Rearick being dissolved, he re^
moved into the country with his young family,
where the balance of his children were born, and
where he resided for more than 25 years.
Mr. Dent was married to Miss Ellen Brey, at
Pittsburgh about the year 1816. She died in Feb-
ruary, 1857, at the age of 60 years.
Their children were :
John Dent, born in Pittsburgh in 1817, twice
George Wrenshall D., at St. Louis, 1818-19,
married Oct. 14, 1841, to Mary Isabella Shurlds.
Lewis, born at Gravois, 1823 ; died March 23,
1874, aged 51 years.
Fi-ederick, Jr.*
Julia D., married to U. S. Grant, U. S. Army,
Sept. 10, 1848.
ISTellie, to Dr. Alexander Sharp, Feb'y 7, 1854.
Emma, to James Casey, Feb. 14, 1861.
Frederick Dent, Sr., died at the President's
house, in Washington, on Dec. 15, 1873, at the age
of 87 years. His remains were brought to St.
Louis, accompanied by his son-in-law, Pres't Grant,
and interred in Bellefontaine Cemetery.
came to St. Louis early in 1816, and on May 1st,
in partnership with Thomas Hanly, commenced
business in Clark's row on Main Street, opposite
McKnight & Brady.
On September the 30th, he was elected the first
Cashier of the new bank of Missouri.
* A graduate of West Point, Second Lieut. 6th Infantry, July 1, 1843,
Lieut. Col. 5th Artillery, Dec. 15, 1S70.
July 21, 1817, he married Miss Julia Ann, the
eldest daughter of Judge Silas Bent, Sr.
Shortly after his marriage he resigned his position
as Cashier, and removed to the Boons-lick country,
Old Franklin, Howard County, just organized, and
to which there was a great rush at this time.
Here he lived many years, became a prominent
politician, filling various important offices, and in
1836 was elected the fifth Governor of oui- State.
His wife died in Sept., 1820, a young woman of
but nineteen.
A Dublin paper of ISTovember 7, 1846, has the
following of him :
Born in 1781. At an early age he entered the
British I^avy, serving under Sir Sidney Smith.
In 1802 he returned to Dublin and commenced his
In 1805 he was called to the bar, and practiced for
a time.
In 1810 he passed over to France and entered the
French service under his uncle Gen'l William Law-
less. Appointed the military secretary of Gen'l
Clark, Due of Feltre, and promoted to Colonel.
On the return of Napoleon from Elba, he read
the address of congratulation from his Regiment to
the Emperor,
After the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815, he
came to the United States and adopted his former-
profession of law, coming to St. Louis in 1816-17.
After the resignation of Judge Wm. C Carr from
the bench of the Circuit Court, Luke E. Lawless was
appointed to succeed him by Governor DunMin, and
took his seat at the March term, 1834.
Col. Lawless was married to the Baroness De
Grenhm, the widow of the Baron De Greuhm, the
Prussian Minister, at Washington, at Georgetown,
District of Columbia, in May, 1825, by whom he
had an only child, a daughter who lived to
become a young woman, and then died, I think
at 17 or 18 years.
He died in St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1846, aged 65
was born at Christine, near Wilmington, Delaware,
in the year 1787.
When a young man, was employed at the Brandy-
wine Flour Mills.
His health being somewhat delicate, he made a
voyage to Cadiz, Spain, where he was employed
for some years in the office of the United States
Li March, 1815, was at Bordeaux, France, on his
return to the U. S.
In 1817 he came to St. Louis, one of the firm of
"Porter, Glasgow & Nivin," who opened their
stock of goods on May 10th in Papin's old stone
store, next to Kibby's hotel.
In 1818 he went to Belleville, Illinois, where he
was in business for five years. In 1823 he removed
to Herculaneum, Jefferson County, Mo., where
he was engaged in business and lead mining.
In 1827 he removed to St. Lonis, where he was
engaged in business until 1841, a part of the time
of the firm, of Ross & Glasgow.
In 1846 he was appointed by Mayor Peter G.
Camden, City Treasurer of St. Louis, which office
he held for seven successive years, under Mayors
Camden, Mullanphy, Krum, Barry and Kennett.
Subsequently Mr. Glasgow resided in the country
near the residence of his son-in-law, Jefferson K.
Clark, where he died.
Mr. Glasgow was married at Belleville, Illinois,
IS'ov'r 19, 1818, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Edward
Mitchell, and died near St. Louis, April 8, 1876, in
his 89th year. Mrs. Glasgow, born in Virginia
June 16, 1801, died in St. Louis County March 31,
1883, in her 82nd year.
Their children are :
Edward James, born June 7, 1820, married Har-
riet Clark Kennerly, Oct. 26, 1856.
Wilham Henry, born Feb. 19, 1822, married first
Mary Wright, Oct. 22, 1850, married secondly Miss
Charlotte ^. Fales in 1860.
Eleanor Ann, born May 1, 1824, married Geo. R.
H. Clark, March 30, 1841.
Mary Susan, born ISTov. 19, 1828, married Jeffer-
son K. Clark, Aug't 8, 1849.
Two other sons, Charles and John P., died in
Wm. Glasgow, Sen'r's, grandchildren:
Julien K. and Wm. Jefferson, sons of Edward J.
Ed. J., Jr., Jefferson Clark, Anita D. and Mary
Susan, children of Wm. H. Glasgow.
flohn O'Fallon Clark; Julia, wife of Robert
Voorhies ; Ellen, wife of Wm. Lauderdale, and
Seddie, deceased, children of George R. PI. Clark,
son of Jeremiah Clemens, was born in Danville,
Kentucky, Oct. 29, 1791 ; at an early age was a
clerk in the store of Mr. Bell in that town. In
October, 1811, he went to Sparta, Tennessee, where
he was engaged in business with his uncle, James
Clemens, of Huntsville, Alabama. In April, 1815,
he came to Ste. Genevieve, and in April, 181(5, came
to St. Louis.
July 26 he opened his goods on Main Street, oppo-
site the Post-office, in Sept. he removed to Wm.
Smith's house (No. 7 ISTorth Main Street), and in
1819, on the completion of Manual Lisa's two new
brick stores, ISfos. 17 an'd 19 l^orth Main, he re-
moved into No. 17, between Mullanphy and You
Phul, where he was for a number of years.
In 1836 he was at No. 4 ISTorth Main, in Chenie's
three-story brick.
In 1846 he retired from business with an ample
In 1852 his residence and office was at I^o. 98
Market, above 3rd.
In 1854 his office ISTo. 32 IS'orth 3rd, his residence
in the country.
Mr. James Clemens was married on January 10,
1833, to Miss Eliza, seventh and youngest daughter
of John MuUanphy, Esq'r. She died at her country
residence, six miles from the city, Aug't 20, 1853,
and Mr. Clemens, who survived his wife twenty-four
years, at his residence on Cass Avenue, January 12,
1878, in his 87th year.
Their children were three sons and three daugh-
James B. Clemens, married, died shortly after
his father.
Bryan M. and William J.
Mrs. C. J. Cates.
Mrs. Ellen J. Clemens.
Mrs. Alice B. Von Versen, residing in Europe.
was born in Dublin, Ireland, in the year 1784.
"His father, John Chambers, was one of the
' oldest stationers and publishers of that City, a
'member of the order of 'United Irishmen,' who
' made themselves odious to the British govern-
' ment, and with sixteen others, were arrested in
' 1798, and confined as prisoners of State, in Fort
' George, Scotland, then banished from the coun-
' try and sent to Germany, but soon finding their
' way to Paris, and thence to Bordeaux. And in a
' short time afterwards, Thomas Addis Eminett,
" John Chambers, Doct. McNevin, Doct. Cum-
" mings, and others were landed at New York.
"Here John Chambers opened a pubUshmg
" house m Wall Street."
Charles Chambers rejomed his father in New
York in 1803, and was with him in business until
1817, in which year he was married by Bishop Con-
elly to Miss Jane, the third daughter of John Mul-
lanphy, Esq.
In the winter of 1818-19 Mr. Chambers and his
young family went around by sea to New Orleans,
and on February 1st, 1819, left there on the steamer
Washington, Capt. Henry M. Shreve, the first boat
from New Orleans to St. Louis, where they landed
on March 1st, 1819.
Mr. Chambers began at once the improvement of
the tract of land given to his wife by her father, by
the erection of a house, and which in time, by his
untiring industry he cQnverted into a splendid farm,
on which he resided for many years, and where all
his children were born.
In the year 1846 he removed to the city where he
continued to reside until his death late in 1861, aged
about 77 years.
Their children were six daughters and four sons :
Margaret F., who married Commodore Wm.
Smith, U. S. Navy, dec'd.
Ellen, married Capt. Joseph H. Lamotte, U.
S. A.
Eliza B., married Thomas B. Hudson, dec'd.
Jane J., married B. Franklin Thomas, dec'd.
Anne B., married Greo. W. Thatcher.
Mary, married first, Mr. Waters ; secondly,
James Larkin, both dec'd.
John H. Chambers, now deceased.
Bart. M., married a daughter of Ed. Walsh.
Thomas B., a Catholic clergyman.
Owen, who died unmarried in 1854.
continued in business in Baltimore until 1816, when
he followed his brother Rene to St. Louis.
On March 30, 1817, he was married to Miss Marie
Louise, the second daughter of Col. Augustus Chou-
teau. She died Oct. 24, 1832, at the age of 33
years, leaving one son and two daughters.
The oldest daughter, Estelle Felicite, born July
21, 1821, was married May 23, 1843, to Richard W.
Ulrici. She died in 1883, and Ulrici Aug't 23, 1886,
leaving no children.
The second daughter, Theresa L., born March 18,
1829, married George R. Taylor, August 9, 1846.
She died in 1873, and Mr. Taylor in 1880, leaving
three sons and five daughters, some of whom are
Their only son, Adolph Paul, born January 9th,
1824, was twice married, first on January 24, 1855,
to Miss Mary, daughter of Mrs. Eugenie and the
late John W. Reel, dec'd. This lady lived but a
few years after "her marriage, dying and leaving
but a son named as his father, Adolph. After
remaining a widower for a number of years, Mr.
Paul mari-ied a second wife, Miss Virginia Menkens,
wlio survives him with one daugliter.
He died in March, 1882, at the age of 58 years.
Capt. Grabriel Paul had executed his will on Sept.
23, 1815, and died shortly afterwards, aged about
68 years.
was a native of Kentucky and served in the Rifle
On November 24, 1825, he was married to Maria
Antoinette Emily, the third daughter of Col. Augus-
tus Chouteau, who was born on April 14, 1802, and
died June 5, 1842, at the age of 40 years, and her
husband, Major Smith, in December, 1843, eighteen
months after his wife.
Their surviving children are :
Louis Chouteau Smith, born in 1827, married in
Thomas Floyd Smith, born Sept. 30, 1831, mar-
Philomena, born Nov'r 24, 1836, married to
Major Charles F. Larned, Paymas. U. S. Army,
now deceased.
the fourth son of Col. Augustus Chouteau, born
March 30, 1807, died unmarried May 15, 1846, aged
39 years.
born in Baltimore in the year 1792, came to St.
Louis in 1818, of the firm of Renshaw & Hoff-
man, mei'chants here for some years.
He was married Feb'y 3, 1820, at Chesterfield,
St. Louis County, to Miss Phebe Ann Eliza,
daughter of Mr. Joseph Klein, from CaatsMll, New
York. He was for many years the efficient Book-
keeper of the Fur house of Peter Chouteau, Jr., &
Co., and long engaged in the Lisurance business.
He died at Fulton, Callaway Co., Mo., March
14, 1864, aged 72 years, leaving a number of chil-
One of his sons is Wm. lienshaw, of Baltimore,
father of Morrison Eenshaw of this place.
was born Oct. 17, 1796, in Westchester County,
l^ew York, and received a superior education. He
left New York a Physician in the fall of 1819,
opened a drug store in St. Louis, and practiced his
On March 34, 1822, he was married to Miss Char-
lotte Klein, second daughter of Mr. Joseph Klein,
from Caatskill, New York.
He was engaged in the Apothecary and drug busi-
ness for a number of years, and in 1852 we find him
in the Insurance agency business. Subsequently he
had a large vineyard at Cleveland, Ohio, and still
later a mill and distillery at Peoria, Illinois, associ-
ated with Chas. P. Billon.
After a number of years absence from St. Louis,
Doct. Hoffman returned to the place about the year
1874, and shortly afterwards was married to the
widow of Henry S. Geyer, her third husband.
He died November 5, 1878, at the age of 82
years, and was interred from Christ Church, of
which he had been a member from its first organi-
zation .
His widow, who survived him about seven years,
died in October, 1885, at the age of 81 years, with-
out children from either marriage.
was born at Baignes, Department of Charente,
ancient Angoumois, France, March 25, 1800, came
to St. liouis about the year 1819, and was first em-
ployed as a clerk at Berthold & Chouteau's store,
with whom he remained for a number of years, and
then went into business himself, associated for a
time in the Dry-goods line, in 1835-6 with A. E.
Bonis, a nephew of his wife.
He married Oct. 30, 1820, Miss Julia O., daugh-
ter of Antoine Yincent Bonis, Sr., then deceased,
who like himself had come to this place from
France. They had a large family of children, to
the number of ten, most of whom died young.
Their oldest daughter, Julia, married Eobert
Darst, Sept. 6, 1837.
Another daughter, Octavia, married Emaimel
Alexander Lesueur, May 28, 1840.
And a third, Virginia, married to Charles Marlow,
April 21, 1852.
An only living son, Bernard Dumaine, is yet a
resident of St. Louis.
Mr. Lucien Dumaine died at Farmington, St.
Francois County, April 13, 1875, at the age of
75 years.
Amongst the large number that the abdication of
N^apoleon in 1815 drove from France, was this
family, consisting of Rene Perdreauville, Si'., his
wife, two sons Rene and Leon, and two daughters,
young ladies grown, well educated in Paris and
They came to the United States and in the
summer of 1818 found their way to St. Louis. Mr.
P. had filled some official station in the household of
the Emperor.
In September, 1818, Mrs. Perdreauville, assisted
by her daughters, opened an Academy for young
ladies, gave lessons in music, and dancing was
taught by Mr. Durocher, a professor of that art,
who was engaged for that duty.
On I^overaber 18, 1819, the oldest daughter. Miss.
Marie Antoinette Adele Perdreauville, was married
to John Pierre Gratiot, a son of Charles Gratiot^
Sr., deceased.
In 1820 Mr. P., with his wife, sons and other
daughter, removed to iNTew Orleans, where the
second daughter married.
was born in Windsor, Vermont, April 24, 1795. In
1815, when 20 years of age, he made his way to
Olean, Cattaraugas Oy., IS". J., then down the
Allegheny and Ohio i-ivers to St. Louis, stopping at
various places, which he reached early in 1818, and
was Deputy Constable with Jabez Warner for
several years.
In 1823 paid a visit to his home in Vermont, and
there married Miss Sophia Hall.
He was an early Steamboat Captain in the New
Orleans trade.
For many years a Director and then President of
the Boatman's Bank.
Capt. Blood died ISrov'r 27, 1875, in his 81st year,
leaving his widow, one son Henry, a married daugh-
ter Mrs. Sloss, and one single, Miss Anne Louise.
was born in Philadelphia in. the year 1800.
When quite young, his mother, a widow, removed
to ISTorfolk, Virginia, where he learnt the print-
ing biTsiness, and came to St. Louis in August,
He was a journeyman printer for several years
with Isaac K. Henry on the Enquirer newspaper,
of which Benton was then Editor.
In 1829 he joined Major Joshua Pilcher's trading
and trapping expedition to the Rocky Mountains,
-was in Gen'l Ashley's fight wdth the Arickarees in
1823, and participated in other encounters with the
After an absence of five years Mr. Keemle
returned to St. Louis and resumed his business of
printing, in which he was engaged for the remainder
of his life, at times alone, and at times with others
in conducting several papers.
In 1854 Mr. Keemle was elected Recorder of St.
Louis County, succeeding Stephen D. Barlow.
This office Mr. K. held for seven years, until 1861,
at same time extensively engaged in his printing
with Samuel Hager.
In 1833 Mr. Keemle was married to Miss Mary
Oliver of this city. He died Sept. 29, 1865, at the
age of 65 years, leaving a widow, son and daugh-
ter, now residing somewhere on the Pacific slope.
was born in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Dec'r
31, 1794, the second son of William and Elizabeth
In 1812, at the age of 18 years, he served as a
volunteer, and soon afterwards was appointed deputy
■clerk of Lunenburg County, Virginia.
In May, 1818, he arrived in St. Louis, having-
ridden from Virginia on horseback, and in June was
selected by Col. Alexander Mcl^air, Registei- of the
United States Land Office, for his principal assistant
having charge of the office.
In June, 1820, he was chosen Secretary of the
Convention that adopted the State Constitution, and
in the same year the newly elected Governor of the
State, Alex'r Mc]N"air, appointed him his private
The seat of government being established at St.
Charles in 1821, Mr. Pettus removed to that place,
being appointed Clerk of the Supreme and Chancery
Courts, and in 1822 by Gov'r McNair, Secretary of
In 1824 he acted as Secretary of the State Senate,
and in 1825 was appointed by Gov'r Frederick
Bates, Judge of the Probate Court, serving two
years, 1825 and 1826.
In 1827, being tired of public office, he went into
business in St. Charles, in which he was engaged foi
a number of years, during which he served as State
Senator in 1832 and '33.
In 1834 he removed to St. Louis and was engaged
in Mercantile and Banking business until 1842,
when he was appointed Secretary of the Floating
Dock Insurance Comp., and in 1855 Secretary
of the United States Insurance Company until
1862, when ill-health compelled him to resigUj
being then 68 years of age.
Mr. Pettus died Dec'r 25, 1867, aged 73 years.
Wm. G. Pettus was married on Dec'r 31, 1826,
at St. Charles, to Miss Caroline R., daughter of
Major James Morrison of that place. Their chil-
dren were :
Emily J., deceased.
Martha A., Mrs. Charles Parsons.
Caroline Eliza, deceased.
Euphrasie A., Mrs. Robert B. Mackay.
Wm. H. H. Pettus married to Miss Mary
A. Saugrain, and
Joseph M. Pettus.
was born in Winchester, Frederick Co., Virginia,
in 1791-92.
He came to St. Louis early in 181G, bred to the
In 1817 was a Clerk for about a year in the first
Bank of St. Louis, then for a short time an assistant
to M. P. Leduc, Clerk of the Circuit Court, David
Barton being Circuit Judge.
In 1818 he was appointed by Gov'r Wm. Clark,
Clerk of the Circuit Court for St. Louis, which
office he held for eighteen years, until 1836, when
the office having been made elective by the Legisla-
ture, General John F. Ruland, who came from
Detroit, was elected to succeed him.
In the eighteen years he had held the office, Mr.
Gamble had acquired a competency of this world's
In 1822 he was married to Miss Louisa, the third
daughter of Col. Rufus Easton, by whom he had a
number of children.
He was for a long period the agent of the public
schools, but for the last 20 years he lived in 'retire-
ment, having abundant means.
He died Sept., 1866, aged 75 years, leaving
three married daughters, Mrs. Charles Gibson,
Mrs. Doct. Page and Mrs. Clarkson, and several
the youngest of seven, born l^ov'r 29, 1798, at the
same place, was educated at Hampden-Sidney Col-
lege. At 18 years of age, in 1816, he was admitted
to practice. Before he was 21, in 1818, he had been
licensed in three States : Virginia, Tennessee and
He was for a short time a deputy clerk under his
brother Archibald, and then removed to old Frank-
lin, Howard' County, where he commenced practice.
In 1824 appointed by Gov'r F. Bates, Sec. of
State, at Bates' death in 1825, he settled in St.
In 1846 he was sent to the Legislature to revise
the Laws. In 1851 elected a Judge of the Supreme
Court, his health led him to resign in 1855. In
1858 he removed to Philadelphia to educate his
children .
In July, 1861, was chosen provisional Governor.
Gov'r Gamble was married in 1827 at Columbia,
South Carolina, to Miss Caroline J. Coulter, sister
of Mrs. Edward Bates.
He died Jan'y Bl, 1864, at 66 years of age.
was born of a good family at ISTewtown Limavaddy,
County Londonderry, Ireland, on March 17, 1790,,
hence his baptismal name, Patrick.
When a young man of seventeen, he participated
in the rebellion of 1807 against the government, in
which he held the rank of a commissioned officer, he
escaped from the island in a fishing boat, and found
safety on board a trading vessel, following the sea
for two years.
In 1809 he came to the United States, and settled
first at Philadelphia, where he was engaged in the
lumber business in the employment of Mr. Richard
Price, a Quaker gentleman, for many years exten-
sively engaged in that business.
In 1813-14 Mr. Dillon removed to Pittsburgh, and
went into the lumber business on his own account,
in which he was engaged for several years, and then
removed to St. Louis with a newly purchased stock
of Dry-goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, which
he opened Jan'y 18, 1817, at the house of Major P.
Chouteau, Sr., IS'orth Main Street.
1817, April 5, P. M. Dillon removed to the old
stand of Theodore Hunt, in Papin's ' old stone
1818, May 15, P. M. Dillon has just received his
new stock of Merchandise at his new stand, lately
occupied by Joseph Wiggan, opposite the Bank of
St. Louis.
Mr. Dillon continued in active business as a
Merchant until the admission of Missouri as a State,
and the incorporation of the City in 1822-23, when
he reHnquished mercantile business and turned his
attention to real estate. He laid ou.t several addi-
tions to St. Louis on lands he had purchased with
that view ; his last being Dillon's fourth addition in
1840 on a large tract he had purchased from Fred-
erick Dent in Jan'y, 1836, part of the old Mackay
tract adjoining the old Town.
Mr. Dillon was twice married :
First, in October, 1818, in St. Charles County, to
Miss Anne T., sister of Doct. Nash of that county.
She died in 1834, leaving two married daughters,
Mrs. Doct. Charles Stevens, Sr., and the first wife
of Capt. James B. Eads, deceased.
He married his second wife, Miss Eliza Jane Eads,
of Kentucky, Jan'y 26, 1836, and died at his resi-
dence on Dillon Street Jan'y 21, 1851, in his sixty-
first year, leaving by his second wife, who still sur-
vives him, one daughter and two sons.
Eliza, wife of Count de la Vaulx, residing in
Paris, France.
Arthur, who died a young man, unmarried, and
John A., who married a daughter of l^eree Yalle,
with a large family of children.
born in Waterford, on the Suir, in Munster, Ireland,
came to the United States in Sept., 1806, with his
wife and son Dick, then about four months old, and
soon afterwards moved out to Lexington, Ky., where
he remained about ten years.
In the spring of 1817 he came to St. Louis, where
he hved about a year and died here May 11, 1818.
His widow survived him thirty-two years and died
Dec'r 3, 1850.
Their sons were Richard, boi'n May 8, 1806, now
in his eighty-third year. And Joseph, who died in
1857. A third son died young.
came to St. Louis early in 1816, being a partner of
Lilburn W. Boggs.
June 7th, commenced business here in McKnight
& Brady's new brick building, southwest corner
Main and Pine (the south one afterwards No. 42).
1817, purchased from P. L. Cerre for |7,000 the
square of ground (afterwards Block 15) between
Main and the river, and Green and Oak Streets, and
built on the 1^. E. corner of it a large brick building
for business.
1818, Feb. 13, sold his interest in " Boggs &
Hanljr " to his partner, L. W. Boggs, to enable him
to build. Dissolved partnership.
Dec. 1, removed to his new brick building, where
he was at the date of his death.
Thomas Hanly died Oct. 26, 1822, leaving his
widow Mary C. and six children, Sarah, John,
Washington, Lucy, Mary and Cornelia.
were three in number. Stephen E., the first, came
here in 1816, about December, with a stock of
Merchandise from New York, and opened in Jan'y,
1817, next to Matthew Kerr's store, on Main below
Myrtle, in the summer moved two blocks further up
into one of Chouteau's new frames below Walnut.
About 1819-20 he changed his business and be-
came an Exchange Broker.
He was unmarried, and left our place about the
year 1823.
Samuel Wiggins came here next, about 1819-20,
and established here the Horse-team Ferry Boat
across the Mississippi, from the foot of Oak Street,
which he brought around from Cincinnati where he
had built it, and which commenced running in May,
1820. If a married man at that day, his family must
have lived in Cincinnati, as they never lived in St.
These two Wiggins kept house together for a
time in Thos. Brady's old stone dwelling, then
numbered 164, next below the Missouri hotel.
William C. Wiggins, a third brother, came out
afterwards to take charge of the Ferry and Boat,
after it had got into successful operation, and was
chief manager for many years. And when disposed
of by Sam'l Wiggins, in 1828, to a joint stock com-
pany, he became a stockholder in the company for
an eighth, which at the period of his death he had
increased to three-eighths.
Mr. W. Wiggins came here a married man from
the State of ISTew York with his wife and her sister,
Miss Berrian, who was afterwards married to Mr.
Arthur Ingram, of the firm of Ingram & Eeilly of
this place.
During the 25 years that Mr. Wiggins was in
charge of the Ferry Boat, his whole time was
devoted to the interests of the association, accumu-
lating a handsome fortmie. He died in Dec, 1853,
leaving by will his whole estate in equal parts to his
four sons, Sam'l B., Edward C, Charles and Will-
iam, his wife having died before him.
His son, Edward, died unmarried in April, 1862,
leaving his property to the children of his older
brother Samuel.
eldest son of Wm. C, was married May 3, 1838, to
Miss Mary Wilson, of Philadelphia. He died in
July, 1868.
His widow survived him seventeen years, and died
July 25, 1885.
Their four children were :
Jane, married to Franklin Eidgeley, from Bal-
Laura, married Rev'd Mr. Rhodes, of Cincinnati,,
Julia, married Mr. Taylor, of ISTew York.
William, the only son, died unmarried.
third son of Wm. Sen., married Virginia J.
daughter of Capt. Charles Mullikin.
was born in Kentucky August 3, 1798, and came
to St. Louis in the year 1817, with John Jacoby,
with whom he was learning the Saddlery and Har-
ness business.
In 1821 he formed a copartnership with William
Stark, his brother-in-law, in that line of business,
under the style of
" Grimsley & Stark,"
which continued but for a short time. Wm. Stark
died July 23, 1822, and Mr. Grimsley carried on
the business alone for a number of years, subse-
quently associating with him in 1835 his former ap-
prentice, John Young, and in 1844 his son-in-law,
George L. Stansbury, and son, John T. Grimsley.
During his long business life Mr. Grimsley was a
prominent and popular citizen.
In 1820 he was married in Indiana to Miss Susan
Stark, and died in St. Louis Dec'r 21, 1861, aged
(53 years, 4 months and 18 days.
Mrs. Grimsley, born ISTov'r 5, 1799, died Sept. 7,
1861, aged 61 years and 10 months.
Their children were :
Minerva, born July 5th, 1821, wife of Henry T.
Blow. She died June 29, 1870, aged 49 years.
Lucretia, married to George L. Stansbury,
Nov'r 23, 1841. Stansbury died June 25, 1876,
aged 60 years, 6 months.
John T. Grimsley, born in 1823, and died Jan'y
25, 1881, aged 58 years.
He was tAvice married, first, to Virginia Allen,
born in St. Louis in 1839, and died in May, 1861,
aged 21 years and 6 months, and secondly, to
Martha Ann Elbert, born Aug't 12, 1832, and died
April 3, 1867, aged 35 years.
son of Wm. Young and Mary Rutledge, was born
in Bourbon County, Ky., Oct. 25, 1814.
His parents removed to Missouri in the fall of
1816, when he was two years old, and settled on the
Coldwater Creek in St. Ferdinand Township, St.
Louis County. His father died about the year
1823, when he was about 7 years of age, his
mother then removed to St. Louis.
In 1829, at the age of fifteen, he was apprenticed
to Thornton Grirasley to learn the trade of Saddler
and Harness maker.
In 1835, at the age of 21, he was associated with
Mr. Grimsley as "John Young & Co.," Ko. 37
North Main, Saddlers.
In 1842 the firm expired, from which period until
the present Mr. Young has continued in the busi-
ness alone, for 46 years, for many years at the
northeast corner of Market and Main, and latterly
at the southwest corner of the same, where he con-
tinues until the present time.
Mr. Young was twice married, first in 1842 in
New Orleans to Miss Julia Wilcox, and secondly to
Miss Emily, daughter of Lewis li^ewell, formerly of
St. Louis.
"was born in Kockbridge County, Virginia, Feb. 29,
He removed to Missouri about the time of the
adoption of the State Constitution, and settled at
Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, where he estab-
lished a paper, which he published for some years.
Here his first wife died, and he removed to St. Louis
about the year 1826, and purchased the tract of land
known as Oak-hill, improved by the late Thos. C.
Rector, upon which he resided until his death.
Mr. Russell was twice married.
First, in Virginia, to Miss O'Bannon, whose
children were :
A son, Joseph W., who died in Cape Girardeau,
leaving a family, and a daughter, Martha, who was
the second wife of Jno. B. Sarpy.
On Sept. 29, 1826, Mr. Russell was married to
Miss Lucy, the second daughter of Silas Bent, Esq'r,
Clerk of the County Court.
By this lady Mr. Russell left two sons :
Jno. G. and Charles S., both married men, and
two daughters, Mrs. Trumbull G. Russell and Mrs.
Geo. W- Parker.
James Eussell died at Oak-hill, May 3, 1850,
aged 64 years, and Mrs. Russell, March 2, 1871.
was English from the Isle of Man.
John Collet born in 1751 was married to Ann
— in 1782. Their children were Robert, born in
1783, and Thomas.
the eldest son, came to St. Louis first in 1817, with
a large stock of merchandise, furnished him by the
old Philadelphia house of " Guy Bryan & Wm.
Schlatter, at 223 High Street, and well known
throughout the West." He purchased a lot on
South Main St., built a large brick house, and
opened his store early in 1818. In 1819-20, having
disposed of his merchandise and property in St.
Louis, he removed to Illinois. After an absence
from St. Louis of several years, during which he
married a lady by the name of Sophia Catherine
Austin, he returned to St. Louis, where he continued
to reside until his death in Sept., 1846, at the age of
63 years. His widow survived him a number of
years. Their children are :
Oscar, born in 1821, married to Miss Dunlop,
with several children.
Emma, born in 1824, married to Thos. Mark
Taylor in August, 1847.
Robert, Jr., married, with a large family, lives in
Utah Territory.
second son, was in business with Michael Daly here
in 1818, dissolved partnership with Daly in 1819,
and associated with Benj, Seward in 1820, and con-
tinued with S. until after 1821 ; until then unmar-
the widow above, was living in Madison Cy., 111.,
in 1817. In the year 1820 she purchased a house
in St. Louis, and moved here where she continued
to reside until her death in March, 1841, at an ad-
vanced age.
came to St. Louis in the year 1820.
In May, 1821, we find him associated with Doct.
W. Carr Lane in the practice of their profession,
which he followed during his residence here.
In the year 1829 he was appointed by Pres't
Andrew Jackson, to the position of Receiver of
Public Moneys for the land district of St. Louis,*
which office he held during the incumbency of
Presidents Jackson and Van Buren.
He resided for some years in St. Louis County,
* Succeeding Col. Geo. F. Strother
and subsequently removed to Muscatine, Iowa,
where he resided until his death, well advanced in
years, about the close of 1864.
from Lexington, Ky., opened in St. Louis in April,
1820, in the Book, Stationery and Binding business.
In 1821 Mr. Daniel Hough purchased the interest of
Mr. Beynroth, and the style of the firm was changed
to Essex & Hough.
Mr. T. Essex died Dec'r 12, 1827, leaving but
one son, Wm. T. Essex.
His widow was married to her second husband,
Doct. Thos. Houghan, Oct. 18, 1828, who purchased
the business and carried it on for a number of
years, ■ afterwards, about the year 1851, they re-
moved to Illinois.
a relative of Thomas Essex, came to St. Louis about
the year 1825, and was for many years engaged in
the business of book-binding, at first in connection
with the Book-house of Thomas Essex, and sub-
sequently for many years alone.
He still resides with us at nearly four score
years of age.
was born in Philadelphia, Jan'y 13, 1795, a son of
Doct. Wm. Cozens, of Philadelphia, and Charlotte
ISiicholas, who were married in that city on January
2, 1794.
Of his father's family we know but little. On his
mother's side he was a grandson of Major Louis
IS^icholas, of the British Army, and his second wife,
Jane Bishop, of Kinsale, Ireland, who were married
in April, 1760, and came immediately to America
where her daughter Charlotte was born in Philadel-
phia, Feb. 9, 1761.
Mrs. Nicholas died in Phil'a, Feb. 20, 1797, and
her daughter, Mrs. Cozens, in Washington City in
1831, at the age of 70 years.
Doct. Cozens had removed to the District of Co-
Horatio Cozens came to St. Louis about 1816-17.
In the few years that he lived after coming to St.
Louis, having received an excellent education, Mr.
Cozens soon became a prominent member of our
bar, for his legal knowledge and eloquence.
He was married on JS^ovember 24, 1818, to Miss
Anne Caroline, the youngest daughter of Charles
Sanguinet, Sr., and died July 14, 1826, at the early
age of 31 years and 6 months,* leaving but one
son, Wm. H. Cozens, born May 15, 1820, and a
* Murdered by young French Strother, who fled to Texas, and
daughter Marie, who died a few years since, the
wife of Doet. Hereford, of Ferguson Station.
Mr. Horatio Cozens' widow survived him many
years. She died on January 1, 1884, in her 84th
horn in Scotland, December 25, 1790, lived for
some time in Pittsburgh, Penn'a. He married Miss
Margaret Morrison, in Allegheny City, and came
to St. Louis with his family in 1818, and entered
into partnership with Philip Eocheblave, as Car-
penters and Builders. About the year 1823 he
formed a connection with Joseph C. Laveille in the
same line, which continued for some ten years until
1834, from which period Mr. Morton's business was
speculating in Town lots, of which he purchased
and sold a large number.
Their five daughters were :
Ellen, married first to Alfred Tracy, and secondly
to Doct. Meredith Martin.
Margaret M., married to Wm. P. Harrison, of
Hannibal, Missouri; died Feb'y 27, 1852, aged 33
Mary Smith, married to Edwin C. Sloan, St.
Christiana, married to Joseph S. Sloan, St.
Sophia, married to Charles F. Tracy, St. Louis.
And one son, Peter C, who died unmarried in
Ifew Orleans, Sept. 9, 1853, aged 26 years.
G-eorge Morton, died in St. Louis Jan'y 9, 1865^
aged 74 years.
Mrs. Margaret Morton, died Aug't 21, 1859^
aged 65 years.
brother-in-law and partner of George Morton, born
at Pittsburgh, Penn'a, April 29, 1810, came to St.
Louis with him in 1818, a lad Q,f eight years.
He married Mary Ann Coleman, who was born
June 8, 1822, and died Dec'r 29, 1852, at the age
of 30 years, leaving two children.
Mr. William Morrison died in October, 1884,.
aged 74 years and 6 months.
Their two children were :
A son, John, who died a married man.
And daughter, Margaret E., who was married to
Hugh Davis Morrison, of Pittsburgh, deceased in
July, 1874, leaving three children, a daughter now
married, and two sons.
the second son of Jean David Billon and Marguerite
Robert, was born in the Town of Locle, Canton of
ISTeufchatel and Valangin, Switzerland, on January
10, 1766.
His ancestors were French Huguenots, that had
left France at the revocation of the Edict of Nante&
by Louis 14th.
In 1787, at the age of twenty-one years, having
acquh-ed the profession of a Watch-maker, he came
to Paris, where he remained nearly four years, dur-
ing which he witnessed those exciting occurrences,
which preceded the breaking out of the Fi'ench
Eevohition, and the destruction of the ancient
In September, 1790, Mr. Billon crossed over to
England, with the passport of the King, Louis 16th
(now in my possession), and resided during the next
five years in London. In 1795 he came to the
United States and established himself in Philadel-
phia, the then Capital, carrying out his original
intention on leaving his native land of becoming an
American citizen.
On May 12, 1797, he was married, at the Trinity
Catholic Church in that City, to Miss Jeanne Char-
lotte, daughter of Pierre Hubert Stollenwerck, born
in Cape Francois, Island of St. Domingo, Sept. 17,
1781, her parents being of old French famihes, who
had emigrated to that Island from Paris about the
year 1765.
Charles Billon, Sr., continued in business with
varied success, in Philadelphia, for nearly twenty-
four years. In 1818, with his wife and numerous
family of eight children (having lost four others),
he removed to St. Louis, where he resided four
years, until his death Sept. 8, 1822, at the age of
56 years and 8 months.
* The destruction of the Bastile, July 14, 1789, the confederation of
the Champ de Mars, &c., speedily followed by the execution of the
King, Louis 16th.
His widow, after having survived her husband the
almost unparalleled period of nearly 58 years, died
April 12, 1880, at the very advanced age of nearly
ninety-nine years.
Their children, all born in Philadelphia, were :
Frederic Louis, born April 23, 1801, married
Eulalie L. Generelly, May 20, 1829. Had twelve
Charles P., born June 20, 1803, married Frances,
daughter of Col. Thos. F. Eiddick, he died Jan'y
19, 1863.
Virginia Jane, born May 9, 1805, married Paul
B. Gratiot; she died IS'ov'r 29, 1871.
Caroline Emily, born June 2, 1809, widow of
Capt. Jno. Atchison, of Galena.
Paul Gustavus, bornFeb'y 29, 1812, of Eichland,
Henry Adolphus, born Feb'y 29, 1812, died July
3, 1824, aged 12 years.
Charles Alfred, born June 20, 1815, of Davenport,
Antoinette Theresa, born March 23, 1817, widow
of John J. Anderson.
with his wife Sarah, and a family of seven children,
three sons and four daughters, most of them, if not
all, born in Ireland, came to St. Louis about the
year 1818.
He died Sept. 1, 1822, leaving a will dated Aug't
31, 1822, the day previous to his death, in vphich he
names his three sons, John, Wilham and James, the
last a mhior, and fotir daughters, all married, viz. :
Mary, Mrs. Mathers ; Ann, Mrs. Brooks ; Eliza-
beth, Mrs. Kells ; Margaret, Mrs. Wilson.
The brothers John and William were industrious,
pushing young men and soon acquired prominence
and position in this community, being extensively
engaged in mercantile affairs.
The two brothers married two of the sisters Lee.
John Finney was married to Miss Mary Ann Lee,
Sept. 4, 1827, and died March 2, 1868, leaving
no children.
William Finney was married to Miss Jane Lee,
March 17, 1825, and died Sept. 4, 1858, leaving
several sons and daughters.*
was born in Gloucester County, Virginia, IN'ov'r 21,,
1796, and studied his law with William Wirt, with
whom he practiced for a brief period in Richmond.
He came to St. Louis in 1819, remaining here some-
thing more than a year, he removed toPotosi, Wash-
ington County, in 1821.
He was Judge of the Washington Circuit for a.
number of years, which position he resigned to
accept the office of Secretary of State.
In IsTovember, 1832, he was elected Secretary of
the State Senate, and in Feb'y, 1833, appointed by
* The Rev'd Thos. M. Einney failing to reply to my request, I gatlien-d)
these particulars as best I could from the public records. — CoiiipikT.
the Grovernor Auditor of Public Accounts, iu which
oflSce he continued for four years, until March, 1837,
-when he resigned it to take the cashiership of the
new State Bank of Missouri.
This office Judge Shurlds filled for fifteen years,
until within a few months of his death, when ill-
health compelled him to resign it.
He died August 2, 1852, at the age of' 56 years,
leaving his widow with five daughters and one son,
Edward, who died in 1865.
Judge Shurlds had married JsTov'r 14, in the year
1822, at Potosi, Miss Jane J. Burt, daughter of
Andrew Burt, formerly of Baltimore, Mary'd, and
his daughters in after years became the wives of
Geo. W. Dent, B. H. Batte, Wm. D. W.
Barnard, &o.
was born in Fayette County, Penn'a, Dec. 1, 1789,
the third son of Presley Carr Lane, a prominent
gentleman of that county, who in 1796 represented
his District in the State Senate of Pennsylvania, and
for more than twenty years a prominent man of his
In his early years young Lane went to the com-
mon school of the place.
In 1802, at thirteen, he was sent to Jefferson Col-
lege, where he remained a couple of years.
In 1805 he spent a year in the office of an elder
brother, who was the Prothonotary of Fayette
County, where he acquired familiarity with legal
matters, which served him greatly in after years.
In 1810, after he had become of age, he spent two
years at Dickinson College, Carlisle, where he
graduated with high honors.
In 1811 his father died, and his mother removed
her family to Shelby ville, Ky., in the fall of that
year. He going to Louisville, where he studied
medicine with Di"- Collins, a noted physician of
that City.
In 1813 he went with the Kentucky Volunteers,
under the command of Col. Russell, U. S. Army, to
Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, sixty miles north
of Yincennes, and was appointed Post Surgeon at
that Post.
After the war he spent the winter of 1815-16
attending the University coiirse in Philadelphia. In
1816 was appointed a Post Surgeon in the U. S.
Army, and served for three years at Fort Harrison
and on the Upper Mississippi River, and at Belle-
On May 3, 1819, he resigned from the Army, and
i;ook up his permanent residence in St. Louis, he
then having reached the age of 30 years.
In April, 1823, after the incorporation of St.
Louis, Doct. Lane was elected the first Mayor of
the City, and was annually re-elected for six con-
secutive years. In 1829 he declined a re-election, it
interfering too much with his practice. But in 1838
and '39 he was induced to again accept the office,
and served these two years, making eight years
in the office of Mayor.
In 1852 President Fillmore appointed him Gover-
nor of N^ew Mexico, which position he filled until
the close of the Fillmore administration.
In 1821 he was an aid de camp of Gov'r
Feb. 1, 1822, appointed Quar. Mas. Gen'l of the
State of Missouri.
In 1826 he was a member of the House of Kepre-
Doct. Wra. Carr Lane was married to Miss Mary
Ewing, daughter of Nath'l Ewing, Esq'r, on Feb-
ruary 26, 1818, at Yincennes, Ind'a.
They raised two daughters :
Sarah, the 2nd, married to "Wm. Glasgow, Jr.
Anne, the 1st, is unmarried.
Their only son, Victor, died a young man.
Doct. W- Carr Lane died Jan'y 6, 1863, at the
age of 74 years.
Several of the brothers of Doct. Lane lived in
St. Louis :
Richard, Henry, Jas. S.
son of James and Ann Eliza Glasgow, was born in
Christiana, Delaware, July 4, 1813. When five
years of age in 1818, his parents came to Missouri,
and settled at Chariton, then in Howard County,
where he went to school for some years, and after-
wards completed his education at the East.
In 1836 he estabUshed himself in business in St.
Louis, and about 1840, in connection with Amedee
Yalle and others they established the ' ' Missouri
Wine Comp.," of which he was for many years
the President.
Wm. Glasgow, Jr., was married to Miss Sarah S.
S. Lane, second daughter of Doct. Wm. Carr
Lane, by Bishop Kemper, April 16, 1840. She
died Feb'y 28, 1887, leaving several children.
was an intelligent, shrewd young lawyer from Bel-
fast, Antrim Co., Ireland, who came to St. Louis
in the year 1818.
With but a limited practice in the courts for
some years, but with no small stock of assurance
and perseverance, he gradually pushed his way into
society, and in due time acquired prominence and
He was married in 'New York, Oct. 22, 1831, to
Mary Eliza, daughter of Col. Wm. McRea, of the
U. S. Artillery.
About the year 1840 he removed to Washington
City, where he continued to reside until his death
early in the year 1848, leaving a handsome property
to his widow and two sons.
was born in the County Down, Ireland, 1775, and
came to St. Louis about the year 1815. He kept a
store for a short time in the old Labbadie stone
house on Main above Chestnut.
Oct. 19, 1816, he was married to Marie An-
toinette Labbadie, the young'est sister of Silvestre
Labbadie, who had been previously married to
Capt. John W. Honey, from whom she had been
divorced, and owned the store where Little was
doing business.
She died Feb. 18, 1818, aged 25 years, and John
Little, Aug't 23, 1820, aged 45 years. They had
no children, and Little obtained her property.
was born on Dec'r 4, 1793, at Attleborough, Mass.,
and in his early youth learnt the trade of a Ma-
In 1815 he worked a short time in Philadelphia at
lock making, and in 1816 for a short time at Pitts-
burgh. In 1817 he came west in the employ of
Reuben ISTeal, a Tin and Coppersmith, of Pitts-
burgh, to St. Louis, where he arrived in October of
that year, and had charge of Mr. IS^eal's business
for a period of three years.
In 1821, he was associated with Peter Haldeman
in commission business ; 1823 commenced a retail
dry-goods business alone, in which he was engaged
for some years.
In 1827, he was elected an Alderman of the City
In 1838, appointed Street Commissioner.
In 1839, he obtained a Charter for the St. Louis
Gas Light Company, of which he was one of
the originators, and became its President in 1842,
which position he held until 1849.
In 1841, he was elected Mayor of the City.
In 1850, President of the Sectional Dock Com-
pany, whose affairs he managed for 24 years, until
his death in 1874.
He was generally successful in his various enter-
prises, until the latter portion of his life, when re-
verses overtook him in his old age, after many years
of usefulness.
Mr. Daggett was married in February, 1821, in
St. Louis, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Mr. Samuel
Sparks, of Maine. They were the parents of a nu-
merous posterity, raising seven daughters to become
married ladies, and two sons, William and James.
Mr. Daggett died May 9, 1874, in his 81st year,
and his widow but very recently.
professional card, April 24, 1818. June 19th he
purchased the stock of Drugs and Medicines of
Simpson and Quarles, and continued the business.
1819, Feb. 9, Docts. Nelson and Hoffman associ-
ated and opened in Doct. Simpson's new brick, op-
posite the bank.
April 20, they removed to the late stand of Ren-
shaw and Hoffman, in Dent's frame row.
1820, Sept. 13, he removed to the lower end of
Main Street, and continued the practice of medicine
Doct. ^Nelson was married May 25, 1819, to Miss
Eleanor, daughtei- of Doct. Edward S. Gannt. His
name is not found in the Directory of 1821.
DOCT. zBisro FEMSr,
came to St. Louis in 1820, and opened his office at
]N'o. 52 JSTorth Main, in the old Letourno house.
He was considered a skillful surgeon, but lived but
a few years with us, dying, unmarried, in Dee'r,
1824. Doct. H. L. Hoffman was his administrator.
came from Copenhagen, Denmark, to the United
He lived for some time in Pennsylvania, where
he married an American lady.
1817, he came to St. Louis alone, and July 11th
opened his professional office in Laforce Papin's
house, Main and Locust Streets.
1819, he removed his office to Perras' house, on
Second and Myrtle.
About 1820-21, he left St. Louis and was absent
in Europe for about two years, returning to St.
Louis in 1823, with a wife, to the surprise of every
one, whom he had left in Pennsylvania for several
years. They went to housekeeping on South Main
Street, and he resumed his practice. In the sum-
mer of 1823 his wife died without children, and
shortly afterwards he abandoned St. Louis. He
was well educated, a good musician, and fond of
born in France in 1794, came to St. Louis in 1818,
and commenced his practice Jan'y 1, 1819. After
a residence of nearly nine years in the place, his
practice being chiefly with our French population,
he died, unmarried, Nov'r 20, 1826, at the age of
32 years.
was born in Sheffield, England, July 24, 1800.
His father was an extensive manufacturer of cut-
lery, &c., in that place. Early in ]819 he came over
to the United States, landing at I^ew Orleans in
February or March, and came to St. Louis in the
Steamer Maid of ]S"ew Orleans, Capt. Davidson,
which had been built at Philadelphia, and came
around by sea to New Orleans, arriving there in
February, and landed at St. Louis in the evening of
Monday, May 3, 1819.
"When Mr. Shaw arrived in St. Louis, houses were
difficult to obtain, so he opened his stock in the 2nd
story over the store of Tracy & Wahrendorff, mer-
chants atlSTo. 4 ISTorth Main Street.
In the year 1823, John Mullanphy built two small
brick houses on Main, between Pine and Olive, Nos.
56 and 58. IsT. B. Atwood, Drugs and Medicines,
opened in one, and Henry Shaw, Hardware, in the
other. He remained here for some years, and then
removed to a larger house, ISTo. 98 on the next
block, between Olive and Locust.
About the year 184-, Mr. Shaw havmg acquired a
competency, retired from business, made a voyage
to Europe ou a visit to his parents and relatives,
where he passed some time. In 184- he returned to
the U. S., accompanied by his parents and sisters,
who remained in IS^ew York, one sister, afterwards
Mrs. JuHus Morisse, coming with him to St.
After his return to St. Louis, Mr. Shaw did not
again embark into business, but devoted his time to
the improvement of his large landed property in city
and country.
In 1842^3, Mr. Shaw became the owner in fee
of that large body of laud, extending from Grand
Avenue west to the old Manchester Road and King's
Highway, upon which he had made large loans to
Thos. J. Payne, its former owner, and upon which
he subsequently built his country residence, "Tower
Grove Mansion," and laid out his "Botanical Gar-
den" and "Tower Grove Park," to the adorn-
ment of which he has devoted many of the latter
years of his life, and expended large amounts of
Mr. Shaw has just completed his eighty-eighth
year, is yet in vigorous health, with a prospect of
many years yet before him.
was born in Albany, ISTew York, of an old Knicker-
bocker family, about the year 179-. He came to
St, Louis in 1819, a young lawyer, and was asso-
ciated for a brief period with Josiah Spalding as
Lawyers and Land Agents.
He died Sept. 4, 1821, a young unmarried man,
after a brief residence in the place of less than two
a younger brother of Abraham Beck, came here
with him, from Albany, New Yoi'k, in the year
1819, he remained in the State about a couple of
years, principally occupied in perambulating the
different sections of the State, gathering the matter
for a Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri, he was then
engaged in preparing for publication, which having
accomplished, added to the death of his brother in
1821, he returned to Albany, and produced his book
in the year 1823.
He was yet living in 1848, as in that year in New
York he produced a small volume, entitled " Botany
of the United States, north of Virginia."
came to St. Louis, from Philadelphia, in Feb., 1820,,
with a wife and some two or three young daughters.
His gentlemanly bearing and affable manners soon
procured him an extensive practice, which he did
not live long to enjoy. He died April 11, 1824,
aged about 40, and was the first person interred in
the "Masonic Burying Grround," purchased by the-
"Fraternity" from the estate of Jeremiah Conner,
bounded by St. Charles Street, Washington Ave-
nue, Tenth and Eleventh Streets, at that date far
•out in the countrv.
was born in Connecticut, about 1797, and took his
degrees at Yale College in 1817, with the first
honors, and was then a teacher in Columbia Col-
lege, New York, for a couple of years, in mean-
time pursuing the study of law.
In the winter of 1819-20, he removed to St.
Louis, and entered into the practice of his pro-
fession, associated with Abraham Beck.
In 1822, when Mr. "Edward Charless re-purchased
the Missouri G-azette, which had been sold by his
father, Mr. Joseph Charless, Sr., in Sept., 1820,
to James Cummins, Mr. Spalding was engaged as
the Editor.
As a Counsellor at Law,' he rapidly rose to
eminence, and soon ranked with the first at the
Bar as a commercial Lawyer.
Mr. Spalding was married April 2nd, 1828, in
St. Louis, to Mrs. Agnes P. Gay, a widow lady
from the east with two children, who had been
teaching school for some years.
In after years Mr. Spalding and Ham'n K.
Gamble became associated as Attorneys at Law.
Mr. Spalding died May, 1852, leaving a widow
-and several children.
Attorney and Counsellor, came to St. Louis from
Albany, 'New York, in 1819, and opened his office
JSTov'r 17th in the Smith house, ISTo. 7 North Maiu
On May 26th, 1822, he was married to Miss
Anne, the eldest daughter of Joseph Charless, Sr.,
and died on June 8th, thirteen days after his mar-
riage, aged about 40 years.
was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Aug't
5, 1796. He came to St. Louis in 1820, and en-
tered into partnership with Richard Milligan, un-
der the style of
"Milligan and Willi, Merchant Tailors,"
'No. 52 JN'orth Main Street, above Pine, and fol-
lowed the business for many years, at various loca-
tions, until he had acquired a competency, when
he relinquished business altogether.
Mr. Willi was married on April 26, 1827, to
Miss Lucinda, daughter of Capt. Uri Musick, of
Gravois, St. Louis County, and died June 27, 1876,
in his 80th year.
The only child they raised, Miss Eebecca Willi,
was married Dec'i- 25, 1852, to DeWitt Clinton
JBrown, from New York, now deceased.
Mrs. Willi yet survives at the age of about SO
Her father, Capt. Uri Musick, served as a
mounted i-anger in the war of 1812-15.
born in Ireland, lived a number of years in Balti-
more, where most of his children were born, and
for a time in Louisville, Ky.
He came to St. Louis in the summer of 1819,
with a family of wife, two sons, and six daughters.
And associated with his eldest son John opened a
" Xew Store" on August 4, 1819, on Main Street
below Elm.
He was not long in business here. In 1820 they
purchased a JS^ew Madrid Claim for 640 acres of
land, which they located on Sees. 15 and 22, west
of and adjoining the Grratiot League Square, upon
which he cleared a farm, built a dwelling house,
and lived there for over twenty years, returning to
the city about the year 1841, where for ten years
more he was employed as a collector, dying in
He left, by his will, what property he possessed
to his oldest son, John, who had become a Catholic
Priest, and subsequently was the well known K.
Rev'd Bishop of Buffalo, 'New York.
The children of James and Ellen Timon were :
Mary M., married to Benj. Ames, in Louisville.
Eosa, married to Michael Daly, of Perry Cy., in
St. Louis, Aug. 26, 1819.
Margaret, married to Hugh Mulligan, Feb'y 22,
Agatha, married to Wm. Douglass, lHov. 1,
Anna, married to James McGee, May 4, 1830.
Elizabeth, married to — Maginnis.
His second son, Owen y., was for many years a
Collector and Notary Public in St. Louis, and died
here not many years back.
were born at Lisboy, Londonderry County, Ire-
land, about seven miles from Colerain, in Antrim
County, on the river Bann which separates the two
Hugh must have been the first of the Brothers
who came to the LTnited States, as he was in busi-
ness in Philadelphia from 1814 to 1818, about five
years, at IsTo. 49 Chestnut Street. He then came
out to Louisville in 1818, where he remained about
one year, and to St. Louis late in the summer of
1819, accompanied by his brother Eobert, and
opened their store at JN'o. 25 IS'orth Main Street.
Hugh Eanken died unmarried July 11, 1825,
aged about 36 years.
born in 1793, after the death of his brother, Hugh,
continued in business alone for nearly twenty-five
years longer, and died on Dec'r 31, 1849, aged
about 56 years. He had been very successful in
business, and left a large estate.
born in 1800, the third of the brothers who came
to the United States, during all this long period had
been actively engaged in business in Philadelphia,
at first for a number of years in the Grocery line,
at the old stand of his brother, 49 Chestnut
Street, and afterwards for a much longer period in
the Tea-trade at 73 Chestnut St., where he had
purchased out and succeeded Samuel Brown, and_
where he realized a very large fortune.
He came to St. Louis in 1850, and died here
April 9, 1859, aged 59.
Architect and Builder, was born in Harrisburgh,
Penn'a, where he married, and came here with his
wife in 1819, accompanied by Jacob Rupley, who
was associated with him in that line for a few years.
In 1823 he formed a copartnership with George
Morton, the style of the firm being " Laveille &
Morton," they were the leading builders in St. Louis
for a number of years, erected a number of resi-
dences and other building's, and several of our early-
public edifices, amongst them the first brick Episco-
pal Church in 1825-26; at the northwest corner of
Third and Chestnut, on the ground now covered
with the south-east corner of the Merchants' Ex-
change building. And in 1827-28, the first brick
Court-house on Fourth, now occupied by the eastern
portion of our present Court-house.
Mr. Laveille served us four years as Street Com-
missioner, from 1823 to 1826, and ten years a mem-
ber of the Board of Aldermen, from 1827 to 1836,
when he declined a re-election.
The copartnership with George Morton was dis-
solved in 1834, each of them confining his business
thereafter to dealing in lumber.
Mrs. Elizabeth Laveille, his first wife, died in
1834, leaving two sons and two daughters, all born
in St. Louis, of whom one died young.
Mr. Laveille married his second wife, Mrs. Lavina,
widow of Edward P. Wheeler, June 30, 1836, and
died Sept. 19, 1842, aged about 54 years, leaving-
a son and daughter by his second marriage. Mrs.
Laveille, his widow, died in the winter of 1848-49,
leaving three daughters by her first husband
Wheeler. Mr. Laveille' s two sons, Eugene and
Theodore, were young men at their father's death-
The Wheeler children were:
A son, Henry M.
Ann Eliza, married John Hartnett.
Lavina P., married Greo. W- Campbell.
was born in l^ew Brunswick, JS^ew Jersey, 1795.
He came to St. Louis in the fall of 1817, and
established his blacksmith shop next below the
southeast corner of Second and Spruce Streets,
where he soon acquired the reputation of a master-
workman in his line ; in 1820 he moved his shop
diagonally across to the north-west corner, and
about 1825 to his new shop, on the east side of Main
just north of Sprace, where he carried it on success-
f nlly the balance of his thirteen years' residence in
our place.
John L. Sutton was for several years an Alder-
man of the Board from the south ward of the City,
representing it in 1824, '27, '28 and '29.
He died unmarried July 7, 1830, at the age of
35 years.
His heirs were four brothers and three sisters :
James C, Henry, Joseph, and William.
Mary, widow of Henry Taylor, with five chil-
Sarah, wife of James Wilgus.
Catherine, who died unmarried.
his brother, born in ]S^ew Brunswick, 'New Jersey,
July 1, 1797, came to St. Louis about the year
1820, and for a few years was associated with his
•elder brother, John L., in the blacksmith business.
In 1826, at the public sale of the lands belong-
ing to the estate of Charles Gratiot, Sr., he pur-
chased a piece of 400 arpents, at the southwest
corner of Gratiot's League Square, about seven
miles from the Court House, totally unimproved
and covered with its original timber.
He set to work at once to improve 'it, built a
temporary frame dwelling, and commenced clearing
the land for cultivation. As the years rolled by
he continued its improvement, built for himself a
large stone dwelling and other buildings, untQ
finally at his death, a few years back, he left it
to his numerous family, a valuable inheritance.
James C. Sutton was married Oct. 1, 1829, to
Miss Anna, daughter of Joseph Wells, of Gravois
Settlement. He died July 19, 1877, at the age
of 80 years and 18 days, leaving 9 children of
John L., Chas. W., Henry L., James C, Isam,
Mary C, Sarah "W"., Catherine C.
was born in N^ewburyport, Massachusetts, in l^o-
vember, 1796.
In the winter of 1819-20, he came to St. Louis
from Philadelphia, one of the firm of J. J. Smith
& Co., and opened in the Drug business in the
building No. 67 South Main St., just vacated by
the old Bank of St. Louis. About the year 1823,
Doct. Atwood, then alone, removed to IS'o. 56 North
Main. A few years later Doct. Atwood went to
Memphis, Tennessee, where he remained several
years and then returned to St. Louis, and again en-
gaged in his former business of Druggist, which
he followed, until his death, at various localities in
the City.
Doct. Atwpod was twice married. First, to
Miss Green, of Trenton, New Jersey; this lady
died at Memphis, Tennessee, in Sept., 1828.
In 1831, he was married to Miss Elizabeth F.
Legrand, of Tennessee. Doct. Atwood died at
St. Louis in March, 1860, after a residence of
nearly forty years in the place, aged 64 years.
His widow survived him until February, J 887.
They leave but one son, Doct. Legrand Atwood,
a prominent physician of our City.
Tallow Chandler, born in Ireland, came to St. Louis
with his wife and family in the year 1820, and
commenced the manufacture of Soap and Candles
on the east side of Second Street, third door below
"Walnut, which he carried on for about ten years.
He died July 12, 1830, leaving his widow Eliza-
beth, five daughters and a son.
Mary, Jane, Ellen, Elizabeth and Winifred, and a
son Charles H.
Merchant, was born in Leitrim County, Ireland, in
1793, came to St. Louis in 1819, and in January,
1820, commenced business as the partner of Michael
Castello in Becquet's old house. South Main St.,
below Elm.
In March, 1820, he formed a new connection with
James 0. Cummins and removed to McKnight &
Brady's brick store No. 44, the south-east corner of
Main and Pine Streets.
In Sept., 1820, the firm of Gilhuly and Cummins
was " dissolved."
Cummins having purchased the Missouri Gazette
newspaper, retired from the firm, selling his interest
in same to Gilhuly, who continued alone for some
year^ until his death.
He died May 21, 1825, aged 32 years.
He married Mary, the eldest daughter of "Wm^
Higgins, who after the death of Gilhuly, in 1825,
remained a widow for 9 years, and then was
married April 20, 1834, to Hugh O'JS'eil, Jr., a
IN'athaniel Patterson married Winifred, youngest,
daughter of Wm. Higgins, Oct. 27, 1827.
Mr. Patterson died in 1846. Their only child,
Ehzabeth, became the wife of James Slevin, both-
deceased, leaving the old lady alone in the world.
at over four score.
was born in Westmoreland, Orange County, Ife
York, in the year 1778.
In the year 1808, he was married to Mif
Frances Flood, who was born in County Donega
Mr. Knapp was a Cabinet-maker, he came to S
Louis with his wife and six children in 1819, his tw
youngest bemg born in St. Louis. Their eigt
children were :
Edward J., born 1809, in ]^. Y., married, die
in St. Joseph, July 8, 1879.
Eliza, born 1811, in 'N. Y., married to Judg
Rogers, died in Carlyle, Ills., 1868.
Fannie, born 1812, in K. Y., married to Fre(
erick Beltzhoover, died in St. Louis, 1855.
George, .born Sept. 25, 1814, in IS". Y., mai
ried to Miss Ellen McCartan, died in St. Louis
Sept. 18, 1883.
John, bom 1816, in N. Y., married to Yirgini
Mary, born 1818, in N. Y., unmarried, died i
Louisiana, 1882.
William, born 1820, in St. Louis, unmarriec
died in St. Louis, 1856.
Margaret, born 1823, in St. Louis, unmarriec
Mr. Edward Knapp, Sr., died in St. Louis, Sepi
15, 1823, aged 45.
Mrs. Frances Knapp died in St. Louis, 185*
about 63.
born in Montgomery, Orange County, New York,
Sept. 25, 1814, was married to Miss Eleanor Mc-
Cartan, in St. Louis, Dec'r 22, 1840.
Their children :
Louisa, first Mrs. l^apoleon Mullikin, secondly
Mrs. Whitmore.
Ida, Mrs. Hoblitzelle.
Shepard, married.
Vernon W., married.
George, unmarried.
Andy J., married.
Harry G., single.
Benjamin F., single.
Thomas M., married.
.Eleanor J., single.
was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, in the
year 1787, and was a prominent Lawyer and Mem-
ber of Congress from his district in 1817-19, and
took an active and efficient part in the prosecution
of " Old Hickory," for his alleged offense against
the laws of Nations, in pursuing the British across
the line into Florida.
In 1820, he was appointed by President Monroe
to succeed Col. Samuel Hammond, in the office of
Receiver of Public Moneys, in the St. Louis Land
District; and U. S. Attorney and Fiscal Agent,
and immediately acquired great prominence at the
bar of St. Louis, where he was a familiar and im-
portant personage for a number of years.
He brought with him from Virginia a wife and
young son. Mrs. Sarah G. Strother died on May
7, 1824, in St. Louis. On June 2d, 1825, Col.
Strother was married at Lexington, Ky., to Miss
Theodosia L., daughter of John W- Hunt, Esq'r,
a wealthy citizen of that place, of the Hunts of
Trenton, !N"ew Jersey.
The fruit of this marriage was a single daughter,
who with her mother figured for many years in
fashionable life in this country and in Europe.
Col. Gj-eorge F. Strother died on Saturday, ]S"ov.
28, 1840, at his residencer in this City, at the age of
53 years, and was interred in Christ Church Cem-
etery. His remains now lie in Bellefontaine. His
son had died young.
who married March 21, 1824, the second daughter
of General B. Pratte, Sr., came to St. Louis with
Col. Strother as his chief clerk. Alexander died at
Pratte's July 15, 1826.
His widow, Mrs. Alexander, married her second
husband, Mr. Louis D. Peugnet, from France, in
Philadelphia, February, 1830; by this marriage
there are two sons, both married men with families,
Mr. Ernest Peugnet, of St. Louis, and Armand
Peugnet, of Paris, France.
was born at Fort Lee, New Jersey, on the Hudson,
opposite 'New York, April 19, 1797.
He came to St. Louis in the year 1819, in the
employment of Col. Richard Johnson and brother,
of Kentiicky, the proprietors of the steamers then
engaged in the transportation up the Missouri of
the expedition of Gren'l Henry Atkinson, to estab-
lish the Military post at the Council Bluffs, then
Indian Territory, above Omaha, now JSTebraska.
We had then in St. Louis several Andersons, no
way related to each other. Our Mr. Anderson, a
fine looking young man, always well and fashion-
ably dressed, soon received from his numerous,
friends and intimates the descriptive appellation of
"Beau Anderson."
He was with us several years, and then returned
to the east, and became a permanent resident of
"Washington City, D. C, where he resided until his
death in that city.
Mr. Anderson was married Dec. 23, 1832, to
Miss EUza SawMns, a young lady from Southamp-
ton, England, and died Jan'y 19, 1853, aged 55
years and 9 months.
Mrs. Anderson, with her five children, subse-
quently removed to St. Louis.
Gertrude C, Mrs. Robert Metcalf, deceased.
Laura L., Mrs. Henry T. WilHams.
G-arret Anderson, Jr., born April, 1838.
Wm. H. H. Anderson, born Oct. 19, 1840, and
George C. Anderson.
was born at Halifax, "Windliam County, Vermont,,
Oct. 15, 1795.
In 1803 his parents removed with their children to
Franklin County, Massachusetts, and in October,
1806, to Jefferson Co., JS^ew York, where he re-
mained until the year 1819, when he went out to
the western country.
During the war of 1812-15, Capt. Shepard
served for a time in the New York State militia,
and participated in several actions.
He. arrived in St. Louis Aug't 10, 1820. With
an excellent education, Capt. Shepard early be-
came a teacher, and followed the profession for
many years.
Capt. Shepard was married at Belleville, Ills.
on Aug't 10, 1823, to Miss Mary Thomas, who
died June 6, 1864; they had but one child, Mary
Malinda, who was twice married, first to Britton
A. Hill and secondly to D. Robert Barclay.
On December 18, 1866, B. H. Shepard married
a second time, he then in his 72nd year, to Mrs.
Catherine, widow of Wm. IsT. Card, by whom he
left a young son.
Capt. Shepard died in St. Louis on March 19th,
1876, aged 80 years and 5 months and 4 days.
His remains were taken to Jefferson Co., New
York, and interred in the family ground with
those of his first wife.
was born in Virginia, and came to St. Louis about
the year 1821, and commenced the practice of
In July, 1826, he was appointed Secretary of
State, under Governor John Miller, which office he
resigned in 1828, to become a candidate for Con-
gress, to which office he was elected.
Li 1830 he was re-elected to the same office.
In his duel with Major Thomas Biddle on Friday,
Aug. 27, 1830, both parties were mortally wounded^
Mr. Pettis dying Saturday, Aug't 28th, and Major
Biddle the following Monday.
Mr. Pettis was interred on Sunday, Aug. 29th,
in the City Cemetery, Park Avenue and Sixth
Street, yet young and unmarried.
was born in 1795, near Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania.
While yet a child, his father and family removed
to Point Pleasant, Virginia, on the Ohio, at the
mouth of the big Kenawha.
After he had attained his manhood, he came to
St. Louis, and was for a number of years engaged
in steamboating.
Capt. I^ewman was married on May 1, 1824, to
Miss Susan, daughter of Louis Tarteron Labeaume,
then recently deceased.
He died on July 1, 1849, at the age of 54,
followed but two days later, July 3rd, by that of his
They left but one son, our old fellow citizen,
Who was born Oct. 21, 1826, and was married
on Dec'r 21, 1852, to Miss Yitahs, daughter of
Doct. Louis Yitalis, dec'd, a native of France.
They have been the parents of eleven children, of
whom four sons and four daughters are living.
two young Irishmen of good education, came to
St. Louis in 1820 with an Invoice of Merchandise,
and opened a store in Clark's stone row, l^o. 35.
They continued in business here for several years.
Hugh Johnson died unmarried, August 6, 1825.
After the death of his partner, Mr. ISTagle aban-
doned mercantile pursuits, and entered into the prac-
tice of law, for which he had been preparing himself
by study for some years.
two young Philadelphians, came to St. Louis in
1820, under the patronage of Nathaniel Burt, a
merchant of Philadelphia, with a fine stock of mer-
<;handise, and opened a branch of his house atl^o. 1,
Chouteau's new brick row, Aug't 17, 1820, under
the style of " Paul & Ingram," which soon secured
a, good run of custom.
Nathan Paul died Oct. 3, 1823, and Henry Eeilly
came out to fill the vacant place ; the new firm
" Ingram & Reilly."
Arthur Ingram married Miss Berrian, of
New York, and died at his father's home near
Pittsburgh, Sept., 1828, in his 29th year.
Henry Reilly married Miss Julia Paddock, August
9, 1827, and died in St. Louis, Jan'y 24, 1831.
wras born in Eichmond, Virginia, August 15, 1800.
Went to school in his native State, and studied
Law and graduated at Princeton College, New
After the admission of Missouri as a State, he
came to Ste. Genevieve, and commenced the practice
of his profession, associated with the Hon. John
Scott, our first Representative in Congress.
In 1827, Mr. Allen removed to St. Louis with his
first wife, and soon acquired an eminent position at
our bar, where for a number of years he enjoyed a
very lucrative practice.
Mr. Allen was three times married, first in Ste.
Crenevieve, to Miss Celeste M., the only child of
George Bullitt, of that place; this lady died July 21,.
Mr. Allen's second marriage was on October 16,
1832, to Mrs. Ann, the widow of Charles Wahren-
dorff, dec'd, and eldest daughter of Joseph Charless,
Sen'r. This lady died I^oy'r 1, 1832, at New'
Orleans, having herself been three times married.
April 3, 1834, Mr. Allen was married to Miss
Penelope, daughter of the Hon. JSTathaniel Pope, of
Mr. Allen died Sept. 10, 1845, in ISTew York, on
his return from Europe, where he had gone for the
benefit of his health ; he was yet in his prime, aged'
but 45 years and 26 days.
His lady still survives him.
was bom near Snowhill, "Worcester County, Mary-
land, Oct. 21, 1812. His father's ancestors were
French, his mother a daughter of Peter and Cather-
ine Collier of that place.
In the year 1820, when eight years of age, his
mother being dead, and his grandmother, Mrs. Col-
lier, having settled in St. Charles, he was brought to
Missouri by his uncle, John Collier, and remained
with his grandmother at St. Charles until 1823, when
he returned to his father's residence in Maryland to-
receive his education, which being completed, he
returned -to St. Louis in the year 1833, and was ad-
mitted to the bar at the age of 21 years.
Soon thereafter in 1834, concluding to change his
Yocation, he entered into partnership with James T.
qSweringen, as Dry-goods Merchants, on IS^orth
Main Street.
In 1838, he associated with him, his brother John
'C Bredell, as Dry-goods Merchants, at the south-
west corner of Main and Market Streets. About
the year 1850, Mr. Bredell retired altogether from
business, and removed his residence to the south
side of Lafayette Park, where he continues to reside
to the present day.
April 6, 1835, Mr. Bredell was married to Miss
Angeline Cornelia, the only daughter of the late
Samuel Perry, Esq., of Potosi, Washington County,
Mo., born Oct. 12, 1818; she died June 28, 1887, at
the age of 68 years and 8 months.
Lieut. Edward Bredell, Jr., the only child they
raised, born Aug. 3, 1839, was killed in the Confed^
erate service at Ashby's Gap, Virginia, IS^ov. 16,
1864, at the age of 25 years, 3 months.
brother of Edward, was born at Snowhill, Mary-
land, Feb'y 22, 1815; he came to St. Louis a young
man, about the year , and established a manu-
factory of cotton batting.
He died unmarried Jan'y 5, 1853, at the age of
38 years.
The President of the United States of America,
and the First Consul of the French Repubhc, in the
name of the French people, desiring to remove all
source of misunderstanding relative to objects of
discussion mentioned in the second and fifth articles
of the convention of the 8th Vendemiaire An. 9
(30th Sept., 1800) relating to the rights claimed by
the United States, in virtue of the treaty, concluded
at Madrid, the 27th October, 1795, between his
Catholic Majesty and the said United States ; and
willing to strengthen the union and friendship which
at the time of the said convention was happily re-
established between the two nations ; have respect-
ively named their plenipotentiaries, to wit: the
President of the United States of America, by and
"with the advice and consent of the senate of the said
states, Robert E. Livingston, minister plenipoten-
tiary of the United States, and James Monroe,
minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary of
the said states, near the government of the French
Repubhc, and the first Consul, in the name of the
JFrench people, the French citizen Barbe Marbois,
minister of the public treasury, who, after having
respectively exchanged their full powers, have
agreed to the following articles :
Article 1. Whereas, by the article, the third, of
the treaty concluded at St. Ildefonso, the 9th Yende-
miaire. An. 9 (1st October, 1800) between the first
Consul of the French Republic and his Catholic
Majesty, it was agreed as follows: " His Catholic
" Majesty promises and engages on his part, to
"retrocede to the French Republic, six months
*' after the full and entire execution of the conditions
" and stipulations herein relative to his royal high-
*' ness the duke of Parma, the colony or province of
" Louisiana, with the same extent that it now has
" in the hands of Spain, and that it had when
" France possessed it, and such as it should be after-
" the treaties subsequently entered into between
"Spain and other States." And whereas in pur-
suance of the treaty, and particularly of the third
article, the French Republic has an incontestible
title to the domain, and to the possession of the said
Territory. The first Consul of the French Republic
desiring to give to the United States a strong proof
of his Friendship, doth hereby cede to the United
States, in the name of the French RepubUc, forever-
and in full sovereignty the said Territory, with all
its rights and appurtenances, as fully and in the
same manner as they have been acquired by the
French Repubhc in virtue of the above mentioned
treaty, concluded with his Catholic Majesty.
Article 2. In the cession made by the preceding
article are included the adjacent Islands belonging
to Louisiana, all public lots and squares, vacant
lands, and all public buildings, fortifications, bar-
racks, and other edifices, whiph are not private
property. The archives, papers and documents,
relative to the domain and sovereignty of Louisiana,
and its dependencies, will be left in the possession of
commissaries of the United States, and copies will
be afterwards given in due form to the magistrates
and municipal officers, of such of the said papers
and documents as may be necessary to them.
Article 3. The inhabitants of the ceded territory
shall be incorporated in the Union of the United
States, and admitted as soon as possible, according
to the principles of the federal constitution, to the
enjoyment of all the rights, advantages and immuni-
ties of citizens of the United States ; and in the
meantime they shall be maintained and protected in
the free enjoyment of their liberty, property, and
the religion which they profess.
Article 4. There shall be sent by the govern-
ment of France, a commissary to Louisiana, to the
end that he do every act necessary, as well to re-
ceive from the officers of* his Catholic Majesty the
said country and its dependencies, in the name of
the French republic, if it has not been already done,
as to transmit it in the name of the French republic
to the commissary or agent of the United States.
Article 5. Immediately after the ratification of
the present treaty by the President of the United
States, and in case that of the First Consul shall
have been previously obtained, the commissary of
the French republic shall remit all the military posts
of IsTew Orleans, and other parts of the ceded ter-
ritory, to the commissary or commissaries named
by the President to take possession ; the troops
wliether of France or Spain, who may be there,
shall cease to occupy any military post from the
time of taking possession, and shall be embarked as
soon as possible, in the course of three months after
the ratification of this treaty.
Article 6. The United States promise to execute
such treaties and articles as may have been agreed
between Spain and the tribes and nations of
Indians, until by mutual consent of the United
States and the said tribes or nations, other suitable
articles shall have been agreed upon.
Article T. As it is reciprocally advantageous to
the commerce of France and the United States to
encourage the communication of both nations for
a limited time in the country ceded by the present
treaty, until general arrangements relative to the
commerce of both nations may be agreed on, it has
been agreed between the contracting parties, that
the French ships coming directly from France, or
any of her colonies, loaded only with the produce
or manufactures of France or her said colonies, and
the ships of Spain, coming directly from Spain or
any of her colonies, loaded only with the produce
or manufactures of Spain or her colonies, shall be
admitted during the space of twelve years to the
ports of New Orleans, and in all other legal ports
of entry within the ceded territory, in the same
manner as the ships of the United States, coming
directly from France or Spain, or any of their colo-
nies, without being subject to any other, or greater
duty on merchandise, or other or greater tonnage
than those paid by the citizens of the United
During the space of time above mentioned, no
otlaer nation shall have a right to the same privi-
leges in the ports of the ceded territory ; the twelve
years shall commence three months after the ex-
change of ratifications, if it shall take place in
France, or three months after it shall have been
notified at Paris to the French government, if it
shall take place in the United States ; it is, however,
well understood, that the object of the above article
is to favor the manufactures, commerce, freight and
navigation of France and of Spain, so far as relates,
to the importations that the French and Spanish
shall make into the said ports of the United States,
without in any sort affecting the regulations that the
United States may make concerning the exportation
of the produce and merchandise cf the United States,
or any right they may have to make such regula-
Article 8. In future and forever after the expira-
tion of the twelve years, the ships of France shall be
treated upon the footing of the most favored nations
in the ports above mentioned.
Article 9. The particular convention signed this
day by the respective ministers, having for its object
to provide for the payment of debts due to the
citizens of the United States by the French Republic,
prior to the 30th Sept., 1800 (8th Yendemiaire year
9) is approved, and to have its execution in the same
manner as if it had been inserted in the present
treaty, and it shall be ratified in the same form
and in the same time, so that the one shall not be
ratified, distinct from the other. Another particular
convention, signed at the same date as the present
treaty, relative to a definitive rule between the con-
tracting parties, is in the like manner approved, and
will be ratified in the same form, and in the same
time and jointly.
Article 10. The present treaty shall be ratified in
good and due form, and the ratifications shall be
exchanged in the space of six months after the date
of the signature by the minister plenipotentiary, or
sooner if possible.
In faith whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries
have signed these articles in the French and English
languages, declaring nevertheless, that the present
treaty was originally agreed to in the French lan-
guage, and have thereunto put their seals.
Done at Paris, the tenth day of Floreal, in the
eleventh year of the French Kepubfic, the 30th
April, 1803.
Robert R. Livingston.
James Monroe.
Bakbe Maebois.
was born in Prussia, August 14, 1757, and at the
breaking out of the American Revolution in 1775,
he joined the American Array from New York as a
commissioned officer in the State troops, and' served
throughout the war, participating in a number of
At the close of the war, and the disbandment of
the Continental Army, he was one of the few who
were retained in the Federal service with the rank of
Lieutenant from 1777.
By Act of Congress, June 3, 1784, the First Regi-
ment of U. S. Infantry was organized, to which he
was appointed with the rank of Captain, April 12,
1785, promoted to Major, Oct. 20, 1786. Lieut.
Colonel, Feb'y 18, 1793, and full Colonel, April 1,
He died at his Head Quarters at Detroit, Michi-
gan, April 11, 1803, in his 46th year, leaving a son
and three daughters, all young, but who reached
maturity and all married, viz. :
John F. Hamtramck, Jr., born in Indiana, entered
West Point in 1815, graduated in 1819, commis-
sioned 2nd Lieut. Artillery, July 1, 1819, resigned
March 1, 1822. He was twice married and lived in
St. Louis some years, commanded a Regiment from
Virginia in the Mexican War.
Julianne, married to Doct. Harvey Lane, of Ste.
Grenevieve .
Harriet, to Capt. Joseph Cross, formerly U. S.
Army at Kaskaskia.
Eebecca, to Capt. Thomas J. Harrison, 3rd Eegi-
ment, at Jefferson Barracks, April 26, 1827.
Col. Hamtramck's widow became the wife of
Judge Jesse B. Thomas in 1805. Gen'l Wm. H.
Harrison was the guardian of Col. Hamtramck's
children, all minors.
A son of Doct. Harvey Lane, John F. Ham-
tramck Lane, born in Ste. Grenevieve in 1812, died
there July 16, 1826, aged 14 years. Doct. H. Lane
had died there a year previously in 1825.
A daughter, Harriet, is the wife of Henry Gr.
Soulard, of St. Louis.
Another was the wife of Julius Chenie, of St.
Louis, both now deceased.
Col. Hamtramck was attached to the 1st U. S.
Reg't from its commencement in 1784, he was with
G-en'l Harmer in 1790, St. Clair in 1791, Wilkin-
son 1792, finally at Vincennes and Detroit.
Col. H. being in Pittsburgh on business in March,
1801, invited the officers of his Regiment then sta-
tioned at that post to dine with him on March 4th,
Pres't Jefferson's inauguration day. At 4 p. m.,
they assembled at the garrison, and duly celebrated,
the day in an appropriate manner, Capt. Read of
the Artillery fired the salute, and Major Craig,
Quarter Master, prepared the fire works.
. Inscription on his monument at Detroit :
" Sacred to the memory of John F. Hamtramck,
" first United States Regiment of Infantry, and
" commander of Detroit and its dependancies, he
" departed this life on 11th April, 1803, aged 45
"years, 7 months, 28 days.
" True patriotism and a zealous attachment to lib-
" erty, joined to a laudable ambition, led him to
" military service at an early period of his life, and
" an active participator in all the dangers, diffieul-
"ties and risks of the Revolutionary war, and his
" heroism and uniform good conduct procured him
"the attention and thanks of his friends and the
" immortal Washington.
" The United States in him have lost a valuable
" officer, a good citizen and member of society, his
" loss to his country is incalculable, and his friends
" will never forget the memory of Hamtramck.
" This humble anonument is placed over his
"remains by the officers who had the honor to
" serve under his command, as a small but grateful
"tribute to merit and worth."
was born Aug't 18, 1774, near Charlottesville, Al-
bemarle County, Virginia. His grand-uncle, John
Lewis, had been a member, of the King's Council
before the Revolution. Another of his grand-uncles,
Fielding Lewis, was a brother-in-law of Greorge
"Washington, having married a sister of "Wash-
In 1794, at the age of 20 years, he joined the
volunteers called out by Washington to suppress
the Whiskey Insurrection in the western part of
Pennsylvania • from this he was appointed by Wash-
ington a Lieiit. in the Regular Service of the
United States, and in 1797, at the age of 23 years,
was promoted to a Captaincy.
At the first inauguration of President Jefferson,
in 1801, he appointed Capt. Lewis his private Sec-
retary, which position he filled for two years until
1803. In this year after the promulgation of the
treaty of cession, Congress made an appropriation
"to explore the Missouri- River, cross the Stoney
" Mountains, and descend some river to the Pacific
President Jefferson, knowing well the man from
his infancy, at once selected him to the command of
the expedition, and as, in the event of an accident,
it was necessary that some one should be associated
with him in this then very hazardous expedition,
Mr. William Clark, a younger brother of Col.
George Eogers Clark of Revolutionary history, was
appointed, and received the commission of Cap-
(Hence called "expedition of Capts. Lewis &
Jefferson's instructions to Capt. Lewis are dated
"Washington, July 4, 1803." Thus instructed
Capt. Lewis left Washington on the next day, July
5, 1803, then 29 years of age, and proceeded to
Pittsburgh to fit out the expedition. The time
necessary for this purpose, the low stage of water in
the Ohio, and other causes, so retarded the move-
ment of the expedition, that on its arrival at Caho-
kia, opposite St. Louis, the season was too far-
advanced to ascend the Missouri River this season.
(It was during this winter of 1803-4, that, while
waiting here for the spring to prosecute his voyage,
Capt. Lewis Avas present at the transfer of the
country to the United States on the 9th of March,
1804, and that his name is affixed, as one of the wit-
nesses, to the official document executed by Delas-
sus and Stoddard to that effect.)
Capt. Lewis' party consisted originally of 28 per-
sons, viz. :
Nine young men from Kentucky, 14 U. S. sol-
diers, 2 Canadian boatmen, Capts. Lewis and Clark,
and a negro servant of Capt. Clark. When leaving
here in the spring, Capt. Lewis added to his party
1 Indian Interpreter^ 1 Hunter and ]5 boat hands,
the party then numbering 45 in all.
The expedition left Wood river, opposite the
mouth of the Missouri, where the boats had win-
tered, on the opening of navigation in the spring of
1804, and reached the Mandan Villages in latitude
47 degrees 21 minutes, where they spent the first
winter in a rude Fort erected for their shelter and
In the spring of 1805 Capt. Lewis dispatched a
pirogue with 13 of his boat hands to St. Louis with
dispatches, &c., for the government, and having
lost one man, his party now numbered 31 men.
On the 7th of April he resumed his movement
ascending the Missouri River, and reached the falls
of the same about the middle of June. About the
last of July, they reached the three forks which
they named Jefferson, Madison and Gallatin, as-
cended the Jefferson fork, the northern and largest.
to its soui'ce, procured horses and a guide from the
Shoshonee Indians in August, passed through the
Mountains, reaching the western slope Sept. 22nd —
built canoes and embarked in them on the Koos-
koosky, a branch of the Columbia, on October 7th,
and reached the Pacific Ocean JSToy'r 15th. Here
they also erected a fort, and passed the second
winter, on the South bank of the Columbia River.
On the 23rd of March, 1806, they recommenced
the ascent of the river on their return home, left
their canoes on May 2nd, crossed the mountains as
in going on horseback, reached the Missouri river
August 12th, and St. Louis Sept. 23rd.
Absent on the expedition 2 years, 4 months and
10 days.
After spending some little time iu St. Louis,
Capts. Lewis & Clark proceeded to Washington,
where they arrived in Feb'y, 1807. ' Congress
passed an act granting each of them and their
companions a donation of lands. Shortly after this
Capt. Lewis was appointed Governor of Upper
Louisiana, and Capt. Clark, General of the militia.
When Governor Lewis returned to St. Louis^
' he found the Territory distracted by feuds and
' quarrels among the ofiicials, and the people
'greatly discontented." Mr. Jefferson in his
sketch of Gov. Lewis, says, "he took no sides
'with either party, but administering even-handed
' justice to all, soon established a respect for his
' person and authority, and time wore down ani-
' mosities, and reunited the citizens again into one
' family."
In the autumn of 1809, his affairs requiring his
presence in Washington, he left St. Louis in Sep-
tember to proceed down the river to 'New Orleans
and there take a coasting vessel around — ^from his
youth he had been subject to occasional fits of low
spirits and despondency, and on his arrival at the
Chickasaw Bluffs (now Memphis) somewhat indis-
posed, he changed his mind and concluded to go
through by land. Mr. JS^eeley, U. S. agent for the
Chickasaw Indians, who was to accompany him,
perceived in him occasional symptoms of derange-
ment of mind.
After passing the Tennessee river about a day's
journey, they stopped for the night of October 10th
at the house of a Mr. Griner. At about 3 o'clock
in the morning of the 11th, Mrs. Griner was awak-
ened by the report of a pistol from the room occu-
pied by Gov. Lewis, followed in a little while by a
second. On entering the room the Governor was
found dead in his bed, with a bullet hole under his
chin up to and through his skull.
The place where this occurred is near Gordon,
the county seat of Lewis County (named by the
Legislature in honor of Governor Lewis) in Middle
Tennessee. .He was only 35 years of age (near
this spot the Legislature of Tennessee erected in
the year 1848, a gray stone monument of native
rock, about 25 feet high, inclosed with an iron rail-
ing, with suitable inscriptions on the four sides) .
Before leaving St. Louis on this his last journey,
Governor Lewis, on the 19th day of August, 1809,
appointed his " three most intimate friends, William
"Clark, Alexander Stuart, and Wm. C. Carr, his
"lawful attorneys, with full authority to dispose of -4-
"all or any part of his property real and personal,
" and to pay, or receive, all debts due by or to him
"&c.," executed in presence of Jeremiah Connor
and Sam'l Solomon as witnesses.
From the fact of his naming three attorneys
clothed with such full powers as are usually exer-
cised by Executors only, it would seem to indicate
that he might have had some foi-eboding that he
might never return to St. Louis, even if he then
entertained no idea of self destruction.
Edward Hempstead was appointed administrator
of his estate by the General Court of the Territory
of Louisiana in 1810. Lewis had purchased several
pieces of land in the vicinity of the village, among
them a 3 V2 arpent piece from John Mullanphy,
adjoining Roys Mill tract, just above the north end
of the then village. The Belcher Sugar refinery
is on part of it, and Lewis Street, named after
him, is also on it.
In concluding this brief sketch of M. Lewis, I
deem it the proper place to say a few words of his
associate in the expedition, and intimate friend.
was born in Caroline County, Yirginia, Aug't 1,
1770, and was a younger brother of Col. Geo.
Rogers Clark of Revolutionary fame. In 1784 his
father moved to Kentucky, and settled at the Falls
of the Ohio, now Louisville.
In 1788 he was appointed an Ensign. In March,
1792, prornqted to a Lieutenancy, and appointed
Adjutant and Quarter-Master. These positions he
resigned in July, 1796, owing to ill-health. In 1803
he was appointed a Lieutenant of Artillery with
orders to join Capt. Lewis in his expedition to the
Pacific Ocean. In 1806 he was promoted to first
Lieutenant of Artillery. President Jefferson ap-
pointed him a Lieut. Colonel, but the appointment
not being confirmed he resigned from the regular
service in 1807, and was appointed Brigadier Gen-
eral of the militia of the Territoiy of Upper
In 1813 he was appointed by President Madi-
son, Governor of Missouri Territory, succeeding
Governor Benj. Howard, which position he filled to
the satisfaction of all parties, iintil the admission of
Missouri into the Union.
The ofiice of Superintendent of Indian Affairs
having been established by Act of Congress, he
was appointed to the position by President Monroe
in May, 1822, which oflace he held for 16 years until
his death on Sept. 1, 1838, at the age of 68 years
and one month.
As some thing co-incident in the lives of these
two men, they were both from the same State,
Virginia, both associated in the conduct of the
expedition to the Pacific, and both became gov-
ernors of the Territory, and so close the intimacy
GEN. Z. M. PIKE. 381
between them, that Clark on the birth of his first
son, named him after his old associate Meriwether
Gen'l Clark was twice married, his four sons
by his first wife are all deceased. His only pne
by his second, Jefferson K. Clark, being the sole
was born at Lamberton, ISTew Jersey, Jan'y 5, 1779.
Son of Major Zebulon Pike of the Revolutionary
Army, who moved over to Bucks Co., Penn'a.
March 3, 1799. Appointed Ensign in the 2nd
Regiment of Infantry.
April 24, 1800. 1st Lieut, same Regiment,
1802, transferred to 1st Regiment.
1806. Captain same Regiment.
1809. Major same Regiment.
1810. Lieut. Col. 4th Regiment.
4th July, 1812. Colonel 15th Regiment.
Feb'y, 1813. Brigadier General.
Married in 1801 at 22 years to Clarissa Brown of
Kentucky. Killed at York (Toronto), Upper
Canada, April 27, 1813. Aged 34 years.
About the time of the transfer in 1803-4 Lieut.
Pike was in command for a time at Kaskaskia,
the first Military Post established by the U. S. on
the Mississippi River after the treaty with Spain
in 1795.
Exploration to the Sources of the Mississippi River,
1805 and 1806, appointed by Gen'l James Wilkinson,
*U. S. Army, to the command of the party.
Lieut. Z. M. Pike.
Interpreter, Pierre Eosseau.
Sergeant, Henry Hennerman.
Corporals, Wm. E. Meek; Samuel Bradley.
Jeremiah Jackson. John Brown.
John Boley. Jacob Carter.
Thomas Douglass. William Gordon.
Solomon Huddleston. John Mountjoy.
Theodore Miller. Hugh Menaugh.
Alexander Roy. John Sparks.
Patrick Smith. Freegift Stout.
Peter Bran den. David O wings.
David Whelpley. 22 in all.
This party left St. Louis, Friday, Aug't 9, 1805,
in a keel boat, on Sat., Feb. 1, 1806, arrived at
Leech Lake, extremity of navigation, in 47° 16' 18",
north latitude, and returned to St. Louis, all well,
April 30, 1806. Absent 8 months 22 days.
Capt. Z. M. Pike.
Zdeut. James B. Wilkinson.
Doct. John H. Robinson.
Sergeants Joseph Ballenger, William E. Meek.
Corporal Jeremiah Jackson.
GEN. M. PIKE. 383
John Boley. Theodore Miller.
Henry Kennerman, Hugh Menaugh.
Samuel Bradley. John Mountjoy.
John Brown. Alexander Roy.
Jacob Carter. John Sparks.
Thomas Douglass. Patrick Smith.
William Gordon. Preegift Stout.
Solomon Huddleston. John Wilson. 23 in all.
Interpreter, Baronet Vasquez.
The party left St. Louis July 15, 1806. As-
cended the Missouri and Platte rivers, crossed the
mountains, and on Oct. 27, reached the Arkansas,
which they at first supposed was the Red River.
Here Capt. Pike divided his party.
Lieut. Wilkinson with Sergeant Ballenger, and
privates Boley, Bradley, Wilson and Huddleston,
and Interpreter Baronet Vasquez, seven in all de-
scended the River in canoes to ]S^ew-Orleans, which
they reaqhed in February, 1807. While Pike and
Doct. Robinson with the balance sixteen in all,
ascended the River, traversed the mountains into
Mexico and Louisiana, and reached ]N^atchitoches on
Red River, July 1, 1807, absent a year.
Zeb. M. Pike, Major.
City oe "Washington, Feby. 11, 1807.
Sir: This will be handed you by a particvilar
friend and acquaintance of mine Mr. Fleming Bates,
late Judge of the Michigan Territory and receiver
of public monies at Detroit.
Mr. Bates has been recently appointed the Sec-
retary of the Territory of Louisiana, and recorder
of the Board of Commissioners for adjusting the
land claims in that territory and is about to estab-
lish himself at St. Louis, in order to take on him
the discharge of the duties incumbent to those
The situation of Mr. Bates as a public officer
sufficiently shows the estimation in which he is, in
my opinion, deservedly held by the Executive of
the United States, and consequently renders any
further observations in relation to his talents or
integrity unnecessary on my part. You will confer
an obligation on me by making Mr. Bates ac-
quainted with the respectable inhabitants of St.
Louis and its vicinity, or by rendering him any serv-
ice which it may be in your power to give him.
The papers you confided to my c^re have been
laid before the Executive, but as yet I have received
TIC answer on the subject ; nor do I believe that any
definite answer will be given, or measures taken in
relation to the land claims of Louisiana, until after
the passage of a law on that subject which is now
under the consideration of Congress.
I shall probably come on to St. Louis in the
course of the next fall, for the purpose of residing
among you ; in such an event I should wish timely
to procure a house by rent or otherwise for my ac-
commodation, and I have fixed my eye on that of
Mr. Gratiot, provided we can come on terms which
may be mutually agreeable. I would prefer renting
or leasing to purchase ; in either case the enclosure
of the garden must be rendered secure, and the steps
and floor of the piazza repaired by the 1st of Oc-
tober next. I would thank you to request Mr.
Gratiot to write me on this subject, and to state
his terms distinctly as to price, payment, etc., in
order that I may know whether my resources will
enable me to meet these or not, or whether it will
become necessary that I should make some other
provision for my accommodation.
My respectful compliments to your lady, Mad'e
P. Chouteau, and my friends of St. Louis and its
vicinity, and believe me
Your sincere friend and
Obed't servant,
Meriwether Lewis.
Mon'r Aug't Chouteau.
St. Louis, May 27, 1807.
Sir: I had this afternoon the honor of receiv-
ing- your polite intimation with respect to a Parade
of Volunteers. It is believed to be an affair, over
which the Executive ought to have no controul.
I should be gratified by your making on this, and
all similar occasions, such dispositions and arrange-
ments, as will be satisfactory to yourself and to the
I am Sir, very respectfully
Your most Obed't Servant,
Fl. Bates.
Col. Aug't Chouteau.
Col. Chouteau.
Sir: I received last afternoon your friendly and
hospitable Billet — and • intended , to have had the
honor of accepting the invitation which it con-
tained, but the press of business which I ought
not for a moment to postpone, will I hope be a
sufficient apology for my not waiting on you.
I am Sir,
Most respectfully,
Your Obed't Sei'vant,
Fl. Bates.*
July 8, 1807.
* Fleming Bates died Dec. 29, 1830, in liis 53d year, at Northumber-
land, Virginia.
official corkespondence. 387
Seorbtaby's Office,
St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1809.
'Sir: I have the honor to send herewith three
pamphlets of the acts of the Congress of the United
States, also, a volume of the Laws of this territory,
comprising the whole, at this time, in force, passed
subsequently to the cession.
I have the honor to be
Very respectfully.
Your most Obed't Servant,
Feedeeick Bates.
Hon'ble Aug't Chouteau,
Judge of the Court of
Common Pleas, &c., &c.
St. Louis, Sept. 6, 1809.
Sir: I have th^ honor to enclose you the bond
of Francis Deroin, deposited this morning in my
office, also a new License and Bond, which you will
have the goodness to be executed at your leisure.
I have the honor to be.
Very respectfully. Sir,
Your Obed't Servant,
Feedekiok Bates.
Hon. Augte. Chouteau.
St. Louis, 11th Sept., 1809.
Sir: I had the honor to receive this moment
your nomination of sundry persons to fill the vacan-
cies occasioned by the resignation of Major San-
guinet. I expect the printer will supply me, in a
few days, with blanks, when these appointments
will be made immediately.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully
Sir, your most Obed't Servant,
Fredertck Bates.
Hon. Augt. Chouteau.
Lieut. Col. comd'g 1st Reg't Militia.
/Sir: One of your Hunters applied yesterday at
my office for a license to hunt on the Osage river.
As I did not hear the name of the man, I have the
pleasure to enclose yoa a blank. The name may
be reported to me at some future time, when con-
I have the honor to be,
Yery respect^lly
Sir, your most Obed't Servant,
Frbdeeick Bates.
Sept. 23, 1809.
The Hon. Augte. Chouteau.
St. Louis, Sept. 4, 1810.
Sir: I enclose Patent certificates 'Nos. 78, 79,
80 and 81 on the. commissioners JSTos. 336, 376, 403
and 363.
I have been obhged to delay these papers longer
than I could have wished, in ordei* to obtain certain
explanations from the Surveyors.
With very great respect,
I have the honor to be
Sir, your most Obed't Servant,
Frederick Bates.
Hon. Auguste Chouteau.
St. Louis, April 28, 1813.
Sir: I have the honor to enclose a letter to the
General Commissioner of the land-office, enclosing
the corrected plat and patent certificate for your
Mill Tract.
Be so obliging as to put a wafer in it before
delivery to Major Hempstead.*
I have the honor to be.
Very respectfully
Sir, your Obed't Servant,
Frederick Bates.
Hon'ble Augt. Chouteau.
Missouri Territory, Executive Office,
Aug. 11, 1819.
Sir: I have this moment the honor to receive
your letter of yesterday, enclosing a copy of a Treaty
negotiated by yourself and Col. Stephenson, com-
* Edward Hempstead, then acting commissioner of the General Land
missioners on the part of the United States, with the
Kickapoo Indians, on the 30th July last.
With great respect, I have the honor to be,
Sir, your Obe't Servant,
Fkedbeick Bates.
The Hon. Augt. Chouteau.
A large portion of the people of our City, at the
present day, imagine whenever they hear the term
Bellefontaine made use of, that it is the name ex-
clusively of the Cemetery so designated, but few of
them, perhaps, being aware of the fact that Belle-
fontaine proper is a locality some ten miles distant
from the cemetery, which last received the name
simply from the fact of lying on the road to Belle-
fontaine. The association that originated the ceme-
tery, named it at first the "Rural Cemetery " and
subsequently changed it to " Bellefontaine," per-
haps as more euphonious. Bellefontaine lies on the
south bank of the Missouri river, in St. Ferdinand
Township of St. Louis County, in Sec. 10, Town-
ship 47 north, range 7 east, and is just 14 miles due
north from the Court house. It was a noted point
in the early annals of St. Louis, and its history
and events that there occurred, if detailed at length,
would fill quite a volume.
Early in the year 1768, but a few years after the
birth of the village, and while yet there was no
legally established , government in the country on
this side of the River, everything, being in
abeyance, awaiting the appearance of those to
whom the country had been ceded by the French
King, Capt. Rios of the Spanish service, with
some twenty-five soldiers, arrived from below, sent
up by Count UUoa to establish the Spanish author-
ity in this Upper Louisiana. Meeting with a very
unwelcome reception from the people of the place,
although, following the example of their country-
men below, they did not oppose his landing, his
first step was to select a suitable location for a Fort,
as protection from Indian inroads on the north, and
to provide quarters for his men.
He selected this spot, and late in the season com-
pleted his Fort which he named, "Fort Prince
Charles " in honor of the son of his King, and heir
to the Throne.
It does not appear to have been long occupied as
a Military Post by the Spanish, in the year 1769
Rios returned below with his men, and Piernas came
up in 1770. It was afterwards converted into a
Factory, or trading Post with the Indians, although
still called the "Fort," and is mentioned in several
documents of the time under that title. However
Governor Zenon Trudeau, on Sept. 10, 1797,
granted to a Hezekiah Lard, a concession of one
thousand arpents of land on the Missouri river,
through which runs the ' ' Cold water ' ' or Belle-
fontaine creek; on this land Lard built a house, saw
and grist mill, and cleared a farm, and on this land
was the Old Fort or Factory. Lard died in 1799,
and in 1803 his estate was sold at public sale, in par-
tition and six hundred arpents of the tract were pur-
chased by a William Massey, upon which was the
old Factory and buildings. This closes its history
for the forty years that the Country was in pos-
session of the French and Spanish. It received the
name of Belle-fontaine by the French and Spanish
traders from a large spring at the foot of the
Bluffs near the river.
After the transfer of the country to the United
States in 1804, Geri'l James Wilkinson, then in
command of the Army of the United States,
selected Bellefontaine as the most suitable position
fpr the headquarters of the U. S. Military on the
western waters. The U. S. troops were first can-
toned at Bellefontaine in temporary log-huts in the
years 1805-1806.
April 20, 1806, Gen'l Wilkinson for the U. S.
purchased from William Massey, five acres of land
with the Factory and buildings called Bellefontaine,
with the use for five years of the ground then used
for the cantonment, with the buildings, gardens,
woodlands, &c. Upon these five acres G-en'l Wil-
kinson erected the buildings for a permanent post.
July, 1806, Gren'l Wilkinson purchased the whole
tract of 500 arpents excepting the 5 acres pre-
viously purchased for the U. S. — and in March,
1809, conveyed it to the U. S. who then owned the
whole tract — a considerable portion of which was
kept in cultivation to supply the wants of the men.
After the establishment of Fort Atkinson, Couh-
cil Bluffs on the Missouri, Fort Snelling, St.
Peters, on the Mississippi, and the various other
military posts on these two rivers, Bellefontaine
was no longer the rallying point of the U. S. Mili-
tary in the west (but a few troops were still kept
there for a few years longer) and from its inac-
cessibility in seasons of low water, it was deemed
best to abandon it altogether, and establish the
headquarters of the U. S. in the west, at a more
suitable and accessible point, for which purpose the
site of the present Jefferson Barracks was selected,
and on the 4th July, 1826, Col. Talbot Chambers
with his four companies of the 1st Infantry, the
last U. S. military occupants of the Fort, aban-
doned the old place forever and removed to the new
site selected by the U. S. (Jefferson Barracks) for
what was then contemplated to become the chief
point for the concentration of the U. S. Military.
After the removal of the troops it remained in
charge of a military store keeper '" for some ten
In 1836 Gen'l Lewis Cass, Sec'y of War under
Yan Buren, ordered it to be sold at public sale. It
was purchased by Jamison Samuel, Dunham Spald-
ing, H. 'N. Davis and E. L. Langham, who laid out
on it their " Town of Bellefontaine," but as it
never came to anything it was again converted into
a farm, and was purchased by the late Doct. David
C. Tandy of this City, whose son, Eobert E.
Tandy, at present resides on the place.
Old Major John Whistler of the Eevolution.
The prospect from Bellefontaine north is very
fine. Immediately opposite on the north side of
the Missouri River, Hes the south-east point of St.
Charles County, low and flat, of alluvial formation,
extending some three miles east to the junction of
the two rivers ; across this flat point of land at the
distance of four miles due north, the City of Alton
on the east bank of the Mississippi is in full view,
the hig'h bluffs on that side pointing out the course
of the river for some distance above that City.
The bluffs on this side are 170 feet above the river,
ascertained by the old well which had to be exca-
vated to that depth before reaching water.
The noted Spring from which the place received
its name, is near the foot of the Bluffs on this side,
but the encroachments of the river have swept it
The track of the old upper road to Bellefontaine,
can be traced to this day (1880) through Belle-
fontaine and Calvary cemeteries, and from Baden,
at the forks of the old Hall's ferry road to the
Spanish pond, it runs pretty much over the same
ground for 120 years.
There yet remain here at this day (1888) some
eight or ten dilapidated old houses of the early
times, and as in a very brief period they must
inevitably be removed to make way for others, it
might be a matter of some little interest to a por-
tion of the present generation, to take a cursory-
glance at these old relics of by-gone days, enabling
them at a future period to realize the fact, that they
were here in time to witness for tliemselves some of
these old remains of early St. Louis. And more
especially as some of these old ruins had been
erected and were occupied for a time by individuals,
who, in their day and' generation, were prominent
in this community, several of them having filled
important public positions.
These old houses are in chronological order.
A two-story brick dwelling at the southeast corner
of Main and Spruce Streets (now l^o. 400 South
Main), built by Judge Wm. C. Carr, in 1815, for
his own residence, the fifth brick house built in St.
Louis, and the first one expressly for a dwelling, and
was occupied by the Judge for several years, until
he removed to his new place in the country, in what
is now Franklin Avenue.
In the year 1820 it was occupied for a short time
by Doct. Bernard G. Farrar, on his return from
Kentucky with his second wife, the late Mrs.
It was next a sort of Military Headquarters and
Bachelor's Hall, being occupied in 1821 conjointly
by Genl. Henry Atkinson, Major Thomas Biddle
and Capt. Tom Smith, U. S. Army, and Major
Kichard Graham, U. S. Indian Agent, all four at
that period unmarried men, but Grraham, and he a
widower. Subsequently by other parties, until
eventually it was altered for a drinking saloon, as it
is yet so occupied.
A two-story frame house, No. 217 South Third
Street, west side, third house above Myrtle, built by
James Irwin, a Carpenter, in 1815, who sold it to
Col. Saml. Hammond in 1818, who occupied it for
some years, succeeded by other first-class families, it
being not only a genteel but fashionable locality for
many years.
In this house in 1827 Col. John O' Fallon was
married to his second lady, Miss Caroline Sheets.
K'os. 617 and 619, west side of South 4th, oppo-
site Plum Street, built by Col. Thomas F. Riddick
for his residence in 1818, then in the country.
House 36 feet front by 18 deep, two rooms above
and two below, the window glass below 13 by 18
inches, sent for to Pittsburg, extra large size.
At that day there was no Fourth Street south of
Elm, all being enclosed, the house was approached
from the east by the road, now Plum Street, and
was for years the southwest house of the then vil-
lage, the surroundings originally several feet higher
were cut down in grading the streets.
This old house had a noted history — for some
years it was the residence of Col. Riddick. It was
then opened in the summer of 1823 by Blanchard
and Storrs as a public resort, called the Vaux Hall
Garden, subsequently occupied by Major Faysseau,
U. S. Quarter Master, and finally by Judge Luke
E. Lawless, who died in it. This locality was a
very fashionable quarter.
A stone mason, built in 1819-20, in a deep sink
hole at the northeast corner of Elm and Sixth, a
two-story stone dwelling, in which he died in 1820.
In raising the street to its present grade, it left but
the upper story above the street level, at this day
occupied as a saloon.
WM. Bennett's mansion house hotel.
Built in 1816 by Gen'l Wm. Rector, U. S. Sur-
veyor General for Illinois and Missouri, for his office
and residence, at the northeast corner of 3d and
Vine. Enlarged by him early in 1819 for WilUam
Bennett's Hotel, who opened the house in the summer
of 1819, and it was occupied as such for many years,
during which it has been the scene of many interest-
ing and note-worthy incidents, sufficient in them-
selves to fill a large volume.
Old Manager Samuel Drake's Theatrical Company
from Cincinnati and Louisville, on its first visit to
St. Louis in the winter of 1819-20, performed in the
large dining room of this hotel.
The Convention that framed the Constitution of
the State of Missouri, held its sittings in June, 1820,
in the same long dining room, and it was for many-
years our principal ball room.
This building was removed a few years since, to
make way for the large business house now occupy-
ing its site.
MAJOR WM. Christy's
Old stone residence in ISTorth St. Louis, erected
for him in 1818. This house, then two miles out
in the country, stands at present at the northwest
corner of Monroe and Second Streets, then not far
from the river bank.
Here the Major and his family lived for many
years, he dying in it in April, 1837, and his widow
continuing to occupy it for a number of years after-
wards. It was a fine house in its day, but has long
since been converted into a manufactory.
During its long occupancy by this noted family of
the olden days, it was much frequented by the elite
of St. Louis society, several of the daughters and
family connections were married in it, and it was
frequently the scene of much gayety and festivity.
HENRY Gratiot's
Old farm house, built by him about the year
1810, the first house built on the " Gratiot League
Square," and one of the earliest near the village,
where he lived for a number of years after his
marriage in 1813. A weather boarded log house
1 1-2 stories high, 50 feet long, by 16 deep, on a
stone foundation about 4 feet high, with a stone
chimney at each end. Three doors on the east
front, one to each room, with a shed over the
, steps to each, in place of the gallery which originally
extended along the whole front of 50 feet ; the rear
gallery still remains in a dilapidated condition.
It stands on high ground overlooking the country
in each direction, about three-eighths of a mile west
of the King's Highway, which is the east line of the
" Gratiot League Square," and 150 yards north of
Pattison Avenue which leads to it.
A deep well of water stands about 50 yards north-
east of the house. A part of the stone founda-
tions of Gratiot's old mill, are still to be seen,
(1881) a short distance north of the house, on the
slope of the hill which descends to the river Des
Peres, and the ruins of the old stone spring-house,
in a hollow about 200 yards east, as also a num-
ber of old dead apple-trees in the orchard.
The builder of this house died at Barnum's
Hotel, Baltimore, in April, 1835.
Brick country residence on the King's Highway,
in survey IS'o. 3052. Situated now (1881) just
opposite the west end of a proposed new wide road
from Yandeventer Avenue to Forest Park, to be
called "Forest Park Boulevard." It is 140 yards
south of the west end of Laclede Avenue, and 165
yards north of the angle in the front line of
King's Highway.
In the year 1819-20, Mr. Cabanne, who had
resided with his young family in the town during
the twenty years he had been engaged in mer-
chandising, being about to relinquish that branch
of his business, and devote his whole attention to
the fur business exclusively, which would necessi-'
tate his absence from home the most of his time,
built for his family (eight children, the oldest not
yet fifteen) a residence in the country immediately
west of the center of our town, on the eastern
line of the above tract, IS^o. 3052, the King's
Highway (now the eastern front line of Forest
Park) a brick residence, where the family resided
some twelve or fifteen years, until 1833, when Mr.
Cabanne built his city residence at ISTo. 28 Vine
Street, in which house he died on Sunday, June
27, 1841, aged about 68 years.
This old "Cabanne Mansion" was the first
brick house built in the country outside of the old
town, consequently the "Pioneer Brick." It was
known to almost the whole population of the
county far and wide, and with its quaint old wind
mill and out houses could be seen from a long
distance from all directions except the west, where
the primeval forest hid it from view.
Occupied by that family, father and son, for near
half a century, noted for their hospitality and gen-
erous mode of living, it had been the scene of many
a gay and joyous occasion.
In it two of the daughters of the houise had
entered the marriage state ; Adelle, the eldest daugh-
ter, to Jno. B. Sarpy, in 1820, the first year of its
occupancy, and Juha, in 1830, to Lieut. Jas. W-
Kingsbury, U. S. Army. The third daughter,
Louisa, was also united to an officer of the Army,
Lieut. Albert G. Edwards, at present our Sub-
Treasurer at St. Louis, although not at this, but at
their city residence, JSTo. 28 Vine Street.
After Mr. Cabanne, Sr., had removed to the city,
he conveyed to his eldest son, John Charles, a large
portion of this land from the south end including
the Mansion, etc., who made it his residence until
the year 1850, in which year he sold it to Alban H.
Glasby, of Gaty, McCane and Glasby, who also
lived on the place for some years, and there laid out
his Town of Hockessin in 1854, and resold to Mr.
Chas. Cabanne the Homestead and adjacent im-
provements with a few acres of land.
This old land-mark, true, by no means an impos-
ing structure, but simply an unpretentious country
mansion, yet, from its quaint style of architecture
and well preserved condition so far from being an
eye-sore, suggesting its removal, was an ornament
to the spot, and with very little labor and expense in
improving the surroundings, could easily have been
made an attractive spot and an object of historical
To sum up all, there was every reason in the
world why this old land-mark should have been pre-
served, and none whatever for its unjustifiable
destruction, it can only be partially excused by the
supposition that the party who caused its removal
was totally ignorant of its early history — and the
writer of this feels almost persuaded that had the
Superintendent of the Park been anyway posted
in regard to its early history and associations, he
would not have allowed its removal.
Menlber of Congress from the Lexington, Ken-
tucky, district, was nominated by President James
Madison, April 17, 1810, for Governor of Upper
Xiouisiana to succeed M. Lewis deceased.
1810 Sep. 17. He arrived in St. Louis, and assumed
the duties of the office.
" Oct. 31. He appointed Thomas T. Crittenden
of Ste. Genevieve, Attorney General of the
Territory .
1811. Renewed the commission of Frederick Bates,
as Secretary of the Territory for four years.
" Peby. 14. He was married in Loudon County,
Virginia, to Miss Mary T. Mason, daughter of
S. T. Mason, dec'd.
" On Monday Deer. 2nd, Governor Howard
and lady arrived in St. Louis.
1812. Gov'r Howard's proclamation dividing the
Territory into five counties, St. Charles, St.
Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau, and
ISTew Madrid.
'' Appointed by President Madison, a Brigadier
General, in the U. S. Army.
1812 llTov'r. 28. A dinner was given him by a large
number of citizens of St. Louis, as a mark of
their appreciation of his measures for the
defence of the Territory.
1813 March 21. Death at Lexington, Kentucky, of
Mrs. Howard, wife of Gren'l Benjamin Howard
U. S. Army.
^' Sept. 8. Being about to set out on an ex-
pedition against the Indians of Ilhnois, he
executed his will at Portage des Sioux, nam-
ing his nephew Benj. Howard Payne of Lex-
ington, Kentucky, as the heir of his estate.*
'" Sept. 10. He set out from Portage with
1400 men on his expedition.
1814 Sept. 18. Death at St. Louis of Genl. Benj.
Howard U. S. Army, late Governor of the
After Christy's addition of l^orth St. Louis was
laid out in 1817 the remains of General Howard
were removed to the Protestant Cemetery in the
north circle, now Grace Church, and covered with a
stone slab.
General Howard left no children, a sister was the
wife of Edward C. Payne, Sr., of Lexington, Ken-
tucky, they had six sons, and the eldest Benj.
Howard Payne, the sole heir of his uncle, after
whom he was named, died unmarried in 1821, leav-
ing five brothers, of whom the fourth, Thos. Jef.
Payne, acquired the interest of the others, and came
to St. Louis about the year 1828. After a residence
* The will recorded at Lexington, Kentucky.
of about forty years in Missouri, the latter part of
this period in St. Charles County, he died in St,
Louis in 1867, and is interred in Bellefontaine Ceme-
Mr. Thos. J. Payne had acquired from various
parties, the large body of land lying between Grand
Avenue and the King's highway, now embracing
Shaw's Botanical Garden, Tower Grove Park, etc.,
which he was the first to improve and put in cultiva-
tion, and on which he lived for a number of years,
previous to disposing of it to Mr. Henry Shaw.
was born in Scotland in the year 1750.
In 1755 hie father, a farmer and poor, came over
to America, and settled in York County, Penn-
With a few old books, then scarce, and a little
teaching he pursued his studies, and at 18 years of
age, he succeeded in getting into Princeton Col-
lege, where he taught two classes for his support.
Then took charge of an Academy in Maryland. In
1777 he joined the Army, crossed the mountains to
Pittsburgh in 1781, read law with Judge Chase, and
in 1788 was at the head of the Pittsburgh bar, and
afterwards elected to the Legislature.
On the election of Governor McKean, 1800-01,
he appointed him a Judge of the Supreme Court of
the State, which he fiUec until his death in 1816, at
66 years of age, universally respected for his integ-
rity and talents.
Alleghany County was organized from Westmore-
land and Washington, in September, 1788, it in-
cluded all the country in Pennsylvania, north of the
Ohio, and west of the Alleghany, out of which was
formed in 1800, the counties of Beaver, Butler,
Mercer, etc.
was Fort Pitt until 1784, when the Town was laid
out and surveyed. Town incorporated in 1794, the
year of the Whisky Insurrection, and the City in
was JSTew Geneva, Payette County, on the Monon-
He was in Congress from 1795 to 1801, six years,
and appointed Secretary of the Treasury by Jeffer-
son in 1801, and was succeeded in Congress by J.
B. C. Lucas in 1801 and 1803.
was born in Pittsburg, then called Fort Pitt, in
His father. Judge Hugh H. Brackenridge, author
of several works, was an eminent Lawyer, his
mother died when Henry was an infant of eighteen
months of age. In 1791, when he was five years
old, his father married again, the daughter of a
German farmer and Justice of the Peace near
In 1792 or 93, when about six years of age, his
father sent him to Louisiana, under the care of John
B. C. Lucas, a friend of his father, then at Pitts-
burgh, who occasionally traded to Louisiana, to be
placed in some French f arnily where he might learn
the French language. He left him for a short time
in ]S^ew Madrid, then came by land to Ste. Gene-
vieve, Henry riding a pony. Here he left him with
old Mr. Beauvais, in whose family Henry passed
over two years, treated like one of the children, he
became a complete French boy, and almost forgot
his English language.
In 1794-5 Lucas came for him, took him up the
Ohio in a canoe, and left him with Doct. Saugrain
in Galliopolis, Ohio, he was then between 8 and 9
years old; 'he stayed in Doct. Saugrain' s family
about one year.
In 1795-6, General Wilkinson passing up the Ohio
river with his family, at the request of young Brack-
enridge's father, took him home in his own boat, to
Pittsburgh, he being then in his tenth year.
Here he remained at home with his step-mother,
who was very kind to him, for about three years,
taking lessons from his father at home until he was
thirteen years old.
In 1799 he went to the Town Academy for the
next two years, until 1801, when fifteen years old;
in 1803 commenced the study of Law in his father's
office, at 17 years, and then went to Jefferson Col-
lege, Philadelphia, for six months, boarding at Mrs.
Earl's with several young men attending the
In 1805-6 he was admitted to the bar, about
twenty years of age. After trying for a time
Baltimore, Bedford, Somerset, etc., he finally left
Pittsburgh for St. Louis in April, 1810, and arrived
at I^ew Madrid in May, and went by land to
Ste. Grenevieve.
He became acquainted with Messrs. Bradbury
and I^uttal, two English naturalists. Traveled
over much of the 'New Louisiana Territory,
ascended the Missouri River to Fort Mandan,
1700 miles, and wrote those essays for the Repub-
lican in 1810. In November he left for IS^ew
Orleans, where he arrived about the first of
January, 1811.
He spent two years in traveling over the new
States, part of the time as Deputy Attorney (gen-
eral, and part of the time as a District Judge. His
health becoming somewhat impaired, he resigned
and went north again in 1812-13.
He was in Baltimore in June 1816 and 17, en-
gaged in the publication of some of his works. In
1817-18 he made a voyage to South America by
order of the American government, in the U. S.
Frigate Congress, visiting Cuba and Mexico.
He came again to St. Louis about 1820 and was
here for several years at the time and after we
became a State.
He was a great friend of Pres't Jackson,
who appointed him U. S. Judge for the Dis-
trict of Florida. Subsequently he settled himself
on a seat named Tarentum, on the Alleghany
river, 21 miles above Pittsburgh. Here he ended
his days, after serving his constituents in the lower
house of Congress.
Three miles from the Mississippi River, at the
western end of Laclede Avenue, a prolongation of
Market Street, a little northwest of the Rock Spring
addition, and just east of the old Rock Spring
Catholic Cemetery, a large spring gushes out from
beneath the rocks, which underlie the rising ground
to the west.
This is the well-known "Rock Spring" of the
early days of St. Louis, which in the olden time
when far out in the country removed from the
Town, was celebrated for the beauty of its surround-
ings, and was for some years the most attractive
resort in our neighborhood, when beautifully shaded
by large native forest trees, and the scene of many
gay and happy occasions of the young people of the
This Spring was the principal source of the little
stream called in the French days of St. Louis,
" la petite riviere,'''' and which after meandering
through the valley of the Cul de Sac in a direction
a little south of east, fed by a few other smaller
ones, entered the Mississippi just below the gas
works at the foot of Convent Street.
This little stream, which in the early, days of the
village was clear and limpid furnishing the largest
portion of the water that then formed the beautiful
lake, known in its day as "Chouteau's pond," no
longer exists, its bed being superseded by the great
Mill Creek sewer, now completed from the river to
beyond Grand Avenue, to be continued eventually
to its source.
"Feanklin, Tennessee, Sept. 10, 1813.
" A difference which had been for some months
' brewing between General Jackson and myself,
' produced on Saturday, the 4th inst., in the Town
' of Nashville, the most outrageous affray ever wit-
' nessed in a civilized country.
" In communicating this affair to my friends and
' fellow- citizens, I limit myself to the statement of
' a few leading facts, the truth of which I am ready
' to establish by judicial proofs.
" 1st. That myself and my brother, Jesse Benton,
' arriving in ISTashville on the morning of the affray,
' and knowing of Genl. Jackson's threats, went
' and took our lodgings in a different house from
' the one in which he stayed, on purpose to avoid
' him.
" 2nd. That the General and some, of his friends
' came to the house where we had put up, and com-
' menced the attack by levelling a pistol at me,
' when I had no weapon drawn, and advancing
' upon me at a quick pace, without giving me time
' to draw one.
'^ 3rd. That seeing this, my brother fired upon
General Jackson, when he had got within eight or
ten feet of me.
'•'• 4:th. That four other pistols were fired in quick
succession, one by General Jackson at me, two by
me at the General, and one by Col. Coffee at me.
In the course of this firing General Jackson was
brought to the ground, but I received no hurt.
" 5tTi. That daggers were then drawn. Col.
Coffee and Mr. Alexander Donaldson made at me
and gave me five slight wounds. Captain Ham-
mond and Mr. Stockley Hays engaged my brother,
who being still weak from the effects of a severe
wound he had lately received in a duel, was not
able to resist two men. They got him down, and
while Capt. Hammond beat him on the head to
make him lay still, Mr. Hays attempted to stab
him, and wounded him in both arms as he lay ou
his back parrying the thrusts with his naked
hands. From this situation a generous-hearted
citizen of Nashville, Mr. Sumner, relieved him.
Before he came to the ground, my brother clapped
a pistol to the breast of Mr. Hays to blow him
through, but it missed fire.
" 6th. My own and my brother's pistols carried
two balls each; for it was our intention, if driven
to our arms, to have no child's play. The pistols
fired at me were so near, that the blaze of the
muzzle of one of them burnt the sleeve of my
coat, and the other aimed at my head at little
more than arm's length from it.
" 7th. Capt. Carroll was to have taken part in
"the affray, but was absent by the permission of
" General Jackson, as he has since proved by the
" General's certificate — a certificate which reflects
" I know not whether less honor upon the General
" or upon the Captain.
" StJi. That this attack was made upon me in the
" house where the Judge of the Disti'ict, Mr.
" Searcy, had his lodgings ! So little are the laws
"and its ministers respected! Nor has the civil
"authority yet taken cognizance of this horrible
" outrage.
' ' These facts are sufficient to fix the public
"opinion. For my own part I think it scandal-
" ous that such things should take place at
"any time, but particularly so at the present
' ' mornent, when the public service requires the aid
"of all its citizens. As for the name of courage,
' ' God forbid that I should ever attempt to gain
"it by becoming a bully.
"Those who know me know full well that I
"would give a thousand times more for the reput-
"ation of Croghan in defending his post, than I
"would for the reputation of all the duehsts
"and gladiators that ever appeared on the face
" of the earth. ,, Thomas Habt Benton,
" Lieut. Col. 39th 'Infantry.''
Daniel Boone born in Exeter Township, Philadel-
phia County,* Penn'a, in February, 1735, removed
* Afterwards in 1752 forming part of Berks County.
to North Carolina in 1759 when 24 years old, then
to Kentucky in 1774 at the age of 39, thence to
Upper Louisiana in 1797, when 62 years of age,
where he died on Sept. 26, 1820, immediately after
the organization of our State of Missouri, in his
eighty-sixth year.
Many Kentuckians came to St. Louis between the
years 1794 and 1803. Boone, in a manner having
been despoiled of his successive homes in Virginia
and Kentucky by the grasping disposition of man-
kind, and his own neglect to perfect his titles to the
improvements he had made, and being somewhat
disgusted with the cupidity of his fellowmen,
resolved, in his old agej to remove west of the
Mississippi, where his oldest living son, Dan'l M.
had established himself the year previously at
Femme Osage in the District of St. Charles, about
45 miles west of St. Louis. So in 1797, upon the
invitation of Lieut. Gov. Trudeau, who had prom-
ised him a grant of land, he came to St. Louis
where he was welcomed bv Grov'r Trudeau to Upper
Louisiana, and went to reside with his son Dan'l
M. at the village of Charette.
1798, Jan'y 24. Gov'r T. made him a grant of
1000 arpents of land in Femme Osage District;
which was .surveyed for him Jan'y 9, 1800. He
was appointed by Gov'r JDelassus July 11, 1800,
Syndic (Civil magistrate) and commandant of that
settlement of Femme Osage, which office he held
at the date of the transfer to the U. S. March 10,
1804, and was glad to relinquish when the new
U. S. government was set in operation by Gen'l
Harrison in October of that year, he then verg-
ing on 70 years and much broken by a hfe of
privation and exposure.
In 1804 he removed to his youngest son's
N"athan, with whom he resided until 1810, and
then to his Son in Law's Flanders Calloway at the
village of Charette some miles further west.
His wife Mrs. B. whom he had married in Penn'a
when both were young, died in 1813 at the age of
76 years, after which he broke down rapidly. He
was visited in 1818 by the Eev'd Mr. John M.
Peck, at his Son in Law's house at Charette.
His portrait was taken in the summer of 1820, by
Chester Harding, who went from St. Louis ex-
pressly for the purpose, the Rev'd J. E. Welch
supporting him.
He died a couple of months after this, on the
26th Sept., 1820, at the residence of his youngest
Son Major ISTathan Boone, near St. Charles, in the
86th year of his age.
Boone was a rnan of 5 feet 10 inches in height
and spare, his two oldest sons James and Israel had
been killed by Indians — he left 3 sons, Dan'l
Morgan, Jesse and Il^athan — four daughters, Mrs.
Callaway and three others.
In the year 1820 there came to our Town of St.
Louis, Chester Harding from Kentucky an embryo
portrait painter. He had been originally a house
and sign painter, with a natural talent for painting
fancy picture signs, in imitation of the then famous
Woodside of Philadelphia. He remained with us
for some time, during which he took the portraits
of exceeding an hundred persons more or less prom-
inent in our community, historically and iu private
life, amongst them that of Col. Dan'l Boone, then
on his last bed, a few months prior to his death in
1820, at the residence of his son Kathan Boone in
St. Charles County.
Leaving here he painted at the east for some
years, acquiring money and reputation in his pro-
fession, went to Europe, studied the great masters
in Rome and Florence, then lived for some years in
London, with the reputation of an artist, acquired
wealth at 25 guineas a portrait ; finally returned to
the United States, and made his home at Boston,
where he ended his days not many years back, in
the enjoyment of an ample competence. One of
his daughters, the widow of the late Judge John
M. Krum, one of our former City Mayors, deceased
but a few months back, has resided here for forty-
five years.
Chester Harding during his sojourn with us in
1820-21 associated with him as an assistant in his
studio, a young man, John J. Douberman, from
Philadelphia, who had served his time with Reuben
Mears, a fancy chair-painter of that City. This D.
was qiiite an artist in that line of painting, with a
happy faculty for catching the likeness of persons,
even more so than Harding himself, under whose
instructions he soon became an expert portrait
painter, although not up to Harding in his coloring,
in which particular H. excelled. Harding would
touch up the first attempts of Douberman, and had
he remained longer with us, this young man might
have risen to become his equal in that profession.
He died in St. Louis about the year 1830.
was born in Washington City, Dist. of Columbia,
Novr. 29, 1808. His ancestors came from ISTorfolk
County, England, in 1662, and settled in Charles
County, Maryland, near Port Tobacco on the
He came out west to Louisville in 1822, and to
St. Louis in 1830, and established himself in
business, which he carried on successfully for
many years.
In January, 1845, Mr. Barnes was married to
Miss Louise, third daughter of the late Julius
Demun, Esq.
He was for over twenty years a Director and
President of the old State Bank of Missouri, char-
tered in 1837.
Having acquired considerable property, Mr. B.
retired from active pursuits some years back, with
an ample fortune.
He is now in his eighty-first year, living alone
with his wife, they having no children.
was born at Cape Francois, San Domingo, Feb'y
14, 1766, and educated in France, and studied
Theology at the Seminary of St. Sulpice.
The Revolution drove him from France in 1792,
and he fled to Spain, whence he went to Baltimore
in the U. S., where he arrived in December, 1794.
In 1795 he became a priest of St. Sulpice, and 'in
1796 President of St. Mary's Ecclesiastical Semi-
nary, Baltimore, which in January, 1805, he raised
to the rank of a University.
In 1809 he established the Sisters of Charity
in Baltimore, and in 1811 founded what is still the
mother house of the order for the United States
at Emmetsburg, Maryland.
In October, 1812, he was appointed Apostolic
administrator of the Territory of Louisiana, and
arrived in New Orleans at the close of the year. In
1815 he went to Home, and was there consecrated
Bishop of Upper and Lower Louisiana on Sept.
24, 1815. On his return he brought with him five
priests and twenty-six young men Lazarists. He
arrived in the United States Sept. 14, 1817, and
proceeded to St. Thomas' Seminary at Bardstown,
Kentucky. He reached Ste. Genevieve Deer. 27,
1817, accompanied by Bishop Flaget, to select the
site for the Bishop's Episcopal residence and
Seminary, and on January 5, 1818, the two Bishops
reached St. Louis.
Here he established his Episcopal residence, and
continued until 1824. On March 25th he conse-
erated Father Rosatti Coadjutor Bishop of St.
Louis, and then went to New Orleans to reside.
In 1815 Bishop Dubourg had founded the Society
for the " Propagation of the Faith," and in 1818
St. Mary's College and Seminary at the Barrens in
Perry County. While in Europe in 1817, he had
applied to the Superior General of the Order of the
Sacred Heart, for a colony of Ladies to establish a
house of the order in St. Louis. In August, 1818,
the Ladies of the order arrived, also Sisters of
Loretto, and organized their schools at Florisant.
In 1820 the College of St. Louis attached to
the Cathedral was established. He also established
Missionary Schools among the Indians.
In June, 1826, Bishop Dubourg left IsTew Orleans
for Montauban in the South of France, to which
See he had been appointed Bishop, and in February,
1833, he was made Archbishop of Besancon, in
Franche Comte.
He died in Deer., 1833, aged near 68 years. His
will, executed Deer. 5, 1833, at Besancon, is
recorded here, as he held property which he gave to
the Church. He was a liberal tolerant gentleman, of
expanded views, and of untiring zeal and energy.
In 1818 there were seven Chapels and but four
Priests or Curates in Upper Louisiana. The
Chapels were St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Florisant,
and IS'ew Madrid, on this side of theEiver, and
Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Eocher in
Fathers Mel, Pratte, Saulnier, Dahmen, De-
Andreis, Cellini, Eosatti, DelSTeckere, Acqueroni,
Ferrari, Tichitoli, Days and Jean-Jean officiated
at the Cathedral in St. Louis during Bishop
Dubourg's time. Father DeAndreis was Vicar
General and died in 1820. Father DeNeckere
became Bishop of JSTew Orleans, and died of yel-
low fever in 1833.
Revd. Joseph Rosatti was consecrated Bishop of
Tenagre and Coadjutor Mar. 25, 1824, and was
transferred to St. Louis March 27, 1827.
The corner-fltone of the first brick church was
laid by E. Revd. Bishop Dubourg on March 29,
1818, and was inaugurated on Sunday, January
9th, 1820, (Epiphany falling on Thursday, Jany. 6,)
by the Right Revd. Bishop, who preached on the
occasion in French and English. It was com-
menced when everything looked bright and aus-
picious for the future, business brisk, and money,
such as it was, in abundance.
The Commissioners of the Congregation selected
to carry on the work, were August and Pierre
Chouteau, Srs., Bernard Pratte and others. By
the time the building was covered in, late in 1819,
a revulsion in business had occurred, money had
become scarce, the 50 Independent Banks of Ken-
tucky and other kindred institutions in the West,
Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, etc., that had furnished
nearly all of our circulating medium, to use an
expression of the day, had all "busted up.^^ The
building was never finished interiorly, and our com-
missioners, who had made themselves personally
liable, were compelled to apply to the State
authorities for rehef in the premises, or foot the
bills out of their own pockets.
Accordingly upon the application of the three
above named gentlemen,
"An Act of the Legislature," for the relief of
" Auguste Chouteau and others, commissioners of
"the Eoman Catholic Church, approved Deer. 17,
" 1822," authorized them to sell at public sale by the
Sheriff, so much of the Church Block in "St.
" Louis, as was not used for Church and Cemetery
"purposes, as would be necessary to indemnify
" them for the amount they had advanced and had
* ' become responsible for in the erection of the
"Brick Church to the extent of $4,500."
Accordingly, at the request in writing of the said
commissioners, Auguste Chouteau, Pierre Chouteau
and Bernard Pratte, Sheriff John K. Walker sold
at public sale, Sept. 16, 1823, the south part of
the Block, being the Walnut Street front, as per
plat of division, made by the parties interested.*
Lot No. 1, 97 by 131 feet, with barn,
stable, etc., for $301
Lot 1^0. 2, 75 by 131 feet, with the orchard. 201
Lot INTo. 3, 70 by 150 feet, with the Pres-
bytery, kitchen and new brick house . . 501
Lot l^o. 4, 48 by 180 feet, with the College. 201
Total $1,204
' Recorded in Book M, page 48.
Father Niel, the President of the College, was
the purchaser, and on May 25, 1824, conveyed to
the three above named parties the same, except
the College building, which he reserved with three
feet of ground around the same.*
Bernard Pratte, Auguste Chouteau and Pierre
Chouteau re-conveyed to Bishop Joseph Rosatti,
July 1, 1828, for $4,748.28 with 6 per cent,
interest, the foregoing Church property .f
The old brick Church continued to be occupied as
such, until the completion of the new Stone one on
the Walnut Street front of the Block, which was
opened for divine service in October, 1834, when the
old one was abandoned to the lessees of the ground
on which it stood. ' It was then used as a warehouse
for the next six months until it was destroyed by
fire, on the night of April 6, 1835.
After the R. Rev'd Bishop Dubourg had laid the
corner stone of the first Brick Church in 1818, and
during the progress of its erection, he, assisted by
his Yicar the Rev'd Francis JS'iel and other Catho-
lics, took the incipient steps to establish a College,
on a small scale at first, suitable to the times and
circumstances, to be extended at a future period, as
might be found expedient or necessary.
With that view, and to aid the undertaking, the
* Book M, 50.
t Book 0, 339.
following document was drawn up, and received the
approval and signature of all the Catholic house-
holders of St. Louis, including a few, who not
themselves " Catholics," were allied to Catholic
We the undersigned, inhabitants and property
holders of the Town and parish of St. Louis,
Territory of Missouri, members of the Roman
Catholic religion, being informed that the Reverend
Francis Kiel, Vicar of this parish, by the authority
of the right Rev'd Bishop Guillaume Dubourg, has
undertaken to erect at his own cost, on a lot form-
ing a part of the yard of the Presbytery, a house
to be used for lodging the Clergy of our Church,
and the keeping of a school for the education of
youth; considering the various useful purposes of
this enterprise, and desiring to protect it from all
claims or molestation on the part of persons badly
informed, or badly disposed, as far as necessary, we
hereby express our entire approbation of the build-
ing of such a house, and inasmuch as in our said
capacities we might have a right to dispose of the
lot forming part of the Presbytery, we warrant
the free use thereof for the purpose hereinabove
mentioned to the clergy of our communion by
the authority of our Bishop.
Made and executed at St. Louis, Territory of
Missouri, the 30th October, 1819.*
Auguste Chouteau. Antoine Chenie.
Bernard Pratte. Jules Demun.
* Book I, page 35.
Jeremiah Connor.
Victoire Gratiot.
Silvestre Labbadie.
Gregoire Sarpy.
M. P. Leduc.
Silvestre Y. Papin.
Hypolite Papin.
Charles Bosseron.
Rene Paul.
Pierre Chouteau.
Pierre Provenchere.
L. L. Lemonde.
Joseph Bissonnet.
Gabriel Paul.
Thomas Brady.
John Braud.
Michael Tesson.
Francis C. Tesson.
Antoine Dangen.
Pierre Didier.
Joseph Bouju.
Peter Primm.
"Veuve Pescay.
Veuve Vincent Bouis.
John B. D. Belcour.
Hubert Guion.
Francois Robidoux.
Joseph Robidoux.
Joseph X Salois.
Vincent Guion.
Charles Billon.
Joseph Charless.
Philip Eocheblave.
Manuel Alva^rez.
Veuve Eug'e Alvarez.
Hyacinth Eenard.
Mel'e A. St. Cyr.
C. De Hodiamont.
John Bap. Bouvet.
Joseph Labbadie.
Joseph X Lacroix.
Jno. B. X Molaire.
Francois Derouin.
Jno. B. X Dumoulin.
Louis Brazeau.
Joseph X Philibert.
Joseph Vasquez.
Antoine Vasquez.
Pierre X Sabourin.
Jean Louis X Provenche.
Hyacinthe X Lecompt.
Louis Tesson Honore.
Veuve X Ortes.
Veuve X Marli.
Pierre X Duchouquette.
Alexandre Bellisime.
Francois Valois.
Batiste X Duchouquete.
Pierre X Barribeau.
Auguste X Alvarez.
Louis X Desire.
Pierre X Grueret.
Alexis X Lalande,
Michel X Bertrand.
Auguste X Guibor.
Antoine x Crevier.
Yeuve Benito x Yasquez
Antoine x Rencontre.
Jno. Bap. X Gagnon.
Laurent X Lanodiere.
Francois Lebeau.
Charles Le Guerrier.
Antoine x Dutremble.
David Monestes.
Felix X Fontaine.
David De Launay.
Joseph X Montague.
Paul X Primo.
Paul X Desjardine.
"Vincent X Guitarre.
Louis X Guitarre.
Jean x Latresse.
Joseph X Jovial.
Francois X La Rivierre.
Pierre x Belleville.
Francois X Caillou.
John B. Hortiz.
Veuve Ant. X Morin.
Francois x Bouche.
Francois x Clement.
Jno. B. Truteau.
Joseph X Leblond.
Henry Gratiot.
Antoine x Bissonnet.
John Little.
.John B. Sarpy.
Joseph X Leberge.
Charles x Leberge.
Francois x Fouche.
Venve x Simoneau.
Barthtelemy >c Arnaud.
Veuve Laquaisse.
Joseph Papin.
Veuve Dubreuil.
Pierre x Detailly.
Vital x Beaugenou.
Lambert x Lajoie, Jr.
Michel X Marly.
Veuve X Charleville.
Pierre Chouteau, Sr.
Antoine Soulard.
James G. Soulard.
Chas. D. Delassus.
Thomas McGuire.
Louis De Thiers.
Jno. B. Mathurin.
Francois X Ride.
The United States having selected the place for
what was then contemplated to be the chief point
for the concentration of the U. S. Military in the
West, and having purchased the title to the land
from the people of Carondelet.
On Tuesday, July 4, 1826, Colonel Talbot Cham-
bers with his four companies of the First Regiment
U. S. Infantry, the last of the U. S. Military
occupants of the old Post of Bellefontaine, estab-
lished by General Wilkinson in 1807, abandoned
the old place forever, and went down to the new
site, then heavily timbered, where they pitched
their tents, naming it " Cantonment Adams, ^'' after
the then President of the United States, and com-
menced the labor of clearing the land for the new
On the 17th September following they were
joined by the 3rd Eegiment of Infantry, Col.
Henry Leavenworth, from Green-Bay, who named
their temporary encampment " Camp Miller,^'' after
the then Governor of the State of Missouri, a
former Colonel in the United States service.
After the temporary log cabins for the men were
completed and the whole force established in winter
quarters about Christmas time, the place was very
appropriately named ^'^ Jefferson Barracks,''^ in
honor of the author of the declaration of our
Independence, whose death had occurred on that
same July 4, 1826, that the establishment had its
On the completion of their winter quarters and
the garrison comfortably housed therein, the
Officers gave the elite of St. Louis Society a fine
ball in their temporary Mess-room, improvised for
the occasion, which is thus noticed in the Missouri
Hepublican of January 11th, 1827.
"A splendid ball was given in honor of the 8th
" January, to a large company of ladies and gen-
" tlemen from the City, by the officers of the U.
" S. Army stationed at the Military Post (Jeffer-
" son Barracks), ten miles south of the city."
In due time this was reciprocated, from the fol-
lowing in the Hepublican of Thursday, Feb'y 8,
" In return for a like civility, and in testimony
" of the high respect entertained for the gentleman-
" like and military bearing of the Officers at
" Jefferson Barracks, an entertainment was given
" them by the citizens of St. Louis on "Wednesday,
" the 31st January.
" The large Indian Council-room (General
" Clark's) was selected for the occasion and was
" decorated in a style reflecting much credit on
" those who superintended its arrangement.
" The company assembled about 8 o'clock to the
" number of 200. The beauty of the ladies was
" heightened by a taste and elegance of costume,
" and a grace in the dance, that might well draw an
' exclamation of surprise from those who judge of
' us merely by the remoteness of our situation, the
' gay uniforms of the gallant guests, the excellence
' of the music, the brilliancy of the lights, the good
' humor and politeness that everywhere prevailed,
' formed a toute ensemble that would have done
' honor to any City, and was a favorable evidence
' of the advance of society west of the Missis-
' sippi.
" At half past one, the company sat down to one
' of the most sumptuous suppers we have ever
' seen. Every luxury that could be procured was
' on the table^ and the ornaments were appropriate
' and surmounted with mottoes complimentary to
' the guests.
" The repast being ended, a toast was announced
' ' from the head of the table ; it was
" The Army of the United States,
" Glory to its Military capabilities,
" Honor to its Civic Virtues.
" The toast was received with enthusiasm, and
" the company soon after adjourned to the Ball
" room, where the dancing was kept up until the
" approach of morning."
1827. On the opening of navigation of the
Missouri river in the spring, the force at the Bar-
racks was considerably augmented by the arrival of
the 6th Regiment U. S. Infantry, from Fort At-
kinson, Council Bluffs, on the Missouri, which
they had established in the year 1820, and where
they had remained from that period until relieved
this year, 1827.
During this season a large force of Stone Masons,
Carpenters and others, were busily engaged in
erecting the permanent stone buildings of the
Barracks for the Quarters of the Officers and men,
clearing and preparing the Parade ground, out
buildings, &c., &c., under the supervision of
Brevet Brigadier General Atkinson, Senior Officer
in command of the Post.
From the JRepuiWcan, June 28, 1827.
" Major General Jacob Brown, accompanied by
" his Aid Lieut. Yinton, of the U. S. Artillery,
"■ arrived at Jefferson Barracks on June 20, 1827,
" on a tour of inspection of the Military posts of the
" United States.
" On the 22nd he reviewed the troops now there.
" Of the 1st Reg't U. S. Infantry, six companies.
" " 3rd " " " six "
" " 6th " " " ten "
Twenty-two "
" On Saturday, the 23rd, accompanied by Gen-
^' eral Atkinson, he visited the old Mihtai-y station
" at Belief ontaine.
" On Sunday, the 24:th, he attended Divine
^' Service at the Presbyterian Church in St. Louis,
^' on the occasion of Missouri Lodge ISTo. 1 Free
" Masons, observing the Anniversary of St. John,
^' the Baptist.
" On Monday, the 25th, a dinner was given him
" by the Officers at the Barracks, and on Wednes-
" day, the 27th, he left on the Steamer Herald for
" Louisville, after a stay here of seven days."
General Brown died in "Washington City on Sun-
day, the 24th of February, 1828, just eight months
from the day he attended the Masonic services at the
Church in St. Louis on June 24, 1827. His funeral
took place on Thursday, the 28th, to the Congres-
sional Cemetery, attended by the largest concourse
that had ever been seen there on a similar occasion,
he pi'ocession being a mile and a half long.
The Secretary of War, James Barbour, in a Gen-
eral Order of Feb'y 28, 1828, " announces his' death
" to the Army, and directs the Officers to wear the
" usual badge of mourning, crape on the left arm
" and on the hilt of the sword, for six months, and
' ' guns to be fired at every Military Post at intervals
" of thirty minutes from the rising to the setting of
" the sun, and the IN^ational Flag to be suspended at
" half ma,st."
died at Jefferson Barracks, June 14, 1842, and was
buried there on June 16th.
Owing to the disposition of the United States
troops at that time, there were but few regular sol-
diers then at the Barracks. The St. Louis Greys
and Boone Infantry, two of our Volunteer Com-
panies, formed the Military escort. They went down
on the Steamer Lebanon, with a number of Ladies.
^nd Gentlemen of the City, others went down by
land. At 12 o'clock M. the procession moved from
the General's residence on the river bank to the
"Cemetery, where the last rites were performed by
Eev'd Mr. Hedges, Episcopal Chaplain at the
jRepublican, June 17, 1842.
-after his return from the Mexican "War, was in com-
mand at the Barracks in Oct., 1848. He died in St •
Louis on the 30th.
His funeral, the largest and most imposing that
rhad ever occurred in St. Louis to that time, took
place on Thursday, I^ov'r 2nd, the Military escort
-consisting of a Detachment of his Regiment, the first
Dragoons mounted, and the 7th and 8th Regiments
•of Regular Infantry from the Barracks, with the
Volunteer Companies of St. Louis, the Greys,
Puflileers, Yagers, Artillery and Dragoons, from
■St. George's Episcopal Church, northwest corner of
Locust and Seventh, Bishop Hawks officiating, to
the Episcopal Cemetery, where the remains were
feed'c l. billon
" Frederic L. Billon has recorded the fact that he
had no sooner arrived here in 1818 with his father
i;ban he began to 'think of getting materials together
for a portrait of the picturesque old town, and he-
has been employed upon that labor of love . ever
since, giving to it all the antiquarian's patient
research, until he is almost as familiar with the
ancient population as he w^'S with his own contem-
poraries, and far more so than with the present
generation. We look upon Mr. Billon's work as
almost unique of its kind, and it is so positively un-
American. Who else in all this land has done or
attempted to do such work except Peter Force, of
Washington, D. C? It must be in his blood — the
patient, careful ■ devotion to minute, microscopic-
detail of the hereditary Swiss watchmaker — f or-
while Mr. Billon's mother was French, and a refugee-
from insurgent San Domingo, his father was Swiss,
and a watchmaker, though born in Paris.
" Mr. Billon was born in the city of Philadelphia,,
at the southeast corner of Third and Chestnut:
Streets, on Thursday, April 23, 1801. He lived in
and about that locality, then the business center of"
the city, for more than seventeen years. During
his youth he went to school for some seven or eight
years to Peter Widdows, an Irish gentleman of^
thorough education, a Free Quaker, who taught his-
school in Church Alley, adjoining Christ's Episcopal
Chui'ch, and just opposite to another School, under
the charge of Talbot Hamilton, formerly of the
British navy, who had served with Nelson in the
Mediterranean. At that day there were but few
schools in the large cities of the United States taught;
by Americans, the popular belief then prevalent:
among all classes being that thorough information
could only be ol)tained from those of foreign
" "When a school boy he cared little for such sports
as tops, marbles, kites, balls, &c., but delighted in
athletic recreations, such as running and jumping,
swimming, skating, rowing or any amusement that
required activity of body or limbs, long walks, &c.
During his boyhood he was frequently indulged in
holidays and made many excursions into the country
adjacent to the city in all directions, even to the
adjoining counties, from which he became familiar
with the surroundings of Philadelphia in almost
every direction, to the distance of some thirty or
forty miles from the City.
' ' During the progress of the war with England in
1812-15, he spent many evenings at home, reading
to his father, an indifferent English scholar, from
the papers of the passing occurrences of the day.
When in 1814 the British took Washington and
attempted the capture of Baltimore by their attacks
on l^orth Point and Fort McHenry, and ascended
Chesapeake Bay to. its head, although but a lad of
fourteen years, he was one of those detailed to work
on the fortifications erected southwest of the City,
below Gray's Ferry, on the Baltimore turnpike-
road, and was on several occasions a visitor at the
encampments of Yolunteers at Kennett's Square,
Chester County ; at Camp Dupont, on the Brandy-
wine ; and at Marcus Hook, Delaware Co., where
some ten thousand men were concentrated.
" Leaving school, upon the conclusion of the war
in 1815, at the age of fourteen years, he assisted in
his father's business, that of an importer of watches
and clocks from his native country, Switzerland,
and on the occasion of his father's last visit to his
native place, in the summer of 1815, following the
battle of Waterloo and the second abdication of the
&8t ISJ'apoleon, he was left in sole charge of his
father's business during his absence of some six or
eight months in Europe, as also during his father's
frequent business trips to ISTew York and South as
far as Charleston, South Carolina.
"In the summer of the year 1818, business being
completely prostrated in all the principal cities at
the East, and many turning their attention to the
' Far West,' beyond the Mississippi, his father
with nine children to set afloat in the world,
falling in with the popular sentiment of the day,
concluded to abandon the City with which he had
been identified for nearly a quarter of a century and
seek a new home for his infant colony in the West
beyond the '■Father of Waters.'
"Accordingly, on the morning of Sunday, August
30, 1818, accompanied by his oldest son, the subject
of this sketch, then a young man in his eighteenth
year, they left Philadelphia in the mail stage for
Pittsburgh, three hundred miles, which place they
reached on Friday, Sept. 4th, in six days. From
this point they descended the Ohio in a keel-boat,
reaching Shawneetown, one thousand miles from
Pittsburgh, about the middle of October. Thence
they proceeded by land through Illinois to Kaskas-
kia, crossing the Mississippi to Ste. Genevieve in a
canoe and thence to St. Louis, vi^hich point they
reached on Wednesday, Oct. 28th, having consumed
just sixty days on the route, about the usual time
required for the trip at that day.
' ' After spending the winter of 1818-19 in the place
selected for their future domicile, and purchased the
old stone mansion of the Labbadies, at the northeast
corner of Main and Chestnut Streets, for the recep-
tion of his family when he should arrive with them
in the ensuing fall, his father set out on his return
to Philadelphia on horseback in April, 1819, leav-
ing Frederic in charge of his business, and to attend
to the alterations and improvements necessary to
make his purchase habitable. He reached Philadel-
phia in May, remained there a couple of months,
and left with his family in July, arriving in St.
Louis in September, 1819. The family was domi-
ciled in their new home at the close of the month.
"The summer of 1819 was a noted one in the
annals of St. Louis, for notwithstanding the great
sickness and mortality of that particular year, in the
shape of bilious and intermittent fevers, which
prevailed to a great extent throughout the settle-
ments on the western waters, it was the year of
extensive Military operations on the pa^-t of the
United States, in extending their out posts far
beyond their former limits, the old frontier post
at Bellefontaine, on the Missouri. Major Stephen
H. Long's scientific expedition to the Yellowstone
in the ' Western Engineer ; ' Colonel Henry
Atkinson's ascent of the Missouri with the Sixth
Regiment, United States Infantry, to establish
Fort Atkinson, Council Bluffs ; Col. Josiah Snel-
ling's expedition with the Fifth Regiment to estab-
lish Fort Snelling at St. Peters, on the Mississippi,
and other movements of minor importance, requir-
ing the use of numerous boats and paddle-wheel
barges, of which a number were lost in the Mis-
souri, are vividly impressed upon the memory of
Mr. Billon, that being his first summer in the then
remote west.
"Late in the year 1819 the first '^ uniformed''
company of . Volunteer Infantry west of the Missis-
sippi, styled the ' St. Louis Guards,' was raised
in St. Louis, of which Mr. Billon became a member
in the following year, and in 1824 received his
commission as ensign of the same from Gen. Wm.
H. Ashley, Lieut. Governor.
"In 1820 he witnessed the excitements attending
the adoption of the State Constitution and the
establishment of the State government.
" In September, 1822, his father, Charles F. Billon,
Sr., died, leaving the charge of his widow and
children to his oldest son, F. L. Billon, who had
just attained his majority.
' ' His first vote was cast for the acceptance of
the city charter in February, 1823, from which date
he has been a voter at every City and State elec-
tion down to the present day, as also at every
Presidential election in the State from the first in
1824, and was an eye-witness and participant in
many interesting events and occurrences connected
with the Town, City and State governments in
that early period of St. Louis' history.
"In the year 1827, while absent on business in
Philadelphia, he was elected an alderman from the
Central ward of the three into which the city was
then divided, and in 1828 was re-elected to the same
" On May 20, 1829, his brothers and sisters being
mostly grown to maturity and disposed of, he him-
self entered the married state with Miss E. L.
Generelly, like himself a native of Philadelphia, of
French parentage. "With this lady he passed thirty-
six years of wedded life until her death, Feb. 11,
1865. He was the father of twelve children, but
three of whom survive.
" In the year 1834, his health being materially
impaired by his constant devotion to business, he,
by the advice of his physician, the late Doct. Will-
iam Carr Lane, made a trip to Sante Fe and the
Rocky Mountains, then not a trifling undertaking,
requiring some ninety to one hundred days in cross-
ing the plains with wagons and ox- teams, and
returned in the fall much improved in health.
" In 1851-52 he was twice nominated by Mayor
Luther M. Kennett to the position of City comp-
troller, and on each occasion unanimously confirmed
by the board of Aldermen.
" In 1853 he was appointed the first Auditor and
general Book-keeper of the Missouri Pacific Railroad,
jBUing the position for five years, and then suc-
.ceeded, in 1858, to that of Secretary and Treasurer
of the same company, resigning the office at the
close of the year 1863, after some eleven years in
the service of the company. Since that period he
has devoted much time to literary matters, more
particularly to the task of gathering up the data
and materials for an early history of the country
bordering the Mississippi in its entire course, in
the pursuit of which he is still occupied at the age
of eighty-two years." J. T. S.
American Fur Companj', Copartnership formed . . .33
Amusements 77
_ Bank of St. Louis 85,86,87,88
Bates, Fredk., Acting Governor, Proclamation . . .45
Bellefontaine, Cantonment of Troops at . . . .24
Account of the Post 92
Col. Wm. Russell in Command . . . .94
Early History of . . . 390, 391, 392, 393, 394
Benton, Thomas H., Duel with Charles Lucas . 82, 83, 84
Account of diflaculty with Gen'l Jackson . 409, 410, 411
Berry, Major, Editorial from Jos. Charless . . . .61
Boone, Daniel, Act of Congress for Relief of . . .58
Brackenridge, H. M., Letter to Joseph Charless . . 36, 37
■Carondelet, Population of 35
Carroll, Archbishop, Death of 63
Clark, Wm., Governor, Proclamation apportioning Represent-
ation in Territorial Assembly 42
Announces result of Election for Delegates . . 43
Convenes Special Session Legislature . . .51
Crane, A. T. , Postmaster at St. Louis . . . .54
Census of 1818 51
Census St. Louis 1^2
Christ Church Congregation ...... 68
Location of Church 69"
Chouteau, August P. and Companions return from Imprison-
ment at Santa Fe 64
Resolutions of House of Representatives relative to . 65-
Cooper County Organized 31
Columbia River, Return of R. Stewart, R. Crooks, J. Miller,
and Robt. McClelland from 55
Counties, Divided into Circuits .31
Duff, Jno. M., Funeral Ceremonies . . . . 92, 9*
Eagle Tavern Ill
Early Newspapers ....... 104, IDS'
Early Schools and Teachers . . . . 78, 79, 80
Easton, Rufus, elected Delegate to Congress . . .27
Report on his Election .28-
Appointed Postmaster .53
England, "War with 37
Erin Benevolent Society 67
Enquirer, St. Louis 105-
Farrar, Doct., and Graham, Duel 81
Franklin County Organized 31
Florisant, Population of . . . . . . . SS'
Fort Osage Commenced 33
Treaty with Osages held there by Gen. Clark . . 33
Gazette Statistics 65'
Grand Concert, St. Louis . . . ■ . . . .77
Graham, Jas. A. and Farrar, Duel 81
Geyer, Capt. and G. H. Kennerly, Duel . . .82
Grove Tavern 114
Harrisonville, Celebration of 4th July at . . . .70-
Hempstead, Edward, elected Delegate to Congress . . 42
Herculaneum, Population of 35
Shot Tower II5,
Howard County Established 30
Howard, Gov., Public Dinners to . . . 55, 56
Leaves Portage des Sioux 93
History of 402, 403
Hunt, "Wilson P., Leaves St. Louis on Expedition to the
Illinois Town, Account of .
Indians, Census of, in Territory .
False Report of Attack by
Butchery of Inhabitants at Wood River
loway Indians, Depredations of .
Jefferson Barracks, Sketch of in Early Days,
424, 425, 426, 427, 428
Jefferson County Organized 31
duly Fourth, Early Celebrations of . . . . 69, 71
Kennedy, G. H. and Capt. Geyer, Duel . . . .82
Lawrence County Established 30-
Abolished 31
Lear, Tobias, Death of 63-
Lewis, M., OflScial Correspondence of ... 384-5
Lockhart's Free Ferry 128
Louisiana, Big Swamp of (so entitled) Prediction of Joseph
Charless as to . . . . . . 33, 34
Louisiana, Treaty Ceding to United States,
366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371
Louisiana District, Laws Enacted at Vincennes ... 1
First Grand Jury .9
Acts of Congress relating to Public Lands . .31
Commissioners of Public Lands . ' . . . * 31
-Louisiana Territory, Laws Enacted at St. Louis ... 2
Law Appointing Att'y-Gen'l ..... 2
Relating to Arkansas District .... 2
Appointing Clerk of General Court . . 2
Establishing Courts ..... 3
Incorporation of Villages .... 3
St. Louis & Ste. Genevieve Road ... 4
Summary of Facts Relative to Organization,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Acts of Congress Changing to Missouri . 26
Lucas, Charles, Account of Duel with Thomas H. Benton,
82, 83, 84
Sketch of his Life 84
Xucaa, J. B. C, Addition to St Louis . . . . .62
-McNair, Alex., Register of Lands 63
Mechanics' Benevolent Society, Organization of . , .67
-Meramec Shawnees burn three Indians near Cape Girardeau 34
Missouri, Act changing Name from Louisiana . . .41
Bank of, incorporated . . . . . .30
Fur Company 68, 123
Gazette 99, 100
JMissouri Territory, List of Justices, Clerks, Sheriffs, etc. . 19
First meeting House Representatives
Arrival of Gen. Wm. Clark
Act regulating Weights and Measures
Old Courts Abolished
Office of Attorney-General Abolished
Third U. S. Census ....
Monks of La Trappe, Notice relating to
Montgomery County Organized ....
New Orleans, Battle of
OflScial Correspondence
Prairie Du Chien, Governor Clark's Expedition to
Pinckney, Chas. C.
Pike County Organized
Pittsburgh, Early History
Post-offlce, St. Louis .
Public Lands
Hector, Elias, Col., Postmaster at St. Louis
Eed Lead, Manufacture of ....
Rock Spring
Sacs, Foxes, and lowas. Council with at St. Louis
. 55
. 31
. 60
386, 390
31, 32
St. Charles, Celebration of Fourth July at . .70
St. Louis County, Act for Jail in . . . .30
St. Patrick's Day, First Observance of in St. Louis . 68
Scott, John, Report of his election to Congress . . 28
Elected to Congress (1816) . . . . 43
Shawneetown, Complaint Against Postmaster . . 57
Simpson, Eob't., Postmaster at St. Louis . . . .53
State Constitution, Account of proceedings in relation to 106, 108
Steamboats, Early 72, 78
St. Louis, First Book printed in 4
First Grand Jury meet at house of E. Yousti . 9
Grand Jurors fined 10
House rented for Prison 10
Merrimac Ferry Licensed 10
St. Louis — Continued.
Rufus Easton Attorney General
Ferry Licensed at St. Charles .
Taxes and Licenses .
Taverns Licensed
Sheriff fined ....
Jos. Browne Appointed Justice Court Common Pleas
Andrew Steele Appointed Prothonary
Military Guard House used as Prison
Inquest on Body of Gauch6 Becquet.
Additional Guard furnished at Jail . .
Wm. Christy Appointed Clerk of Court of Quarter
Sessions ....
Silas Bent Appointed First Justice of the Common
Pleas ......
District Divided into Townships
Population of Townships ....
Change of Sessions Court of Common Pleas
New Road to Ste. Genevieve Approved
First Execution .....
Contumacy of Nancy West .... 16-17
Alex^ McNair Appointed Sheriff . . . .18
Election of Trustees (1808) 20-
Petition of Inhabitants for Incorporation . . .21
Commisioners appointed to Superintend Election
of Trustees 21
Ferry Rates to East Shore 22^
Election of Town Trustees 22
Treasurer's Statement ...... 22
Market House Completed 22
First Survey of Town 22, 25
Appearance of Town in 1804 23-
St. Louis — Continued.
Principal Roads
. 23
Description of Streets
. 23
Original Streets
. 24
Lucas and Cliouteau's Addition .
. 25
First Market House
. 25
Bank of, Incorporated
. 29
County Court Established . . . .
. 29
Act for Survey and Plat
. 30
Eesolutions at Town Meeting (1812) as to War
Post-Offlce Established
. 53
Location of
. 53
Dinners to Gov. Howard. . . . .
55, 56
Juvenile Company
. 69
Te Deum on account of Jackson's Victory
. 59
Judge Lucas' Addition to .
. 62
Baird's Blacksmith Shop used as a Theater
. 64
Divine Services held at
. 64
€ensus of St. Louis, 1815
. 66
St. Patrick's Day in 1820
. 68
Celebration of 4th July ....
. 71
Theatricals in
Thespian Society . . . . .
. 77
■Grand Concert
. 78
. 77
^Schools and Teachers ....
Early Duels
Volunteer Companies ....
. 89
St. Louis Guards
. 98, 99
^Editorial of Mr. Charless on . . .
. 101, 102
St. Louis — Continued.
Early Newspapers
. 105-
Early Business Notices
109, 160
. 112
Bench and Bar .
. 161
Early Physicians
. 163
Old Land Marks
. 394
Judge Carr's Residence
. 395
Hammond Residence
. 396
Old Riddick Mansion
. 396-
Mansion House Hotel
. 397
Maj. Wm. Christy's Residence
. 398.
Henry Gratiot's Residence . . . .
. 399
Cabanne Mansion .....
Old Brick Cathedral
. 418
Old Brick College
Territorial Legislature, Gov. Howard's Proclamation
. 43
House of Representatives ....
. 44
Second Session, First Territorial Legislature
. 46
Second Legislature, Second Session .
. 47
Census of 1814
. 47
Third Legislature
. 49
Legislative Council
. 50
Tippecanoe, Battle of
. 55
Vaccination at St. Louis
. 112
Volunteer Companies
89, 91
Washington's Birthday, Celebration at St. Louis .
. 72
Western Journal
. 105
Western Emigrant
. 105
"Western Engineer"
. 98
White Lead, Manufacture of . ...
. 56
Yellowstone Expedition, Objects
of . . .
. 97
Adams, Calvin 9, 11
Adams, John 51
Adams, John Qulncy . . . .210
Alexander, B. W 77
Alexander, Walter B. ... 353
Alcorn, James 50
Allen, Beverly ... 5, 231, 363
Allen, Gerard B 276
AUen, Isaac 147
Allen, Capt. H. M 250
Allen, James E 49
• Allen, James 0 243
Allen, John 11
Allen, John E 9
Alvarez, Augusts A. . . . . 422
Alvarez, Eugenio . . 78, 270, 422
Alvarez, Manuel 422
Ames, Benjamin 348
Amelin, Alexis 155
Anderson, James 19
Anderson, Garret 359
Anderson, Paul & William 67, 147
Anderson, Thomas L. ... 205
Anderson, Wm. H. H. . . ._359
Andreville, Andr6 9, 10
Anduze, Aristide 81
Armstrong 115
Arnand, Bartholomew . . .423
Arnold, James, Sr. . . 153, 285
Arnold, Wm. & James, Jr. . . 285
Arthur, John 1 1 8
Atchison, George 185
Atkinson, Henry, Col.
, 96, 359, 395, 427, 428, 434
Atwood, Doct. N. B. 343, 353, 354
Ashley, Wm. H., Genl. . 196, 434
Astor, Jno. J 193
Audrain, J. H 114
Audubon & Eozier 121
Austin, Horace . 18, 111, 119, 126
Austin, Major Lorenzo . . . 132
Austin, Moses . . 85, 86, 89, 177
Austin, Stephen E. . . . 49, 87
Badgley 121
Bailey, Robert ,147
Bainbridge, Capt 260
Baird, James . . 64, 120, 121, 74
Baldwin, Doct 97
Ball, John S 227
Ballinger, Jos 382
Barbour, James 428
Barlow, Jos. C 166
Barada, Antoine 15
Barclay, D. Eobt 364
Bartlet, Abner 205
Barlow, James 130
Barnes, Robert A. . . . 263, 415
Barribeau, Pierre 422
Barton, David, 19, 20, 106, 107, 127,
130, 144, 162, 245, 277
Barton, Joshua, 82, 84, 107, 162, 246
Barton, Isaac 246
Basquez, Benito 9
Bates, Edward,
107, 162, 246, 279, 280
Bates, Elias . . .85, 86, 177, 256
Bates, Fleming .... 384, 386
29 (449-)
Bates, Frederick 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 18,
20, 28, 32, 45, 199, 226, 227, 255,
260, 278, 279, 282, 384, 387, 388,
389, 402
Beaugenon, "Vital 423
Beauvais, St. Gemiuin . 406, 187
Beavers, Thos 110
Beck, Abraham,
153, 155, 163, 344, 345
Beck, Doct. Lewis C. . 164, 345
Becquet, John B 272
Becquet, Gauche 12
Bedell, Lieut 96
Beebe, Elijah 251
Beebe, Elisha 251
Beland, John B 11
Belcour, John B. D 422
Bellisime, Alex'r ..... 422
Belleville, Pierre 423
Bennett, William ..... 106
Bent, Silas,
13, 14, 1 , 16, 19, 71, 167, 195, 202
Benton, Thos. H. 82, 89, 105, 10 r,
162, 216, 245, 281, 409
Benoit, Francis M. ... 9, 18
Benoit, Tbussaint 127
Berthold, Bartholomew, 85, 114,
116, 124, 127, 129, 143, 170, 234
Berthold, Frederick . . . .185
Berthold, Pierre A. . . 178, 235
Berry, Major Taylor . . 61, 196
Bertrand, Michel 423
Bibbs, Captain 89
Biddle, Major Thos. 198, 361, 395
Billon, Charles, Sr.,
164, 156, 176, 422, 434
Billon, Fred'c L. . 429, 430, 434
Bird, Abraham 266
Bissell, Gen'l Daniel,
33, 94, 219, 221, 222, 269, 270
Bissell, James 222
Bissell Brothers 222
BisselJ, Capt. Lewis .... 223
Bissell, Col. Kussell . . 222, 225
Bissonnet, Joseph 422'
Bissonnet, Antoine .... 423-
Blackburn, Eev. ...... 64
Blair, Mrs 71
Bliss, Capt 96
Block, Eleazer 163
Blood, Capt. Sullivan . . . . 31 4
Boardman, Capt 96
Bobb, John 147
Boggs, Lilburn "W. . 88, 134, 146
Bogy, Joseph 50'
Bollinger, Geo. F 44
Boly, John .... 10, 382, 383
Bompart, Louis ... .88
Bond, Shadrack 70-
Boone, Capt. Daniel,
67, 411, 412, 414
Boone, Capt. Nathan . 91, 413, 414
Bosserou, Charles . . . 224, 285-
Boss, Dan'l C 154
Boudon, Johu 156
Bouvet, Jno. B 422
Bonis, Capt 90'
Bonis, "Veuve "Vincent . . . 422
Bouchg, Francis . . . 422, 423
Bouju, Joseph . . 124, 155, 422
Bowen, John S 268
Boyer, J. H 146.
Boyes, Jacob A 70-
Brackenridge, Henry M.
37, 162, 214, 405
Brackenridge, Hugh H.
214, 404, 405
Bradbury, . . 36, 37, 407
Bradley, Samuel . . . 382, 38a
Brady, Thos. 18, 66, 67, 88, 89, 121,
130, 232, 233, 208, 272, 355, 422
Brand, James . . . 180, 422, 146
Bryan, Guy 219
Brandon, Peter ". 382
Brazeau, Joseph 9-
Brazeau, Louis 9, 432
Bredell, Edward . . . 239, 364
Bredell, John C 365
Bridge, Samuel 121
Bright, John A 19
Bright, Capt. Josiah . 99, 142, 287
Brown, John . . .15, 382, 383
Brown, DeWitt Clinton . . .347
Brown, Gen'l Jacob . 62, 427, 428
Brown, Reverend .>.... 64
Brown, Lleat 96
Brown, Lionel 52
Brown, Samuel. ... 51, 350
Browne, Joseph, 2, 5, 12, 13, 19, 227
Bruce, Amos J 99
Bruff, Major John 110
Bullitt, George .... 44, 264
Burchmore, Geo 159
Burns, Calvin 110
Burr, Col. Aaron 203
Burt, Nathaniel ...... 362
Bush, Joseph 19
Butler, Fred'li A 131
Byrd, Stephen 44
Cabann^, Charles 202
CabannS, John P.,
88, 152, 234, 399, 422
Caillou, Francois 423
Campbell, Geo. W. . . 233, 351
Camp, Ichabod 223
Caldwell, Kinkaid 49
Carr, Francis 163
Carr, William C, 21, 38, 44, 45, 72,
161, 201, 202, 245, 260 195, 395
Carr, Joseph P 276
Carr, Walter 201
Carr, Walter B 276
Calloway, Flanders 413
Carman, Samael 147
Carroll, Gen 61
Carroll, John, Archbishop' . . 63
Carroll, Capt 410
Carson, Moses 67
Carter, Jacob .... 382, 383
Carter, E. C 164
Casner, George .... 127, 156
Castello, Michael 356
Cass, Col. Lewis 393
Cassidy, Henry 49
Catherwood, Eobt. N. ... 67
Caulk, Richard . . 10, 14, 15, 44
Cavender, George 48
Cerr«, Gabriel S., Sr. . 85, 89, 164
Chambers, Adam B 275
Chambers, Charles .... 198
Chambers, Col. Talbot . 183, 424
Chapin, Capt. Gurden . . . 23»
Charless, Jos., Sr. 4, 7, 34, 36, 49,
67, 72, 133, 229, 230,240, 275, 346,
347, 364, 422
Charless, Edward,
230, 369, 103, 375, 412, 282, 346.
Charless, Joseph, Jr.,
100, 101, 103, 117, 125, 126, 133, 231
Charleville, Veuve 42»
Cheni6, Antoine . . 181, 211, 421
Chenig, Leon .... 212, 263
Chouteau, Aug't, Sr., 9, 13, 14, 15,
18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 38, 40, 45,
72, 85, 88, 90, 132, 164, 165, 272,
277, 284, 385, 386, 387, 418, 419,
Chouteau, Aug. A 166
Chouteau, Gabriel S 166
Chouteau, Henry T. . . . ,167
Chouteau, Peter, Sr., 20, 44, 89, 127,
168, 169, 211, 234, 418, 419, 422,
Chouteau, Peter, Jr.,
129, 170, 171, 234
Chouteau, Auguste P.,
18, 27, 69, 152, 166, 170, 261
Chouteau, Francis G. . 170, 171
Chouteau, Paul L. . . . 170, 171+
Chouteau, Chas. P. 171, 172, 173
Chouteau, Joseph Gilman . . 168
Chouteau, Cyprien .... 170
Chouteau, Pharamond . . . 170
Chouteau, Charles & Frederick. 170
Chouteau, Augt. R 16»
Chouteau, Edward A. . . . 166 ■
Chouteau, Henry, A 168
Chouteau, Norbert Silvestre.. . 168
Chouteau, Jos. Gilman ^ . . 168
Christy, Major Wm., 12, 13, 18, 19,
38, 40, 71, 101, 107, 114, 119, 195,
196, 240, 241, 242, 276, 398
Churchill, Saml. B 276
Chandler, Jno. and C. . 122, 127
Claiborne, Gen. C. C. ... 4
Clamorgan, James . . 9, 13, 14, 15
Clarli, Christopher 51
CJark, Gen. Geo. E. . . 273, 375
Clark, Gen. Wm., 5, 8, 13, 27, 28,
29, 33, 42, 43, 72, 101, 118, 123,
209, 233, 254, 267, 268, 271, 272,
273, 362, 375, 371, 372, 379, 425
Clark, Jno. O.'F 168
Clark, Jonathan 273
Clark, JefEerson K 380
Clary, Eobert E 229
Clay, Henry 27
Clemens, Jas., Jr.
69, 87, 137, 138, 143, 198, 286
Clement, Francois .... 423
Clemson, Capt.E. B. 33, 86, 81, 263
Clinton, Geo 65
Clinton, DeWitt 203
Coburn, John . . . . 4, 7, 240
Coats, Mrs 71
Coflfee, Col 410
■Collet, Ann 328
Collet, Robert 73
Collet, Thomas 150
Colfax, Capt 96
■Collier, John 292
■Collier, George 292
■Collier, Catherine 364
donrad, D. H 163
Connor, Jeremiah, 12, 13, 14,67, 109,
112, 194, 345, 422, 379, 346
Conway, Henry W. . . . 99, 150
Cook, Major 98
Cook, John D 207, 278
Cook, Nathaniel . . . . 49
Coons John 49
Cooke, Judge Wm. M. . . . 266
Cooper, Benj 50
Cottle, Ira 51
Coulter, David 280
Cozens, Horatio . . . 129, 163
Craig, Capt. . .... 73, 96
Craig, Major 40
Crane, Capt. A. T. ... 54,155
Crawford, Wm. H 27
Crittenden, Thos. T. 8, 18, 20, 402
Crevier, Autoine 423
Cromwell, John ... 85, 180, 288
Cromwell, Thomas . . . .288
Crooks, Eamsey 56
Cross, Cap. Joseph,238, 249, 250, 372
Cross, Horatio N 350
Cummins, Jas . . 54, 230, 346, 355
Cummings,,J. C. . . . 103, 104
Cummings, Thos 276
Cuyler, David E 155
Daggett, John D. . . . 340, 341
Daggett, Wm. and James . . 341
Dales, John 88
Daly, Michael .... 154, 349
Dangen, Antoine, 148, 187, 259, 422
Davis, Thos. Terry 1, 5
Davis, Charles 18
Davis, H. C 137
Davis, H. N 393
Davies, Col. Joe 274
Davidson, John 48
Dawson, Eobert 49
Deane, Capt. Jas 197
Deaver, Larkln 183
Deakers, William 397
De Camp, S. G. J 164
Dejarlois, Chas 10
De Launay, David ... 9, 21, 425
De Lassus, Camille .... 181
De Lassus, Gov'r Chas. D.,
157, 412, 423
Decatur, Stephen 260
Depestre ... .... 126
Delaney, Dennis. . . . 198
Denny, Boyd ; 9
Dent, Frederick . . 87, 152, 341
Demun, Augustus,
48, 102, 113, 262, 263
Demun, Julius,
18, 126, 262, 263, 415, 421
De Montholon, C. F. F. . . . 177
Desir6, Louis . . . . 423
Deys, Leo ... .... 81
Desjardins, Paul ... . 423
Derouin, Francois ... . 422
De Hodiamont . . . . 422
De Thiers, Louis 423
Detandebaratz, M. . 142, 143, 180
Detailly, Pierre 423
Didier, Pierre . . 9, 107, 423
Dillon, P. M. ... 139, 140, 147
Dillon, John N 168
Dolan, M 114, 142
Donaldson, Jas. L. . 20, 31, 218
Douglass, Maj. Thompson,
37, 126,232, 382, 383
Donaldson, Alex 410
Douglass, Wm 349
Douberman, Juo. J. 413, 414, 415
Dowling, B 143
Dowling.John . . . . 134
Dowling, Richard K. . . 320
Doddridge, Philip . . .199
Drake, Chas. D 250
Drake, Samuel .... 397
Drips, Andrew . . . .68
Drouillard, Geo. ... .12
Duane, William ... .230
DuBourg, E. Rev'dL. W.,
81, 383, 416, 417, 418, 420, 421
Dubreuil, Made. . 20, 30, 34, 423
Dubreuil, Louis C 206
Duchouquette, Batiste . . . 422
Duchouquette, Pierre . . 432
Duff, John M 92
Dumaine, Lucien 312
Dumoulin, Jno B. . . , . . 422
Dunn, John 50
Dnprfi, Eugene 184
Durand, Lieut'. 96
Durocher, August . . 79,144,152
Dutremble, Antoine .... '423
Dyer, John N 165
Dyer, Thos. P 202
Earl, Mrs 406
Easton, Col. Eufus, 10, 19, 20, 27,
28, 43, 84, 85, 87, 110, 120, 150,
162, 202, 204, 246, 277, 278, 279
Eastan, Col. A. E 205
Edgar, James 220
Edgar, John 220, 275
Edwards, Albert G 401
Egliz, Hyacinthe 9
Elbridge, George .... 59, 65
Ellis, Erasmus 52
Ellis, Captain 90
Elliott, Aaron 202
Ellison, Lieut 96
Emmons, Benjamin .... 45
English, Eobert 48
English, Thomas 67
Essex, Thomas & Co 159
Essex, James C 329
Estes, Thomas . . 144, 146, 157
Everhart, 78
Falconer & Comegys, 112, 116, 118
Farrar, Doct. B. G. 38, 40, 81, 123,
125, 128, 132, 168, 169, 163, 164,
196, 240, 241, 243, 295
Farrar, Wm. C. and James L. 241
Farris, Col. Eobt. P.,
162, 239, 240, 250
Faysseux, Major 397
Ferguson, Geo. W 134
Fergtfson; Peter, Judge . . . 255
Ferguson, Wm. Findley . . . 255
Fenn, Doct. Zeno . . . 164, 342
Ferrari, Andreas 81
Eesch, Cardinal 35
Fillmore, Pres't 280
Finney, John 334
Fitzliugli, Judge Dennis . . . 273
Flaget, Bishop 416
Flaugherty, James .... 45
Fletcher, Thomas C 256
Ford, Patrick H 106
Force, Peter 430
Forsythe, Maj. Thos. . . .226
Forsythe, Eobert 226
Fontaine, Felix 423
Foster, Major 96
Fouch6, Francois 423
Foulck, Capt. Willis .... 92
Furr, Samson 132
Oagnon, John B 423
Gaines, Genl. E. P. ... 62, 99
Oallatin, Abraham 47
Gallatin, Albert . 199, 214, 405
Gamble, Archibald .... 204
Gamble, Hamilton E. . . 280, 346
Gantt, Doct. Ed. S.,
138, 164, 285, 342
Gantt, Major Stoughton . . . 286
Gantt, Capt. John 286
Gamier, Joseph V., 6, 50, 68, 190,
Gay, Mrs 158
Gebert, Doct. P. M. 151, 164, 343
Generelly, Fleury 236
Geyer, Henry S.,
57, 77, 82, 131, 162, 277, 280, 281
Giddings, Rev'd Salmon.,
64, 79, 80, 141, 145
■Gilhuly, Bernard 855
Gilhuly & Castello . . . .157
Gilhuly & Cummins . . . . 1 57
Givens, Capt 96
Glasby, Albin H. . . . , . .401
Glasgow, Sr., William . . .• 140
<Jlasgow, William, Jr. . . 338
Gordon, Wm 382, 383
Gordon, George 15
Gourdes, Henry 212,
Graham, James A. . 81, 162, 242
Graham, Major Kich'd . 198, 395
Graham, Lieut. James ... 97
Granger, Gideon 203
Grant, Israel B 143
Gratiot, Charles, Sr., 10, 11, 19, 35,
38, 88, 172, 177, 179, 262, 283, 385
Gratiot, Mad. Victoire . . .422
Gratiot, Gen'l Charles . 172, 173
Gratiot, Col. Henry,
173, 174, 398, 423
Gratiot, John Pierre B.,
173, 174,175, 253
Gratiot, Judge Paul B. M. 175, 176
Gratiot, Doct. Charles B. . . 176
Gratiot, Henry Terry . . .176
Gratiot, Adolph B 176
Gratiot, Paul Berjamin . . 176
Gray, Alexander, Judge.,
162, 278, 279
Gray, Capt. James S. ... 95
Greer, Eobert C 184
Griffin, John 1, 5
Griffith, Isaac H. . . . 76, 155
Grimsley, Col. Thornton . . 160
Guerette, Pierre, Jr. ... 423
Guest, Jonathan . 149, 150, 286
Guibord, Auguste . . 212, 423
Guibord, Capt. Henri . . .213
Guillet, Urban 55
Guion, Hubert 422
Guion, Vincent 422
Guitarre, Vincent .... 423
Guitarre, Louis 423
Gulager, Henry 150
Guy, John E 77, 151
Guyard, Capt. ...... 73
Guyol, Fran's M. . . 40, 81, 123
Habb, Victor 229
Haile, Capt 96
Haines, Wm 269
ilaldeman, Peter . . . 152, 340
flail, John 87
Hall, George 159
flail, Sergeant 105
flamllton, Capt 96
flamllton, Capt. Talbot . . . 430
flammond, George .... 146
flammond, Capt 410
flammond. Col. Sam'l, 27, 28, 29,
32, 43, 45, 65, 69, 71, 86, 87, 209,
367, 396
flampton, L 5, 113
Hamtramck, Col. JohnF. 186, 372
Hamtramck, John F., Jun'r . 372
Hand, General 209
Hankinson, John . Ill, 113, 193
Hanly, Thomas,
67, 77, 134, 136, 146, 151
flardln, Joseph .... 50, 52,
Harney, Wm. S 198
Harding, Chester . . . 413, 414
Harris, Barnabas .... 46
Harris, Oliver ...... 275
Harris, William 109
Harrison, Gen'l W. H.
1, 5, 20, 203, 217, 373
Harrison, Capt. Thos. J. . .373
Hart, George C 5
flartnett, John 351
Harry, Jacob 9
Harry, John W 51
Hastings, 151
Hawks, R. Rev'd Cicero . . .429
Hay, John 171
Hays, Stockley 410
Haydn, 54
Heath, John G 47
Hebert, Guillaume 9
Hedges, Rev'd Mr 429
Hempstead, Stephen, Sr. 173, 251
Hempstead, Stephen, Jr. 251, 252
Hempstead, Edward 8, 9, 11, 15,
20, 42, 127, 162, 204, 205, 251, 379
Hempstead, Thomas,
. - 67^,87,89,251,253,254
Hempstead, Charles S,
77, 162, 251, 252, 262
Hempstead, Edward Lewis, . 247
Henderson, 102
Hennerman, Henry . 382, 383
Henry, Isaac N. . . . 105,211
Ilerpin, Jno. B 139
Hertzog, Joseph ... 56, 157
Heslep 119
Hewes, Capt 98
Higgins, William 354
Hill, David B 72
Hill, Britton A 360
Hodges, Daniel 15
Hoffman, David B.,
39, 146, 148, 163
Hoffman, Doct. Herm. L.,
151, 153, 158, 164, 282, 341, 342
Hogan, Edward 50
Holbrook, John 161
Holmes, Oliver 158
Honey, John W. . 49, 159, 256, 340
Honors, Michel 15
Honors, Louis Tesson . . . 422
Horrell, Rev'd Thomas ... 69
Horrocks, Mr 72
Hortiz, Jos. A 9
Hortiz, John B 423
Howard, Gen'l Ben'j. . 8, 18, 20,
43, 93, 100, 101, 199, 241, 380, 402
Huddleston, Solomon . 382, 383
Hull, Abijah & Co 141
Hull, James F 38
Hull, Joseph J 71
Humphreys, Major .... 96
Hunt, Capt. Theodore,
86, 102, 131, 135, 151, 260
Hunt, Wilson P. . 9, 36, 68, 111,
113, 153, 193, 194, 260
Hunt, Philemon 284
Hunt, Col. Thomas . . 221, 225
Hunt, Thomas, Jr 266
Hunt, John W 358
Hunter, James 45
Hunter, Joseph 50
Hunter, Major Chas. W.,
72, 86, 133, 142, 143, 284, 286
IngersoU, Charles J 65
Ingram, Arthur . . 159, 362, 363
Irwin, James ... 18, 145, 396
Jackson, Andrew, 62, 407, 409, 410
Jackson, Jeremiah 382
Jacoby, H 9
Jacoby, John 9, 13
Janes, Joseph 147
Jeanneret, Chas 141
Jefferson, Brest. Thos.,
203, 214, 218, 227, 375, 380, 403
Jessup, Gen'l 96
Jessup, Doct 87
Johnson, Hugh 362
Johnson, Col. Eioharcl . . . 359
Jones, Augustus 207
Jones, Geo. W 208
Jones, Judge John Rice,
30, 161, 162, 207, 233, 271, 272
Jones, Robert 68
Journey, Peter 47
Jovial, Joseph 423
Keemer, 129
Keemle, Charles 99
Keiler, Lieut ■ . 96
Keith, Lieut 95
Keesacker, John . . . .137
Kendall, Judathan . ... 19
Kennerly, James, 69, 75, 89, 128,
135, 139, 152 266, 267, 286
Kennerly, George H.,
58, 77, 82, 99, 152, 267, 268
Kennerly, Wm. Clark . . .268
Kennerly, Samuel .... 260
Kenzie, John 226
Kerr, Geo. "W .202
Kerr, Matthew, 18, 88, 113, 116^
120, 122, 243, 284, 205
Kerr, John 231
Kearney, Gen'l Stephen . . 429-
Ketchum, Major 96-
Keys, Abraham 67
Kibby, Timothy . 70, 72, 137, 232^
King, Rufus 65
Kingsbury, James W. . . . 401
Kingsley, Lieut 33
Kinney, Mrs 16, 17
Kirby, Ephraim 203
Kimball & Ward 148-
Knapp, Edward, Sr.- .... 356
Knapp, George .... 356, 275-
Knapp, Edward, Jr 356-
Knapp, Col. John 356
Krum, John M 414
Labbadie, Silvestre, 9, 33, 123, 179,
180, 193, 256, 261, 340, 422
Labbadie, Joseph 422-
Labeaume, Louis T. 13, 14, 199, 361
Lacroix, Joseph . . . 423, 212-
Lalande, Alexis . .
Laclede, . .
Lalende, Bernard .
Landreville, .
Lane, Doc. W. Carr
Lane, Doc. Hardage
Lane, Doc. Harvey .
Lane, Jno, F. T.
Langham, Col. Angus
Langham, Elias T. .
Lard, Hezekiah . .
Lanodiere, Laurent
Laveille, Jos. C, 151,
Laville, J. F. . .
Latresse, John . .
Lawless, Luke E. 82,
Larlvierre, Francois
Leavenworth, Col. H.
Lajoie, Lambert
Laquaisse, Veuve .
15, 423
. 164
. 114
. 422^
151, 164, 435
372, 186-
. 373-
. 89
89, 39&
. 391
. 423.
350, 351
202, 397
. 423
95, 434
. 42»
. 42a
Lebeau, Francois 423
Lear, Tobias 63
LeBerge, Charles 423
LeBerge, Joseph 423
LeBlond, Joseph 423
LeBourgeois, Louis S. . . . 232
Lecompte, Hyacinthe . . . 422
Leduc, M. P. . . 51, 186, 212, 422
Leduc, Giles Joseph .... 186
Lee, Patrick 9, 119
Le Favre, Miss P. . . . 83, 157
Leitensdorfer, Eugene ... 77
Lemignon, Doc. . . . 160, 164
Le Guerrier, Chas 423
Lemondc, L. L 422
Lett, Robert S 140
Lewis, John
Lewis, Merriwether, 3, 7, 14, 15, 20
33, 39, 91, 165, 199, 271, 374, 376,
377, 378, 380, 384, 385
Lewis, Fielding 374
Liggett, Jos 164
Lincoln, Prest • . 280
Lindell, Peter . . 130, 137, 288
Linden, John .... 137, 288
Lindell, Jesse G. . . 87, 137, 288
Lisa, Manuel,
32, 33, 37, 68, 85, 98, 123, 252
Little, John . . 140, 256, 340, 423
Livingston, Capt 96
Lockhardt 128
Logan, Robert 155
Long, John, Jr 15
Long, Gabriel 9
Long, Major Stephen . 97, 98, 433
Loper, James 72, 77
Lord, Matthew 10
Lucas, John B, C.,2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 15,
16,17,18,24, 31,44, 85, 162,213,
218, 260, 264, 277, 405, 406
Lucas, Charles . 84, 162, 215, 216
Lucas, William . . 162, 215, 216
Lucas, Robert ... 40, 93, 214
McArthur, John 4*
McClelland 56
McCloud, Robt. ..... 2,10
MeClure, Mrs 70
McClure, Miss 70^
McCune, John S 461
McDermid, Hugh 49-
McGee, James 349'
McGirk, Matthias,
49, 162, 207, 277, 278
McGunnegle, Major James . .
McGunnegle, Wilson .... 99
McGrady, Israel
McGuire, Philip 4&
McGuire, Thomas . 145, 272, 423
Mcllvaine, Lieut 96
McKeever, Alex. 112
McKean, Gov'r 404
McKellops, Capt 2ia
McKenzie, Normand .... 113-
McKenna & Co 158
McKnight, John,
18, 66, 85, 121, 130, 272, 355
McLanahan, Josiah . . . 11, 19-
McManus, Edward . . .80, 168
McNair Alexander, 11, 18, 19, 20,
27, 32, 43, 66, 71, 72, 106, 107,
108, 124, 127, 135, 208, 245, 267,
McNair, David 136
McQuie, Wm. L 131
Mackay, James 9, 49-
Maclot, John N.,
35, 115, 147, 177, 179
Maclot, Louis A 178
Macomb, General 62
Madison, Jas., Prest.
27, 65, 199, 209, 380, 402
Magenis, A.L. ...... 163
Magennis, 3*9
Magness, Perry G 52-
Mansfield, Lieut 96
Mansfield, James 199'
I Marks, Davis S 82-
Marli, Veuve 422
Marll, Michel . . \ . . .423
Mathurin, Jno. B 423
Martin, Capt 95
Martin, John 81
Martine, Doct 95
Mason, Doct. Richard, 157, 164, 345
Mason, Miss Mary T 402
Mason, S. T. ...... 402
Massey, William 392
Masure, Doct. A 212
Masure, Doct. Henry .... 183
Maury, Evarist . 51, 135, 137, 144
Maxwell, James 45
Mears, Reuben 414
Meek, Wm. E 382
Meigs, Return J 2,6
Menard, Col. Peter .... 268
Menaugh, Hugh . . . 382, 383
Merry, Doct. Sam'l .... 164
Meddock & Duval 142
Michaud, Antoine 189
Michaud, Saugrain . . 190, 213
Migneron, Solomon .... 155
Miller, Gov'r John . 72, 201, 361
Miller, Joseph 56
Miller, Theodore . . . 382, 383
Milligan, Richard 347
Mills, 71
Molaire, Jno. B 422
Monestes, David 423
Monroe, James, Pres't, 65, 146,147,
194, 204, 260, 279, 357, 380
Moore, Isadore 49
Moore, Joseph , . 15
Montague, Jos 423
Morrison, Brothers . . 219, 220
Morrison, William . . . .219
Morrison, Robert 220
Morrison, Wm. R 219
Morrison, James 220
Morrison, Jesse 220
Morrison, Samuel 220
Morrison, Guy 221
Morisse, Julius 344
Morton, George 351
Moses, Doct. Gratz .... 385
Mountjoy, John . . . 382, 383
MuUanphy, John,
147, 154, 197, 198, 263, 343, 378, 379 //
Mullanphy, Bryan 198
Mulllkin, Napoleon .... 357
Mulligan, Hugh 349
Morin, Antoine, -widow . . . 423
Murphy, Joseph 49
Murphy, Richard 50
Murphy, Mr 70
Musick, David 44, 92
Musick, Thos. R 15
Musick, Capt. Uri . . 347, 348 ' "
Mussina, Zachariah .... 120
Nagle, James 362
Nailor, John 282, 283
Nash, Alexander 140
Neal, Reuben . . . 160, 141, 340
Neeley, Wm 45, 50
Nelson, Doct. A., 147, 118, 162, 153,
160, 164, 286, 341, 342
Nelson, Capt. John ... 73, 98
Nevin, John 87
Newman,Capt. Jonas .... 361
Newman, Socrates 326
Niel, Rev. Trancis . 80, 81, 150, 153
Norvell, Joshua 105
Nugent, Samuel . . . . 16, 17
Nutall, 407
O'Blenis, Robert Mac ... 77
O'Fallon, Col. John
55, 123, 266, 273, 274, 396
O'Fallon, Doct. James . . .273
O'Fallon, Major Benj. ... 97
O'Hara, Wm. M 87, 157
O'Neil, Hugh, Sr 67
O'Neil, Hugh, Jr 355
Ober, Samuel R. . . . 149, 151
Orfurt, Capt 96
'Orles, Veuve 422
■Owens, Capt 91
•Owings, David, 382
Paddock, Gains, Sr 283
Paddock, Orville 284
Pain, J 115
Paine, Thomas loo
Palmer, Lieut 96
Papin, Jos., Jr 183, 423
Papin, J. M., Sr 9,211
Tapin, Alexander L. . '. . . 342
Papin, Hypolite L. . . . 184, 422
Papin, P. Millicourt . . . .184
Papin, SylvestreV. . . 184,422
Papin, Peter D 185
Papin, Theodore D'Artiny, 156, 125
Papin, Sylvestre, Jr 184
Papin, Doct. Timothy, . . .184
Tapln, Theophile 185
Papin, Leon J 185
Papin, Alfred J 185
Paschall, Nathaniel, 88, 89, 149, 275
I'aschall, Henry G. & Geo. M. . 276
Patterson, Henry L 264
Patterson, Nathaniel .... 355
Paul, Col. Ren« 114, 116, 124, 138,
141, 144, 151, 167, 235, 422
Paul, Gen'l Gabriel E. . 236, 237
Paul, Capt. Edmond . . 237, 238
Paul, Capt. Gabriel,
144, 151, 153, 167, 235, 255, 422
Paul, Nathan . . . 159, 362, 363
Payne, Nathaniel 159
Jayne, Thomas J. . . . 344, 404
Payne, Edward C 403
JPayne, Benj. Howard . . ■ 483
Peale, 97
Pease, Joseph S 212
Peck, James H. . . 142, 163, 298
Peck, Eev'd J. M 80
& J. E. Welch . . 80
Peebles, Thomas 134
^erdreauvllle, Ken^ . . .80, 150
Perkins, Capt. Joseph . . 9, 68
Perry, Capt. Samuel,
50,87,116,218, 238,250,365
Penrose, Clement Biddle,
31, 38, 40, 85, 101, 216, 217, 214, 218
Penrose, Chas. B 216
Penrose, James H. . . . 216
Penrose, Clem. B., Jr. . 216, 217
Perras 342
Pettus, Wm. G 147
Pettus, Wm. S 32, 66
Pettis, Spencer .... 279, 361
Pescay, Made. A.,
79, 118,' 124, 127, 134, 141, 256, 422
Pettibone, Eufus . 150, 163, 297
Pettibone, Levi 298
Peugnet, Louis D 358
Peugnet, Armand . . 183, 358
Peugnet, Ernest 368
Phillbert, Joseph 422
Philipson, Jacob, 111, 115, 120, 228
Philipson, Joseph,
15, 89, 102, 135, 229
Philipson, Simon 228
. . 44
. . 191
381, 382
. . 391
Phillips, Samuel
Pike, Capt. Zeb. M
Pike, Major Zeb.
Plernas, . . .
Pilcher, Maj. Joshua,
68, 87, 138, 254
Pinckney, Chas. C. . . . 54, 65
Pittman, John 44
Pius the Seventh, Pope . . 35
Polkowski, Edward S. . . . 259
Pope, Doc. Chas. . . . 274
Pope, Nathaniel 364
Porter, 140
Potter, John C 148
Post, Justus 86
Pratte, Bernard, Sr. 9, 12, 13, 14,
22, 23, 38, 85, 86,111, 129, 181,
234, 247, 358, 418, 420, 419, 421
Pratte, B., Jun'r. 71, 181, 199, 211
Pratte, Sylvestre 181
Preble, Commodore .... 260
Price, Capt. E. H.,
85, 86, 87, 109, 222, 269, 270
Price, Frederick 270
Price, Chris. M. . . 77, 129, 264
Primm, Peter, 15, 18, 112, 126, 422
Primo, Paul 423
Provenchere, Pierre .... 422
Provencli6, Jean Louis. . . . 422
Putnam, Gen'l Rufus . . .109
Quarles, Pryor
72, 132, 189, 164, 204, 277, 281
Quick, Benjamin 19
Randolph, John, Sen'r & Jun'r 282
Eanken, Hugh .... 67, 349
Eanken, Robert . . 67, 349, 350
Ranken, David .... 849, 350
Rankin, James . . . . 9, 11, 19
Ramsay, Charles 275
Ramsey, Capt 82
Ranney, Johnson 53
Ravenscroft, James • .... 52
Read, Doc. J. M. . . . 122, 164
Rector, Genl. William,
32, 69, 86, 397
Rector, Col. Elias
64, 156, 194, 264
Rector, Capt. Stephen . . .77, 99
Rector, Thos. C 246
Reed, Capt 96
Reilhe, Antoine 209
Renouard, H 259
Renard, Hlacinthe .... 422
Renshaw, William,
99, 146, 143, 163, 159
Rencontre, Antoine .... 428
Reilly, Henry 363
Rearick, George 152
Randolph, Doct 168
Richards, Mrs.- Jane . . 79, 128
Richards and Quarles .... 144
Richardson, Daniel .... 51
Riohardson, James .... 10 '
Riddick, Thos. P., 9, 13, 14, 19, 27,
31, 48, 45, 68, 69, 72, 73, 89, 137,.
138, 159, 188, 189, 254, 256, 396
Rios, Capt 391
Ride, Francois 423
Ripley, Genl 62
Robinson, Doct. Jno. H.
191, 192, 382-
Robinson, Doct. Gervais . . 182
Robinson, gaugrain . . 192, 193
Robinson, Ed. V. Hamilton . 192:
Robidon, Joseph . . . 158, 423
Robidou, Francois . . 158, 422-
Rocheblave, Philip .... 422
Rochford, Francis 67
Rosatti, Bishop . . . 417, 418'
Rosseau, Pierre 382
Roos, Stephen 52-
Roy, Antoine 21
Eoy, Alexis 381,383
Rozier, Ferd 233
Rupley, Jacob 35
Russell, William 197
Russell, James 182-
Russell, Col. M 94
Russell, J. D 131
Ryan, Laurence 67
Sabourln, Pierre 423-
Salols, Joseph 422
Samuel, Jamison 393
Samuel, Giles and John . . . 160
Sanguinet, Chas., Sr.,
19, 166, 287, 288-
Sanguinet, Chas., Jr. . . 142, 287
Sanguinet, Mad'e 20
Sarpy, Jno. B.,
99, 162, 182, 183, 401, 423
Sarpy, Gregoire 422-
Sarrade, John 155
Saucier, Francis 70-
Saugrain, Doc. A.
112, 163, 265, 207, 406-
^Saulnier, Eev. M. G 91
Savlgne, Eev 59
■ Sawyer, James,
78, 79, 131, 133, 136, 138
Say, Doc 97
Schewe, Rev. Chris. F. ... 75
: Scott, Andrew 45
Scott, Hon. John, 28, 43, 45, 187,
162, 210, 211, 280, 363
. Scott, Moses .... 120, 140, 272
' Scott, Lieut 95
Scott, Gen'l Winfleld ... 62
Searcy, Judge 411
Seba, Jacob 221
Septlivres, Isaac. . . . 115, 125
• Sewell, Joseph 48
Seymour, Mr 97
Shackford, John 158
Staler, Capt 96
Shannon, Geo. W. . . . 46, 271
iShaw, Henry . . 343, 344, 404
Shaeffer, Daniel 281
Shepard, Elihu H 360
Shrader, Capt 90
Shreve, Capt. H. M.
15, 117, 119, 139
ShuU, 129
Shurlds, Judge Henry . . .163
Sibley, Geo. C 204
Simonds, John 159
Simoneau, Veuve 423
Simpson, Doc. Robert, . 77, 85,
86, 87, 125, 126, 128, 132,
133, 139, 164, 241, 244, 341
Sire, Jos. A 180
Smith, Henry H 48
Smith, Oliver C 77
Smith, Samuel 81
.=Smith, Patrick .... 380, 383
Smith, Brig. Gen'l .... 94
Smith, Cap't. Thos. F. 96, 165, 395
-Smith, Gen'l A. J 244
Smith, Christian 132
uSmith, Doc. Edwin B. . . . 197
. . 243
135, 138
263, 244
. . 86
. . 86
40, 246, 247
88, 102
247, 248
. . 353
, 225, 434
. . 96
. . 160
231, 346, 345
. . 393
382, 383
. . 48
. . 420
Smith, Doc. Ellsworth
Smith & Spicer . .
Smith, Charles Bland
Smith, John B. N. .
Smith, Theophilus W
Smith, William
Smith, 'William . .
Smith, Jno. Brady
Smith, J. J. & Co. .
Snelling, Col. Josiah
Staniford, Capt.
Stark, William . .
Spalding, Josiah, 163,
Spalding, Dunham
Sparks, John
Spencer, Robert
St. Cir, Mad'e A.
St. Cyr, Hyacinthe
St. Vrain, .
Solomon, Samuel
Soulard, Antoine
Soulard, James G.
Soulard, Henry G.
South, Samuel .
Steele, John . .
Steele, Andrew .
Stephenson, Col.
Stivers, Capt. Chas
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, D. . .
Stevenson, Matthew
Stoddard, Major Amos
Stout, Freegift .
Stokes, William
Stimpson, .
Strader, Otho .
Strader, John .
Strother, Geo. F
Stuart, Alex'r, Judge,
201, 244, 282, 379
Sullivan, John C. ... 11,128
Sullivan, Patrick 81
Sullivan, William . . 9, 11, 12, 20
. 117
19, 378
9, 186, 423
225, 423
186, 373
. 205
. 115
12, 19
. 289
. 56
. 129
. 269
382, 383
. 68
. 151
, 3, 6, 7
. 44
163, 357, 358
. 121
Sumner, Mr 410
Sutton, John L 852
Sutton, James C 352
Swerlngen, Jas. T. . . 241, 363
Swift, Lieut 97, 98
Talbot, James 51
Talcott, Lieut. 96
Tandy, Doct. David C. . . . 193
Tandy, Robert B 393
Tannehill, Wilkins .... 59
Taylor, Clay 132
Taylor, Thomas Mark . . .327
Taylor, Wm. C 267
Taylor, Thos. M 266
Taylor, Nathaniel P 276
Taylor, Henry 352
Tesson, Michael,
89, 127,130, 131, 154, 258, 422
Tesson, Francis 422
Tesson, Edward P 258
Tesson, Pierre 259
Tharp, Wm 102
Tholozan, John E 287
Thomas, James . . . . 19, 67
Thomas, Richard S 40
Thomas, Judge Jesse B. . . 373
Thompson, John W. 19, 66, 77, 124
Thomson, Henry A. . . . . 178
Thomson, Chas 269
Thruston, Chas. M 273
Timon, James .... 154, 348
Tiraon, John 67, 348
Timon, Owen V 349
Todsen, Doc. Geo. P.
142, 154, 164, 342
Tompkins, Danl. D 65
Tompkins, George, 18, 118, 129, 270
Tracy, Edward . . 149,159,843
Tracy, Alfred 300
Tracy, Edward N 184
Tracy, Augustus 182
Trudeau, Zeno . . . 391, 412
Truteau, John B 9, 423
Tucker, Judge N. B. 245, 278, 282-
Tucker, J. St. George . . .282
Turner, Wm 76, 77
Turner, Henry C 260-
Tuttle, 153, 154
Tyler, Wm. C 276
UUoa, Count 39,1
Vall6, Ner6 168-
Valois, Francis 422
Van Buren, President . 254, 393
Vanderburg, Henry . . 1, 5, 254
Vanhirtem, A. C. . . . 80, 146
Vasquez, Veuve Benito . . . 423
Vasquez, Baronet 383-
Vasquez, Joseph 422
Vasquez, Antoine 422
Vincent, Antoine 9-
Vinton, Lieut 427
Von Phul, William .... 265
Von Phul, Henry,
69, 89, 126, 145, 265
Voorhees, John 89
Vos, Mr. and Mrs 76
Wahrendorff, Charles,
143, 149, 158, 159, 231, 364, 343
Walker, Alex'r S 50'
Walker, Doc. David V., 18, 101,
125, 128, 132, 164, 196, 240, 241, 276
Walker, John K 419
Walsh, Edward 263
Walsh, Patrick .... 286, 287
Walters, Joab 52-
Ward, John .... 50, 68, 69
Warner, Jabez 71, 77
Wash, Judge Robert,
18,20, 69, 77, 123, 162, 196, 241, 242
Washburne, Tabor .... 71
Washington, Geo. . . . 374, 375
Waugh, James C 184
Wayne, Gen'l Anthony . . . 195
Watson, James 201
Webster, Rezin . . 16, 71, ill
Welch, Rev'd J. E 413
West, Nancy 1 16, 17
Wetmore, Alphonso .... 96
Wheeler, Amos,
156, 164, 163, 231, 347
Wheeler, Edward T 351
Wheeler, Henry M 351
Whelpley, David 352
Wherry, Capt. Mackey, 33, 90; 223
Wherry, Jos. A 224
Wherry, Mackey M 224
Wherry, Boone 224
White, Frederick . . . 156, 163
White, Joseph & Co 152
Whiteley, Capt 19
Whistler, Major John . . .393
Widdows, Peter 430
Wiggin, Joseph 154
Wiggins, Stephen R. . . 139,145
Wiggins, Sam'l R 159
Wiggins, William 322
Wiggins, Samuel B 323
Wilcox, Capt • . 96
Wilcox, Jeremiah . . . 183, 259
Wilgus, James 352
Wilkinson, Gen'l James, 2, 4, 5, 6,
12, 20, 190, 222, 227, 392, 406
Wilkinson, Benjamin,
15, 89, 109, 269
Wilkinson, Walter .... 86
Wilkinson, Lieut. James B. . 382-
Willi, Samuel 347
Williams, Thompson .... 148
Williams, Doct. Joseph . . . 164
Wilson, Jno. D 254
Wilson, Major George . 40, 261
Wilson, Nicholas 48-
Wilson, John 383
Wilson, John H 194
Wilt, Abraham 261
Wilt, Christian,
77, 85, 86, 102, 121, 153, 253, 261
Wilt, Andrew . . 153, 253, 261
Winthrop, John S 168
Wood and Dunn 117
Woods, Andrew 68
Wright, Major Thos. . . 87, 196
Wright, D. B 163
Yelzer, Frederick 122
Yousti, Emelien .... 9, 20
Young, John 325-
Zenoui, John B 63.
Portrait of Fred. L. Billon.
Henry Gratiot's Country Residence (1810)v
First Market House (1812).
\Vm. C. Carr's Residence (1815).
Thos. F. Riddick's Residence (1818).
Maj. Wm. Christy's Residence (1818).
.JoH>j P. Cabanne's Country Homestead (1819).
Bk^nett's Mansion House Hotel (1819).
Missouri Hotel (1820).
KiiiST Bkick Church and College (1820).